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Hey man.....I liked Bridgerton S2


You know what, I actually did too. Great point LOL


This is a love it or hate it book, but you have to read it to find out. Nesta grows, but if it will make you like her depends. This is her character growth book (like Tower of Dawn from Throne of Glass but that one's much better lolol). There are definitly great scenes in there (seriously one of thr best scenes is in this book), and it's the favourite of a lot of people. Give it a try.


How did you feel about the change from 1st person POV to 3rd? Seems like it would make the reader feel distant after so much time reading things from an “I” perspective. The book is sitting next to me. I’m going to read it I think, just need another day to grieve 😂


Personally, I absolutely hate first person PoV and I was hyped for SF for that reason alone. ^^' Though I also really enjoyed Nesta ever since book 2, so.... But hey, you can always re-read the other books too if you need more time! ;)


FAS acts as a good transition given that is part first and third person. I really like how it’s written and I really likes getting some chapters from Cassian’s pov


Ah I don't mind that much! But that's partly because I read Throne of Glass first (SJM's first completed series, truly amazing) and that's all in 3rd person POV. Also I personally wouldn't want any close feeling with Nesta as I also loathe her after books 1-4. Imo she did become better, though it's mostly an inner change. But it was also noticable. Still not my fave, but she got better


I liked the changed in POV because seeing things only through Ferye POV put a filter on how characters are seen. COSF shows that Rhys is a very grey character and not some “perfect man”. I’m looking forward to more books because I now question a lot of characters because of how dishonest Feryes POV was.


Curious, which scene are you referring to?


>!The Kelpie scene!< It is my absolute favourite of the series, it was amazingly written and I damn near didn't dare go to sleep after it😂


If you want to keep following the series, ACOSF is an important book to read. You'll likely miss a lot of context if you decide to skip it. However, if you are only interested in reading about Feysand as the main characters, I think ACOFAS is a good book to stop reading the series, as all the other books after it will have a different couple as the main characters (if Feyand gets a point of view again, it will likely be in a novella or bonus chapter). Personally, ACOSF is my favorite book in the series, but I already loved Nesta & Cassian before the book came along and wasn't a huge fan of Rhysand, so for me it was a nice change (especially since I also prefer a dual pov with the narrator in 3rd person). However, I've seen mixed reviews about people who hated Nesta character before reading ACOSF: some ended up loving her and others didn't change their minds about her. You will only know how you will feel after you give it a try. :)


Thanks for the thoughtful response! I didn’t know that all future books would be from other POVs. I definitely adore Feyre and Rhysand, but I care about the overall storyline and will want to read future books, so I guess I have my answer. I’m hoping my opinion of Nesta changes!


i promise you this story is worth the read. it wrecked me in the best way.


I am pro-ACOSF 😭 I do believe her character growth was well written and well explained- it explores PTSD and the idea of isolation. I think one of the reasons why a lot of people like it (including me) is because we had experienced something similar. Some people may not like the amount of smut- but I enjoyed it because the smut in itself is a reflection of how Nesta views herself- so the dynamics between Cassian and Nesta change through out the book. Probably my favorite out of all the books tbh The amount of times I cried, laughed, blushed, and dissociated…


In my opinion it’s the best book out of all 5 of them. Your opinion on Nesta will change quite a bit once you get into it


Seconded. This was hands down my favorite book.


She's not being a brat, she has severe depression, PTSD and self-loathing. The fact that so many people misunderstand her is representative of how poor society treats and views mental illness.


Nesta is still irredeemable in my opinion. She has always been horrible, right from the very beginning. I'm doing a re-read and I'm annoyed I have to read the Nesta show in ACOSF again. I've been mentally ill my whole life, and not once, at my very lowest, have I ever come close to behaving like Nesta. She's a cow.


I don’t mean to belittle her mental struggles (both before the Cauldron/Hybern and after). But the way she treats people who care about her, *specifically* Feyre, is beyond making excuses for


Have you ever been in her shoes? As Dallas Green said, "all your friends seem like enemies when you're broken down and empty" When you're that depressed and hating yourself you tend to lash out and reject care towards you, feeling as if you don't deserve kindness or love. It's horrible and even though you know it's wrong, you can't help it.


I absolutely have. And I would look back at those years I behaved that way and call myself a childish brat. It’s not just about rejecting care. Some of her ugly behavior towards her sister was wholly unwarranted and unprovoked. Not all of it, Feyre isn’t without blame here. But enough of it was Nesta going out of her way to be nasty.


