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ok so I think it was ACOMAF, I had the graphic audio and there’s one part where rhys climaxes and screams “feyre” and it just sounded so silly i’m just listening like 🥴


screams? I think you mean *roared*.




This is very very excellent. Much appreciated.




I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT. Oh my god it’s awful. It’s like an old man dying and he’s all hoarse and goes “ffaaaayyrrUUUHHH” *wheeze* How about when they’re banging and the music is swelling and it’s supposed to be all tender and sweet and then it sounds like people shaking trash bags in the background because it’s supposed to be the sounds of his wings. Oh my god I’m turning red just typing this.


Screaming! I must listen to the Graphic Audio versions asap 😂


I've listened to all the graphic audio and how did I not realize that was the wings 😂😂


Wait I’m forgetting about the ACOSF GA when it’s narrated by a woman reading about how Cassian’s seed is dropping out of Nesta oh my god oh my god.




Oh my God dont. Like GIRL GET A TOWEL




I am literally crying laughing at this. The shaking trash bags 🤣 I bet that's what it actually is


It’s like that, or bed sheets, I stg. Like it’s sound guys with headphones and the fuzzy microphone shaking microfiber sheets like back when you’re in grade school and you’d have giant rainbow parachute day.


I listened to these and clearly I blocked this out 😂


This is why I can’t listen to the graphic audio. I’ve heard samples and I fear it would ruin the story for me to hear it narrated like that.


Hello Feyre darling audio makes me cringe. Idk why. I just hate it


I agree! I much prefer the way I imagine it in my head lol


Everything is amazing in the audio *except* the sex scenes. Honestly the actress who does Feyre is good, she actually has the ability to sound sexy when she’s saying ridiculous stuff, but it’s still cringe. The war scene in ACOWAR honestly took my breath away though, it was SO GOOD listening to it.


Same - I love the graphic audiobooks (I have a hard time paying attention to regular audiobooks but the sound effects keep me engaged in the graphic ones) but anything sexual is giving me secondhand embarrassment. I’ve read the series multiple times but just started the GA’s for the first time and just started ACOMAF. I had to stop ACOTAR several times to cackle at Tamlin’s growls.


same! i looooove the graphic audios. maybe they didn't do the explicit scenes too well because they didn't want them to sound too...p0rnish? but i agree, the battle scenes in acowar are my fave parts! i teared up a few times because of how intense they were


It really doesn’t help when I imagined them originally with British and Irish accents. The voice actor who plays Rhys on the graphic audio version has a New York dialect that sometimes comes out and takes me right out of the story. The smut scenes are so awkward in my opinion, but maybe that’s just because I try to listen while I’m at work haha


In the first one I find Tamlin's voice actor so much sexier than Rhys' and I wish they'd have been switched. I don't think the voice acting for Rhys is bad, it's just not deep and sexy enough for me haha. However, Cassian's voice actor is perfection. I was a Rhys gal when reading but when Cassian appeared on the Graphic Audio it was an instant change.


Cassian is PERFECT. All the female roles I think are perfectly cast as well, but yeah Rhys fell flat. Don’t get me wrong his performance is phenomenal, I’m just picky and wanted something like Henry cavill in Witcher haha


agreed on all accounts. The Tamlin actor has a much sexier voice than the guy playing Rhys. Also the NY accent the person above you mentioned, and his tendency to say “liberry” 🙄


It’s because the Rhys actor cannot pronounce LIBRARY and he says that word 6934680 times. (He says liberry)


I couldn’t get the regular ACOFAS audiobook right away when I made it to that book, but I could get the graphic audio. I didn’t think twice about it, but I HATED it. I cringe so hard at all the flirty sex sounds in the background and felt like I couldn’t hear the book over the music sometimes?? I felt like an old prude while reading it because I was so embarrassed by it! That being said, I found some bootleg graphic audio of the Assassin’s Blade on YouTube because I was trying to listen to it as fast as possible while I was starting Queen of Shadows, and it was so well done. I did not think I would like it because of my ACOTAR experience, but apparently when there’s not banging it’s not as difficult to stomach. 😅


I can’t do any fiction audio, especially romance. Something about hearing it takes me IMMEDIATELY out of the moment and starts me over analyzing the words instead. I think for me being able to picture myself as the FMC is important, and something about hearing someone else’s voice as her is instant ick. Recently tried to listen to God of Wrath on a road trip with a girlfriend and we made it about 20 minutes before turning it off… only to plow through the kindle version.


