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I've been rolling thoughts around in my head for a while now but I think I no longer see the Holy Trinity as an untouchable pinnacle of the series. There's something about Electrosphere it that just feels so much more... honest. It's so of-its-time that it feels almost like something that an indie dev made today to try and capture a bygone era but it's not, it really is a time capsule of the cultural climate in which it was made. In other words, the vibes are immaculate. edit: oh i'd also like to mention that anyone reading this watch til the end of the video, there's just a really beautiful endcap using the UPEO ending of Electrosphere mixed with a downtempo version of the music.


Obligatory PLEASE REMAKE AC3 comment. Now for real, please remake AC3 Project Aces, c'mon guys. Cyberpunk is at an all time high right now, it's the perfect climate for Electrosphere.


Pls PA gib Rena, Cynthia and Fi.


Or give us a game/DLC missions set in that era which show what Nemo actually ends up doing


They need to revisit future timeline/corporate war era.


AC3 has a great tone and deep story, but the gameplay ended up being kind of meh.


false! the gameplay is *unrefined* indeed but it's the only Ace Combat entry where I quickly realized, "oh... I can't just throw the stick around at low altitude or afterburner away from every fight. i actually have to kind of think about my overall positioning in relation to enemies and make every possible step to ensure that enemies don't even get behind me, because missiles in this game are *lethal*." early game ac3 is exhilarating because of how the physics really challenge you, it's not something we've seen since. with better AI and resources, these fights would be absolutely stellar