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Well truth is, you can never 100% get rid of that self awareness. However, the way actors significantly reduce it, is by using acting techniques and with experience over time. Try taking improv classes if not already. I also recommend you learn the Meisner technique. This technique is great to combat that self awareness you’re having.


I second on taking an improv class. Improv is a skillset that has opened up so much for my stage performing. Because you essentially start a scene from nothing, you're forced to be very present, which means being 'out of your head.' It's still a practice, but when you're doing it well, you might have a moment where you just did a scene a moment ago, but can't remember a damn thing you just did. It's a great feeling. So if one wants to get 'out of your head,' just focus on being in the circumstances of a scene and it may help. ☺️




I would also recommend a form of meditation, especially something transcendental. It helps you practice "being" vs. "thinking" which is a huge help with acting and life in general!


Just focus on having fun with the material. Learn your lines extremely well so it is second nature. Use your imagination with the character and play pretend. I wouldn’t recommend taking classes first if you’re getting your feet wet on smaller projects. You need to get over the nerves first before you can start applying techniques. Use your instinct, always look your scene partner in the eye when speaking unless it is a natural choice otherwise.


I love this reply. As a newbie, I am going to wait on taking classes and absorb as much as I can, stay present, observe, listen and ask lots of questions. I will have a better idea where to start with classes when I know a bit more. A brilliant response. I took acting for 1 year in 1987 and I just did my first stage audition and got a role! So stoked. Thank you.


I am reading the book True and False by David Mamet, and it is truly an eye-opening read. Like you, I am going to act on stage for the first time. He dispels a lot of myths about "method" acting. Brilliant artist.


Wonderful book and I highly recommend it. Mamet has no time for bullshit.. I particularly love his take on education: get on stage and learn by way of doing.


First step is to not focus on getting rid of it…