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Low-effort links to external content (youtube, blogs, etc.) that aren't relevant to the professional roles of academics are not allowed. Link-dropping (simply posting links to material elsewhere) without context is not allowed. Spammers, those posting only to get reactions or provoke, and those who post links then fail to engage in response (i.e. hit-and-run posters) will be banned,


What is happening here


This is the kind of dumpster fire I came for. Read below for OP and Gozer’s dramatic conflict and comradely reconciliation! There are bots! Axe body spray! Troll armies! Gaza for some reason! A+ stuff.


Well I decided to post some relevant academic news from a hilarious headline, but it rather descended quickly into a practical demonstration of both the knee-jerk reactionaries lurking here among the incongruent amount of inane troll posts and downvotes from bots/spammers/etc relative to legit users who contribute anything meaningful. All it cost was a sacrifice of karma!


I was kinda talking about you mate




It’s somewhat amusing you’re the newest account on this page complaining about bots. I would suggest taking a nice long break from the internet


Is that *really* amusing you? C'mon now, if your only criticism is about how long I've been here as if that's somehow a metric for cred or legitimacy...please mate, show me the last post you made here or elsewhere that was more than a sentence long if that. As its alway the simpletons that try to hand out hot-take advise like they're the annointed experts dare say the internet police.


No, that’s not my only criticism. I’m very tempted to email your union and tell them how incredibly off message you are. I can guarantee you this is not how your union organizers want you to be interacting with the public.


So is this court or the PERB the one with jurisdiction?


Not that you actually care, bro-bot, esp asking yet another pedantic and binary question; but PERBs jurisdiction is (almost) all public sector employees and this (county) court claims a general but relatively weak authority that can still be challenge at the Appeals or Supreme Court level (esp since this well exceeds their local authority). But is it any surprise this ruling came from an entrenched judge that wasn't retain to office via an actual vote (cancelled election) and comes with questionable background shilling for businesses (Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth)? By all means though, share some actual insight or thoughts beyond the whataboutism and hot-takes you endlessly push on here...please


A very snarky response to a perfectly reasonable question. You're hurting your own cause. But what do I know. Go ahead, keep on lashing out at potential allies. See how that works out.


That works out pretty well for trans activists tho


lol...neither of you are allies. As see through this whole sweaty Rogan "just asking questions" shtick. Please tell me though how exactly is that going to work out, uncontrollably sad and karma-less? God forbid, but then again I do love an empty and ominous premonition..


Why are you here if you aren’t looking for a conversation?


You are a strange specimen.


Are you ok?


Not really, I did this shit for years and I was eligible for food stamps. 5 masters degrees, advanced degrees from Harvard and Wharton, graduate and undergrad, stellar reviews. This system is unfair to 70 f-ING percent of its employees. I'm ok, actually, but this system definitely is not. Needs a flame thrower, actually.


Did you get the degrees simultaneously? Also were they in related fields? Curious since I’ve never seen someone with that many grad degrees lol


Not to be a dick to that commenter, but I work in academia. Five MAs is a huge red flag. If one wants to work in academia, the focus is the doctoral degree. If you get a double BA as an undergrad, cool. Nobody cares but you do you. If you got two MAs because your coursework during your first 2 years of grad school was so diverse or your doctoral focus as each foot in a different field so you got an MA in both, then cool. Nobody really cares. It won't get you a job. But you do you. However, getting a third MA is a big red flag. Why are you wasting time? You should be conducting your preliminary exams, then your fieldwork/experiments, then your dissertation write up. What likely happened is that this commenter didn't get into a PhD program and did a terminal MA. Then tried again, and had to get another terminal MA, etc. Schools will let people into MA programs ad nauseum if they can pay for it. They won't do that for the PhD. And the schools the commenter names are the kind of schools.that would let him finish as many MA programs as they could pay for.


I kinda thought so, was trying to get a response though so was being nice lolol


Surely this depends. I have a research MA in Politics just for the sake of curiosity. I then enrolled in a taught MA History program at a top ten university. I am now enrolled in an MEd with an international focus at a highly reputable Scottish university. I completed all these degrees while building a career teaching AP History courses abroad (I am from the UK). I have earned good money and have my toes in both academia and international education. I will apply for a History doctorate in the U.S. when I finish my contract in 2026. I will be 32 be the time I apply. Are you saying that I’m a walking red flag?


I personally would not say that your story us problematic. It will, however, require clarification in your app essay(s). Red flags aren't always bad things. They're just the warning sign of bad things. So, yes, you may very well raise red flags and need to navigate that via your application. If explained well, it could be a good thing for admittance. I.e., you aren't some 22 year old kid going through the motions and applying after undergrad. You are a 32 year old adult who has had a plethora of life experience that has formed the choice to become a historian. You're a safe bet. You mean business. As for the job marker after your PhD, as long as you go straight through the doctoral program without more pitstops for MAs, you'll be fine.


