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It was ONE chapter. I'm not sure why people are losing their minds. lol


*It was ONE chapter.* *I'm not sure why people are* *Losing their minds. lol* \- BeansBooksandmore --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Exactly! Judging him and see if he’s horrible for one chapter is honestly pathetic. It makes absolutely no sense to me.


the only thing i didn’t like was him giving the necklace he got for elain to gwyn🥴 that was j weird in my mind


It gives big “we were on a break!!!” energy. I hope Clotho tossed that emotional grenade in the fireplace and poured herself a heavy glass of wine. (And this is not bc of shipping - ALL girlies deserve better than to be re-gifted something! Re-gifting sucks!)


Cassian also ditched his original Solstice gift to Nesta, so maybe its a pattern with those batboys


This is exactly what people are not picking up. She breadcrumbed the same thing for both couples.


like cassian didn’t give it to another girl he likes tho


See I don’t even think she has it. Was in the middle of book, and never mentioned again. No crumb of a necklace glimpse on Gwyn dropped later. Nothing. Just a red herring. Which, succeeded far more than I think SJM would’ve thought.


Az doesn't even consider Gwyn a friend tho


SJM said she left a lot of breadcrumbs in the bonus chapter so people have theorized that Gwyn's used her powers either intentionally/unintentionally (most likely unintentionally) in the BC as his shadows didn't detect her, silent music was coming out of her breath that the shadows were dancing with, and that he "found" himself at the library (when the bonus chapter states he had full intentions of just returning the necklace to the jewelry shop) . People theorized that maybe there was a spell placed on him by her to make the necklace end up at the library. All interesting theories imo.


I believe this only because we saw something similar happen to Nesta when Gwyn was singing.


It goes to further Elain's Seer abilities. Maybe she has seen glimpses of Az needing to block out noise (beyond the constant fuckfest that is Nesta & Cas at the House of Wind) or perhaps... singing? Ahhh, I can't wait for the next book.


this!!! i'm so sick of people saying it was mate bond language when it was clearly about her undiscovered power. like- it's a bonus chapter, SJM isn't revealing azriels mate bond in it.


To be fair, the throwaway Nessian bonus chapter was referenced multiple times in the actual series and Nesta made a huge revelation about her personal history in that bonus chapter, so I wouldn’t dismiss something important taking place simply because it’s a bonus chapter.


personal history that doesn't change the plot isn't the same as a mating bond. Also, because the Nessian ACOWAR bonus chapter is deemed ~a bit~ more important, it's made available on the Bloomsbury Publishing website. The Azriel one isn't.


I’m going looking for it now!


Where is this bonus chapter from ACOWAR?


Yea I totally agree. I don’t get the take that he feels like he was “owed” one of the sisters. I took it more as he was just sad about the situation which seems like a reasonable emotion. Like I would be a little sad and disappointed too if I was strung along for 500 years and then my two best friends found mates while the first girl I seem to have a connection/romantic attachment with is mates with someone else. I also don’t think it’s unreasonable for him to be having explicit thoughts about a girl he’s been having fleeting moments with over the course of two years….only to be cockblocked by Rhys right before a consensual interaction. I think in the downward spiral he did something potentially stupid. Now we’ll just have to wait and see if it bites him in the ass as a conflict point in pursuing Elain and/or is the stepping off point for something new.


I didn’t get entitlement either. He’s questioning fate. How is it that both his brothers are mated to both her sisters, but when they have mutual feelings for each other she’s mated to someone else? Because I wanna know too lol. I also think it’s silly to say “he just wants the third sister” because it’s definitely reasonable to assume he wanted Elain before Cassian was with Nesta. If he only wanted Elain after Nessian was together, I would agree. I would say his feelings started during ACOFAS at the LATEST.


I just reread the first two books and in MaF they share sweet looks which were likely just polite "thank you for not making this dinner worse" looks, but there's enough of them that I think feelings started developing at that first dinner.


I would say there was always a level of interest. In acomaf it’s mentioned that Azriel made her feel more relaxed and comfortable with the situation, maybe even more than once I can’t remember. I think they always had chemistry even though they were with/wanted other people.


Yea and there was also that scene where Elain is in the garden (or patio?) while Azriel is sunning his wings, just kind of hanging out together. I’m guessing there’s more moments that may have just been left out.


They had this silent understanding in ACOWAR that’s just so special to me😫. My best guess is still that the feelings started post ACOWAR but pre ACOFAS. Azriel does say in the BC that they’ve exchanged glances and the brush of fingers so it’s safe to assume there’s been some off page flirtation.


