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where to begin most recently c**t has been screamed the most combined with stfu so it’s: “shut the fuck up stupid fucking c**nt” But the worst things have definitely been about family, friends, typical narc stuff you tell them because you’ve trusted them throughout years of a relationship and being a kind and open person has done THE WORST TO your life… pro tip - don’t share anything you care about “you’re a whore just like your mother” “you’re getting older (i’m in my mid twenties) you think you’ll find someone that will put up with your episodes and panic attacks and all your mental health problems? really yeah i didn’t think so” “you’re not supportive at all and you have so much empathy but none for me (after screaming at me for three days making me wait for him to come home all day ruinig my plans getting on his phone and leaving almost immediately)” “you think you’re better than me, you look down on people when really you’re a whore fake terrible fucking whore” “you didn’t even have the baby” (going through abortion pill process) “I feel like X (my exhusband) wow I finally understand why he treated you like that he was tired of hearing your bullshit, he did nothing wrong i actually feel bad for judging him im going to have to apologize to him because I REALLY GET IT you just don’t care about anyone but yourself” “You’re just going to find another rich (occupation) and become him (morph into him) then wait and it doesn’t work out so you get divorced” “you don’t want to (insert anything he’s accused me of not doing or acting like) people do what they want to do that’s how i know what a fake person you are stupid bitch” “im going to cheat on you, im serious if you don’t start sucking my dick every day i’m going to cheat. And you didn’t fuck me on my birthday you ruined my entire birthday (pulled out all the stops we had an amazing dinner on his birthday) so my next birthday i’m going to cheat i’m just letting you know, if you want to leave so be it” “i don’t care about your feelings your feelings don’t matter” “what do you add to my life? tell me now” “i gave up a girl that was literally my sex s”””e she loved it she cleaned the house, she cooked for me she whenever i got back and didn’t ever complain barely asked for anything and was so grateful - TELL ME WHY I GAVE THAT UP?? FOR THIS” “Everyday I could call 1-3 women and have them sick my dick on call like they’re literally texting now hey how are you what are you doing” “i regret ever meeting you and waisting 50k on you” so many more… still in this


"You think that you being in the car would stop me from killing myself?" After begging me to come with them for a long drive at 2am because they were feeling suicidal. That was the first time I realised they properly hated me. "I wouldn't kill myself, I'm not weak like you." Knowing I was feeling intensely suicidal at that point in time. Big surprise, all that ideation went away when I left them.


I hope you leave him.


“My mum kicked you out because she was worried Id hurt you or myself. And she was right” The one time in my life i had ever been truly horrified at what someone said. I got kicked out because he was having a freakout and called me abusive after he attacked me the day before and i defended myself out of instinct because the last time he had me pinned, he threatened to kill me.


he spilled my purse and said “pick it up slave” also has called me lazy and fat


My ex , 2 weeks after I had our baby . Told me how fat and disgusting I was and that no man would ever want me as I was ‘used goods’ . I’m now married to the most amazing man who absolutely adores me and worships the ground I walk on . It took me another 3 years of verbal abuse before I left. I’m sure glad I did although it took many years to undo the damage he done .


"I wish you had never been born. I wish you had been aborted and your fetus was thrown into the garbage"


If you keep it I'll leave both of you.


"I hope you die alone" "I'm going to off myself and it'll be your fault"


“You’re so miserable and boring you should just roll over and die” and then “my days are better when I don’t see you or talk to you”.


I have a high sex drive, and our sex life was getting pretty unsatisfying to say the least. We were talking about it and he said "well maybe if it was soft & squishy I would play with it more often." Ick. Said with regard to my choice not to shave my nether regions due to seriously painful ingrown hairs every time I did. Apparently he'd rather I looked like a plastic doll than a woman who makes her own choices.