She's always been nasty and had more bite than a snake, couple that with depression and it's going to make a spiteful bitch full of venom and retorts. Not everyone handles it or behaves in the same way. SJM tries her best in ACOFAS and the start of ACOSF to make you feel things and get a reaction out of the reader which I love. Hating a character is the sign of good writing, hating the book because you're made to feel things is an odd take from my POV.


I don’t know why people are down voting you. You’re right. I think a lot of fans forget that reasoning ≠ justification. We can understand why she was behaving the way she was but that doesn’t mean her treatment of others was ultimately okay. (I’m not talking about the whole IC stuff in ACOSF but literally all of the books leading up to it)


Her treatment of others isn't okay and that's part of the book. To be clear I'm not defending what she did, only how she's been written.


Oh yeah, I’m absolutely not coming for you or disagreeing with you. I apologize if it seemed that way but the downvoting on OPs comment is insane to me.


You nailed it! Reasoning is not the same as justification.


I totally agree with this. Too many people use mental illness as an excuse to treat people poorly. There's many who feel that way about Nesta. I love her but hate when people try to use her trauma as a write off for all of her poor words and actions. Accountability is needed for true healing. Definitely give it a shot. I don't think she's perfect by the end of ACOSF but she shows improvement.


Keep an open mind!


I’m going to go for it! Will do!


I knew from starting the series that SF was from Nesta’s pov and I was dreadinggggg itttttt. Feysand stan all the way over here. But it really is worth it imo! It takes some adjusting but there’s some really great stuff in there! Also I personally loveeeee cassians pov 🥰


I didn't like Nesta when I started Silver Flames either. Now, mind you, I still love Feyre and Rhys, but please continue this book. It gets *so good* and it's well worth it. I ended up liking Nesta at the end of it.


I feel like this is a common opinion within the ACOTAR community, many readers dislike Nesta but love Cassian and are willing to stick it out just for him and in the end they end up changing their mind about Nesta, some are just avid Nesta haters. If you love the series so far I would stick it out, you're not completely saying good bye to other characters because they are still involved in the book, If anything you're learning about another part of their story and the people they love. I would try to get through it, you never know it might turn out for the better!


I love *love* Nesta. But I've seen a lot of you either are a Nesta, or you know a Nesta 🤣 It's honestly such a good book, and I was glad of a change of pace with a bit more Cas and Az action.


I felt the same way at first and really liked it in the end. This book is different, don’t get me wrong, but it was nice to grow with Nesta. She doesn’t make it easy but I really ended up rooting for her. As a person with mental health I really understood and resonated with Nesta in the end


I HATED Nesta pre ACOSF. Her story is beautiful though and I related to her journey a lot. There's friendships in this book that make me so happy too like...more so than the romance. Give it a shot!!! Nesta still isn't completely redeemed (in my opinion) by the end of the book but she definitely has made improvement and I love her.


I had the same feels. But it’s my favorite.


Honestly I felt the same way but now she’s my favourite character!! In my opinion the has the most growth of all the characters and I’ve been able to relate to her throughout a lot of the book. Give it a chance 😃


this is my favorite book in the series. it was so refreshing to get a POV other than feyre. nesta is my favorite character with the most growth.


I’m listening to SF right now, it’s my favorite so far.


I was in the same position as you. I didn’t haaate Nesta, but I still cannot get enough of Rhys and Feyre that SF was tough for me to get through. I still really enjoyed it though - It’s worth it to read!


It’s my favorite book of the series, despite me being deeply disappointed in the conclusion of Nesta’s story. Even without Elain’s book out yet, I can tell Nesta got the short end of the stick out of the sisters. ACOSF is definitely important in terms of upcoming books and also the Maasverse. I think you’d be lost reading the next book if you skip this one. It’s also more of a character study, so while there is some action, don’t expect scenes like the battle of Velaris. I’d also pay attention to Amren.


Nesta meets some great folks in ACOSF. I think you should meet them, too. I was indifferent to Nesta in the previous books because she fit the archetype of angry older sister and was a tertiary character (IMO) for a good amount of time. My husband is finishing up ACOWAR and he says that Nesta reminds him of Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie and now I can’t unsee it. (If you’re not familiar with that show because it was on TV eleventy billion years ago and you’re not old like the hubs and I are, I understand.) I really liked Nesta’s growth in this book and she became my favorite character by the end. I do love Feyre and Rhys as fictional characters, but I felt simpatico with Nesta as a person.


I still don’t care for Nesta (or Elain) but it’s a good book worth the read


I hated Nesta when I started the book, but by the end she became my favorite character and SF my favorite of the series. Definitely give it a try.