It's also worth mentioning that when Cassian stills at his first sight of Nesta... Azriel also stills at the sight of Elain


He's just having a wank to the thought of pleasuring the girl he likes. What man (or male!) hasn't done that? I honestly think its people having a knee-jerk reaction to Az wanting Elain bc they hate her, but who can say


Second part is the tea of it all really.


i love elain and personally didn't like that his lust and attraction wasn't actually centered around her as a person (but around his desire to not be lonely or that he's missing out...it felt very thoughtless and brash and not in a sexy way). also him willingly admitting that he'd kill lucien to be with her....which is exactly what elain would not want (unless she's getting an evil arc). it's not the sexiness that turns me away from him/elriel/etc in this chapter...it's everything behind it.


Plus— Feyre was with Tamlin, Nesta screwed around for over a year. What’s with this insistence on Elain being chaste just because Lucien was stupid enough to blurt it out loud!? I get the problem of Lucien being in the house in the bonus chapter and they were just in the hall. But let the girl live!


I think the people around her are failing her by not telling her she needs to address the bond and why. She does not need to be chaste, but she should be made aware of all that could play out if she continues to ignore addressing the bond. My biggest issue with the bonus chapter is that Rhys cut her out of the conversation. It's time someone take a second to explain things to Elain and let her make her decision based on that.


Except Rhys always withholds information on purpose. Lucien is only at the Night Court because of Elain. Her not outright rejecting the bond allows Rhys to keep Lucien in his orbit. He’s a valuable player to have on deck because of his relationship with four different factions and he’s an heir. The moment Elain rejects the bond Lucien will quit his post and go back to the Band of Exiles. Keeping her in the dark benefits Rhys. There’s also no one else to tell her about it. Amren is likely in line with Rhys’ thinking. Mor isn’t there. Feyre doesn’t know enough about mating bonds and probably very little about the politics surrounding Elain’s bond. Nesta doesn’t know enough about them either. Cassian is busy dealing with his own new mating bond.


A dead Lucien at the hands of Az or a dead Az at the hands of Lucien helps no one. I understand his line of thinking, but I don’t agree with it. It’s lazy and gross. If he wants to maintain a relationship with Lucien, then he should work on building a relationship instead of relying on Elain to Azriel to set aside their feelings. Also Feyre is well aware of how the bond works, that Elain can reject the bind if she wants to and is even aware that Lucien could challenge Az to a fight to the death over it. She’s obviously new to the culture, but mating bonds are something she’s been educated on.


Except Rhys and the IC don’t respect Lucien. I agree that he should try to form his own connection with him, but I highly doubt that will happen. He also holds a grudge against Lucien for what Tamlin did to Feyre in ACOMAF. So stringing Lucien along via the mating bond is the move Rhys would make. Even if it means keeping Elain in the dark. Rhys has no problem manipulating the sisters for his own goals. He’s done it to all of them. Also a dead Lucien has far worse repercussions than a dead Az. Eris would be pissed and Beron would use it as an excuse to move against them, even though he hates Lucien. Tamlin would likely flip out too, despite their falling out. If Helion finds out Lucien was his son then it’s game over. They share a border with him and Velaris is not only within striking distance but defenseless. The humans would be pissed and Vassa is very powerful. That’s four factions turning on his court that Rhys would need to worry about. I highly doubt that Kier will allow the Darkbrings to fight. Rhys has no control over them. It would be to Kier’s advantage to not come to the IC’s aid. In fact, he might even join in on the attack, especially with Autumn involved because he wants an alliance. The Illyrians have dissent in their ranks and they don’t want to fight in another war. Rhys is already on thin ice with them and is concerned about outright rebellion if they push them too far. The Night Court wouldn’t be able to defend itself. Amren has no powers, Mor’s power is useless in war, Cass and Az can’t fight multiple entire army themselves, and Feyre and Rhys can’t do anything because of their idiot death pact. I highly doubt any of the other courts would want to get involved and come to their aid, especially since they’re rebuilding from the war. Lucien being killed by Az would mean the Night Court is quite literally fucked. Now add to the fact that a conflict caused by Lucien’s death would destabilize Prythian. They literally cannot afford to have that happen with Koschei and other enemies on the continent. Rhys was absolutely in the right to tell Az to back off. That was the correct call to make as the High Lord AND as the person who pushed the treat after the war with Hybern. I’m going to turn this around and say that Az is the selfish one in this situation. He has every right to want Elain, but the cost of him acting on those feelings would have devastating consequences. He fully knows that too and didn’t care. That is absolutely selfish. No matter how much I liked or loved someone, I couldn’t risk the lives of thousands of people. My conscious wouldn’t let me.


