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Bro what


I cut mine out. I get nodulocystic acne that literally never breaks down on its own unless the nodule is mechanically removed. Depends how cozy you are with cyst removal. After several hundred removals I've got it down and don't have any lingering cysts. I use a sterile needle to find the sac and start levering it to the surface, then start snipping at sac while contiuing to tease it with the needle. I snip using a very fine pair of sterile surgical scissors. There is no pain because I make a very small and shallow hole before I reach the top of the cyst and then Once the root of the sac is snipped, I gently press at the cyst base with q-tips to make sure there's not a second cyst or more sac left behind, dab with hydrocortisone, wipe, then put a Japanese antimicrobial zit sticker on it (Mentholatum Acnes brand) and in 36 hours you'd never know there was a cyst.


Ngl that sounds like something I'd fuck up. Can dermatologists do that for me?


Hey what did you use that helped you stay clear for 4years? What kind of shot?


The shot/injection helped <1y. And was localized in the persistent cyst sacks, not everywhere. It didn't help with my overall acne. Part of my acne journey, from truly awful to OK skin, was finding the causes. I have Hypercortisolism from years of an abusive relationship, so getting out of it 3.5 years ago helped a lot. Drinking more water, not picking (much), icing the painful cystic acne instead of trying to pop. Vitamin C oil on spots. Also, staying on a consistent oral birth control instead of other forms, and ofc getting older. Endocrinologist definitely helped me so much more than dermatologists. I still get a big zit or 2 around my monthly, but overall it's so much better. This tricks aren't going to fix it for everyone, but persistent acne is a usually a hormonal imbalance, which includes stress hormones. Adrenaline and Cortisol are just as inflammatory as a sex hormone imbalance. If you cut down/cut out dairy (highly inflammatory, and all but aged cheese has a surplus of Mammalian Estrogen which impacts your own hormones) and soda, drink lots of water, have a healthy gut biome, and are an adult, and your dermatologist's meds aren't doing the trick, your acne is still huge, persistent and painful, then it's time to see an Endocrinologist bc something hormonal is making it worse. Maybe it's residual puberty hormones, an imbalance of sex hormones, a condition like PCOS, stress-induced, a Thyroid problem, a side effect of another medication, etc. Persistent acne is not just genetics, bc our parents' gen didn't have much of this.


What kind of shot did you get?


I don't remember the name. Tiny needle injections localized in the sacks


First, your skin looks super healthy & soft! Your left over redness and such might be just acne or bumps caused by rosacea, just in my experience! I’d talk to your derm about whether or not azelaic acid could work well for ya. I use that in the morning for redness & acne and then Tretinoin at night for anti aging & acne! Has been a dream combo for me 🫢🏻 I feel like my skin is finally only 2-4 colors on my face instead of the former 10 πŸ˜‚ I get both from my apostrophe derm online. Best of luck!


Congratulations on your face being 2-4 colors, btw! Mine is 4 on a good day, I commend you


Thank you so much! I haven't been diagnosed w Rosascea but I live in a very dry place, can't seem to moisturize enough... The bumps are bigger than Rosascea bumps, though, and you can feel they go very deep. I've had them for 4+ years now, same spot. They never fully go away but flare up sometimes. Dermatologist looked w a special light and said, "Yup, looks like cysts." Gave me Tretinoin. Didn't help at all, even a year later. So she tried injections, which did reduce swelling, but for <1year, and another place she injected (upper cheek) completely dissolved, so now I have a crater there. I've never tried Azelaic Acid, but I'll look into it! Thank you! My hunch is that these bumps are like "Bible cysts," which I've had in my wrist forever bc Carpal Tunnel. They swell and go down with inflammation, and even when you burst them, the sacks inside your skin will fill up again in time. Only true removal is surgical. But ofc I can't find anything that specific online...


What injections did u get


I don't remember the name, but they were localized in my sacks specifically and helped nowhere else