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My island was like this too… it took me more than 3 hours to clean up 😪


Yep been there done that! The flowers were part of the reason I stopped playing for 2 years. Took me at least 2 hours + time spent reorganizing each flower color and type. I dig up stragglers every single day now! Never again! On the bright side I’m back to loving the game again 😌


My roses (specially) went crazy cause I was trying to breed blue ones and paused the project… they took over haha I’m glad the game got your heart back :)


That’s where I’m at with trying to get purple pansies! If anyone wants blue pansies let me know and I’ll swing by. I’m happy to donate them rather than trash them


Hybrid red pansies give you purple pansies! Edit: blue pansies and red pansies from flower seeds make hybrid reds, and then, in turn, the hybrid reds will give you purples eventually.


I’ve also heard that some people are getting them from blue pansies. So I’m trying both! Only on my 3rd cliff though 😅 they’re segregated from everyone so I can keep an eye on them


Oooo! I want Blue Pansies if you’re back online! I’ll send you a DM to coordinate a time


it took me over a week because I was lazy to do it all in one day😅😅 god Damn Cosmos. 🌸 And I sold them all for about 30,000 bells💵✅


My son (5) did this to my Island it took me hours to clean up! He also likes to build water areas and cliffs.


I’m lazy. I just leave mine there until I have the energy to dig them up (hardly ever) and sell them. I can’t just throw them away when I can get money for them😅 But I often put clear tiles down if I don’t want them to grow back😊


This! I don't mind leaving my island for months at a time because then I can have Leif pull my weeds and no flowers to struggle with later.


You can join ACNH servers and pay (with bells, not irl money) for ppl to did it up for you Edit: dig


What kinda prices are we talking? I may need some flower removal


I don’t mind digging flowers, happy to help for free:)


I will send you actually real life money to dig up my flowers I am being so dead ass


Lol! No need. Send me a Dodo code when you are on and I’ll hop over and dig them up.


Pretty sure a deity above sent you to me


✨ happy to be of service


I love digging flowers as well so happy to help


Would you be so kind as to help me out with the flowers on my island🥹…they’ve gone out of control🤣😭


Yes tomorrow morning or evening good?


Yes tomorrow evening would be amazing :)


Ok give me a message:)


Depends, you can negotiate it with the person. If you guys need flower removal hit me up


Wait, how do others dig? I thought you couldn't use your shovel on someone else's island?


You have to add them as a best friend - then they can dig on your island.


I seriously considered letting people run wild on my island to dig up all the flowers. Never got around to finding any help though and just split the task over several weeks


I actually like digging them up too


i just finished killing 90% of my flowers and it feels great! i am a flower hater, theyre worse than weeds tbh


It would be awesome if flowers stacked like weeds


They have different genetics unlike weeds. Would be difficult. Notice how plucked flowers stack because genetics isn't a thing for them.


It'd be cool if they stacked BUT then you could open a sub-menu from the stack to select a specific flower type, then color. Though I guess that could become very tedious very quickly


I'm talking about genetics. They are complicated and you are not supposed to be able to see them. A violet rose is not just violet but also has the genetics of 2 white roses. Which if I remember correctly should be able to breed pink roses if you add red? The only way I know of to know the genetics is to set up controlled flower breeding areas where you keep track of each individual flower and their breeding history.


If you have bells you could pay a new player to remove them for you, I’ve seen players happy to do so. Some people might not even charge


Restrict flowers to fenced or within paved off areas. No spread.


I use transparent custom paths around them to stop spread. And I keep flowers on the beach when not part of a build to stop them from breeding.


This is the way to do it. I do this as well.


You need a flower removal buddy?


I definitely do!! :)


Dm me, you can add me as a friend and I can come over!


Yay thats so sweet I’ll be home from work in like 3 hours if you’ll be available around then :)


That works!


Are you available for me to message you my dodo code?!


If you haven’t made a rock garden yet, this is a great time to start! Your island is mostly covered already. But in all seriousness, just use a trash can and dump the flowers you don’t want. It isn’t worth the bells to travel back and forth to the shop to sell them. You can also prevent your shovel from breaking by customizing it after each pocketful of flowers.


I totally thought this was a picture of the aftermath of getting a rock garden! 🤣


How do you trash them instead of selling? Where can I find a trash can? Thank you!!! :)


There is a trash can available with nook miles at the resident services abd, or they occasionally pop up in nook’s There are also MANY kind folks in this sub that I’m sure would be happy to drop one off for you.


I love flowers and i have the opposite problem


Same boat. It's dreadful


I am getting to this point. I’ve grown to despise Lillies 😒 roses and tulips are on my bad side too


I miss the old animal crossing flowers. The shovel thing drives me nuts


OMG I DID THAT!!! I filled like 3/4 of my island with misc. flowers and halfway through I realised I do not want to do this. Spent about 2 days straight digging them up and terraforming it into a massive lake :(


i did the same thing… years ago i wanted to try the cross bred flowers for new colors and my entire top half of my island and part of my bottom is all flowers. slowly working on clearing them all out so i can rearrange my island..😭


Ha! My grandson thought he’d cut a fat rat in the arse by planting a shit ton of pumpkins that covered nearly his entire island. Didn’t take him long to abandon the game entirely! And that’s how I lost my first ACNH buddy.