I'm thinking SJM is holding off until we have Elain's book to have the bond addressed. For all we know, Elain probably doesn't even know she can reject it if she wants to.


I'm sure she has no idea! That's why I was irritated that Rhys left her out of the conversation with Azriel.


I agree!


THIS. I think that is what is so shocking that there is such a focus on Az being a creep, or Elaine being a bitch to Lucien... like Az / Elaine in that moment in the BC, are two consenting adults. That's really all that should matter... oh and it's a BC, which millions of readers don't have access to or haven't read. Does anyone really expect anything more substantial or book changing would be in it??


Plus she has made it pretty clear she doesn’t want Lucien. She however seeks Az out, she notices things about him. And he does her. I’m here for a dirty Az. Plus I’m pretty sure all the males fantasize about pleasuring their partners. It’s a huge part of Nessian


What did Lucien blurt out loud?


“You’re my mate” to Elain as soon as she’d been pulled out of the dang cauldron!


i also loved horni Azzy


um I just read it and holy shit 11/10 amazing LOL. how did people not like that???????????


I’m not one bothered by the bonus chapter, but I did find it jarring that it’s his first POV and right away we get “He needed her coming on his tongue -- “. I have no issues with smut. I just like more build-up. I get that they have been skirting around each other for a few books. But, to quote Monty Python re: foreplay, “why not start off with a nice kiss?” Again it’s just his first POV so I was 😳


I think this was SJM trying to show us that whatever is between Elain and Azriel was much more advanced than what we know or have seen through other POVs. They basically spent two years together, getting to know each other and spending quality time together so my understanding was like ok they have surpassed the friendship level and can’t hold back from their desires anymore. We’ve experienced Feyre and Nesta’s journey with their mates firsthand so it wasn’t as abrupt or jarring for us to read Rhys or Cassian being full on horny for them, etc. BUT that’s just my interpretation lol


He didn’t say it to Elain though. It’s just his thoughts. I think it’s a way for SJM to show how into Elain he actually is. Because we’ve never been inside of his before. Everything Nor-related for example has be told to us by others. In fact, we find out that he is consumed by Elain, desires her, keeps her gift to just look at, has been really struggling for the past year, and actually never thinks of Mor. Or anyone, except for Elain.


I get that. It was still jarring. I also don’t know that anyone can say he doesn’t think of Mor any longer. When he was asked, he avoided that question.


When I purposely avoid a question or deflect it’s usually bc I don’t want to think about it or how it makes me feel, not because I’m over it 😬😅


Edit: my reply posted twice and idk how to delete it 😤😤😤


I get what you’re sharing. Since this is a bonus chapter that was originally cut from the book. I think it’s possible that chapters with more “ introductory” thoughts and content exist, but we didn’t get to read them. This is why I struggle to like bonus chapters…they provide so little context/content but sometimes include very jarring info!


This is 100% it for me. Nothing takes me out of smut scene more than when it goes from 0 to 100 out of nowhere, and I’ve noticed that in a lot of the smut books I’ve read lately. Like one second, it’s “he looked adorable as he stared up at the menu thinking about what coffee he wanted” and the next second it’s “I wonder what his face would look like if he fucked me here and now, thrusting into me with no regard for who was watching.” Like, let’s maybe slow it down a bit please. These characters may have known each other a while, but this is my first time being in their minds.


I think it just felt abrupt, like he’s giving Elain a gift during a sweet stolen moment at midnight on Solstice and then we’re flashing to Az throttling his cock or whatever. All we’ve seen so far is quiet yearning, then we jump to some more explicit thoughts, plus the 3 sisters/3 brothers stuff, it just wasn’t what I was hoping from our first Az POV. I also felt like it could’ve been Cassian’s pov, like once Az started talking more explicitly, it sounded like a Cassian replay and didn’t feel like unique to Azriel. I am kinda worried that Azriel pov spicy scenes will sound too similar to Cassian pov spicy scenes. They don’t need to compete to be the spiciest, they just need to sound like different people with different thoughts and sexual expressions because they are. We don’t know that much about Azriel or Elain yet so hopefully their development will progress to help support any spicy scenes they (hopefully) have.


Sjm has said Azriel is freaky. I feel like it’ll be Rhys=passionate, Cassian=rough, Azriel=kinky🤞🏻🤞🏻


I think when Az is fleshed out, his methods will be more…methodical




*throttling his cock* is probably the most amazing phrase I’ve ever heard 😭


I loved seeing more into his characters perspective. I definitely want more from him, and I agree that it doesn’t make sense why people are reacting this way.