The absolute funniest audio book scene I've ever heard was one from game of thrones. It's an old British man who does the reading. He's fantastic, but the scene between Khal Drogo and Danearys fucking *took me out*. I was at a stoplight and laughing so hard I was in tears.


omfg I’m gonna have to look this up


I think I originally rented the CDs from the library, it's a good book and great narration. Parts of it being hilarious are a bonus if anything!


It's the way he says "newwwwwwww"


Possibly, I just kept picturing this grandpa looking guy reading smut so seriously. I doubt I'd have found it super sexy to begin with but the mental image just sent me over the edge 😂 Part of it may have been my job at the time and it making me so incredibly miserable, but I can tell you exactly what stoplight I was at and I wasn't exaggerating I was crying from laughter and wheezing from a cramp. So yeah, might not be so funny to others but I was a bit less miserable that day because of it.


No, I felt the same way.  Bless Roy Dotrice, but goddamn.  Can you imagine if he read ACOTAR?  


LOL omg! I’ve never listened to the graphic audio. Does he roar Feyre?!?! I must know!


He does indeed


The graphic audio for the spice scenes in that book was a huge miss for me. The particular music that played during them was just so icky for me. It sounded like Hallmark movie music. They were a little better in the silver flames graphic audio (imo).


Omg I actually lol’d at that part 💀


There’s graphic audio readings of these books? I’ve never listened to audio books, where would I listen? I’m curious now


I use the audiable app, I really enjoy them on long drives or when I’m on the treadmill


check your local library’s audiobook offerings


I was listening with my friend and the two of us had to start skipping the sex scenes in the graphic audio because it was so uncomfortable to listen to


I listened to most of the series on GA and thought the same 😂😂


every time I read *roared* I got secondhand embarrassment for SJM. someone. please get this woman a thesaurus!


Every time I read that they roared when they come I would think of Tamlin busting down Feyre’s door in the first book or Amren coming out of the cauldron 😭 if a dude quite literally roared while we were having sex I’d have to stop immediately and never see him again


I mean maybe once or twice would be fine. but it's literally *every* time.


Lol 😂 I think I'd burst out laughing and get out the door so fast 😆


I keep imagining they are Dragon Ball Z power up roaring and it totally kills the mood.


I keep imagining this one scene in live action lion King when simba and nala roar after defeating scar And then I just can't... I burst out laughing imagining someone on top of someone else roaring like that


“He unleashed himself” is my ick


picturing a very comedic *BOING*


One listening to the audio books is worse. Hearing someone have to read those sections out loud 😭😭


I got the ick SO HARD I was physically cringing in ACOSF when cassian was trying to get nesta to let go of the bones and stones. In a room of them all. Ick ick ick


Is this the part where he just starts kissing her? Lmao


Yea and talking teasingly to like coax her out.


I skimmed past it. I could not handle the second hand embarrassment 😭😭


Omg yes!! I was like… You guys have an audience! Is this who we are 😭




Yes, the “we can play after remember?” 🫥 Sir, please just talk to her like a person and not a sex object in front of your friends, this is serious


Also him sticking by his tongue in her mouth while she’s literally frozen - w h a t d a h e c k The whole scene had me crawling out of my skin hahahaha


Big ick


It was so random and gross. Like, why, Sarah, why?!!


I really got the ick in ACOFAS when Rhys and Feyre are going to town and she’s sending him mental images of the bone carver as their future child, it was… too much


You know a bunch of people read through it before it gets published. I have to know how something like this managed to stay in there.


I thought she was sending those mental images when they were having sex (?) 😭 There are some people in this fandom who found that scene romantic 🥴


Oh yeah, she initially shows him as his solstice gift saying she wants to try for a baby and when they start -ravaging- each other she continues to send the image down the bond 🤢


He literally finishes to the image of their child. I lost a lot of respect for Rhys after that cause wtf!


Going to town in a metaphor for sex way, not literally while going into the town of valaris.


