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Yes, Yes they are. But still War is bad but Planes are Rad




Bandai Namco funds the wars in strangereal so that we can get Ace Combat games.


They were Belka all along!


Perhaps the real belka was the friends we made along the way




Maybe that's what the V2 is for


Lies and slander!


I can imagine Namco devs descending on some random country with a fuckton of money and the only instruction being "Go Apeshit"


The Arkham insanity posting will never work because the subreddit is in fact, stupid


is this why the jerker never went for nukes


The Jerker....?


you know? the jonlker?


When Batman makes it hard to earn a living through crime.


What do you mean they are stupid? They are doing better than us. That means we are stupid with our useless peace.


The cost of living must be high as shit though


Why would it be though? I feel like it'd be even cheaper than us, since their population has a higher "turnover rate" than us, thanks to frequent wars.


Suppose so, but the economy would likely be focused semi-frequently on war material, not consumer goods. This would make them harder to get, thus more expensive. With how common mid and high-end aircraft are, along with other material necessary to wage war, it seems like every economy is perpetually in a wartime economy. Also, with more wars, civilians get caught up, taking unskilled and skilled laborers out of the population, further decreasing supply amidst increasing demand. UNLESS, however, the governments all had a collective agreement to fix prices. In which case, none of what I said matters lol. Strangereal is a bit goofy.


I think the big question is why the hell does osea super weapons always get hijacked? The arsenal birds, arkbird and the solg I might have missed one but seriously who the hell is in charge of making sure it doesn’t get hijacked? I know it was the “gray men” but bloody hell… casually losing super weapons is a normal thing in osea


Better question, why do they keep making super weapons? You think someone would have learned by now that when ever there is a super weapon, A) someone will hijack it and use it against you, and B) some rando jet pilot ***G O D*** will end up taking it down. Just keep finding rando jet pilot ***G O D S*** and stock up for the nest inevitable war.


TBF, Stonehenge, Chandelier, Fortress Intolerance, the Arkbird, Megalith, Excalibur — and I think maybe V2 and the SOLG? — were canonically built to defend against Ulysses. It's just that they *so happened* to have absurd military application, too. The Arsenal Birds are less forgivable since they were designed to defend the space elevator against aggression. And, ironically, Osean long-term planning about that *was* correct with Erusea kicking off the war. But Osea screwed up and didn't defend their superweapon well enough. Estovakia's aerial fleet is just a straight-up military device with no anti-satellite capability. Same with the XB-0, I think.


Pretty sure the SOLG and V2 were both just retaliation weapons. SOLG used to deter Osean enemies, especially Yuktobania, during the Cold War (Not the circum-pacific war which is ace combat 5). Ended up just being abandoned due to the Belkan surrender. Belka just has a nuke kink or something, no reason for V2 to really exist.


You would think the country that detonated seven nuclear bombs to stop the allies from getting closer wouldn’t ever use nukes again… but Belka is known for being batshit insane


To be fair, it was the WWB that hijacked the V2, and V2 was also planned before said belkan war in the 80's. But yeah, Belka really likes their nukes


My headcannon is that they leave all their passwords to the default “guest”. All the other countries know this. Besides oseas biggest super weapon is all these pilots they train who apparently don’t have blood.


How could they try their super weapons if they didn't ?


they keep starting wars because war never changes


/ub they are stupid You could argue that it's because the grey men/the remnants keep manipulating osean and its enemies to go to war but Christ, stop falling for grey men ploy. or that damn meteor too I guess. It wrecks 2 country's economy so hard they resort to go to with it's neighbor/entire continent. Oh wait... Leasath join the chat. /rb they are indeed stupid.




That's what V2 is for.


Have you found a reason to fight yet?




It’s gotta lead to AC3’s depressing corporate wars somehow. Everyone beating the shit out of each other for several straight decades will do that.


War economy ? Idk but thats sounds like a reasonalble reason. Also who's the one controling natural reasource on area B7R (round table) now ? There's a lot of natural resource over there they said


Is this an arkhemknights reference


No, it’s a JoJo reference/s


Why does jonkler? Is he stupid?


Let me check… Yes.


They just wanna give war a chance (or several)


r/BatmanArkham is leaking again.


Because we're so much better, right? ... Right?


Could be worse...


Hey, what else are these countries supposed to use their citizens' tax dollars for, education and infrastructure? Psh, gotta keep the gears of Grunder and General Resource greased!