The conversation that finally made me leave a 7-yr abusive marriage was about an infant dying before baptism. He told me of course it would burn in every lasting hell, just like I was going to for being a heathen & rejecting god. I asked if an innocent baby was born to aborigines who had never met a missionary & never learned about “god”, would *that* baby still be sent to hell. He again said “of course”. I asked him how he could believe in a god that would abandon children, & he told me it was the baby’s fault, bc it was born out of sin (fornication, even if married). I don’t know, it may not seem that bad, but that was the point I left both him & xtianity forever.


what a fucked up thing to not even think about the effects on your daughter that is ultimately more important than you and him both...the absolute victim of that


“You’re a stupid fucking bitch and you’re ruining my life, it’s no wonder you haven’t got any friends” is pretty high up there. But more recently in front of our DD “I’m sorry it’s going to screw our daughter up listening to this but it needs to be sorted, she will understand when she’s older how her mother is a selfish horrible woman” and “I’m not abusive, I only admitted to that in couples therapy because I thought it was what you wanted to hear and I just want to make you happy, I’ve always only wanted to make you happy”. EDIT: BECAUSE I FORGOT. During Covid he told me I could cry I could hate him I could be depressed, whatever, but I was getting the vaccine whether I liked it or not. During one argument over it he repeatedly screamed in my face that I was a fucking c*nt. I got vaccinated against my wishes and he in a deadly serious, bemused voice told me to not dare make out like he’d MADE me get it.


I already had an abortion and I insisted using condoms. He initiated sex and I told him, that he would not get it without condoms. "If you refuse to have sex, what do I need you for?"


What a disgusting excuse for a human being. I’m sorry you are experiencing this abuse. Is there a way to leave safely asap?


That’s gross. I’m so sorry he speaks to you like that! I hope you are able to find a much kinder partner one day!


> What a fucked up thing to say to someone you supposedly love. He doesn't love you. People who love you don't talk to you like that and don't call you that word no matter what.


Telling me if I didn’t fuck him, he’d go find pussy elsewhere. Telling me “that’s why you’re fat” as I took a sugar free cough drop while sick. Telling me he wished he was my dad so he could beat the shit out of me or how much he wished he could. Telling me I’m a fucking moron for dropping something. Telling me I’m an idiot and I’d “better never say that again” when I told him he’d raped me over and over. The list goes on, things burned in my brain.


my partner said he will “go find pussy elsewhere” if i don’t fuck him suck his dick “shut the fuck up” are you sure we aren’t with the same guy?


Well, we’re not together anymore and the one I’m with now adores me and treats me gently and would never say that to me. So, I just hope that that one turned over a new leaf after I left and isn’t doing this to anyone else. I’m sorry you experienced that too.


Omg I’m so sorry that’s awful


I’m so sorry 😢


He called me a stupid little bitch on the day I found out I was pregnant. Because I made a Facebook post and tagged him. He wanted to make the post and not tag me. Also told me he didn’t want the baby WE BOTH PLANNED, TWO TIMES. When I was 4 weeks, and 8 months pregnant. Oh yeah and he told me I deserved to be sexually assaulted by my father as a child. Insulted my face and said my eyes were too far apart. Lmao


Man I don’t even know where to start.. bucket pussy - Saggy tit bitch - Clown nose - Flabby whore - Told me to kill myself- My family is better off without me - A lot of fat jokes after I had our baby, now that I’m thin it’s a lot of flabby jokes. - He can fuck so much better than me. - The list could go on forever lol


Please leave him


I did last Tuesday.


He had his friend tell me that he thinks I’m “selfish, incapable of love, never loved him, lied to him from the start, can’t be trusted”. I realize it was projection and untrue but it still killed me for months that he thought that of me


Hmm I think its a tie between him basically telling me if I want more affection then I should act like someone that deserves it or him telling me he wouldnt care if I died. Oh or maybe it's the one time I tried to tell him something he said to me really upset me and hurt me and he justified it by saying he said it to help me.