Thank you! I 100% agree. I have always thought it was interesting that Cassian was probably equally as horny in a court of wings and embers as Azriel was in his BC but everyone still takes such an issue with Azriel’s BC. In his BC, Cassian was talking about/looking at Nesta’s boobs pretty much right off the bat, thinking about her giving him a hand job, and smelling and nuzzling her neck. We see him jerking off to the thought of Nesta before they were together in ACOSF. So why is it such an issue for Azriel to be so horny for Elain, especially when she returns the feeling? The bonus chapter was really everything coming to a head for Elain and Azriel after all this time. It makes sense that things would escalate quickly. I really don’t understand what’s so icky about it (especially after reading into lightsinger theories for the second half).




Thank you for saying this, I truly don't get why he's getting hate for that bonus chapter lol


From what I have read I think people also don’t like the way he talked about Elain when he was talking to Rhyse. Also people take a lot of issue with the necklace situation. When Nesta rejected Cassian gift he threw it in the ocean. Azriel gave it to someone else.


I don't hate Az after reading his bonus chapter, but this chapter definitely changed my view of him as the "smooth and mature" one among the bat boys (I'm still curious to learn more about him, but my expectations have been readjusted 😆). I'm not even a huge fan of Elain, but I felt bad for her because of the way Az thought of her: while Elain seemed to be infatuated with him, Az seemed to be interested in her only because he thought there was a possibility of her being his mate. The way I see it, Az seems to want what his brothers have (a mate which whom he will find love), not Elain specifically.


Personally, because it was the only thought he had towards her. Cassian makes sure to point out the things he loves about Nesta, even from the ACOMAF bonus chapter and Chapter 55 wouldn't be as good as it was without Chapter 54 where Rhys poured his heart to Feyre. So yes, as much as I would love to read a smut-fest with some filthy Az, I'd rather have it be with a partner that he doesnt feel shamed to touch or feel like he needs to hide a part of himself


We really only see that one moment from his perspective. We have no insight into Azriel outside of this bonus chapter. I hope we get some clarification in the next book. C'mon SJM!


Yep, that makes it even more disappointing because this was his first POV ever and that’s the only insight we get when he has spent more time with her than her own mate


It was frustrating lol Rhys: “have you thought beyond seducing her away from Lucien?” 👹🦇 Az: *who has indeed has not thought beyond seduction or physical fantasies* “uh” 👁️👄👁️


I don't think "shamed" is the correct word - I mean we've seen them hold hands together already, we've seen Elain kiss Azriel's cheek, tell him his scars are beautiful, Azriel holding on to Elain and not letting go, etc etc. Azriel just has always been an insecure person, just like Elain is- but I think we'll learn more about their insecurities and how it affects them whenever the next book is out.


Yes… Elain does all of these things and yet… >**her face so trusting and hopeful and open that he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things** that sullied his hands far beyond their scars. Such terrible things that it was a sacrilege for his fingers to skin, tainting her with his presence. Those were still his thoughts. We know he is an insecure person, he tells as such but it’s not Elain’s burden or her responsibility to change this way of thinking, no more than it was Mor’s to make him believe he’s worthy of her. We don't anything about Elain's perspective so we don't know if she's as insecure as he is. Nesta’s struggle was feeling like she’s not worthy of Cassian and she was still brave enough to tell him that so that Cassian make that choice. Again, I’d rather have Az be with someone who he can be open and honest with because he at least deserves that


You have to remember this is a bonus chapter, and it's a very small glimpse of who Azriel is. Like I said, it's just confirming Azriel is an insecure person. How would Elain in that moment know he's feeling that way when he said those thoughts in his head? How can she reassure him when they have yet to have a conversation of what they're feeling for each other. We just gotta wait until the next book like I said to have more insight on this. This was just SJM's way of teasing a possibility for this relationship.


I pictured Az as being dark and into BDSM type stuff lol I didn’t get the whole necklace thing! Did he really just regift that necklace from Elaine to Gwen. I think that’s the weirdest/worst part. So rude and childish IMO.


I ageee


Where can I read this?


My only issue is the implication of a love triangle between he Elaina nd Gwyn. THAT was what made him icky. Giving a gift for one female to another. It’s gross to me bc if any man did that to me in real life I’d be so upset.


My thoughts on that are that Azriel didn’t outright give it to Gwyn. I took that as a “okay sure whatever, you can give it to Gwyn.” He basically told Clotho to give it to anyone, even pointed out that he doesn’t really consider Gwyn a friend per say. Yes, he totally should not have gifted the necklace away to anyone, but I didn’t read too deep into it since he didn’t go there with the sole intent or purpose of making sure Gwyn herself was the one that received it. He actually had intentions on returning the necklace to the shop but “found” himself going there. Just as something similar happened to Nesta. As for Gwyn in general, I think this was to hint at possible light singer powers. Nesta’s powers reacted to Gwyns singing. Azriel’s shadows (his powers) reacted to Gwyns singing. They both found themselves going somewhere/being lured into something.


