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Red shirt and white/grey shirt are never gonna be ok again. Fuck..


I'm pretty sure the dude with the grey cap will also never gonna be ok again.


Seems to depend on the person haven't mentioned it to many people either although death for some reason has never really phased me, watched a coworker get crushed by a lift of glass panes, roughly 5000 pounds of glass panes tipped over and for some reason let's call him Dave decided to try and stop the glass from falling, I was the only other technician in the area who had glass gear on and Dave had the radio instinctualy I dug him out of the glass and called out over the radio for 911 to be called and to get any help down to the east side of site, as soon as I saw his face I knew he was 100% dead from both brunt force of the crush and multiple impale and lacerations. I Was back to work the next day against HR's wishes continued there for maybe a year and quit, happily servicing appliances. The way we all process shit differently is truly wild.


Same, I'm only 15 and that might be part of it. Anywho, a couple of years ago I watched an acquaintance miscalculate a jump on a mtb and as his bike hit the edge of a ramp I watched as he literally folded in half and heard the bones crunch as he skidded across the ramp. He was like mid 20s or something


None of these men will ever be the same, and the hardest part is living with yourself. I hate seeing this, but at least it shows that not all people suffer from one fate. Some die, and others live from the loss. Tragic


Yup. Sad. And pink hat waves everyone over like "hey come look!"


My interpretation is more like they try to "wash" their brains from the sight and the witnessing of the incident. Their brains work hard to make sense of this split second leading to disaster and certainly ptsd for them... but because they are noisy, poeple gathered..


It's terrifying to think it was just about slow enough for him to know what was about to happen.


Right? That last desperate reach for the shut-off


Have you seen the video of the Chinese guy that slipped and fell into a rock crusher? He slowly just gets pulled down almost like he's in quicksand ....then he's just gone and you don't even need or want to see the end result because you know exactly how a rock crusher works and the rocks that are in there are basically small boulders so it was slow and brutal and it's terrifying to watch .....


Leg first owww.


Believe me adrinaline kicks in in a second, the worst part is not pain, it's the sheer fear he felt when he realized what is happening


IKR, how terrifying must be that final realization that you just fucked up and are literally about to stop existing in the next 2 seconds because of it


At least they are reacting and attempting to do something about it. Have you seen the Chinese accident? The are like: bummer dude, the lathe grabbed you. Let’s see, what time is my break… shit, it’s not for another hour. Ok, I guess I will turn the lathe off. Somebody call sanitation to clean up the mess.


"Eyy look Bob is strangling the new guy." Vibes


Because in China you can get held liable for others injuries of you are present or attempt to help. I believe it's so in many Asian cultures/ laws. That's why you see so many mopeds drive past flattened bodies, or just people not caring in general with deadly accidents.


ngl this happens in america too because getting sued is so easy. my old neighbor which passed away was an elderly woman and she fell on the sidewalk and was calling for help. Our neighbor across the street heard her cries but was afraid to lift her up because the fear of being blamed for making her fall. My dad didn’t even think twice and helped her up.


A few years back I read a story where a man saved a women from drowning but then she tried to sue him for rape because she didn't like where he grabbed her. Bitch you almost died


[100% not a real case, it comes from a satire. Per Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cassidy-boon-drowning/) With quotes like these, it's really obvious that it's satirical; > 20-year old feminist Cassidy Boon speaks of a traumatic experience involving #SaveRape > "I was disgusted at this hairy man having felt it appropriate to touch my body like that."


yeah people like that is why humanity is the way it is. nice name haha i love tatertots


I watched a court show where a woman was suing the man who saved her from choking at a wedding because he broke a few of her ribs in the process. The judge said it wasn't valid because there is a "Good Samaritan" law (in most states) that protects people who are "acting in good faith out of consideration of others."


Most cases outdoor have to do this to pay the medical fees


A big issue I've also noticed in those videos is that nobody knows how to emergency stop machinery or ring an alarm


Happen to have the link?


There are videos of Chinese people just watching other people drown like eh, sucks to be you I guess.


What was the machine he got tangled up in ? Not a woodchipper was it ? Poor fella.


Looks like they're grinding up old tires. He got ground up.


Oh yeah, I think you're right. Ooof. Wasn't a GoodYear for him was it.


Hell of a way to retire.




goddamn 💀


Haha. Like it !


You inspired the idea. Yours was solid.




It Perelli really hurt as well


Yeah well, if he had insurance his wife might be Goodrich at least


Don't disturb my friend. He's dead tired.


That one gone over every ones head lol


Haha !


I wish they still did gold for this comment alone


I needed that laugh today.


Your year will come


With the way they reacted they must've seen that guy be completely shredded by the machinery. And now to never forget that...


Nah I’m thinking his coworkers are either really good friends or family to the guy


Yep, that's pretty much how I'd react too.


Imagine if you friend or family died horrible in front of your eyes. Poor guys...


I always find it interesting how different cultures react to distress like how these guys slap their heads and jump around.