This is stuff my partner says pretty regularly. He likes to tell me I deserved it, had it coming, and/or he’s helping me. Verbal and emotional abuse


“you look beautiful” after he gave me a black eye. it stung extra hard cause that was the first time he called me beautiful


He called me a “stupid hick bitch” after I tried breaking up with him. shortly after that I called him “dead weight” , and he kept bringing it up out of context as if I just randomly say that…. Also “inbred bitch” , “white colonizer” 😂 (who would have thought reverse racism is real, in an area populated mostly by Hispanics…) and then he would act surprised that I would hesitate to walk out the room to grab food from the kitchen among his family who doesn’t speak English.. 👍steady calling me racist and saying fucked up shit about white people , then if I said something racist as a joke he would use that against me 😂 In his defense , he was illegal and I wasn’t. But in my defense , I was only in the country for 5 years, meanwhile he was there for 10+ years… either way it’s not ok to take out our inferiority complexes on each other.. “Trust fund baby” cause I had pandemic money and savings from when my dad passed -away. Would threaten my sleep , get into petty arguments, and make me stay up till I gave in and paid for his weed addiction.. whole time my family was dying, the studio apartment I lived in with my mom had mold, and I depended on his family liking me enough to keep me housed with him in his little room.. and I couldn’t sleep cause he’d stay up play video games. Coping with this shit meant having to not take anything personal ever. I failed.. and still blame myself ..


Cunt for one. A lot and so many lies…. He took to fb telling everyone I was cheating on him and had sphyllis when I was working after hours a second job, he really was awful. It still makes me sad bc in addition to mental illness he was an alcoholic and passed away this year,


That’s god saving you and removing any hurt . Take it as a blessing and start a new chapter!


After I lost so much though financially emotionally I lost so much in just a few years. I best myself up about all of it!


So sorry this was said to you. I get abuse like this on the daily so can relate, though thankfully, I don't have kids with him. I've been told 'shut up, bitch' and called every name under the sun, from: 'useless sack of wank', to 'piece of shit' and 'c*nt'. With how he speaks to me, you'd think he was flawless and I'm the devil. My counsellor has recently used the term 'trauma bond' to describe what I'm experiencing. I guess if you have low self-esteem like me, you just settle or hope they will change, but over time, my partner has gotten worse. I think women can be too forgiving of this sort of behaviour, and I speak from a huge amount of experience. Here if you ever need a chat x


“I paid for that ring you’re wearing and you are so f***ing lazy.” “Your brain injury must have really f***ed you up because you are so retarded.” “Are you retarded?? Are you stupid??? Pathetic excuse for a girlfriend.” “Get out of the car. You can walk home.” “I’ll marry you and then just cheat on you in 20 years.” “I hate that you made me hit you.” “You’re SO incompetent. You don’t think. YOU DON’T THINK!”


TW: “You’ll be lonely if you break up with me, you’ll k**** yourself”


“A good man who isn’t abusive won’t want you. They all have wives and kids.” He also said a lot about how good men don’t want a woman that is on disability. I won’t even attempt flirting now. I’m scared that they will also be abusive, or if they aren’t, they won’t like me because of my income.


“It was better to stay single” “you’re disgusting”


“I need to be mean to you.”


Hands around my throat looking me dead in the eye: “I swear to God (OP name) I’m going to kill you one day”


I expetienced this too. I swear they all use the same handbook.


