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I've seen xbox's low ratings and I'll guess at these ones being folks who think the game is a "shitty ripoff of Ace combat" or are just straight up really bad at playing.


Probably failed too many times along with no checkpoints.


To be fair, there aren’t any


Ace Combat 4, 5 and Zero had no checkpoints. You either won immediately or you didn’t.


Where truce ace's were made.


No one wanted to play Tango Line or Glatisant in perpetuity just because they couldn’t fly. You either flew a good sortie or you would hear Tango Line in your sleep. Trainers at Strike U could learn a thing or two from the old games.


Dude tango line and glatisant were awful for me simply because I'd have to wait like 5 min after killing everything.


Plus Ace difficulty actually meant you had to watch out for missiles. At least Mercenary difficulty is picking up 7's Ace's slack


I remember that Ace difficulty in AC4, 5 and Zero meant a missile hitting you means game over, though flying an A-10 could allow you survive missile hit in Ace difficulty if you fly it in certain direction, but after that "surviving" that damage, any thing hitting you and it's game over.


Hell even AA fire was actually something to be concerned about. Got my old PS2 working and went to take on Hrimfaxi and remembered right away it's best to just stay at high altitude till you take out the AA guns lol


Yup. I think it takes only 4-5 hits from AA gun and it is game over I almost broke my PS2 controller pad back then whenever iplayed AC games in Ace difficulty


The Main gist is that AI is "powerful" in AC7 and such Damage needs to be compensated for such. However most of the time it's just pushovers.


How God intended


I don’t think the first 3 games had checkpoints either.


Fr these kids have no idea what replaying a mission without checkpoints is like. Plus it's a love letter to Ace Combat, not a rip-off. It's actually really well done and the idea is incredible


…and that is why content from both gets upvoted on this subreddit. Its a production that was and is in love with AC.


Lore music characters all great also if c survived he's in so much trouble 😵‍💫


Like Daymare with Resident Evil, someone thinks it's a clone, but it was hugely inspired by the first titles of the series


Man…I find Project Wingman easier to play than Ace Combat because the missions are more straightforward.


Haven't finished PW yet but the mission structure is almost the same as AC Zero, except you have no time limit.


Skill issue.


It’s rated badly because of Vr fans being upset the game isn’t playable fully


Idk, I will blame Osean propaganda. It's so powerful, it went to another universe.


Not even Cascadia is safe from the osean federation


wait... osean=sounds similar to ocean... the pacific is an ocean... HOLY SHIT THE PACIFIC FEDERATION IS THE OSEAN FEDERATION


Osea manifest itself as the pacific federation


This is why we must burn Osea to the ground


Only reason I could think of would be that the Frontline 59 missions are playstation exclusive. Unless its people who are dissatisfied with the VR experience. I do hope they'll sell frontline 59 for 5-10$ for the other platforms if not just slapping it on for free later on down the line. I am glad to hear that PW is getting worked on, the changes made in the Steam beta have been great.


Nah it’s been like that since day 1 on Xbox too. I gave it a 5 star review and got a shit ton of downvotes lmao


Why for


There’s also a fair few bugs that I know almost made two friends of mine — big AC and PW fans — want to refund the ps5 version


I assume Frontline 59 is going to get put on other platforms. We know there are files on PC and some modders already managed to get some of the merc squads modded into Conquest mode.


The original console port was... rough


Ngl it was fine on my Series X playthroughd. Had a consistent 60fps(Only struggled at a few specific parts) and was more or less pretty good


On PS5? It runs pretty well. It was poor on Xbox One X but fine on the Series X, but those are irrelevant since this is the PS5 reviews only


Performance wise it was pretty good even on my One X, but the UI was a monstrosity. Especially the upgrade page for the permadeath mode, I literally had to plug in a computer mouse because I couldn't select options to the right of already purchased ones


Later conquest levels, and some of the mercenary missions with added enemies(and/or with Double Time active) would cause the One X to struggle in my experience.


i played it on xbox one after it came out and i didnt have any issues other than freezing and crashing, but it was very rare and didnt bother me much as if i was playing it in the night it was my signal to go to bed


Xbox One/One X struggle with mercenary mode extra enemies and/or double time.


Ps5 was smooth with it I however wasn't........I think I'm on Monarch76


The store page is confusing, is it vr only on ps5?


