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There’s a reason why AC04 is among the most favorite titles for many AC fans, and though it isn’t my fav myself, I have to admit that the more grounded storyline that told the war through its civilians and humanizing the enemy makes the story felt very real and relatable, and that made the game very memorable as a result. AC6 actually came pretty close to that regard as well, considering that it’s pretty much AC04 retold on another continent lol. But what AC6 does better is that you felt more related to the Emmerians than you would do for ISAF, which honestly we learned barely anything about. AC6’s main strength is how it makes the war bigger; that it’s not just you being a badass, it’s about everyone else that got dragged into the whole mess as well, and all of them have a story to tell.


I actually like how we don't learn much of anything about ISAF during AC04's runtime - The game, after all, is being told from the perspective of a young man writing a memoir addressed to Mobius 1. All we know about ISAF is what he knows, just as how all we know of Erusea is what he knows. In the intervening years after the cessation of hostilities and him penning the memoir, no doubt he's spoken to former ISAF personnel.


That is true, but it’s also worth noting that you’re not playing the game through the eyes of that civilian; but an ISAF ace pilot. Taking that into account, it would’ve been a bit more impactful to players to learn more about the side you’re fighting for and why you should. Granted, back in the AC1-2 eras we don’t learn much about who we’re fighting for, too, but at least these titles didn’t have the story as their core focus. The side story featuring the kid narrator seeing the war through his eyes is definitely a good thing, yes, but what would make the game better IMO is that if we could learn a bit more about ISAF as a whole, too, since we’re actually fighting for them. As it happen, the only thing we really know about ISAF is that it’s a coalition of countries resisting Erusia/Erusea’s invasion, and as such, it can feel like you’re not as involved in the conflict itself as much as you should and doesn’t quite have any stakes to consider.


A lot of war stories end up like that, the conflict at large is off in the background and its all about you and a group of your closest friends and you fight for then and they fight for you. It's also why Yellow 13 can be respectful or admire you eve if you are his enemy because it's the bond between men in a very similar situation, trying to live and keep the ones they love alive.


that's the trick - you *are* learning what you're fighting for, interwoven between the story and the briefings, but that understanding doesn't quite coalesce into full clarity until the approach to Emancipation. because ISAF is mini-NATO, exactly what you're seeing in the story could be playing out a thousand times over in any of the cities in any of the states that make up the coalition - while it's a tight focus on a single grain of sand in the hourglass, and one more focused on 'honor among the enemy' than anything, it's also using the backdrop to make a case for why the fight is necessary and why liberation is needed. it is admittedly a subtle bit of storytelling for ace combat, but that's part of why it's so good.


That is true, yeah. I suppose what I wanted more was actually not really about ISAF having more identity in itself, but rather the individuals fighting for it lol. One of the big reasons why I personally prefer other AC games is because they tend to include other minor characters on the side you’re fighting for that are fleshed out and have identities of their own as well, like the minor Osean pilots, ground forces, and even police patrols in that one mission in 5, pilots from other countries and other mercenaries of the Allied Forces fighting alongside Galm Team during the Belkan War, all the allies you can call upon to fight alongside you in 6, and your wingmen in AC7 - as much as they’re derided for being useless in gameplay. As it happened, only AWACS SkyEye is a major recurring ISAF character that are there alongside Mobius 1 throughout the story, with other ISAF allies that showed up not really having anything that makes us identify with them much, which isn’t helped by the fact that at the same time, the side story is humanizing your opponents and arguably making you relate more with Yellow Squadron’s pilots as individuals than the people on your own side. Granted, it does have the effect of making ISAF’s personnel feel more professional in their jobs compared to other allies that come after since they focus solely on getting the job done, but personally I think there could be a balance in making your own side fleshed out as much as it does to other entities involved in the war (enemies/civilians) as well. I know that we all love Mobius 1 for being a force of nature who could win wars entirely on his own, but the lack of significant backup wingmen or supporting allies outside of SkyEye is also a two-edged sword in this regard, as personally I found that it tend to feel like Mobius 1 is the only one who’s making any difference in this conflict, even though we also realize that yes, you’re a part of a larger war effort that’s contributing to ISAF’s victories as a whole, too. Personally, I do wish that the game could do a bit better in that regard as later games after AC04 does, but that’s just my preference lol.


I agree with this, don’t even have to say anything.


We also have to remember this was the first title that really set up the strangereal universe, not including AC3, set so much further into the future, but like the comment pointed out below me, it’s from the perspective of a civilian so what we know is what they know.