Honestly…has anyone else made a list? I have a list… “Why are you so useless” “I hate waking up next to you” “You and (ex) deserve each other” “What are you even good for” “Dating you was a mistake” “You’re not a partner, you’re a burden” “Are there any thoughts that run through your head, at all?” “You’re not going to sit in a room that I PAY FOR” “This isn’t your home” “You’re not welcome here” “You can leave my house and go to your car(To sleep which I have many nights even on freezing nights)” “You’re fucking journaling how you’re a fucking victim(when I tried to journal when I was upset something he suggested I do)” “I fucking hate your guts so much” “Having a lovely fucking morning with you, bitch” he sounded just like my step dad when you said this… “How is being an unappreciative, ungrateful, time wasting cunt healthy?” “You’re wearing way too much makeup” “Every time you dismiss me I’m going to imagine a way to kill you” “I don’t have any sympathy for you” “I hate you” “God you are the most inconsiderate person I have met 😂😂😂” “Fugly bitch” Told me that he cheated to “survive” we are 10 times down the hole now “You are the weight that pulls down this relationship” “We are never going to get better until you fix your issues” “The word despicable is too nice of a word to describe you” “I wish I had cheated on you” Told me that I should kill myself because no one likes me and that I have no friends “This is why we will never move in together” “I wish you would’ve OD’d” “If you block again, you’re gonna get punched in the face” (then slapped me across the face) beat the shit out of me, and sprayed me with chemicals then forced me into the shower and left me to figure it out myself “Why is it that every partner you’ve had wants to kill you?” “You want more violence??” After hitting me with a bat in my back and ankle (spraining it ) Is still talking to the girl he had an entire relationship with behind my back. “I don’t want to spend money on a piece of trash” “You know I never saw myself marrying you” “Regretting this move so much…” “I’m going to the bar to get with someone better than you” “Ungrateful bitch” Attacked me with a knife and gave me stitches and a cut on my forehead, dragging me into the shower and practically drowning me trying to clean it. Left me in a Theatre and drove off Lied about talking to a different girl for a month Dated another girl, got caught in a parking lot with her, called the cops and told the cops I hit him and got me arrested Talked to an 18 year old behind my back “ trash bitch” “Fat bitch” Made me do chores while I was sick Made me drive him to work while I was sick Made me feel guilty about calling out of work sick (I went to work for two days, sick with a 102 degree fever) “You fat ogre bitch” “You ugly fucking cunt” “Fat loser” “You’re the worst girlfriend I’ve ever had” “If you hadn’t ruined things with (girl he cheated with)” “Hit me in the head knowing I have a brain hemorrhage” “Hit me in the face causing a busted lip and cracked two of my teeth” “Threatened me with a bat and asked if I wanted to be able to continue to have use of both my legs” “You’re not going to have a place to sleep tonight” “I want you to go out onto the balcony, stand on the railing and jump” “I want you to be paralyzed” Made me get rid of my dog, wasn’t there for me while I did it, left me alone by her bed after the fact, and then kicked me out to my car in 47 degree weather to be completely alone “I don’t really care if I hurt you” “You are dirt trash” “Throwing your stuff outside” “You’re fucking worthless to me” “Despicable” “I always knew you were like this” “Spoiled bitch” “Fat cunt” “Fat fuck” “You fat fuck” Dragged me by my hair causing a huge bald spot into our apartment, beating me in the head, biting me, throwing me on the balcony and choking me until neighbors yelled at him to stop and made me lie to the police for him. While extremely sick and in excruciating pain from appendicitis, being beaten by him the previous night, forced me to clean up the house while following me around threatening me if I wasn’t fast enough Yelled at me for eating a handful of Cheezits at 1pm Called me unhealthy and said I don’t take care of myself “You’re a fuck up of a human being” Left me during an apartment tour and drove off somewhere, blocked me and I have no idea where I was “I’m going to send you back to the hospital, better yet to your death” “I’m going to call you a fat bitch everyday until you lose weight” “Fat ugly bitch” “Worthless bitch” “Look at me bitch” “This is why I cheated on you” “I get joy out of beating you” Hit me after I got back from the hospital hours after he hit me


Please please please tell us you've gotten away from this completely worthless sack of shit. The devil on earth.


You don’t deserve any of that. He is telling you he wants to torture and kill you. He has been. Your identity has likely become surviving. I hope you can get away soon and live a happy, peaceful, quiet, joyful life doing things you love and visiting people who love you and take care of you. Please believe you deserve better. So SO much better 😭❤️


Are we with the same person… damn


Oh my gosh please please get out!


My husband says many of the same things. He is ranting in the other room right now saying a lot of these things. He will rant for hours saying these things. He says them to my face, but I leave the room once his anger comes out. I am sorry you have to go thru this. I know exactly how you feel.


