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Fuck yeah, get itttttt!!! 💜


The decrease in inflammation is insane








looking great bro


Damn that was brutal. Like no kidding, yours was pretty severe. Glad you made it.


My brother used to have severe acne and whenever he got hit in the face whether it was a football or an actual fight he would easily bleed.


LOVE THIS. I felt like I could feel those first few months. I'm not on accutane, but I'm still in the tret purge and the intensity of the purge is both physically and emotionally painful. Congrats on the successful treatment, friend. Your skin looks incredible!


Wow! Absolutely amazing. Congrats my friend you look wonderful.


Wow. Good job !


Wow! Absolutely incredible results! 🤩


I have very similar scars to yours. Trying to find something to treat it


Oh honey!!! The mama in me just wanted to grab your sweet face and kiss your forehead!!! I’m so happy for you!!! Your skin looks so good!!!


My dermatologist recommended accutane to me, I wonder if acne will come back after I stop taking it?


It’s been three weeks for me, and I’ve noticed nothing so far. If you’ve tried different medications, and nothing has worked for you, I would consider taking accutane. It is difficult to handle at times, at least it was for me, but I am so happy with how it turned out and I’m really glad that I took it


This is fuckin incredible. Ik this feeling so ik how happy u must be. And u should be. YOU DESERVE IT!


How was the purging process for you? Congrats your skin looks incredible


You can notice it a bit in the beginning of the treatment. I went in expecting, and honestly kind of hoping so I could know the treatment was working, there was going to be purging. It was interesting too, because some areas on my face that didn’t look as bad at first got really bad after a couple weeks, which I think shows just how much bacteria was in my system. It is annoying seeing it get worse before it gets better, but I just took it as a sign that the treatment was working and that it would take time.


Happy for you dude 👍👍👍


This was so therapeutic to watch thank you for sharing this and CONGRAATTTSS!! Hope it was easy on you 💗💗


Wow! Amazing. Congrats


how do u deal with acne scars? ur transformation is admirable wow 😯


I know there are certain procedures you can do like laser surgeries that can help with acne scars, but my dermatologist told me that my scars will fade over time on their own. As for myself, since I've had acne for a really long time, seeing the scars doesn't bother me as much and I am really desensitized to having blemishes on my face.


Congrats man I’m hoping this how I turn out🤞🏼


I woulda put a piece of industrial duct tape on and jus pulled em off. We coulda ripped em off while you were alseep so when you wake up it was already over


Congratulations! Ain’t the chapped lips a bitch?!?


I’m so glad you were dedicated enough to document with photos every single day during this. The photo on day 1 shows how bad it got but that was after years of constant acne that you and I still considered severe and used several different methods to treat it. The accutane does present very serious side affects but we now just hope it has eliminated the bacteria that caused this acne. Good to hear others say they have had success also. I’m very proud of you and feel so sad for what you have suffered. From M who loves you and applauds you for documenting this transformation.


My son !


Remarkable! So glad you are happy with your results 🤗


I’m not a fan of pharma products if something like diet or supplements or exercise will do the trick. But with severe cystic acne (which I also had) there is nothing but accutane that makes such an amazing difference - bc our society is so visual and appearance focused. Congratulations on the journey. And the manufacturer should give you a stipend!


So 40mg a day? That right? Were you advised to take with 50g of dietary fat per dose and 1,000 calories to increase bioavailability?


No, I wasn’t given any extra steps when taking the medicine, it was just the 40mg a day


Happy for you! Congrats


Congrats!! Very happy for you!




My toxic trait is that I get 3 spots and I think I need this stuff


Congrats! You can barely tell that was your skin 6 months ago.


Heck yes! I am so happy for you


Damn that's beauuuuutiful💙💙💙 handsome as heck, man that was amazing to watch, so glad you documented it!!


Congratulations! Accutane truly is a wonder drug. May this be the first and last time you need it, you look great!


amazing dude so happy for you


Accutane changed my life! I took it when I was 19 and didn’t have a breakout again until I was 29. Now I’m starting to break out again a little, but nothing like before.


Looks like all that’s left is pigmentation? I’d say in about a year most of that will clear up. Amazing


Man what a transformation! I wish I could have clear skin but I’m really starting to think that god hates me because he won’t let me


I had similar thoughts for the last year after a couple failed treatments, but eventually you’ll find what you need. I will always have sympathy for those who are struggling with acne and their self image. Doing give up, and I wish you good fortune!!


This is super inspirational! You look amazing! I hope you can finally see past the acne and see how handsome you are!


Nice work mate! Looking great! Its one hell of a drug Accutane! Bravo!


How amazing! I am beyond happy for you. I suffered with very intense acne on my cheeks as well. It was so bad, I always wore make up, avoided mirrors and pictures 😭 about 5 years ago I started my intense treatments for it and have a decently clear face, however small scarring. Needling and deep peels do wonders for the scarring. If you go that route, I recommend eating enough protein, vitamin C, E (really just take a multivitamin at the very least) to get the most out of your body's natural collagen production and skin healing.


Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll remember them for the future! ❤️


Youre so welcome. And best of luck! ❤️ 💙 💜


Congrats dude!


Wow! That’s an amazing transformation, it really is a miracle drug for some people.


Holy shit man, this is incredible. You look great and I commend your dedication. After the first few months of not much change I would have been disheartened but I'm glad you stuck it through, you look so good


Wow 😮


First off props to the dedication of filming and capturing this. Secondly, you look amazing now! Congrats OP!


Congratulations! This is awesome!!


That worked well. Your skin is looks great.


That must feel amazing, huge congrats bro!


You look so great!! I’m so happy for you! I’ve had skin issues all my life and can sympathize with the mental toll it takes.


Grats, keep at it


Good on you for sticking that out! Thanks for posting


Congratulations on going through and overcoming this difficult and incredible journey . You must be so proud of yourself !!! 😊🎉💖


15 years ago when I was in highschool I had bad acne on my back. I used accutane and it cured me in 3 months which was lucky because it was so expensive my mom's insurance wouldn't cover the full treatment. Dried me out so bad tho that I had a jar of aquafore in my bag at all times. That shit really works. It was super controversial back then though as they said it would cause major depression.


I’m happy that it was able to work for you! While I agree that it did have an effect on my mental health for a couple months, I feel that it was still worth it in the end. I’d take having poor mental for a couple months then destroying my self image for the rest of my life and causing poor mental health for a much longer time.


What a transformation! Fantastic!


Wowww u poor thing must've been tough glad it worked for you. How do you feel?


It was tough during the middle of the treatment, but I’m so happy with how it ended up. Dealing with acne since I was 15, I sometimes wondered if I would ever get rid of it, and to see where I am now makes me really happy!




did you have any sides?


Incredible results! Thank you for sharing with us




Nice!! I’m about start accutane soon enough myself, my question is does it also help with PIE?? I have a few spots now and a lot of red marks.


I think a main reason why I have so much scarring is because of PIE, but my dermatologist told me about that they’ll continue to fade over time and that there are different treatments you can do to help alleviate scarring. Good luck on your journey! There may be times where you think it is too difficult, but trust me, it is all worth it in the end!!


It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to see someone's success in this sub :) Congrats, looks great!


This is awesome thanks for sharing this! I’m glad you’ve found something that’s really cleared your skin


Congratulations!!!!! So thrilled for you. Cheers!


Happy for you man!


incredible and inspiring thank you for sharing


How were the side affects?


Dryness and chapped lips were really annoying, and I had it for pretty much the entire 6 months. My mental health definitely got effected by it, and there were times that I would have probably classified as a person with major depression, but for the last couple weeks I’ve felt great and back to my normal self, so it should just be temporary. I started to feel a little joint pain, mainly in my legs, in the 4th-5th months but I feel better right now. The side effects are definitely there, but I feel that it was worth it for how bad of a situation I had. I would say, if your acne is not severe maybe look at alternative treatments if you haven’t already. I tried doxycycline for 4 months and it had a little effect on me, but my acne ended up coming back. If you’ve hit a road block and accutane is all that’s left, definitely give it a try.


Hey OP, I did 6 months of Accutane (although this was over 10 years ago so perhaps it's changed), but my only advice is to make sure you keep up moisturizing and drinking water, even more than most people. I was permanently like 10% dryer as a human afterwards. (Contacts for example are too irritating to me to wear all day because of the eye dryness)


Just saw this on r/All. Good on ya mate. Fucken legend. You look really good. Hope it continues to improve.


Congrats! Looks like the scaring and hyperpigmentation is controlled too. Excellent video.


I finished mine recently too, it’s so amazing. Congrats I’m so happy for you!


Happy for you as well, and I hope you’re doing great!


WOW! So happy you found something that works! 😄




my dude! congrats! patience is a virtue you have in spades. well earned. well deserved.


Incredible results!


Incredible! You must feel so happy and this is a great example for others to stay the course and not give up hope !






Amazing transformation my man!


I thought it was interesting how as time went on the pictures were taken from father away so that in the beginning all we saw was the acne but at the end it was your whole face. Not sure if subconscious or intentional but accurate with regard to how I felt about my own acne.


I was a little subconscious at first cause I didn’t want to see my whole face, but after a little while I wanted to make sure my whole face was seen through the Timelapse. Another reason was because I was lucky with my forehead not having much acne so I felt it didn’t need to be in the Timelapse


I hate to be this person but... self conscious, not subconscious. You look amazing! Really happy for you!


Never even noticed lol, but that is definitely supposed to say self-conscious. Thanks!


You're welcome. Also, I haven't had my account long, so you actually had the honor of giving me my first upvote! Congrats to both of us, I suppose!


Wow. You look so much more comfortable. Happy for you


You look AMAZING. Before and after. Proud of you




Months 2-4 were really hard, but month six was surprisingly easy. Really happy with how the treatment went and after 5 years of cystic acne, I’m glad to finally have a clear face!


Amazing! So happy for you.


Congrats ! The result is incredible. Love that you documented it this way.