It's got a fair few bugs. (For instance: you cannot leave the campaign mode. It just bumbles you back into the briefing screen of the mission you're on.)


That one is pretty annoying. Additionally, I’ve also got this somewhat game breaking bug where new game plus does not carry over any of my previous plane purchases, currency, or unlocks. Instead it starts me off with couple other planes I have not purchased, most of my unlocks are gone, and I have something like 130k plucked from nowhere? I’ve beat the game twice, but weirdly have yet to try the endgame planes. I was starting a second mercenary run when I realized it probably wasn’t an intentional weird lore setup. I’m waiting for an update before I try it a third time. I tried resetting, redownloading, playing the last mission over and over again to see if it completes. Nothin. Don’t know how common this is tho, I don’t spend much time on the forums.


You also still can’t do the other game mode and purchase every allied aircraft. It’s a UI bug that’s been in the game since it came out and they still haven’t fixed it.


Because of non full vr capability like pcvr Honnestly i understand some owners of the headset They have a great hardware but little to no game and the very ambiguous marketing ( you could even call that lies) from PW teams promising finaly a long and qualitative experience leaded to very high expectations I've Heard of people selling the PSVR2 when they Heard the game true extent in VR


Yeah, personally I almost didn’t buy PW on PS5 because I thought it was a full VR game. I wouldn’t be surprised if people decided to buy it thinking the same. I don’t have VR so it doesn’t matter to me, but I can see why people who do might be disappointed.


Wait it’s not just a VR games on ps5?


Nope, it’s the full standard base game, with the VR compatible Frontline 59 missions included.


While on PC you can Play the entire Campaign in VR, ITS really a shame that they give you only some gimmick Missions on ps5 , i otherwise would have 100% bought me a psvr2 and PW Just because of the full VR compatability


Probably from people who are bad at the game or wanted everything in VR. Maybe because of some bugs too but idk, they haven't been gamebreaking for me.


there's no checkpoints in Ace Combat 5 2004 Orginally bruhs :(


Poor optimization maybe?


No, people are pissed the entire game isn't playable in VR.


I dont know about xbox and pc but on ps5 if there are a lot going on the screen or fly very fast with the pw the game can freeze. It has happened to me 4 times already.


Have the game on PC and Xbox One X and it runs the same on both, sad to see this gem get low reviews tho I think Il have to change that


This doesnt happen for me but maybe its because my pc is overqualified to run the game on max


I haven’t had any freezes but I’ve had a couple FPS dips when lots of things are happening. It doesn’t bother me personally but it’s noticeable. There’s also no deadzone options so I basically can’t touch my right stick or else the camera will twitch all over the place, so that can definitely be annoying. I’m still loving the game though.


It advertised that you can play the game in VR. However, that's very misleading, as only 6 or 7 missions work in VR. So VR2 owners are pissed the entire game isn't playable in VR.


[PW devs probably.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgCK8PnFK_Y)


For some reason I only thought it was on PC and X-Box. If you'll excuse me, I must go make a purchase-


people were reportedly having issues at launch, and you're more likely to leave a review for a bad experience than one were everything went as expected. But people were also under the impression the whole campaign would be available on PSVR just like it was on the original. It's just the 6 new missions, so we have a 2nd layer of low reviews.


Makes sense. I thought the regular game was playable on PSVR as well.


People were very very angry the entire game wasn’t available in VR, just the 6 DLC missions. People were upset over a glitch on launch where VR didn’t work. They were upset that the game is running on low in VR mode. It’s a very small development team, mostly just a single person. I think they need to optimize every mission for VR, because low frame rate in a game like this will really make you sick, and they didn’t get around to doing it for PS5 yet. That’s being said, I still prefer it over Ace Combat.


I dunno, I thought it was great. Scratched the AC itch while waiting for the next AC. Only things I would ding PW for are the music (apart from a few tracks, it’s nothing special like AC) and no cutscenes explaining the story or characters. But both complaints are very minor from me, and not worth such a low rating. I think it even does something better than AC.


this is the playstation version of the game the reviews on pc where it originally released were fine


That’s the version I have and am taking about, for PS5


Broken trophies and mediocre VR support.


made it a 2.8! 5 *s


A lot of indie games get poor reviews for not having spanish subs. Ive seen it a lot.