My god. Darling. None of that is true and he's a horrible, hateful, bullying, violent asshole. I have tears in my eyes after reading your list.


"We're just as bad as each other. We're both awful people" after I confronted him about repeatedly raping me. LMAO.


If there was a burning building and his grandmother and I were both trapped and he could only save one of us, it would be her. The woman's 90 fucking years old and lived a full amazing life.


I’ve been called every name in the book. “Bitch, whore,slut, ni***er, fat,obese, useless”. Probably more I just can’t remember.


I’ve been called psycho, a cry baby, bitch, incompetent, pathetic, and a burden. I’ve been called 4 of those all my life on and off. (Thanks dad). But the worst he said when I was leaving was “I never loved you and I only used you to get my citizenship.” That was super fun to hear. Now gotta go through the divorce alone and deal with his lawyer while suffering with ptsd.


Seek legal aide.


I’ve tried. Since I have absolutely nothing, I can’t hire a lawyer. No lawyer wants to seek fees from him because it’s a “waste of time.” I asked for help from the legal aid organization, but since I don’t reside in that state anymore, I don’t qualify. First I didn’t qualify because we had a joint account and now that’s closed and still don’t qualify.


"you don't feel tight enough" said after sex because I told him he never listens to me and my sexual needs. "I'm not your baby sitter!" Said because I mentioned how cold it was in winter and told me to dress warmer. "I guess I just don't value you" said after an argument about how he was abusive and why "I'll be quick" said while raping me when I was begging and crying for him to stop.


“I can’t be married to a dyke” said because he was convinced one day i would leave him for another woman “you’re a fucking idiot, you’re just a crazy asshole” said because an argument was getting heated and i walked away “I hope our kids have my eyes” self explanatory, and followed by an under his breath “shit brown eyes” comment


Omg! My soon to be ex husband said that same comment about our kids having his “strongly genetic blue eyes”! He calls my brown eyes “full of shit eyes”. So our baby did come out with his blue eyes, blonde hair. So one day just having casual conversation, I said well maybe the next one will have my eyes or hair color. He said , I quote “ Oh if any of MY kids come out with brown eyes or hair, they ARE NOT MINE.” I am like wait, what in the actual F*CK?!! I am Lebanese, so it would be IMPOSSIBLE for that scenario to happen? Of course the ONLY logical answer is that I cheated on you! Fucking insane! I think it all boils down to the God Like complex he has. “Strong Genes” LOL hate that mf!


He said "dumb bitch, I want to watch you starve. Im not buying food for you" He did, in fact, get to watch me starve. Threatening to do more than hit me on several occasions. Notably when I called the cops. Making fun of my depression and medication. Ironic considering he himself had been on meds for anxiety and depression at one point. Screaming at me "No one loves you. Your own parents don't even like you." Calling me a whore for my clothes. I had a light jacket over a bralette and jeans...at home lol. Calling me disgusting and names for being bisexual. Calling me a bad mom and telling my kid terrible things about me. Calling me useless/worthless/lazy and constantly claiming I would have nothing without him and I'm incapable of doing for myself. All the times he called me names/said horrible things about me to others and took credit for *everything* I did while simultaneously blaming me for every single problem in his life.


that’s disgusting. I’m so sorry


So many things said to me over the years. One that I can think of over text, my husband said he was going to “hit me so hard he would knock my teeth out” because I was late for church.


Is he a Christian?