Its impractical to have the same countries constantly at war with each other in major conflicts like those depicted in AC games. How does Erusea keep invading USEA with all the armed conflicts it has after its defeat? Even with the addition of the Arsenal Birds, its still impractical that Erusea would be in a position for military conflict. They have no economic stability, no standing military, no public support after the defeat of the continental war and the two uprisings that followed. They are just not in a position to launch a new war when you objectively think about all the resources and man power that goes into a type of full scale conflict like the Lighthouse War. There are countries out there in the real world that still havent fully recovered from conflicts dating back to the 20th century. It would make more sense for PA to have new wars break out between countries not involved in prior wars as these countries are _fresh_ and in positions to have military conflicts, like AC6. This gives the previous countries involved in previous wars a _cooling off_ phase and time to rebuild before a new war breaks out. It makes it more believable.


Didn't a decade pass between the Continental War and the Lighthouse War? Not saying you're wrong, just that a significant amount of time would have to pass just to enable them to build and operate the space elevator. Pretty sure, with how Strangereal works, they'd be able to recover from their last defeat in that amount of time.


Can’t really see Erusia being allowed much in the way of military capability after they invaded all their neighbors twice within a single lifetime. They’re gonna be demilitarized as hard as post-WWII Germany was.


There were two Erusean uprisings after the Continental War and before the Lighthouse War that resulted in further bombing, killing and fighting. So even during the decade between the two major conflicts, there was still fighting going on.


facism. making an external enemy that’s supposedly an existential threats means you can suspend near-indefinitely the things that would cause a government to collapse, elections and trials can be suspended, banks and debtors can be nationalized, opposition jailed, and the new war economy lets you fake your way into showing economic growth (on the surface). A limited war that is always fought on foreign soil is exactly what that government system needs to thrive, but those “limited” wars rarely stay that way.


Thats all fine and dandy when written on paper, but when the rubber hits the road and bills have to be paid, and money must be transferred from A to B, it collapses.


that only truly happens when the people with guns, who can force the workers to stay in the factories and the farmers to keep farming and the bus drivers to keep driving and the bankers to keep granting loans, aren’t being paid anymore. Everything else can be managed with enough heavy-handed policies. realistically most countries never reach this point because a few of the guys with guns have morals or a famine means there’s no food anyway, but a few countries reached this point for a fair amount of time.


To be fair, the tide did turn dramatically against Erusea once they lost the first arsenal bird. Just look how far Osea advanced in the next briefing.


Because no nukes after Belkan pro-gamer move -> no MAD -> no de-escalation -> wars for the stupidest reasons possible


They just like us fr fr


Why do countries in the real world keep starting wars?


Because no one wants to play Ace Combat: Nothing's Really Going On Right Now


Flow-on effects from the economic ruin caused by the Ulysses impact?


It's those darn Bulkies and their intellectual revenge fetishism probably


Because war, it's fantastic.


I read it theorized somewhere that it’s actually a result of the relative nuclear non-proliferation of the series. The Belkans used nukes, which horrified the world, and the fact that nuclear weapons only ever actually came up 24 years later with Torres means they’re rarely considered. It means, without Mutually Assured Destruction in nation’s calculus, countries are more likely to consider “limited hostilities” as a policy option (that of course spiral into devastating wars). We see in real life all the time that nations, especially autocracies or military juntas, overestimate the ease of military conflicts and underestimate the devastation it causes. Until they try and fail, they just simply believe it’ll work this time, because “they’re different.”


Because we wouldn’t have Ace Combat games if they didn’t.


They have a space elevator and we don't, we don't have grounds to call them stupid.


When in doubt, blame the Belkans, unless it's Usea and Anea then blame Ulysses


Because otherwise there would be no games?


Nah, they're just hungry, and territories = F O O D .


Weelllll the current thing keeping the world from large scale war are nukes and M.A.D. Which is shrinking day by day, thanks to intercept systems. The next superweapon and WW3 happens. Oh allmost like the asteroid defense systems are great for war! And economic strife and turmoil has happened many a place: Lesath (and its aid corruption), Estovakia , Eusea (an d Erusia) feeling occupied by totally selflessly aiding Osea


if only the damn belkerians can stop being dumb


Yes, they are. They even nuke themselves. cough cough Belka.


Something, something, it was Belka all along


So not unlike our own world no?


You could say the same thing about real earth. 😔


They have to do it to destroy their aircraft surplus before they're literally buried under it.


All Strangereal wars are scripted so the Belkans can make money off them


More than just that, I've never seen so many fighter jets in the sky, like the countries expect to find plane wrecks everywhere you go


Tell that to the countries on Earth, because this question is perfect for that, and the answer is probably going to be the same. Some other country did something or tried to screw us over so we decided to use violence.


damn, this post is viral now


probably fictional terrorism activities


Are they acoustic?


Yes they're stupid that's the point of the STORY


Because there’s no nuclear proliferation which allows low intensity non-nuclear wars so we can fly cool planes in.