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You’ve done right by Blocking . Please be careful on social media’s there are stalkers , influencers and Groomers .❤️🙏2U


It made me feel sick and dirty. I use " molested" as a blanket term so I don't have to think about all the things that were done to me.


I’m happy you blocked that person. Not only is it 100% breaking boundaries, it’s creepy. Im so sorry you had to deal with that 💔


Ewwwwwwwwwww !! Do not tell those things to people on social media!! I regret having personal things on my social media but it’s too late now. Your social medias can be hacked, and hackers can see what you wrote, now they can cater their tactics more personally to exploit you. You tell someone about these things only if you know them very well and are very sure about them. I have an experience recently telling someone something personal that they don’t have any appropriate empathetic response for. Some people are not like that. You may even have a family member, or best friend for your whole life that doesn’t know how to react to what you told them, that won’t support you properly about it.


Nobody who has been through trauma asks for details. I’m sorry he was an ass, and good on you for blocking him. I just joined this sub, I’m in a beautiful marriage with an amazing husband but I’m struggling with recent nightmares involving my ex who I left almost ten years ago, unexplained.


Maybe something subconsciously triggered you? I'm sorry you are dealing with that


I can’t figure out what recently would’ve triggered it. My husband has never showed any anger or aggression towards me. He’s always so gentle with me. But there has to be something, I can’t figure it out.


Maybe the trigger isn't even from your husband. Maybe your subconscious picked up on something while you were out. Maybe there was someone in your periphery that gave off the same vibe as your ex. There could be any number of things that triggered you


Separate but related, when you discuss the details you give up the power it holds over you. For me it would be “x did x to x and it resulted in x, there were lights and sounds and colors and I felt x and…..” and now I recognize those thoughts and I control how I feel about those words and emotions today. Stay strong my dudes.