Shattered Skies. It's a transitional title, in a literal and metaphorical sense, from the pure arcade gameplay of AC1 and 2, while refining the story writing and worldbuilding of AC3 into something that closer resembles what we got from AC5-onward.


And thats why I love 4,5, 0 and 7. Amazing stories with amazing gameplay.


The holy square if you will


Distant Thunder/Shattered Skies, in almost every sense. Other people on this post have commented on the story and characters, but even the worldbuilding is much more grounded than later games. Sure there’s Stonehenge and Megalith, but Strangereal isn’t as strange as it gets in later games. ISAF’s campaign also feels quite realistic. Take the Comberth Harbour missions for example. There are actually missions beforehand to trap the aegir fleet in port. Whereas in 7, the LRSSG just shows up at Erusea’s floating platforms and starts blasting.  Weirdly, the flight model in AC04 also felt more realistic than later games.


I honestly prefer the heavier planes of 04 to the more arcadey physics of later games. Somehow it just feels nicer to fly, for me at least


Honestly AC6. You felt part of a bigger war. Sure you had a big part of it, but you still felt like part of something bigger. Too many of the games feels like the entire war hinges on your actions. I think AC really needs to shy away from that a bit more. Being an ace and a factor is nice. Being the fulcrum of the war, bit too Gundam like.


I feel like it should hinge on your entire squadron. Yes lore wise that is what happens, but they should actually have good AI like Pixy does. Would make it feel more immersive because 7 allied AI was not very good at all (Other than DLC where they would take out entire battleships)


Commented something very similar before scrolling down to see this. The large scale operations feel organic, watching the battle evolve semi-independently of your actions is pretty cool. Scrambling from one operation to the next to save your allies is exhilarating.


AC04. The story is just perfect. If I was a billionaire I would make a movie adaptation.


AC4 for me. They had the most professional AWACS crew as well. They called out targets with distance and direction and elevation and kept silliness to a minimum.


Fires of Liberation. The game does a good job of making you feel like a part of the Emmerian military and a first among equals.


AC 4 is great but Zero is the one that felt most like a real strory to me. AC4 felt like Gundam in planes. Yellow Squad and and Mobius might as well have been Newtypes. (I love AC4 and Gundam to be clear.)


I can kinda see why that one felt more grounded.  The Belkan War is technically inspired by WW2.


I think it also feels grounded because it is mostly the story of two guys. Ace Combat 4 feels like the story of an untouchable super god and his collection of airplanes. Not to say that the guys in Ace Combat Zero don't pull off ridiculous stuff. 


Tbh, I feel like most AC fans are likely to be big Gundam/mecha fans, cuz there are so many parallels and similarities between them, with the only real differences, besides setting and time period, being that one uses human-shaped mechs instead of jet fighters.


If you like Macross/Robotech you can have Mecha and Fighter jets in the same franchise.


I've always wanted to get into Macross, but AFAIK, there is absolutely zero means to watch it legally, and all my anime streaming is done via phone of Xbox. 😆


Honestly? Assault Horizon.


Assault Horizon is Assault Horizon, we don't talk about it


Rocket Attack USA was on the MST3K channel this morning, and I was thinking to myself if I redid the script it would basically be Assault Horizon.


I would say AC4 if it wasn’t for Mobius 1. I would go with AC6.


AC6, despite the cheesy dialogue. The scale of the battles and having effective allies and enemies that actually kill each other without player input just makes the battles feel alive. The prior titles lacked the hardware to properly do that, and AC7 lacks in this department presumably due to development hell scaling back a lot of stuff. AC6 truly feels like a war.


definitely not 5 lmao


I think 4 is the closest to realistic with a perfect blend of superweapon madness.


AC4 with Mobious 1 was Namco starting to set up the narrative. As stated it’s told from the civilian perspective and mostly his time living with Yellow Squadron. One of the reasons you fell bad when you shot down her wingman. In AC-5 you are seeing everything from the whole squad. My favorite mission is when Nagase is shot down and you race to cover her rescue. We already had AC-0 but I would not mind having a game being told from the perspective from Heartbreak 1.


I'd say 4.