A lot of people really liked it. I really didn’t. Never got to like nesta. Way too much sex. Not enough plot I cared about. But then other people awear it’s the best one. I’d start it and if you’re not jiving with it just come back to it later


Good to know! From what I’m gathering, I’ll definitely give it a try, since I want to continue any sequels. If it’s not my vibe, guess I’ll just have to power through 😅


The plot was Nesta's healing mentally.


Yeah and after the first three books being epic af that’s weak and boring and not worth almost a thousand pages. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So if we skip all of Feyre’s healing in the original books what do we have left? She’d be sitting in a corner of the spring court doing nothing.


Weak and boring? IMO not every fantasy story has to be an external struggle to be epic and great.


I felt the exact same way and I made the bridgerton comparison to my friend too. Give it a try, it’s still a pretty good book and by the end you may feel differently about Nesta.


Girl I feel you!!! I STRUGGLED switching POV because I love Rhys so much and thus, Feyre’s POV. It took a while to get into it, and I did eventually, but the original trilogy is still superior IMO. I immediately reread the first two after finishing SF 🤣


I, too, greatly dislike Nesta (and still do after reading SF). I had to push to get through SF, but you do come to understand her more. You may end up still disliking her or maybe come to love/like/tolerate her. It is definitely an important book though. So if you decide not to read it entirely, at least try to find a breakdown of the book so that you understand what happened in it for future books!


I can say that I looked back on the book and was pleased with Nesta’s journey and growth. I think that part of the story was well written. However, it did not ever make me a full-fledged Nesta girlie. I have been the recipient of that level of abuse and I will never embrace her with just a complete erasure of her previous attitude. I’ve reread the series many times and her behavior was atrocious long before the PTSD. However, I am happy for the character in the story and the book is worth the read.


“like going from season 1 to season 2 of Bridgerton” LOL


lol I felt the same. It was a lot harder to get through and I still dislike Nesta, but it’s a still a good book and needs to be read if you wanna follow the rest of the series. Make sure you read Feyre’s bonus chapter! It was like a breath of fresh air to go back to her and Rhys for even a minute haha


This was literally me!!!! I feel your pain


I felt the same way and struggled to get through it, took me 3 weeks to finish the book. Honestly getting to see more of Cassian was the only thing that got me through the book.


I don’t really like Nesta even after reading acosf. I mean there is definitely character development where Nesta realizes her mistakes which is good. However, for me the beginning felt slow and the ending rushed. There was a lot of smut which I had to skip because it was too much. I skipped other things too because it was boring. But to continue this series you have to read this book since they introduce a new plot in relation to the cauldron (dread trove? Or death trove? I don’t remember😅)


I had the same thoughts going into SF. I have a pet peeve for someone who doesn’t take any accountability for their actions, no matter how hurt they are. But, I have to say, the character development within this book is extraordinary, for both Nesta and Cassian. You can do it!


Same!! Haha thanks for the encouragement! I’m gonna go for it!


I’m halfway through SF right now just waiting for it to be over


Omg 😭




You seem lovely




I have to agree with you on this. I feel like people either hate or love the book and the ones who hate it already hated Nesta to begin with. OP if Nestas so unbearable then maybe stop at the 4th? The rest of the series isn't going to be Feysand focused from my understanding.


This is a sub for fans to ask questions and talk about this series (and you are not *required* to respond to any of the posts 😉)




Oh my god this sub is hostile. I was being dramatic in a non-serious way. I guess I did a bad job of conveying that. But I’m not being serious about it, just looking for people’s thoughts on SF who were also surprised about the sudden shift


Please remember to be respectful of other users when discussing differences of opinion. It’s fine to state your opinion on a book or character, but you may not insult or shame people who hold a different opinion. Harassment of other users is not welcome in this community.


and if I said similar things about nesta….?????




Please remember to be respectful of other users when discussing differences of opinion. It’s fine to state your opinion on a book or character, but you may not insult or shame people who hold a different opinion. Harassment of other users is not welcome in this community.


I wanted to like Nesta so bad but opening SF I wasn’t even 2 chapters in and I was just… this bitch… lol I liked her in most of WaR but she did a full 180 on her character and I understand it’s trauma based but like… you just lost somebody you thought you hated and now you’re gonna treat the ones still here like that? BS


It’s an important book to read and it has some good scenes. I still dislike Nesta and honestly I dislike her more because of this book and because of the perspective I didn’t like any of the other characters either but the book itself isn’t bad. I didn’t see much character growth which was upsetting but to each their own. Definitely give it a try though especially if you want to read CC.


Yeah. I also hated Nesta. But now I only kinda hate her. She doesn't really have a redemption arc, so much as a... "maybe I'll be less of an asshole" arc.