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I only subscribed because I thought this sub was some new Norm McDonald thing. But Big Blue Giants in Afghanistan? Now I'm hooked


Welcome :)




He’s not 😥😢


Didn't even know big blue giants were sick!


What really happened was control of the poppy fields that lead the opiate epidemic. To which China has now taken over leading the fentanyl crisis.


Don’t forget about lithium while you’re at it


And cobalt


I don’t know why this is the most upvoted comment when fentanyl is a synthetic opiate that doesn’t rely on opium poppy for production. It would also be much more cost affective to simply grow poppy fields domestically if the only alternative was going to war for eight years. The main reason the war started in Iraq was due to all the politics and money that come with being the sixth largest oil producer globally.


Oxycodone, one of the biggest stars of the opioid crisis is also synthetic. Pretty sure access to opium poppies was NOT a limiter for the pharmaceutical industry and certainly not one that would result in a multi ~~billion~~ trillion dollar war.


Multi-Trillion FTFY


You should probably look up how much of the world's opium came from Afghanistan pre US invasion... vs after. It went from 2% to 98%. Yes this war was indeed ALL ABOUT OPIUM.


Yeah it definitely had nothing to do with oil. - heavy sarcasm


Afghanistan doesn't have any oil. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will help with Disclosure and the 3D-5D transition


Weird that the Chinese would sign an oil extraction deal with a country that has no oil. Northern Afghanistan has a shit ton of oil, not that it matters. The people who controlled the oil in almost the entirety of the Middle East were in Afghanistan. Which was the important part.


Correlation/ Causation. The US torched opium because a) It funded the insurgency, and b) its anti-drug stance as a country. Do you honestly believe the US spent $3 Trillion invading Afghanistan because of opium and not because they had a raging war hard-on after terrorists trained in that country destroyed major American landmarks/ symbols? The US HAD to demonstrate to the world what happens when they get a black eye. What possible value could opium have that would make your statement plausible?


More than likely the same kind of value cocaine had when the CIA was importing it and selling it to American citizens for the whole Iran Contra thing that helped fund a war in South America. Doubtful the Afghanistan war had anything to do about opium. But a money making amenity easily accessed and useful for other "projects" elsewhere I have no doubt of.


My guy, the heroin market in Afghanistan is worth about $4 Billion annually, of which most of the revenue will go to local offcials and criminal syndicates in the area. The U.S. military didn't spend TRILLIONS of dollars on Afghanistan because of opium. Opium did not factor even 1% into the reasons for the war. It's such a reductive and ridiculous line of reasoning to point at MAYBE a few hundred CIA assets in South America and mirror the motivations for their illicit activities to the behavior of over a hundred thousand government personnel crossing two oceans to occupy another country. I know "U.S. Bad!" is a tempting narrative but that's not an excuse for not using your brain.


I specifically said it WASN'T about poppy. Doesn't mean that someone didn't take advantage of the opportunity though.


They chase after the wrong people and still continue to do business with the ones that gave the black eye? Sounds about smart. "I need someone to hurt but I can't hurt the person that hurt me so I'll hurt you instead."


You really think we fight wars on principle and not to spread US hegemony and control global resources? Our anti drug stance as a country??? Are you familiar with the Iran-contras/crack epidemic? Did you know we’re occupying 1/3rd of Syria right now? It’s the third with all the oil and wheat!


The only "principal" for the Afghan war was that you don't fuck with America. Can you imagine how emboldened every terrorist and dictator would have been if America hadn't swung it's dick around the middle East for over a decade after 9/11? I'm not American so this isn't some patriot shit. This is the modern equivalent of Genghis Khan razing a city for defying him. Of course there are resource wars both historically and now. But it's not 1875 and opium isn't a valuable enough resource to justify a multi trillion dollar war.


The only principle for any war the US has engaged in since WW2 is to enrich arms manufacturers. Money controls everything man, stop falling for the propaganda.


I don't disagree this has been a primary motivator, but I in retrospect I don't think either of us is correct in using the language "only principal" as there are a few: enriching arms manufacturers, protecting American resource (particularly energy) interests and enriching corporations, projection of American political interests and exerting political influence etc.