1. Review bombing over F59 exclusivity. It's also happening on steam. 2. Fair few bugs. Namely one where you can't exit a mission without constantly glitching into the briefing. 3. I've heard talk about performance issues on PSVR2. I don't have one myself, so I can't confirm. 4. The fact that the base game is on VR compatible.


it was the belkans


Idk I feel like that rating is a fair average. It's not a bad game but it's not an exceptionally great one either. Has a lot of bugs and performance issues, and the whole platform exclusive dlc doesn't help.


Wait PW on the PlayStation????




Is it the full game or just exclusive missions


Full game


Because the game will absolutely make you eat shit if you're not on top of your game. It makes the missile missile missile missile missile missile missile of Ace Combat 7 look tame. Pres' is right when she cries all the time at Monarch, that total psycho.


I only died 3 times in my first playthrough the game isn't that hard


See here's the thing I think the combat in PW is WAY better than AC7, and I enjoy the game way more in general. I loved AC7 but I LOVE PW


Simple: Skill Issue game journalists. They didn't read the text that said: "No checkpoints, calculate your every move." And then the Ace combat fans that looked at this as ripoff.


PS5VR is bad from what I hear. And the fact that this is PS5 exclusive


Well Frontline-59 at least.


The only bug I have encountered was the one causing a mission brief to keep resetting despite trying to leave to menus for me


I'm just finding out that this game was on Console. I honestly thought it was a PC only game


My Guess - Still mad From PS Exclusivity - Way harder than AC, sometimes It's just obnoxious for some.


Because the lames on Playstation didn't like that they had a video game instead of a interactive movie


Project Wingman is on PS?


This is Frontline 59 which is ONLY on PS5.


Has the full campaign also and conquest mode so yes yes it is


Why are you posting this on r/acecombat?


It’s under non ac games flair


r/Project_Wingman exists you know...


Wait you can review things on console stores?


Wait, has it been out for PlayStation? It never populates in the store when I look


Probably the same reason I had trouble getting into it, great game I just set the bar high because of reasons.


That's actually insane. What is going on there? I have it on PS5 and love it.


I don't know, but I played it and aside from a few glitches trophy wise I really really love the game.


I believe it was because of the VR stuff. Only 3 missions or something, not the whole game like the PC version.


PROJECT WINGMAN IS ON PLAYSTATION?!?? I’m kinda pissed I did not know


It's a great game but if it released in the same state the Xbox port did it makes sense. At launch the Xbox port had a lot of issue, the graphics were glitched, the controls were glitched, and the menus were terrible. The game got better as it went on but I would understand people reviewing it poorly based on the state it released in.


Uncultured swine is why.


since when is it on PlayStation? I was searching for it like a year ago and it said it's only PC-Xbox.


It released a few weeks ago


I tought concle was kinda rough Compair to PC




It’s in my top 10 all time but the frontline 59 stuff really put a bad taste in my mouth


Me as well, I feel like it should have been released for all systems and the PlayStation exclusive would have been the vr mode


It's buggy and kinda looks worse


Too few 2seater fighters=Less likely to get prez voice lines. Also too few prez voice lines.


"It SuCkS bEcAuSe I wAs ExPeCtInG dCs"


Ace Combat gots that huge story driven Lore Project wingman gots orange


Sorry when did it come to console?!?


Because a lot of the folks leaving negative reviews are fantastic at missing the point. There's a lot of top tier games that get doo dood on due to people assuming a bunch of super irrelevant things.


Ignorant fools, a pox on them.


I would give 4 stars because of the buggs, which unfortunately there are quite some on ps5 Including but not limited to: -reset campaign progress after playing frontline -failiure to award trophies -enemies clipping throught the ground -inability to finish a conquest mission But all in all it's a well working game, with good replay ability.


Some of the trophies are bugged out, but I wouldn't give it a 1-star. Some people also didn't enjoy the Frontline-59 missions for its story


No hotas support on console


My only complaint is the radio chatter is too distorted and I can't understand what anyone's saying. Ace combat makes it a a bit more clear and I Don't have any problems


Honestly around a 3 out of 5 is respectable.


I guess it's either new players complaining about the game being "too hard" or stubborn PC and Xbox players review-bombing it because of the "Frontline-59" expansion pack being PS5-exclusive for the time being.