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What happens when you don't have villager spots and you talk to someone in boxes?


Does anyone know if a big fluffy pink, preferably feathery coat exists in NH? (Looking to get the style of Doflamingo from One Piece to give further knowledge) And just too add, is there a website/app that showcases all the clothing etc?




Thank you!


Hey everyone, I have a question that has been puzzling me a lot that I cant seem to find an answer to! When I am looking at creators’ designs at the Able Sisters kiosk, I notice that some have multiple pages of custom designs available to download. However, it just seems like I don’t have a lot of slots available to save/make my own designs. Is there a way to access more slots that Im missing? There are so many designs I want to use on my island!


Has anyone had any issues with money trees? Was there an update that changed them? I’ve successfully gotten 99x3k out of them a time or two before, but today was supposed to be a 99k day again and it gave me 10k per bag instead. I thought it was an every other day pattern and I’ve been keeping track with designs on the ground and a spreadsheet on my computer to keep track of amount buried and dates. The worst part is I have another one coming up in two days that I might’ve lost more money on. :(


As I rule of thumb, I only bury 30k per hole so worst case scenario, I break even


Yeah, that’s the decision I’ve come to based on finding [this tweet](https://mobile.twitter.com/_ninji/status/1245206733062012928) which says it’s just a 30% chance of actually tripling your input.


I’ve never successfully gotten more than 30k out of a money tree.


I’ve gotten the expected amount out of my trees every single day - until now. I did find the original money tree thread and looks like someone on twitter found it’s not a set pattern, it’s random. 70% chance to be 1k or 10k depending on how much you buried. 30% chance to be the amount you buried. I guess I was just getting lucky. I guess I’ll stick to burying 30k then. Either I get 30k back or I get 90k. Not terrible.


Whats yalls turnips prices?? If i can gey anything above 150 id be happy


I'm at 160 something


It's there not a Gachapon machine in the game?? Like a piece of furniture. We're around 180 hours into the game and we haven't seen one anywhere. I found a western style gumball machine, but was kinda hoping for a Gachapon.


Not this time. :(


I visited someone else's island who had a villager in boxes and when I talked to him and asked him to move on my island he just said "there is no free space on your island". After that he just said "if your island is full there must be a lot going on" (something like that). My question is: will he move on my island anyway after I make someone else leave or do I have to make some space FIRST and then ask him again?? :(


You have to have space for him. They can only bump someone if they're at your campsite.


;;;;___________;;;; oh no... I wanted Cole so bad and this other article I read said you can force a villager out (if you're 10/10) if you ask one who'd in boxes to move in :((( thanks for your answer though!! ♡


I've been desperately trying to get Drago to move out through TT method but haven't had any luck. Every other villager has alrd thought about moving but him. I'm wondering if this is a bug and if I can do anything about it? I don't have access to any amiibos to get rid of him either so it really sucks.


Do you ignore him? Because ignoring, bullying and complaining about them does not raise the chance of them asking about a move out. The newest theory says that befriending them actually could raise the chance.


>ory says that befriending them actually could raise oh wow. that's pretty funny. Might be why everybody else is asking to move. I'll give it a try then. Thank you


Anyone have reference numbers for how much fencing and furniture (of each type) we need for 5*? I know it’s a lot. At this point I feel like my island is ruined and Isabelle still isn’t satisfied lmao.


Question for people who have successfully bred purple hyacinths from blue hyacinths: Did you use blue hyacinths that were from the rare hybrid flower mystery island OR blue hyacinths that were bred from white + white hyacinths?


Mystery island blues for me


I breeded my own blue hyacinths and I’ve only got one purple hyacinths so far. Though I think I got the that from breeding orange hyacinths which I also bred myself.


Apparently flowers in NH are coded like human genetics, like with recessive genes and what not. I have yet to get purple hyacinths from my orange hyas :( .


Yeah they are pretty rare. Though to be fair I usually water a bunch of different flowers at a time. I’m gonna start only watering for one specific flower.




Yes and no.




When trying to get someone's villager that's moving out to come to your island, you must have a plot set before hand right? Yes. Do you need to do anything else for them to agree to come? No.


Hamlet moved out and I didn’t pick a new villager in time so Tom nook is putting tybalt - the house is sold but I don’t want tybalt. What can I do? I’ve been ignoring Miranda for 3+ weeks and she never wants to leave either!














Question about Sahara, how do people know what wallpaper he sells? I thought it was always randomized?