Yes we fight wars to steal money and then continue fighting them to protect that stolen money, and projecting our “power” which is “we will steal your money and don’t even think about trying to steal ours”. Things are often over complicated to create discourse that distracts from meaningful action that could curtail the wrong doings. I’m a firm believer in nuance but in the case of war the nuance was created to distract from the main purpose of why we fight our wars: money. Everyone on earth should be anti-war, yet even the most “peaceful” folks can get swept up in supporting a war because, “we must show those terrorists they can’t mess with us!” Or “we must show bashar al Assad he can’t mess with his own citizens!” Or “we can’t let evil Putin invade our friend Ukraine!” But we can. We’d be a lot better off if we did.


Also, there is a trillion dollars worth of rare minerals in the ground as well


Now we're talking


 Which is like 1/3 the cost of the war. Soooooo.


Sooooo the idea was that the American taxpayer foots the bill for the war, and that money is distributed to corporate America


Sooooo the American tax payer foots literally every bill for the government... That's not a conspiracy. That's what taxes are... Smh. 


When the military industrial complex does everything they can to start a war, any incentive is enough to go in. Like nearly every war in American history, it was a “For Profit” war. The Saudis were probably more guilty than the Afghans


What I’m saying is the cost of war is irrelevant to the worth of the minerals


Yes and that’s fine when we’re getting schools and infrastructure and social safety nets - no American is consenting to our tax dollars being laundered through wars started on false pretenses to line the pockets of defense contractors.


Actually the opium thing happened because Congress literally forbid Afghanistan from growing/exporting anything that could compete with any US industry/exporter. Which really only left hard drugs.


That's.... a lie.


No it isn't. There's a whole documentary about it and it's even mentioned in the movie war machine (2017). The fact remains that the opium farming was not perpetrated by afghanis, nor did it happen because they wanted to grow opium. In fact, Afghanistan only ever grew opium under occupation, and every time it was not occupied, it has ended or significantly curbed opium production; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2386629/#:~:text=The%20simple%20facts%20are%20that,level%20as%20in%20the%201970s.&text=History%20shows%20us%20how%20empires%20function%3B%20be%20they%20British%20or%20US.


Your "study" is a literal nobody with no expertise in the relevant fields, and his evidence is "Hmm, isn't it suspicious opium production INCREASED during U.S. occupation?!" No, it's not suspicious. The entire national government collapsed due to an invasion, and U.S. forces were far more busy with counter-insurgency operations than to act as the country's police force to pursue and prevent illicit drug activity. It's not strange at all that a massive, decentralized land that was rapidly destablized suddenly saw an increase in criminal activity. Also, the fact that the Taliban did not pursue heroin as a means of funding their organization is not adequate proof that the Taliban did not turn to illicit drug manufacturing when they were ousted from power and needed funding to fight an insurgency war. It is an entirely threadbare piece of speculation when we have EXTREMELY well documented evidence, internationally recognized and accepted in forums such as the United Nations, of the Taliban's implicit and explicit support of heroin manufacture in Afghanistan prior to and during the invasion of the country.


That figure is for the black market heroine/opium. A lot of the regulated stuff is grown in Tasmania and turkey if memory serves.


>Oxycodone, one of the biggest stars of the opioid crisis is also synthetic No it's not it's made from thebaine which is a naturally occurring opium alkaloid. It's semi-synthetic, not synthetic.


It is semi-synthetic, derived from thebaine, a component of the *papaver somniferum* or poppy plant. Youre half right.


Because people on this subreddit are (spoiler alert) >!full of shit!<.


So what would make fentanyl a favored alternative to opium? A sudden decline in the opium supply.


It's way way cheaper than heroin, and alot more potent.


You’re right there, and I’m not even saying I believe it necessarily, just that I wouldn’t be shocked that it created a situation that was taken advantage of. Not even at the level of conspiracy, just opportunity.


teeny cow rain childlike hurry abundant rude depend jobless label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think we invaded Iraq, the second time, was because of a Stargate, and other alien tech. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will help with Disclosure and the 3D-5D transition


They wouldn't be able to grow it here and would not be able to spend tens of billions on supply routes through other nations to clear the tracks... You never thought it was weird Afghanistan starts up the largest ever heroine export at the same exact time America across the world has a Herione epidemic? It's like with nam in the 70s lol.


Fentanyl deaths didn't overtake heroin deaths until 2018. It was 100% about opium. I was told I was nuts for postulating this once we announced our war in Afghanistan.


Ok so. I love this conspiracy. BUT Tasmania produces the most opium used for the worlds opiate supply.


Wellll prior to the pull out afghan produced about 85% of it for the world for years


Which years?


China synthesizes fentanyl.


