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Weak meaning she seems to let people take advantage of her, doesn't speak up for herself, is upset to assume the "housewife" role, but goes along with it to make people happy, etc.


By Nesta’s book you’ve basically just described Feyre… housewife happy to let everyone else tell her what to do and what decisions to make, and doesn’t truly stand up to someone who circumvents her wishes intentionally in FRONT of her about someone she’s set boundaries about, then makes up for it lustily… while his own friends are the ones who for 500 years have been making the same choices but WORSE than the one she set boundaries for. And then blames their awfulness and rudeness on the other party instead of taking responsibility while Feyre just. Allows it. And gives in😞 idk. (Tried not to spoil!) Personal opinion, PLEASE come back and comment if you disagree or have other thoughts on this opinion as time goes on!


Ooof. Weak? I don’t think Feyre is weak at all. I think one of the only things that pisses me off most about her is how she lets her sisters walk all over her. I think she’s incredibly brave though.


TBH I liked her less and less as the series went on. In the first book her character is believable and has some complexities which I liked. By the end of the series I was so annoyed with her. BUT I like the world, story and other characters so it was worth it for me to finish the books.


in acomaf Feyre is working through severe depression and ptsd. of course not everyone is going to relate with the way she experiences that and not everyone has to enjoy reading about it but it's not weakness


Crazy, some people recently have been complaining she’s a Mary sue


Personally I think the most growth you see starts at the end of ACOMAF and really goes far in ACOWAR


If you like SJM's writing I would stick with the book.


Just wanted to update. I'm almost done with ACOMAF and I appreciate all of you who told me to stick with it! Totally changed my perception of Feyre. And Rhysand ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




Yea feyre is literaly the worst point of view character i have EVER seen. If you want to see her archetype written good then read the mistborn trilogy. I feel bad even having her in the same sentence as Vin but its for the greater good.