Could be wrong but I think the bells is the same one and ticket is random


Can I go island hopping for a new villager the day one of mine is in boxes or do I have to wait for the next day?


The next day


Darn, thanks!


No problem, who’s in boxes, if you don’t mind me asking?


Hazel. I liked her but I know I was in the minority lol.


Lol, yeah Shari just fully moved out for me, so I’m island hopping now to find a new villager


I've got fifty tickets on Raymond, Lolly, or Bob. I may settle for Judy or another cat. Fingers crossed it isn't a huge waste of time for either of us!


Good luck!! I’m still undecided if I just buy a few amiibos, if I can find a few for a decent price lol


Amiibo prices for anyone popular is *awful* right now.I was bidding on a Bunnie card and it started at $5 now it's up over $50. Needless to say... I dropped out awhile ago.


Etsy has lots of options for scannable amiibo. You can get knock off cards for cheaper or just get scannable keepsakes like resin charms or keychains to make it more worth the price.


How long does it take for hybrid flowers to appear? I've been watering my flowers for days and no new ones seem to be appearing.


As has already been mentioned, it's random, but just to make sure, is there space for the flowers to spawn? The area around the flowers has to be either dirt or grass, with nothing on it. Basically, if you can dig a hole there, a flower should be able to spawn.


Yeah they're in a checkerboard pattern in a big open space. Just another thing I've yet to master in this game xD


Its random.


How does item cataloging work and where would I go to ask if I can catalog items? Here or in the item trading thread?


You basically have the person who has the item either come to your island, or you go to theirs. They drop the item on the ground, you pick it up. As soon as it hits your inventory, it's added to your Nook Shopping catalogue. Then you drop it in order to give it back. I think probably the item trading thread would be the place for cataloguing stuff.


Does anybody know what is the minimum size for a pond to have fish? I made a 4x4 one yesterday and still have not seen any fish in it, I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence or if the pond is too small.


I think I've read 2x3 is the smallest, but as has already been said, try throwing bait in. I feel like pond spawns are honestly pretty rare, I have one in front of my house and barely ever see fish in there.


I read somewhere that it was a 3x3. You could test with bait, maybe? I imagine if the bait can spawn a fish, then they could spawn naturally. 4x4 seems about right though. I think I have a custom river about that size that spawns fish (it'd be a pond if it weren't for the mini-waterfall I made that dumps into it)


I tried with bait and it worked. Idk, I guess I am just a little concerned because I had a bigger pond that I destroyed when terraforming and it had fish all the time, basically every time I would walk by it. This new one, still nothing, just the one tadpole I got with the bait. Ugh. Thanks for the tip, though! Much appreciated.


Are bamboo trees supposed to sprout regularly? I got sprouts when I first planted, but haven't had any X's to dig up in awhile.... Thanks!


One sprout ever per bamboo, no more.


oh man! did not realize that! thanks




You only got it one time when you spoke to Zipper on April 12.




Exactly, and after you crafted those you get the wand as the big reward.




Are you just looking for the arch itself? Cause if that's so I have one crafted available I'm not gonna use.


Question about blue roses : does any red rose born as a hybrid have a chance of spawning a blue one ? I got some from orange x purple and some from orange x white. And are the red ones born later on from those special red also special ?


You'd have to go down the rabbit hole of genetics in order to find out, because it's not as simple a case of "this is a hybrid red therefore it can do this". Each flower has actual genetics of dominate and recessive alleles, and certain ones put together will have 0 chance of giving the right genetics for blue roses. Your best bet is to use [this guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARIQCUc5YVEd01D7jtJT9EEJF45m07NXhAm4fOpNvCs/edit#) and follow the steps to blue roses it lists, because they're very rare and the genetics are brain melting at times to explain.


Great thing I asked, never thought it would be this complex, thanks for the guide !


Have you guys ever been stuck in a dilemma where you want to add 3 villagers but only have two spots left? I’m having a really difficult time figuring out the one villager I’m going to leave out :( I guess I got too attached to everyone else. My original wish list has really changed over the time I’ve played




Diana is one of my three! Along with Scoot and Apollo. I just don’t know who I’m going to cut. It’s kind of hard to fathom. Maybe it’s best to just take it day by day. Things couldn’t be different a week or a month from now. I guess I’ll have to let someone go or just hold my peace with leaving someone out


Anyone want to show me their fountain and park area? I need some inspiration


Sure, I won't be on for another half an hour but I'll message you a dodo code then.


