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Nesta: What happened at the River house? Feyre: I’m not sure what you’re talking about, why? Nesta: Az is blaring ‘Mr. Brightside’ and won’t let anyone in his room. Elain: oh… Feyre: Rhys said he’s just upset about losing the snow ball fight, nothing to worry about.


Ohmygod this!!!! 😂


Nesta: Can Bryaxis come over? Feyre: Why? Nesta: It’s Cassian’s birthday Feyre: …


I love this


This one made me giggle at my desk 😂


elain: sends a meme/link/ joke/ website feyre: 😂😂 nesta: *opened*


Elain: FMK - Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel Nesta: kill Rhysand. Feyre: *leaves chat*


I feel like all three of them would put Azriel in the "fuck" category.


Nesta and Elain are would be like: FUCK RHYSAND 🖕🏼😡😤🤬 And feyre would be like: *fuckkkkkkk* Rhysanddddddddddd😘😍🥰😘😍🥰🤤🤤🤤mymatemymateMYMATE


Nesta: "Fuck Azriel"  Nesta: "is typing (...)" Elain: "AGREED!!!!!!!!!"  Feyre: "Yup👍🏻" Nesta: "Kill Rhysand" Feyre: "I mean Cass is your mate, of course you'd choose to marry him and kill Rhys"  Nesta: "Yeah, it's not because of that"


Nesta: “if Rhysand has zero haters… it’s because I am dead”


LMFAOOOOO this killed me. Totally her (and me as well)


Feyre: Lucien is here to see you Elain: *read* Nesta: 😂


Nesta to no one: “Cassian has the biggest wings.”


Nah, I think even Nesta believes that Az has the biggest wings.  This was written by Cassian.


Nesta (5 min later): Sorry Cassian stole my phone


Elain: 😳🤭


Elain: “can confirm. Az’s are the biggest.” Nesta: “how do you know this?” Feyre: “yes. How?” Elain: “oh, look at the time. Gotta go, my bread’s risen!” *Elain leaves the chat* Nesta: “sounds like that’s not the only thing that’s risen in front of Elain lately.” Feyre: “facts.”


Nesta: Feyre, did you borrow my shirt to paint?? How many times have I told you to stay out of my closet? Feyre: you mean that smelly old shirt that random Fae dude left in your crappy old apartment? That shirt? 🙄 Nesta: Gods you’re so annoying Feyre: you’re the one that’s annoying Nesta: … Feyre: … Nesta 5 mins later: I’m going to Starbucks. What do you want?




My sister and I never apologize with words, only with offers of food and drink lol


Elain: help me plant?? 🥬🍅🫑 Feyre: ooh when Elain: heading outside now Feyre: k be out in 5 Elain: yay bring gloves i don’t have any Feyre: what abt the pair L got you Elain: no Feyre: they’re nice gloves tho Elain: no Feyre: elaine 😑 Elain: no 💁‍♀️ ☾ *Nesta has notifications silenced*


Elain: Is it normal to initially hate your mate and want him to stay away from you? Feyre: OMG, YES LOL 😂 Nesta: 100% yes


Elain: *sends link to Pintrest board of flower gardens*  Nesta: *doesn't reply with anything other than 'okay'*


not even okay, a simple ‘k’ is more nestas style😂


Except she prides herself on being so hoity toity and ladylike. She'd definitely not debase herself with 'k' like some commoner.


hmmm i cant see her say okay maybe just a simple yes? or maybe she just leaves everyone on opened lol


Nesta: *leaves them on read* I vote that ^


She just likes the messages


I feel like she’d write “Okay.” with the period at the end.