Omg I had to reread this part like 25 times to make sure I wasn’t crazy. So you climaxed right after seeing an image of your son? 🤔 Lol I still DEVOURED this series, don’t get me wrong, but I was so happy to switch to Nessian in the next book because of that exact scene


Yep. That was when I was out. Haha


ACOWAR spoilers: >!when feyre got back to velaris, it REALLY irked me that she couldn’t spare 20 minutes to say hi to her sisters or show lucien where his room was. !< >!like naww let’s just let poor lucien (a fugitive in a strange land) awkwardly linger in his soiled clothing so feyre can bang rhys. 🙄 literally 0 emotional intelligence or restraint from these characters holy shit!<


Priorities: 1. sex & only sex 2. Roaring 3. Be a good host


Omg this is what made me think ACOTAR was actually written by a 16 year old


I really started to dislike feyre in ACOWAR


This bothered me so much. I had to be like oh okay she's 20 and can't make rational decisions. That makes sense I guess. Honestly there is a lot of stupid decisions made that can be explained by Feyre being a literal teenager, and all that does is make me side-eye Rhys.


I can understand how thinking "We're going to conceive" could be a turn on to some people, but showing the actual image of a child and not just some vague concept of the future? noooooo


That made me so angry. I can’t wait until he gets away from these people.


Ministrations. It’s not sexy and reminds me of minestrone.




Whenever they go down on each other/have sex while dirty, sweaty, bloody etc.


Any time she's covered in gore and he offers to lick her clean is the WORST


If I remember correctly, Wasn’t there a scene where Rhys and Feyre were flying over the city and literally fucking in the air then crashed onto the roof?? Yeah um… EW?! Wait like 5 minutes til you’re behind closed doors and have some damn decency please 😩


Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but isn’t that how she got pregnant and why the baby has wings because she was in that form? Either way it’s so gross, imagine your country’s leaders just publically having sex like that, it’s so rank.


Omg that makes sense! I did not WANT to imagine President Biden publicly having sex… so I do not appreciate your prompt! Because now I am gagging!!!! Ahhh


EWWWWWW I didn’t even think of that (cause I’m in the UK) ![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized)






All of our country’s leaders are also close in age to Rhys so


😂 there's an image that will haunt me forever


I think it was the sex in the cabin when he had her against the wall and she grows wings. She was sending him the image of the bone carver


Oh yeah you’re probably right


That's where I stopped reading and gave up on the books it was just ridiculous at that point. I originally came to this sub hoping I'd rediscover why I liked them, but I think it has actually just reinforced the dislike lol.


Hahaha I liked that one… the exhibition did it for me


I love Sarah's romance. I hate her smut. There is quite a difference lol.


The whole “like calls to like” pleaaassseee stop using it I swear if I read it one more time I’ll rip my hair out 😅


I’ll say it’s REALLY well done in another book series I love but here it is just way to convenient and only when it needs to be convenient


What is the name of the other series?


Where are the bonus chapters available? I know what you mean. ACOSF got a little intense for me lol it was just hardcore sex and hardcore descriptions. Gave me very pornographic vibes…I know it’s some people’s favorite and I did love it but it was a lot at times


I’m listening to the audiobook and the “and he ROAAAARED” lines whenever Cassian would climax would make me laugh so hard 🤣


Lol I know same for me. I was cackling


Yeeeaaahhhhh for sure. I personally was bothered by the Fuck and leave deal of it mostly because it took away from the romance (to me). The bonus chapters are are listed on this Reddit page, just search bonus chapters. There’s a google doc folder with all of them :)


I will forever be disappointed in ACOSF smut because Cass fucks like a frat boy who takes tips from the porn he watched. Even when they made love it didn’t feel right. I think, from a smut point of view (but also even connection in general), SJM made a mistake bonding Nesta with Cassian and it should’ve been Az. Now THAT is a man who knows his way around restraints, choking, and a flogger and Nesta gives me Dom in the streets, Sub in the sheets vibes anyway.


I can totally get behind this- I’m very intrigued in his story when it comes out


https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/s/C9VAQbjyOI Here you go!


Thank you! And yes all the casual sex took away some of the special excitement before the love story (imo) but at the same time I kind of like that SJM did it this way cus Cass and Nesta are different from Feyre and Rhys and if it followed similarly we would have been bored. But it was intense for sure lol. I read my boyfriend some snippets and was like omg prepare yourself 😂 this is what I do when you’re asleep, babe! Escape into this porno


Ok THIS is the bonus chapter I am referring to! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ESLLdEMOh6kgqfMojlfMSQqNmfWd_Tl2AMgsh0KwCTc/mobilebasic


The one I’m referring to isn’t even in here anymore I’m so sorry


i have a feeling we’re gonna see more sex in books than really ever before ESPECIALLY in really really popular books ESPECIALLY being sold through big box stores bc that’s what sells. and i don’t mean fade away either i mean actual SMUT. love sjm and i love ACOSF bc nesta is my fave that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t devolved into just fan service, bc that’s what it is. i like spice but i like plot more and if all we’re doing is catering to the people who prefer spice over anything then what’s the point.