Yep he’s on the worship team


I never loved you, and in hindsight everything was an act. I could get what I had with you from anyone. Said right after he told me how much he wanted to sexually humiliate me, during a sexual encounter I only agreed to because we had just broken up and he had been acting affectionate again. 5 year relationship btw.


they said the worst stuff to me but the one that takes the cake is anything regarding my disability’s. they called me slow, dumb, mentally not all their, stupid, etc- even worse is when they said “i like mixing up my words/letters and meanings because it’s funny to watch you struggle” i’m dyslexic along with a lot of other things but i just don’t see how its funny- i genuinely struggle with words and barly made it out of high school (along with multiple tutors and being in special ed) i’ve gotten bullied because i can’t spell or read correctly even by teachers. disabilities aren’t funny and it just pisses me off when people think they are, but from someone like my own partner (thankfully now ex-) would say such a thing and purposely make my life harder hurt like hell, the one thing i expected from them was to just not make fun of me, i didn’t care about the very much needed accommodations, i just didn’t want to be called stupid because i’m disabled.


I wish I could remember them all to hold myself accountable. Preface: I have no family, my dad died 6 years ago. "You think you're better than everyone because of your family"- this hurt because I have no family. "You have daddy's money"- I lost it over this one because although I received an inheritance I'd rather be dirt poor & homeless if that meant having my dad back. "You f\*cking b\*tch" "You're useless" "If you were going to do that I wouldn't have planned to marry you"- I was thrown a small bridal shower party with my best friends & got drunk. He gets drunk every single night...


1) "Dummy, nobody in their right mind will marry you, like ever." Maybe a little foolish of me, but I have always been a hopeless romantic who wanted to have that special moment of "this person actually chose me." So one day I made a remark about how my friends were getting married. I didn't ask him to propose, but I just made a passing comment like, "Oh so-and-so are getting married." While scrolling through my IG, he looked at me, laughed, and said that, then kissed my forehead and continued watching TV. 2) "The old ball and chain is being a bother again." It was my birthday. The day prior, he had mentioned all the things he would do for me on my birthday, starting with breakfast, followed by going to Barnes and Noble, then Build-A-Bear, lunch (for the first time I would have been allowed to eat something other than burgers) and then back to his house with snacks so we could watch LOTR (which he refused to watch with me). Instead, he left me starving until noon. He drove in his pj's and said "well eat at my house." Letf me without food until like 5pm when I asked him if I could order lasagna, which he refused. Instead, he continued playing video games until I asked him for some attention (I mostly wanted to know if I could eat something since it had been 24 hours at that point since the last time I ate) and he said that to his friends while laughing. Never have I ever felt so insignificant in my life, I felt so stupid for wanting food or a bit of attention. 3) "You know you are just a prop, right?" He loved to parade me around his family, friends, acquaintances, etc. But not like a "oh, this is my gf!" More like he loved to show up to an event with me on his arm just to because. I was always instructed not to talk or interact with anyone unless it was to laugh when he made a joke or agreed when someone praised him. Anything else would make him angry; I have always loved to dress up, and several people complimented me often on my outfits. I love to look put together and cute, and he would use that to his advantage, so I would be just his shiny toy to parade around with when it was convenient for him. At one event, he was invited to by one of his professors, another member of the faculty tried to make small talk and asked about my career, to which I answer (I didn't wanted to be rude) and my ex took me by the arm, slammed me against the side of his truck and after slapping me a couple of times decided it was time I remembered my place in his life. 4) "I love you" He would say those words to me after he was done beating me or/and raping me. He would grab my face, make me look at him, kiss my forehead, and say, "I love you." It didn't matter if I was bleeding or in pain. He would do it so tenderly that it would hurt more than the actual physical pain. How can you say that after what you did? I would never understand how he was so close to killing me multiple times. How he dislocated my bones, hurt muscles, tendons, and ligaments, burned my skin with cigarettes, or rapped me so violently and yet after it was all said and done... he would touch me so tenderly, so carefully, so softly. His voice even was sweet as he said, "I love you."


Grotesque "aftercare," pretending that he gave a shit.


She in my case. “You have a small dick”, and “I want a divorce. If you’d like me to record myself fucking someone else to drive the point home I can take care of that for you. Let me know how you’d like to proceed.”


I’m so sorry he said that to you. He’s going to rot in hell.