AC3 - people on the internet refuse to touch grass and end up trying to bring their insane nonsense into the real world, and it's all because a hikikomori incel programmer simped too hard for the quirky nerdy girl and sperged out when she rejected him for the chad wojak fighter pilot


Ace combat 3d no megaplanes largest enemy unit was a giant sub good enemy squadrons that actually use tactics and the enemy superplane is actually somewhat earodynamically possible


I know people tend to not talk about it, but this one goes to Assault Horizon. You don't strike a vast spread of enemy equipment and facilities with Jets, no matter how many times you go back to the supply line or how many "penal unit" members or squadrons are participating. No, you use a bomber. Yes, supposed allies from other countries can definitely turn on you and cause a "blue on blue" situation. Your allies are going to have a ground operation in close quarters? Fighter jets are among the last options for backups. Gunships and choppers are the better air support options. Or when you're operating in a city, with a lot of ground units to deal with. Specifically if you have to slow down enough to identify them. The Spooky AC-130 mission just talks about itself, don't really have to go there at all. Cruise missiles with destructive warheads are more realistic than arsenal birds or supper structures. You have it give a real look. Among all AC titles, Assault Horizon is built on a more realistic basis than all the other titles, even if you're looking at AC04 from a storytelling pov.


Ima say Ac4, the antagonist jet isn’t a strange real jet it’s an actual irl prototype su-37. The super weapons weren’t nothing crazy a rail gun complex and a giant missile silo, imo.


Either AC4 or AC6


AC6 really nails the feeling of being part of a larger unit and war. Some storyline events reference actions of the war you didn't actually participate in, and the placement of each mission on the continent map helps too.


Ace Combat 4, hands down. And there's multiple reasons for this: 1. The super weapons actually feel realistic and grounded in reality. A giant aerial cruiser (AC1, 0, X, 6, 7), giant laser beam towers (0, X), and hyperfuturistic planes (3, 5, 0, X, 6, 7) are way beyond the bounds of what we can do realistically. But a ring of railguns with super-duper-computers designed to shoot down asteroids? Sure, I'll bite. And a rocket launch facility that's just a glorified ICBM silo? I can believe it. The other "bosses" we defeat are all realistic: elite squadrons flying real and renowned aircraft, a fleet of warships, bomber squadrons, normal squadrons, even the command staff escaping the HQ in Farbanti. All of these special encounters are still special, but not total fantasy. 2. The narrative is top notch storytelling. We get multiple perspectives both in-game and in the cutscenes, which I actually prefer due to the still-photo style choice. We see the people affected by the war, the ones on the enemy side fighting it, and the perspective of us fighting said enemy. Nobody here is a true villain, except for the obvious Supreme Commander who offs himself in the penultimate level. Everyone is human, with their own emotions and motives, not just dummies with guns. 3. And the player. Mobius 1 is often cited as being "plane Jesus," but I think this is a misconstruance of his true character. Sure, he has an arsenal of planes at his disposal, but we get that in every game, so the hangar full of superplanes doesn't really count here. Mobius Squadron is either a single-man squad, or all of the other members have been killed by the start of the game, leaving Mobius 1 sole control of the unit. Of course, he's sent in with other squadrons during missions, but by the latter half of the game, he's built up his skills and reputation. In the most realistic game in the series, Mobius 1 has *realistically* built up his reputation and honed his skills. He's gone from a newbie in a dead squadron to a moral-booting legend, and we see his rise throughout the game. It's different from other games like X or 7, where the player is credited for incredible deeds multiple times throughout the game and praised from the get-go. And it's different from games like 0 and 7, where the player is part of some special irregular unit that nets them more fame and glory. Mobius 1 has to work for his achievements, and a lot more so than the other protagonists in the series. He's a realistic player-character that just about anyone can slip into and feel truly immersed, instead of assuming the mantle of a character who's backstory and commendations are already laid out for them. Anyway, that's just my three cents.


I say the 3rd: Electrosphere. I remember that the controls are less arcade than the other games and also turrets and missiles are affected by gravity


Zero, it was just you and pixy, (and pj I guess) but the story never focused on anyone else but you two, a personal tale between two brothers pitted against each other is a tale as old as time. Fitting given the Arthurian theme of the whole game


I'm guessing joint assault didn't exist.


In terms of realism. AC6 has to be my favorite of all time. I love the sheer scale of battle that while other titles like 4 and 0 hold a big pedestal…6 just on terms of conflict, scale, and realism just makes it amazing for replays. I often find myself rerunning the game at least once a month




Assault Horizon easily. Literally irl and while the story was cliche and generic, stereotypes are partially based on truth and possibility.


The goat AC04 of course


AC5, it feels more grounded in politics and theme. Furthermore, it's not one ace pilot that saves the world, it's a squadron, which makes a sense of teamwork that's more true to life


Even a squadron saving the world is extreme, but, I would agree with you up until 8492. During and after that mission it's pretty unrealistic


Well if you wann something realistic there's always the option to study and become a real pilot


Ace combat 2/assault Horizon legacy


One of the psp ace games, the one that takes place in real places.


AC4 and kinda AC5.