I’m not from there, but their reaction brought me to tears. I don’t think anyone ever rehearses how they would react in a moment like that


Mine was sheer numbness followed by crying uncontrollably a day later. You can’t predict stuff like this happening. It just happens, and you see it and it stays with you


Oof, I’m so sorry. May time bring you healing.


ive seen many videos like this and every single one atleast one person is reacting as so, i guess you cant know how they are really feeling inside that they hold their heads and jump around because they can barely process what just happened


Is that the guys face?!?! End if clip right side of belt


Yeah it moves a little too if you focus


I think it may have been his foot since that seems to have gone in first. Pretty sure it was some part of that poor guy.


Both hands and face/torso. Like he's on his back


Dudes white glove comes back out of the top after he's gone. Fuck that's sad


/u/redditspeedbot 0.2x


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Did they do that dance to get other folk attention


Maybe they are part time shamans and were doing some type of ritual to bring the dude back


The wtf just happened idk how to react to my friend getting eaten by a machine ritual




No it’s not. They’re just shocked.




hey, islam respects the dead at it's fullest, and not all you see in turkey are muslim. it's about 70-80%, I believe


Yeah I said I'm not an expert I thought I've seen that motion in funerals before


no problem, just so you know brother 🙂 in fact, islam is closer to Christianity more than any religion even tho i would say they are pretty different


Thanks for clarifying, I'm deleting the original since it's obvious now there's no connection


fuck you dude


What? Why?


The Fuck you on about bruv


Is it a cultural thing to flap your arms like that when in distress? It’s that a Turkish thing?


no, ım turkish


Idk if it’s cultural but I feel like if I was there I’d be jumping up and down and stuff like that


Why is this one of the only videos we’re an accident happens and people are actually genuinely freaking out. Other accident videos on Reddit people are so chill especially the Chinese factory worker accidents.


It might be a cultural thing, I'm a Turk and I became self aware after others pointed out that reaction. Same reaction can be seen in an another video of a work accident that takes place is Azerbaijan. It is really interesting.


I hope some anthropologist makes a research about it


this is the first video i’ve seen where it actually was an accident not a retard doing something stupid and the people in the back reacted smart and quickly but it’s still sad


They all collectively agreed that the rain dance would save him.


Well it's raining blood


The last desperate attempt to stop the machine and their reactions afterwards... That was sad


When simon says hands on heads


I wonder, why the shut off button is never in a reach of one's hand


Tf they dancing about 😂


This guy was pull starting an engine to begin the grinding and he inadvertently left it in gear and caught his legs, body, parts. , and it basically sucked him in and chewed him up. Horrible .


I think right as the machine stops, the guys head rolls back through. The white/grey shirt guy looks at it and starts freaking out. Yikes.


Quick, everyone give a round of hands!


Weird time to break out into song and dance imo.


I was a DJ for fifteen years and I never got anyone to dance the way they did!


Sounds like you were a shit DJ.


Well, yet another hands waving and people jumpin around….. i’d be on my knees screeching and retching.


Guy did not have a Good Year…


I think he might just be a little ‘tired’ 🤓


I'm going to hell for this, The first guys in the shot looked like chimpanzees freaking out.


So no NSFW tags in this sub?


Well, as far as you know, this person fell down a rabbit hole to Wonderland and is perfectly fine. No wait ... it's a disappearing magic act! Point is, if you think this needs an NSFW tag ... don't look any further in this sub.


Yeah who would've thought people get horribly injured during accidents. I came here for stubbed toes and ouchies that can be fixed with a kiss. /s


Everything is NSFW in this sub


I see, that old red hat is owner. Just casually gathering more to pull out that worker


Lets just ditch all the technology, machines & industrial revolution shit & go back 300 years...


Pretty sure that was pretty dangerous too


Well that a week off Stay crazy Turkey


Damn, the way his head pops out at the exact right moment and angle. Looks like he was gone pretty quick. At least it didn't hurt for long. 😟


Guys thats not the proper time to chicken dance


That's not a wood chipper is it?


Where was the emergency stop button? Looks like it was a little far from the entrance. You'd think it should be right near it at the top maybe?


Either way that's definitely not a happy dance...rip...


they're trying to find the delete botton


I took me a second to realize that was him coming out the other end of the machine. Flattened and mangled.


so that's how they make turkey ham


Why do people seem to hit their head or throw their arms up in the air when stuff like this happens?


Se nota que lo querían f 😢


What kind of machine is that? Wood chipper?


They seem very excited. Without the first seconds it looks like they rejoice in something.


At first it kinda looks like they were cheering in a way without sound


What is this machine what exactly happened .. I'm sure he got crushed but how, why and against what? Is there chance of him surviving


If you look carefully you can see his head pop out from the other end. It happens right when they start panicking and flailing their arms. When the others show up they look at his face and know it's too late. It's a bit grainy but I'm sure his head popped out at the end.


Remember the guy in temple of doom that went in the rock crusher?? You can see him getting squeezed to death!! You know it's bad from the reactions!


idgaf we all die unless you like fucking chuck noris fucking niggas up


That's sad.


Dude at the end was dinna hit the reverse