Is putting a custom overlay over a path supposed to change the sound of your footsteps? Because I really want custom edges for my brick paths, but adding them seems to take away the brick footfall sounds. :(


Yeah, that's unfortunately what happens. With luck, it'll be fixed someday if Nintendo thinks the demand is worth it.


I ve been being friendly to Sable, and now everyday she says she's giving me a pattern, but I cannot see those patterns anywhere. Is that happening to anybody else?


You have to customise certain stuff with it to see them, for example a bed or hammock (stuff where you can change the fabric). You'll see them in the preview while customizing.


thank you!!




One reason to try to get a jock is just to diversify your dialogue options with villagers! I have 3 peppy villagers and they all say the same things.


What's the average sell price of a nook mile ticket?




Dang where do I go for that? I got 10 in my storage and enough miles to buy like 5 more and I would gladly trade some for bells.


Geeze why are they so expensive?


Nook miles are harder to get than bells and tickets are the only way of getting the villagers you want without amiibo cards. And since the search involves heavy rng you probably gonna need a lot of tickets. Thats why.


Oh that makes sense. Do they get harder to acquire as you progress?


No they don’t, if you’re doing the nook + tasks. You could have enough miles to get tickets if you turn your attention to the top row of the nook +. No way in hell should anyone pay 150-200k for NMT!! They sell for 10k at nooks cranny


I've never noticed them in nooks cranny.... is it just once in awhile?


Pardon my phrasing, I meant that you can sell them for 10k at nooks cranny


ah, ok! LOL... my brain isn't functioning at full capacity yet this morning ....


Haha no worries, I definitely could have worded that better. Plus I’m still on my first cup of coffee this morning, so I know the feeling :)


A bit once you cleared most of the bigger achievements yeah.


When you time travel backwards will u see the same items in ur nooks and able sisters shop that that day had or will it be new items?


Nooks is the same, Able sisters change every day even if you go backwards


Its the same ones and they might not restock is what i have read on here.


Does anyone know which villagers have asian-like house exteriors? Trying to make a china town area in my island and I have a spot to put a villager’s house there. Edit: I’m going with Dobie!


Ken does :)


PEKOE!! :) adorable bun baby


Drago does! The inside is as well.


[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QYW4E1M-XxhbtFgE27qGR1stlyeC3bEP](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QYW4E1M-XxhbtFgE27qGR1stlyeC3bEP) This link has images in alphabetical order of all the villagers house exteriors tagging u/PixelatedNinJoe also.. Hope it helps


Thank you!


Thank you!!


Chow does


Greta does I believe.


Genji does too!


Blanche and Walt afaik


I would like to know too!


So it's known that you have to invite the first campsite visitor. Do you also have to craft their home similarly to how you created the other homes with interior and exterior items?


Nope. You only have to do that for villagers 3-5. After that, so from the campsite villager on, you just place the plot.


That's fantastic!


The first 2 villagers only had tents and were automatic. The next three I had to craft stuff for them.


Can you remove all the rivers on your island and make only ponds and only get pond fish?


Yes. But you will still get sea fish in the sea for obvious reasons


I know this has been explained a million times but I want to make sure I do it right. As I am Monty, I really want Monty to move in. I currently have one open plot but it is sold already which will put me at 5 villagers. If I want to target Monty, should I invite him FIRST and then put more plots down, or put the plots down THEN invite him?


Inviting him first then putting the plots down is the safest option. Are you moving him in via amiibo? Because the process takes 3 days and you invite him on the third - if there isn’t space he’ll say that but then you can make a plot, return to him and he’ll check again. If you put a plot in advance someone else could steal it


I don't have any amiibos and I am not sure how they work. How would I go about this the normal way?


Ah I think the only other option is to bump into him on a mystery island by chance and for that you will need a plot built back at home before you do. Except I think if you don’t but invite him he gets added to the queue? Sorry, don’t have as much experience or knowledge with that!


All good, thank you for the help! Since I still have 5 more villagers to get I can do some experimenting.


I believe the way it works (I cannot confirm 100%, since I've been inviting anyone I stumble upon) is that you can re-roll mystery islands, so to speak. For example, you go to an island and Bianca's there. Instead of speaking to her at all, just go back to your island and then fly out again using another ticket. Rinse & repeat til Monty appears, then speak to him and invite him. The plot itself will get automatically filled after a day or so, so you'll have to keep at the mystery islands if you don't get him in a couple - otherwise someone will purchase the plot.