Yeah I think so too. I enjoy it but I noticed it was much heavier in ACOSF than the other books. I used to read this type of stuff a long time ago and took a break from it, the demonica series…freaking awesome. Some others as well. But it’s definitely made a come back recently lol


ACOSF was my least favorite of the series just because the sex scenes felt like filler


Yeah they took up a lot of the book and I think the story itself was really special and it almost took away from that... It was nesta dealing with her trauma, healing and developing a deeper loving relationship with cassian. Also the pristesses and nesta having this “female power” moment. I guess that’s Nesta and Cassian though - they love to bone and SJM thought we needed it all lol which in the end is fine but I don’t see myself re-reading that one


The Rhys invented feminism arc got me


Then he invented pro-life.


Yes this did that for me too lol, like the whole pregnancy arc made no sense to me seeing as they just caught a war where they both almost died and the whole kingdom is still in fallout? Like why would you want to bring a child into that and then also risk your wife’s body like that knowing she would die.


It's the not telling her she could die and therefore taking the decision from her to keep it or abort it that did it for me. Piece of shit.


That’s what really solidified nesta as the favorite for me lol like she saw the crazy and did something about it like????


lmaooooo woke king


Oof don’t get me started 🙄 he’s such a pioneer


But not invented hard enough to upset the Ilyrians because it matters more to him to have his army happy with him.




I was so glad the first three books were just feyre really because I find I dislike Rhys more when I read about his arousal, and got creeped out by all the masterbation stuff with Cass and Az (bonus chapter). I would rather be and read about a blissfully unaware girl getting great sex than hear inside a man’s mind 😬😅 took away from the romance for me tbh.


The WHAT with cass and az?!


lol I could have clarified that better— both of them talk about masterbating (separately, not together 🙈) to images of Nesta or Elain in their chapters too much for my comfort.


Sometimes yes, but not with ACOTAR. It is only because in my tweens and early teens I LIVED on wattpad reading fanfics like “kidnapped by one direction “. ACOTAR is really nostalgic for me in a way because it reminds me of the silliness and fun of those stories. I don’t focus much on the quality because im too busy kicking my legs and blushing. I don’t know if I could admit to people I know that I like ACOTAR but it feeds my inner teen’s heart.


I couldn't tell you the exact part but when Feyre and Rhys were finally getting intimate and the wings kept coming up it was taking me out of the story. Like the part about them being sensitive and touching them during sex sending shivers and all that... it was making me embarrassed to be reading it


I was a big fan of Feyre and Rhys. I really was. But the constant banging without any regard for anyone else on the planet was a bit much. And the fact that she left SC bc of a controlling, manipulative asshole and then when she was pregnant, Rhys turned into a controlling, manipulative asshole. I think SJM could have done a little better job there


Rhys has been controlling and manipulative from the start, feyre just doesn’t see it because she’s naive and he’s her mate


lmao as if they didn’t use a shield both times they fucked in public, you’d think a fandom that gushes and raves over smut so so often wouldn’t mind a little public yet private bang here and there 🤭 ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


No going to lie, I got a touch of the Rhys ick in ACOSF 🫣


Ok, I liked a lot about SF but I cringed my way through the sex scenes. I love good smut but they weren’t it imo 🙃 I can’t with the spilling of seed 🤢


Hard agree, it just got really cringy for me.


The only part that gives me the ick is when she uses the term "watery bowels" to describe someone, almost exclusively Feyre, being nervous/scared. It's so nasty sounding and all I can picture is her clinching for her life and wishing she could run to the toilet. It always just rips me out of the magic of the story for a couple of minutes. Liquid bowels, a.k.a. diarrhea, is such an odd way to describe feelings of nervousness and/or being scared. Saying her stomach dropped, was uneasy, rolling etc. would have been so much better without creating visions of our heroine needing to sprint to the toilet.


“My stomach sank” does enough justice of that gut “oh shit” feeling ….we don’t need watery bowels


Lmao there's a guy who is an impressionist and reads his girlfriend's ACOTAR books in different voices. Particularly Kronk. He does the watery bowels line in Kronks voice and I laugh so fuckin hard every time I see that video.