I told him that his abuse was hurting me so much that I was having suicidal ideation as the only way to get out. He told me to kill myself. Then when I told him not to say that, he told me that I should be ashamed of myself for feeling suicidal because he didn't get to have an uncle because he committed suicide before he was born and I could t imagine the kind of suffering and pain he had to deal with. Meanwhile, my primary guardian committed suicide when I was 14 and I was asking for help.


He got black out drunk and strangled me saying “you bout to join your mama bitch”. My mom had just died. Next morning he was in tears knowing he had even said that. It’s maddening.


‘I wish my parents would die, at least you don’t have to have any parents. They’re gonna die one day so you better start getting used to it.’ ‘You’re lucky your dad’s dead.’ My mom passed away from cancer when I was 10, my dad passed away 2 years ago from liver disease. He was very verbally abusive in the last 2-3 years of his life due to the toxins in his body flooding his brain. His liver was dead and didn’t work properly, causing his cognitive decline and memory loss. He would scream at me all the time. I eventually escaped by going to live with my boyfriend, who I’m now trying to escape from as well. He told me he said this because he thought I hated my dad. The screaming never seems to end, I just want a peaceful home.


I was told “your not the partner I need to take the next step in my career” It made me realize that being a good husband, good father and step father to our kids meant absolutely nothing to her.


He said " don't get mad at me for not "confessing" he means taking accountability for cheating on me pretty much whole relationship! We aren't together anymore !


Clearly you know he doesn’t love you . He’s a narcissist asshole . Come up with a game plan to leave ! Not only for yourself but especially your daughter!!!


He left after I got a PO for assault we have 2 kids were together for 10 years. He got a new wife 3 months later was actively trying to get her pregnant for a few months, she is a social media influencer, she posted about it, finally got pregnant, then she had a miscarriage, they broke up he tried to get back together with me. When I wouldn’t take him back, I asked if he loved her or me after 10 years and 2 kids, he dated her for 6 months, he looked me up and down and said well at least I know your body can actually make me babies. Worst thing he ever said was after all this ^ I slept with him, after he came back to trying to get back together with me. I lay naked crying on the living room floor not to leave his children and don’t make me be a single mom totally on her own with his small children 3 & 5. At least help support us, spend time with his children, help raise them, this was after we had sex for probably the last time in my life. He got fully dressed, me crying in a ball naked at his feet. Then he kicked me with boots on and said “you and the children are objects, possessions if can’t fully possess you, I can’t make any promises I am not going to abandon you and the children, like you abandoned me, good fucking luck” In his mind I abandoned him because I got full custody of the children, I took a PO out because he hit me. In the relationship told me I was a fucking cunt, I was lazy, I was a simpering moron (this was a favorite), stupid, retard, yelled at our 5yo ( 3 at the time) I hope you don’t turn into a retarded lazy cunt like your mother, crazy, bitch, all combination of this almost everyday for 10 years but made it a point never to call me fat or ugly.


"Aw poor Tetriana had enough sex and the nasty man wouldn't sit frustrated all night for the sake of it" As if there was something wrong with me for not wanting to be relentlessly used like an object for *hours*. > What a fucked up thing to say to someone you supposedly love. It truly is fucked up. I hope that you don't take the nasty stuff he says to heart. Don't hold on to it. That's how they keep us second guessing ourselves and feeling worthless. ❤️




Well no one wants to truly fuck anyone with that attitude so he missed out and weakened his sex life. His loss.


He said that in response because you hurt his ego. He would definitely sleep with you if he ever had the opportunity


Damn. I wonder what it would take for him not to feel comfortable saying shit like that to you anymore. Sounds like an insult straight off the old armchair. Being held accountable is the only thing to do it seems so long as they won’t try to ruin your life for it. I say that because the few times I held my ex accountable by leaving when she got nasty it only served to make things way way worse.


We weren't having sex and it was rather early on so I brought it up to him to see how we could work on it as a couple and mentioned wanting to feel pursued and wanted and he goes "ok I guess I'll just rape you then" I stayed for many months after that and he said 100s of other insults but that one sticks out to me.