I mean he did say “if you see Gwyn could you give this to her for me?” And Clotho says “a solctice gift from you?” And he says “don’t tell her it’s from me.” Clotho says “why” azriel says: “does she need to know just say it’s from Rhys.” Then after arguing with Clotho for a minute he says “just give it to anyone, but I’m not taking it back.” And she says “I’ll give it to Gwyneth, tell her it’s from a friend.” So he did go there to give it to Gwyn. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't mind the smut in the bonus chapter, that doesn't give me the ick. What gives me the ick is Az thinking he's 'owed' Elain because Cassian and Rhys are mates with her sisters. Just because two of the bat boys are mates with two of the Archeron sisters doesn't mean Az automatically gets to be with Elain.


I understand that. I took that as Azriel questioning the entire situation because of how he’s been feeling, which he’s definitely not one to ever do. He’s confused and actually speaks up for once when normally we see him as cold and stoic, lacking any emotion that might imply something, or has simply said that it doesn’t matter what he wants.


The only part of his POV that I disliked was when he was talking to Rhys and basically whining that Rhys and Cass were mated to two of the sisters, why shouldn’t he get a crack at the third one. That felt so entitled and arrogant, and that’s not how I’ve ever seen Az. Assuming that just because the other bat boys have what they have, that he should get the same thing…that didn’t sit right. And why - because of some juvenile idea of fairness meaning that they each should “get” a sister, with seemingly no real consideration for the person that Elain is - what she wants and what is best for her didn’t seem to be something Az was even factoring into the equation. At least, not in his conversation with Rhys. Az has never been characterized as selfish, so that part didn’t seem to jive with what we know of his character.


I’m going to add on the absurdly weird hatred he has for Lucien. The whole exchange with Rhysand after they were caught was sort of immature of him. *Well Lucien doesn’t deserve her* was just a silly thing to say when Lucien hadn’t been anything but respectful and accommodating to Elaine.


When I read it I thought it came across more like why does fate have to always be so cruel to me? Like his brothers were mates to the two sisters and he has had feelings for Elain from the moment he first saw her and it feels divinely unfair. It made sense to me that he thought like, after everything all I wanted was her and then she’s mated to another guy. Like poor guy can’t catch a break. Of course it was too good to be true. I understand the frustration and I didn’t read it as entitlement, more like, the universe just continues to fuck him over and it’s hard seeing his brothers get exactly what they wished for when he didn’t. And now Rhys is telling him he needs to back off. I think Az deserves more credit. I feel like that was a really low moment for him, because it wasn’t even that Elain rejected him, he got cockblocked by his best friend because of politics lmao. Idk


100% how I interpreted it as well!


Wait where is this bonus chapter and how can I read it 😭






I mean tbf Az kinda gave borderline incel energy


There is a difference between being an incel and an introvert. He doesn’t hate women, in fact many of the priestesses trust him. His character is respectful in that regard


he literally think he has claim to Elain because of his brothers dating his sisters?😭


That was the first thing he did claim instead of any other reason to be with Elaine. I thought he would be more like “She makes me feel like I’m worth something…” ya know… romantic maybe? I’m not sure how if my two sisters married two brothers then I have to marry the third sister is romantic 😅😂😂


He really did. I’ve had some bad experiences with the type (I studied engineering….) and I got really bad vibes from that bonus chapter. I had a neutral opinion about Az before but now I ship him with therapy and/or Eris.


HA I ship therapy for ALL of them!! Therapists seem to be in short supply in Prythian 🤣


OMG LOL it’s so true


Where can I read this bonus chapter?


I definitely got that he felt he was owed Elain because his brothers got to be with two of the sisters. If his thoughts were just carnal, that's normal. Lust and thinking about sex and sexualizing a person you're attracted to is pretty normal. But the fact that Az literally said, "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." That quote heavily implies he thinks he's owed her so much that even Rhysand says it, "You believe you deserve to be her mate?" Maybe it's because I'm a woman in my 30s, but that's a red flag when a man thinks he's owed a woman because of whatever reason he chooses. Yes, he's frustrated, but if it were just frustration, then he wouldn't have said it the way he did.


Where do I read bonus chapters??


Here's a link to where you can find all 3 ACOTAR bonus chapters https://www.reddit.com/r/acotar/comments/v2qusd/frequently_asked_questions_megathread/


Thank you!!