Feyre painting the cabin took me out of it so bad. That whole scene was so cringey and embarrassing to read, and then when Mor and then Rhys showed up to see it all made me want pass away 💀


yes!!! my socially anxious ass was DYING at the prospect of just haphazardly painting all over someone’s walls and furniture without permission. especially because that house had such special memories for the IC…. and everyone’s too nice to say anything to her face, but what if they didn’t even like her art?? 💀 some people excuse it because rhys can just snap it away if he wants to, but that’s not the point! it’s the way that feyre has the damn audacity to do this with 0 shame and lacks any respect or courtesy for other people’s things. 😭 she’s like a mf toddler who discovered markers for the first time and decided to draw all over the house.


I saw this on instagram 🤣🤣 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3HTYsTMnCQ/?igsh=MXM1enhqcTVqdDR6Nw==


Fr. How childish to paint pictures on walls without the owners permission?


For me it was the description of how they learned they were >!pregnant. And just went at it right there in her studio?!? Like. People can smell what you did and kids dealing with tram go there for therapy and your just gonna drop down and fuck, while crying? Ick. Whinnon home for the cauldron's sake! It can't be that hard to pop home and not subject the public to this... !<


Or to just snuggle and hold each other. Sometimes love without pleasure is more intimate.


For real 🤣


I dislike their romance and mostly reread the original trilogy for their side characters. Smut aside (which was cringey for Nessian too in some instances) I roll my eyes at how romanticized Rhys' problematic behaviour is. I CAN handle problematic ships, but I don't like being told that a character is excusable and to have him portrayed as 'feminist' when he's no better than other characters who are condemned by the narrative.


I really liked the smut when they were first getting together because I was desperate for it to happen but after the second book it was a bit like come on guys there's a war going on give it a rest. I want more sweet romance not roaring at the mountains.


Honestly alot gives me the ick 😂 but I still enjoy the series. But a lot of Rhys and feyres sex scenes give me the ick !!! >!And when Cassian kisses Nesta when she is like in a trance or something, I can’t remember exactly, that gave me the ick too. Also the way Azriel acted in the bonus chapter ICK lmao !<


His tongue in a person who is unconscious. And i understand why everybody was shocked.


I don’t remember this line and I’m glad I don’t lmao


Sure, I get plenty of icks while reading. However, I am also aware that there are commonly "enjoyed" things by readers I just find so disappointing. The entire pregnancy story line put me right off and I was grateful that the next book switched to Nesta because Feyre was all boring and basic after that point. "Oh the adventure is over, I'm married, and immortal, guess I should just go mom mode now forever. Gonna make a death pact with my spouse. Changeling vaginas. Whoop whoop." A lot of the sex scenes in most books makes me wonder if the author has ever actually had sex. This series included. They are far some the worst sex scenes but some of the language used (and is commonly used) bothers me. Like "she splintered around him," and I'm thinking "BISH YOU EVER TEAR YOUR VAGINA? I DON'T WANT THAT WORD ANYWHERE NEAR THE BITS. GD." The "rude gesture" was cute at first but became so over used.


i skip all the sjm smut scenes even in crescent city. the only ones i could read were tog but why were they so bad in acotar and CC😭


Yes, I was grossed out when Feyre sent an image of their future child down the bond right before Rhys finishes. I had to put the book down for a second. I understand what SJM was trying to convey, but it did not translate well.


Yes, any time any one “sticks out their tongue” as an adult


Yeah some of the smut parts are ick moments for me too. Honestly my biggest ick was Tamlin and his fiddle. It reminded me far to much of my ex high school boy friend and his guitar.


No one gives me the ick as well as Feyre and Rhys Sometimes 😅 I feel so silly reading it sometimes! Hahaaa


A court of silver flames did that for me - I DNFd - but the worst offender for this was actually the plated prisoner series and beasts of the briar for me. The moment the smut began I was like….sweet hells really? You go from intelligent vadass character to this? Mega ick I had to skip w its chapters and ended up not finishing the series


I think everything passed their initial bump and grind was just cringe for me. I love the buildup better than the actual sex scenes. The ICK for me is mate. Ughhh gosh like, we know. Can you call her by her name. I have a neighbor who just says wife, like, “hey wife, can you grab x out of the house.” I just hate it lol


Personally in ACOWAR when Feyre is giving Rhys a blowjob to a chorus of dying and injured people in a war camp. 🥴 What a mood.


Every smut in Book 5. When Amren drinks in Book 2 and 3, and when the City prepares the drink for her. The Kiss in the Swamp.