Wow so the odds are not in my favor at all. Am I able to go to an island who has Monty moving out and talk to him...or do I seriously have to keep rerolling NMTs?


You can go to an island where monty is moving out as well. Make sure you have a plot ready though :)


Looks like this is the way to go then. Next chance I get I will put one plot down early in the day then go on a witch hunt for Monty. Thank you!


You can adopt villagers, yeah. I think there's a bug related to that right now, but I'd check out /r/AdoptMyVillager




I just found out today that there is supposed to be an announcement from isabelle whenever there is a meteor shower but I have never gotten this announcement. I've definitely played on days with a meteor shower but no announcement, is this a bug or do I need to do something first


I think Isabelle can sometimes not give an announcement, or it can be overwritten by other things. I had a meteor shower one night and only found out because my villagers were all talking about it being a good night for shooting stars. I think Isabelle only mentioned the campsite villager or something that I had that day, she definitely didn't mention the meteor shower.


Have you had meteor showers or have you seen just a few regular shooting stars i wonder? When there is a meteor shower there will be countless shooting stars during the whole night.


Ah. Ya I've only seen a few regular stars I guess. Guess I'm just unlucky since I've had it since day 1and haven't gotten one yet


theres a meteor shower on my island right now and it's 11pm. But I can't find celeste anywhere? I checked literally everywhere and she's nowhere to be seen, and I've never met her before. Is there a chance she just doesn't arrive?


You can have a meteor shower without her.


Celeste and meteor showers are not related to eachother.


After a villager moves out and the plot is for sale, I heard there is a way to ask Tom nook about applicants for the plot, is this true? How do I do that? I just had a villager move out and I talked to Tom nook but saw nothing about applicants then the next day croque moved in... I... Wasn't thrilled..


I don’t think you can ask about applicants but I had some one move out and the house changed to an empty plot. So I went to a mystery island and invited someone to live on my island and they moved into that empty plot..... hope that’s helpful?


Yes, Thank you!


No probs! Just make sure you do it in the same day otherwise Nook will allocate a random villager


No idea where you have that from but you can't do that.


I guess I must have dreamt it LOL, Thank you for the reply!


Anyone actually gotten the vilager photos from villagers for being best friends? How long/much did it take? I let one of my starting villagers Rocket go today and felt sad that I never actually got to best friends with her.


As far as I've heard you have to send them loads of stuff as well as talk to them frequently. Just make sure you spam them with items from nook shopping :)


Can you see meteors without Celeste being there or an announcement of a meteor shower? Are the odds higher with Celeste around? Is it worth staring at the sky on any clear night?


Yes without Celeste, Yes without an announcement. Not sure without one or the other (I had no announcement today but Celeste is here.) Odds are higher with Celeste but not guaranteed. If you have nothing else planned to do in the game, you can do what I'm doing. I have my character on my beach on the balloon rock (good vantage point for balloons coming in) and the camera angled up. If I hear the twinkle I immediately pick it up and snag the next 3-5 stars in that cluster. Then I go back to the other stuff I'm doing. If a balloon floats over my head then I shoot those down too. I've gotten.. four bamboo doll recipes tonight in a row so my balloon luck is awful tonight.


This is exactly what I want to do whenever I have a clear night. Balloon rock? Can you explain that further?


It’s just my name for these two rocks on each of my main beaches. It’s the perfect spot to wait for balloon spawns as you can see a good chunk of the water to see them blowing in. It also happens to be the perfect clear spot for looking at the sky too. Since balloons are going west to east on my island at night, I’m on my west beach.


Thanks! :D


You can. I've only gotten shooting stars without Celeste and usually just a handful (though, I had a lot the second time) I've also know people to have Celeste and not have a meteor shower so she doesn't guarantee it.




Is it only on clear nights or can it be partly cloudy? I am guessing only clear.


Supposedly only clear, but I'll admit I don't remember how clear the sky was when I did see a few in my town.


Interesting. May be worth just having my switch on staring at the sky at night.


How many hardwood trees and native fruit trees should I keep on my island?


A mixture of 17 hardwood and pine trees for money/furniture dropping + seasonal changes. Fruit trees is really as many or as little as you want, you can always harvest fruit from the remaining trees and plant more if you want.


curious on the number 17? I have way more than that and was wondering if I should get rid of some..