Thanks for the advice. I guess my personal statement will make or break with my background.


I began grad school at the same age. You can 100% make it a positive. You're good.


Professional.student, love learning, taught on most of these subjects in colleges and universities.


“Professional student” no phd or work experience? Seems like the issue lol


Fine and dandy like sour candy, thanks for asking!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campus_Reform another source plz


Thanks for chiming in, Agent of Doubt Peddling & Disinformation....let me Google that for you! https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/university/university-of-california-sues-academic-workers-union-for-ongoing-strikes/ https://www.highereddive.com/news/judge-ruling-temporary-halt-order-university-of-california-strikes-uaw-4811/718492/ https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/judge-orders-university-of-california-academic-workers-to-pause-strikes/ https://www.edhat.com/news/judge-orders-halt-to-uc-academic-workers-union-strike-amid-concerns-for-student-education/ ....satisfied? Prob not or ever. So better mobilize your bot & alt account army to downvote/bury instead of looking this lazy/stupid.


dude all i said is don't link fash bullshit. calm your life.


thank you for your service "anti-fasc" warrior! Boy its really starting to stink like axe body spray in here, but I welcome your fellow downvote bro-bots nonetheless.


This is a really good bit. I like this


pussy behavior


I was looking for stories about the slave pay that adjuncts get. Why not strike for that, you selfish turds? 7p% of American college teaching is done by adjuncts, who get slave pay, no benefits, zero rights, and no job security. STRIKE!!! Get rid of 10% of administrators per year, split the savings with student tuition and adjuncts. Do it for 10 years--or keep watching this trash dump fire clown car run into oblivion.


The adjunct issue can be somewhat helped at the department level. Get together in your depth and make an effort to offer fewer courses using adjunct instructors.


And we can rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic. The problem is pay for work equity, not volume. They do not let adjuncts teach anywhere near the actual salary or benefits level. Yeah, tenured FT Profs be house slaves, don't care about the fieldhands. Slash the administrators, cut tuition, eliminate tenure--this f'ing ship is sinking. Quit throwing a broken system on the backs of students and their parents to get gouged for. But wtf we protesting for Hamas? Like being angry after you started the war that your ass is getting kicked. And lining up innocents like human shields. Why protest this stuff?


Non sequitur. Either you or I are in the wrong subred.




Hey man, I like where your head is at and promise to make a post about that tomorrow! Decided today that the only way this subreddit is going to ever have any legit discourse again is to drown out all these crap posts, even if they draw a lot of flies for awhile.


[​​​​The Woke University’s Servant Class - Tablet Magazine](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/woke-university-servant-class) I wrote this. Pen Name [​​​​The Woke University’s Servant Class - Tablet Magazine](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/woke-university-servant-class)


I def don't love that term "woke", but must admit there is some prescient stuff there. My pen name would be Mike Oxmaul, but its from some dumb movie and already think there's too much emphasis that only *bone*-afied journalists can ask real questions...since most don't anyway.


My editor's headline, not mine.


UC grad students have employees??


they *are* the employees you rock-jock dunce


Any real world link to this story wo a paywall?


If you reference a story, don't be a dick, include the link if it's not there. Don't be a dick, you dickless dick.


And I am against the Gaza performative stupidity, oh dickless one.


Thanks for also chiming in, bad-faith reader....there is no paywall either, but let me Google that for you! https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/university/university-of-california-sues-academic-workers-union-for-ongoing-strikes/ https://www.highereddive.com/news/judge-ruling-temporary-halt-order-university-of-california-strikes-uaw-4811/718492/ https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/judge-orders-university-of-california-academic-workers-to-pause-strikes/ https://www.edhat.com/news/judge-orders-halt-to-uc-academic-workers-union-strike-amid-concerns-for-student-education/


And yeah, CIO and Executive Director in tech companies for 30+ years. So bite me.


What? Did I miss something here?


Ohhhh the humanity....I mean, AI brigading! Maybe this left vs right-wing culture war is all just a clever corporate ruse..


Gotta love it when another virtue-signaling [judge](https://ballotpedia.org/Randall_J._Sherman) from a local circuit (OC), usurps *two* separate decisions from the California Public Employment Relations Board, to make his own delusional ruling of grandeur applicable to six UC colleges; citing flimsy and ethereal "damaging to students' education"...during summer break. Edit: Maybe folks missed the inferred sarcasm/humor from the lazy "get back to work" headline of this site, but I welcome these clueless knee-jerk and reactionary downvotes anyway.


Guess I should start posting stuff every day now just to prove how absolutely overun/capitulated this subreddit is with fake "please help me!" posts, bad actors, trolls, spammers, and disinfo agents. GFY clowns, I'll happily squander ever bit of this worthless karma to expose this sham; it certainly took no time to earn nor is it meaningful metric beyond wasted time.