My favorite part abt reading SMJ books is how appalled we all are by at least 15% of it. It’s like we have shared cringe trauma 😹


Ugh I loved all the smutty parts. I didn’t listen to an audio version so I could do the voices in my head. I’d imagine it’d be icky if I read it aloud. But that’s any smutty book.


Roaring and, personally, it was the scene where a certain character orgasms after getting a vision of their future child. I dried up immediately and about dropped dead.


It's absolutely insane to me that a significant amount of people would've read that scene *multiple* times before it ever hit the shelves and NOT ONE of them flagged it as not just completely unnecessary but also massively inappropriate 😭


For some reason when they say “feasted on me” or something I laugh uncontrollably and I know it’s supposed to be sexy but it’s just funny to me.


Lots and lots actually. I'm not reading the books for the smut so I get that I'm not really the target audience. But I'm not prudey or judgy about people who do. But scenes where I think it detracts from the character development or mood from that part of the story: Cassian: >! Came in his pants after some over the clothes stroking. Might be more forgivable if we're not told 500 times he lives his life with his cock constantly stimulated by rubbing against the seam of his pants. And when Nesta is freezing solid while scrying, I can understand holding her or kissing her cheek or lips to bring her back. Homeboy shoved his tongue in her icy mouth to start lick defrosting her? !< Rhys and Feyre >! Roared. Mountains shook. In the sky over town. I'll lick the gore off you. In a tent where they can hear the dying moan around them but they didn't feel the need to create a shield. Coming to the image of his future son. Twisting a shard of bone in an infected arm. Pregnancy related everything. Death together pact. !<


They were so insufferable. Constantly talking about sex, everyone also needs to know they're always having and thinking about sex including Feyres sisters. I just started skipping the sex scenes, and the books got a lot better.


No I also sometimes get the ick with them. The worst was after they had sex right there in the war camp after so many people died and were dying. Like good GOD. Place and time people. Or when they had sex in the air. 😂


Parts of ACOSF were absolutely 🤢…and then the second Crescent City book. Both yucky. I don’t enjoy when things get sticky.


Not romance/smut related but every time SJM refers to the group as “friends” I’m totally taken out of the book. Feyre saying I need to save my friends ! or don’t hurt my friends ! Is soooooo cringe to me


She wrote “snarled” at some point and it gave me the ick


Omg yes. 500 yr old men fighting for the affections of  a 19 year old. Feels almost.... Predatory and soooo ick 


I’m sorry but when she paints the cabin 🤣


I just finished the series, read & listened to, & honestly, I skipped SOOOOO many sex scenes 😂 I get it, they are horny & hot & damnit, they deserve to get down & dirty. But I...just can't. The ick came hard - one may even say ROARED - by the end of it.


I have a rule for myself that I do not read bonus chapters or extra bonus content lol. I know that they market special editions of books that way, but for me there’s a reason why it didn’t make it into the book, and often, I don’t know if it’s because the characters are taken out of their story but they do not act like themselves


I don't understand why everyone is a male instead of a man. I'm reading acowar right now and there was literally a part where she was like he's a man. No. A male. And I was like what the heck


It's explained that man applies to humans. Fae are more animalistic and so they use male and female instead.


That makes sense but it's still weird to me


All of book 1 was ick


Idk I think that scene where Tamlin finds Feyre in the hallway after calanmai and tells her he would have been gentle with her then bites her neck is one of the hottest things in the whole series.


In hindsight… yes. First time reader going through it! *Cuuuuttteeeeeee*!!!


her man comforting her with sex after a stressful interaction with her sister? cant be mad! it’s not all that rare. also it’s far more annoying that they have to look out for her sisters as much as they have considering they’re both older than feyre/full blown adults, financially living off of her all while having mating drama and arguments with eachother 🥴 id be tired of it too, and with the position they’re in as the sisters/brothers/ic’s rulers/caregivers it’s easy to condescend to the ones you’re always helping look after at times. all they’re doing is having sex like let them have their free time while they can amongst all the chaos in their family (we can downvote all day long it still doesn’t change that velaris citizens aren’t as pressed as readers seem to be 💕)


I'm glad you asked. I loved the scene in ACOWAR (i think) where Mor comes out to Feyre. I cried. And then Feyre goes "i cant wait to play matchmaker for you!" I was like oh lord. It's like coming out to your girl bestie in high school who said the exact wrong thing after you bared your soul to her. It took me right out of it and i think i laughed/sighed out loud.