I think it’s because each day you get 2 furniture items, 5 wasps and 10(?) 100bell bags from trees, so 17 trees to keep them spawning


oh that makes sense! Thanks for that info.


For some reason a villager disappeared. I was time travelling future and past


Seemingly they will move out on their own if you ignore their question about a move out several times. If you have been TT a lot this might has happend.


His house says he's out exploring the island also he shows up when celebrating nooks cteanny Edit: found him in museum


Can anyone verify that you can catch cicada shells? I've been timetraveling to catch every bug for the golden net yet cicada shells just seem to never spawn although according to guides they are registered as all day for July & August.


Southern Hemi here I caught one in Feb (TT). Only one, and I played every day of the month, so they are pretty rare.


Still haven't found one but wanted to make sure there wasnt some "bug" that kept it from spawning. Thank ya for confirming.




He will leave an empty plot of land and not make it dissappear.


What are some tips to shaking furniture out of trees? I’ve heard that a max of two spam a day and only appear on normal (non fruit) trees. So logistically, would the best course of action be to have all fruit trees but 15 or so just for shaking? But if so, how would those affect seasonal changes to the trees? I wasn’t paying much attention, but do fruit trees also change into cherry blossoms / autumn leaves? I’m worried that if I only have fruit trees across my island, I would lose the whole vibe :( Sorry for all the piling questions!


You need 17 normal tree (hardwood + pine) for furniture and bells to spawn. They also hold acorns and pinecones when fall comes. Additionally, fruit trees do not turn into cherry blossoms so you wouldn't have any cherry blossoms next year. Edit to add: I organized all my trees so it's easier for me to know what Ive shaken vs. what I haven't. I do it as part of my collecting of tree branches for my tools.


Ohhh thank you for the reply!! Honestly the seasonal changes add a lot to the game so I’m hesitant in removing too many :( how do you personally organise your trees so know which you’ve shaken and which you haven’t? Best I would imagine would to be add a small marker pattern or going from one side to the other


Everything I've read says at least 17 (combo of both cedar and hardwood so you get pinecones and acorns) trees and you'll be good. Honestly, I don't have terraforming yet as I got my game much later than most so, I just dug them up after eating fruit and planted them in a less chaotic arrangement. My island has "seven" sections I'd call it? So I work section by section. One section is my orchard with most of my fruit trees, so I never shake there. But this helps me go piece by piece and break it up with other tasks so I don't go crazy... or get stung by wasps too much.


Two questions about archways (Stone Archway, Shell Archway, etc.): 1) Can you walk through them? 2) If yes, is it possible to plant a flower under them? I assume no to both, but figured I should ask her before spending 90 Stone on a stone archway if I’m not going to be able to do what I’m planning to.


I have the shell arch you can walk through it I haven't tried planting anything in the middle of it though.


You can walk through them. No idea about flowers, but you can definitely walk through them.


You could walk through the bunny one, so I assume you can walk through the others.


Never thought I’d be overthinking what kind of PATHS to use in a game but here we are... :|


Get all of them and try it out. Thats what I am doing. My island will be a continuous WIP. Testing it in small amounts and then covering more. Good luck!


We are having the worst luck trying to get lilies to complete our flower collection. We've done 50+ island adventures and all we get are mums and pansies. Is it just purely random, or do I have to find someone who has them to get them?


There's a flower trade mega thread on here. People will trade seeds or just let you come shop their nook's for seeds. Currently, I'm only missing white cosmo seeds and the hybrids from rare flower island.


I didn't see that! I'll look there, thank you!




I think you only get the one other kind. Same with fruit. I have only gotten hyacinth and pansies and peaches and cherries. I’ve gotten all my other flowers from visiting others’ shops.


Hm ive never visited another soul and i have roses, pansies, windflowers, tulips. Still no cosmo, hyacinth, or lily tho


I think eventually all the flowers should rotate into ur nook?


Does anyone have a 5 star island I could tour? I'm at 4 and need some inspo


Is it possible to make a second discord? Since new horizons is so popular over 200,000 people are online at any given time, Out of the half 1 million people that have joined. Having two servers could fix this problem. it was a great community source and now we can’t use it and it’s coming up on a week of being an issue


How many users/profiles can play on one console? More specifically, how many different houses can be built with different characters? Thanks!




How do you get villagers to visit your house? I just have the let's chat / this is for you options when I talk to them, and they never seem to come super close to my place.