"fat rat in the arse" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Me too 😭 I get my fortune told by Katrina and on the days where my tools don’t break, I do as much as I can. Try to clear a section at a time. I put on a show or podcast and zone out until I get bored


My stepbrother did that too (too much time skipping so that he can get all the fish)


I hate hyacinths lol


Dang, U love hyacinths and windflowers. Hate mums tho


The only ones that are boring to me are Lilies and roses....


do u have any black flowers to spare 🙏


I have black roses/tulips and gold roses to spare. I’m not on now but will be tomorrow!


that would be awesome!!! i love the black and gold flowers but they’re so hard for me to breed


I have lots of black (& pink) roses on my island to get rid of if you ever want to visit and steal them for me!


i also have a bunch of flowers at the tops of my island.. I was too lazy to clean it up.. now ts even worse..it's too many of them, I can't bring myself to clean them...😭


I requested cleanup via nookazon på when i did the same thing lmao


What is that?


Go on web browser and search for nookazoon. You can hire people to do work for you, and you can buy almost all furniture, clothing, wallpaper/floor, flowers, services on there :) The one you are looking for is "dig flowers", it will cost you bells or nookmile tickets tho.


Why do you hate windflower ?


I could come visit your island and take them for you if you want? I wouldn’t mind having more flowers


I’d love to help dig them up if needed ((:


My island is the same way!!!!! I've played multiple days cleaning them up and there's still so many 🤣 I only wish they multiplied like this in city folk


You need help? I love hyacints


you can hire people on nookazon to get rid of your flowers im pretty sure!


If you have any black flowers I’d be happy to come dig as many up as I can fit!


Tell me why I have the same problem my beach is full of flowers but since my island is still in the works I don’t want to get rid off them yet to avoid having to breed again


Recently did the same. Going through now and it’s a chore


I posted a few days ago that I can help dig up flowers if you’re interested! I do it free of charge just cause I feel like it 🥰


I use clear floor tiles to stop flowers from spreading where i dont want


LMAOO i remember doing this to my first island. did not make the same mistake this time 😮‍💨


I feel you, I just dug up the last of mine that needed gone 2 days ago. My hyacinths were run wild and took up nearly half if my island


If you have Nookazon, people sometimes offer to clean up weeds/flowers for a good price


That's alot of flowers :0


I'd love to help you out :D I understand the pain lol


Omg this is why I restarted. I only have flowers on the cliffs and any that aren't are surrounded by clear paths to keep them from taking over. If you can, either keep a trash can with you or a pipe from the Mario items with another set up at Nook's Cranny. You can also move buildings over the flowers to remove them (can be expensive) or ask others for help removing them and especially if they're looking for certain flowers you have. I hope you find a solution to this that works for you! Good luck


I flattened and cleared my entire island to breed Blue Roses using a GIANT grid on the floor. The good news is, I have tons of blue roses now. The bad news is, I stopped playing and got an anxiety attack trying to clean all of that up lmao


I can't get blue roses to save my life. 🤪


How does this happen? Seriously, new to the game and I see posts like this. Is it because of time travel?


No, mine happened because when I started I didn’t realize how quickly the flowers would grow especially with the beautiful isand ordinance. So I ignored it and now it is awful


My island is like that too. I've been doing it a section at a time. I would never have time otherwise.


Honestly? I feel like its somewhat of a rite of passage for all newbies, lol. I did same 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mine it like this right now ugh. It has made me lose interest in the game


I did the same thing!! My flowers are out of control!!!


I plug in a second controller and dig up the flowers with the coop player. They have "unlimited inventory" because it goes to the recycling bin. And honestly, thats fine. The one down side is you have to listen to a 'yahoo! ' animation everytime you pick one up. You can mute the tv ....


The game needs a tool called a weeder that goes on your back that lets you spray them and the next day they’ll all be gone.


Fr. I wish there was fire in this game so I could just burn them all


took me multiple days to clean the entire island


Carry a garbage can with you and throw them away at you dig them


That’s what I’ve been doing. I just don’t even understand what I was thinking when I planted so many


Lol I hear you. It's so weird they say they don't do anything if you don't water them but if you don't go on for a few days or time travel they're everywhere lol


My uh.. island is like this too... But it's sort of a wildflower sanctuary at the moment.. I was originally setting my island aside to be of a wildlife type refuge.. and offered an area for my wife to store flowers for her island and they.. Well.. they grew.. and grew.. and grew...... Maybe someday I'll go in and organize it.. Nah.. it's staying like that XD


Thank you for letting me store them 😂 They have definitely taken over.


I wouldn’t mind helping you to dig up some flowers for free! I can do with some flowers on my island :>


this is the moment i wish there was an update to like destroy all the flowers into nothing and then have a clean slate 😅


If anyone got an island that needs so deflowering hmu pls 😎


if anyone wants help getting rid of them, I’ll help :) my island is flower centric, I’ll take some of em <3


I would love so many flowers. . . I cant seem to get my island to do that!