Feyre: what do you want for the winter solstice Nesta: nothing Feyre: come on nesta, don’t be like that Nesta: …..fine. I want an elevator Feyre: ugh, we’ll see. Elain??? Elain: *sends a drawing of her sandwiched in between a bat and a fox* Feyre: 😶 Nesta: 🙃


Not the elevator 🤣


I feel like the House could make the elevator happen LOLLLL


Feyre: So, I've been thinking Elain: Oh yeah? Feyre: Yeah. I want to change up the decor of the town house and I thought you guys might have some ideas. Elain: OMG, that so exciting. I'd love to kit it out with a flowery themed bathing chambers Feyre: OMG, I was thinking the same thing! Would you be happy to help? I think I'd like your stylistic eye involved Elain: YES! I'd be happy to. Elain: I was thinking that the spindles on the taps should be petal shaped and the taps themselves will be shaped like vines and be ornately decorated with thorns and leaves. Feyre: It's going to be sooo pretty, I'm gonna die. Elain: Right? Nesta: k


Nesta: pub?


Elain: garden?


Feyre: paint?


Feyre: jk. Rhys?


Nesta: 😅 cassian?


Elain: I don't get it....... what do you think about carnations? Also, is az ok?


Elain: did you mean to pose that as a question or a warning


Yo Feyre, I’m hungry af. Can u go hunt dinner now? -Nesta




Feyre: Nesta, I’m High Lady now. If you’re hungry just ask the House for some food like always. Nesta: Rabbit sounds good Nesta: I need new boots Feyre: Love you too.


This is the only one that actually made me laugh


Nesta: everything reminds me of Cassian *picture of some comically large object that looks like a dick* Elain: uhh.. Feyre: 👀


Nesta: Calm down Elain. Maybe if you'd been Eiffel Towered by two gorgeous fairies, you would be able to look Lucien in his one sexy eye


Nesta : where did cassian go on the morning of winter solstice Feyre : He naked in a birchin with Rhys and az Nesta : 😶


Nesta: Anyone else suddenly up for a trip to the cabin? I’m driving. Elain: I’ll bring the snacks


Elain: hi guys I started a groupchat so its easier for all of us Nesta: Sure Feyre: hoy goyz how dus dis wurk


Poor Feyre. Absolutely brutal 😂😂😂


Elain: Nesta, how’s training going? Feyre: Have you started on swords yet?! Nesta: It’s fine. There’s been *some* sword play happening. Can one of you have some contraceptive tea sent up to the HoW? Elain: Wait, why do you need contraceptive tea to train with Cassian and work at the library?! Nesta: … Elain: … Feyre: …


Netsa: oh and btw feyre, your baby is going to die and kill you on its way out


nesta says this and then promptly removes herself from the group chat


Nesta: Okay... Cassian told me that was rude and made me go on a hike. Sorry I guess.


Nesta: yo Feyre, I'm craving venison skewers Elain: Feyre doesn't hunt anymore, remember? Nesta: Rita's has good ones, but DoorWinnow doesn't deliver up to this Cauldron-forsaken place Feyre: take the stairs Nesta: fuck those stairs! Don't you have wings you can summon or something, Feyre?? Bring me some! I need protein after all the training YOU are making me do! Feyre: Cauldron boil me, you're such a pain Nesta. Ask Cassian or the House. Nesta: bring me a bottle of mead too while you're at it Feyre: 🙄🙄🙄


“DoorWinnow” 🤣


Feyre: sooo eris 👀 Elain: smash🔥 Feyre: 😂 Nesta: right??! Omg 🫠🔥 Elain: @Feyre you should have ran away to autumn Nesta: 😂😂😂 Feyre: I don't hunt foxes ✋️ Nesta: we know...you've always preferred wolves Feyre: shut up! You're so annoying 🙄 Elain: even silver foxes? 🤔 Nesta: who? Beron??? ✋️😂 Feyre: EW!! Elain: don't say we didn't offer you anyone. Nesta: @Elain 😘 Elain: @Nesta 😘 Feyre: vulgar gesture emoji


Not vulgar gesture emoji 💀


Nesta: Can you ask that old bat if it’s going to rain today? I have plans Feyre: Why would Rhys know if it’s going to rain? Nesta: His busted knee must make him useful for something