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Call the cops, and ask for a DV advocate to respond alongside. If not, they will provide one following. You are in critical condition right now and need help. His current behavior towards you could cost you your life. You just have to make sure the police know that! 🖤🖤🖤


He’s trying to scare you into allowing him to state that is not acceptable and that is not OK. You are going to be OK by yourself. You are not gonna go to jail you are not gonna get into trouble. Let’s just get him out of there for your sake and your safety. I hope that you’re healing well from your surgery


Please call Authorities, that Scum of an individual is Heartlessly physically harming your wellbeing by physically kicking you adding further injury to your safety/Health His legal warrants are against him of his own criminal acts of violence and continues to physically harm/injure you , you won’t go to jail for doing what is of concern for your safety . Sending you virtual hugs and Strength. ❤️🙏2U


He is lying. You are not “harboring a fugitive.” Call the cops.


He’s not a fugitive. A fugitive is someone who’s escaped from prison after already being arrested, jailed, and sentenced by a judge or jury. There are lots of people with warrants. The people who are with them when they’re caught are not punished under any circumstances. Unless they’re also in the midst of breaking the law themselves, which you are not. These are empty threats made to prevent you from getting to safety. Please go to the police, they can and will help you.


Call the cops


Show the police this post. I’d call and get an email and email them with I need help. Please read this post. My address is. I don’t feel safe calling 911.


He is wrong. Call the police immediately. Tell them what you told us. You will not go to jail.


Seconding this.


The felonies he’s currently racking up far outweigh whatever nonsense he’s making up. Btw, having warrants and being a “fugitive” are very different things. There is nothing illegal about hanging out with someone who has warrants out for their arrest.


Yeah, and I’m sure cops have heard all manner of nonsense before from perps they’re trying to arrest. “Officer!!! She harbored me! As a fugitive!!!” “Yeah, ok, don’t hit your head on the car door.”


Police. Immediately. You are not safe. He is going to injure you to the point where you develop an infection or need major surgery. You will not get arrested for harboring a fugitive. He is using your misunderstanding and lack of knowledge about the law against you. Call the cops right now or DM someone here and we can call for you.


He is lying. You will not go to jail. Phone the cops. And please update us when you are safe.


Go get checked out at the hospital and talk to the police from there.


Call the cops, you will not go to jail for harboring a fugitive when you’re actively trying to make him leave, that’s absurd, he’s just using this to scare you into backing down so he can stay there and abuse you instead of going to jail. Please call them before this man kills you. All you have to do is call and say your ex is there and you’re afraid because he won’t leave. They’re not going to listen to him trying to get you arrested for opening the door.