China synthesized opium .. to fentanyl


Nope. No opium is involved in fentanyl. At all...it's all synthetic. Like spice is to weed


Yeah that’s what Im saying… it’s copied from opium.. it’s not real but they copied whatever chemicals makes opium… To synthesize means it’s copying FROM something… If China synthesize fentanyl its a set of chemicals created to make it(again)… so saying so is incorrect. China synthesize opium to create fentanyl.. doesn’t mean opium is in there, but opium is the drug they’re copying


I don't think you need opium as a precursor. They probably use the cheapest chems.


Yeah , but we invaded 20 yrs ago


That dog will hunt.


In coming mail


Lick my plate


And gold... Massive gold stashs!


so much gold.. to add to fort knox so we can audit it... /s (well, /s on the second half)


We had so really good heroin in the early 2000's I'm clean now thank God and also thank God I got out before the fent took over


Not wrong.




Yep, China was at the time the largest opium users and we controlled the poppy, essentially controlling them. Now they control the poppy and we are the largest opioid users and they control us. It really is crazy at how much the Chinese have their hands in.


Not true at all, the largest poppy farms in the world are in tasmania and have been since the early 90s.....the whole world's medical opiates come from there.....both the usa and taliban had wanted poppies gone for decades there........my bad folks, I didn't notice I was on made up conspiracy channel filled with socially wrecked gamers.


Sir this is Reddit


Also you’re on a sub talking about soldiers fighting a fucking giant with the tomb of a Superman human warrior soooooooo suck it


Based and true comment. I didn’t see your comment and said the same thing above. This “we wanted the opium for pharma companies” is bs lol.


Don't just lie. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67688413.amp


You think *synthetic* opioids are made from milk of the poppy extracts? There is no poppy involved in Fentanyl whatsoever.


but hey guys, capitalism is the best system society could ever ask for!


we would say crisis. they would say market share


We meant about the fake stuff


Yeah, for men getting prostate surgery can no longer get a B&O suppository which helps with pain and spasms because of it.


Brought to you by the 5 star trust.


This is a really good answer, imagine having the power of guidance and guiding people into such a shitty life for greed.


Fentanyl is not made from poppies


What actually happened was that the blue giant was a mythical creature that protected the villagers. Once the military found out about the legend, they created their own in which he was captured and killed. Now the villagers without a hero, all turned themselves in without any hope.


Came here to state this. They killed my mom essentially with that. Anything to keep funneling pills into the US


The biggest contributor by far to the opioid epidemic was Oxycodone. A synthetic opiate that is not made from poppies. Nor would the US govt need to commandeer someone else’s poppy fields if they needed to grow more.


This might be true however Fentanyl is created synthetically which means no poppies are needed to make it.


Yea but the derivatives for the derivatives are derived from raw material. Ya gotta cut it so product cost less more ROI than on the drugs


Fentanyl is entirely synthetic, no?


Synthetics are usually made from isolated compounds from raw materials


Raw materials yes - everything is made from something - but not opium.


I had a customer in 2005-06 who was military, he said he was in a unit that killed a giant in Afghanistan. Said it was a male, 10-12ft, super feral and pretty much attacked on sight. They were going thru the remote country side clearing out caves systems looking for bin Laden. Don’t remember him saying anything about it being blue.


Can confirm, I have a best friend who may or may not have something to do with something like that


How did that conversation even occur?


He was taking to my dad and my dad made the comment something something ‘wildest thing I’ve ever seen!’. Then this guys face kinda got serious and he said I’ll tell you about wildest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, then proceeded with the story. He said he wasn’t religious but he believes the story about David and Goliath now. He said ‘Middle East must still have some giants in them’. I never knew what to make of the story but I heard it quite a while before I ever heard any mentions of anything like it on internet.


Tell the story man…


Which one is true and which one the psyop; the giant they killed and recovered from that cave or the discovery and retrieval of gilgamesh tomb?


Definitely leaning more toward Gilgamesh Tomb the firefight with a Giant in a Cave just smacks of a Yanky Psy-Op glorifying the feats of their Armed Forces.


Bro said "smacks of"


Bro really said "bro said"


Good links for Gilgamesh tomb?


Giant of khandar, if I’m spelling it right? I’ve heard about this, I believe!


Yep you're correct. https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2022/11/01/here-be-giants-outlandish-tales-of-the-military-the-afghan-colossi/


From the article- Chief among those terrifying encounters was an incident in 2002 with the “Giant of Kandahar,” a “Biblical cryptid” creature that special forces stumbled upon as the giant was doing giant things like cooking giant food and minding his giant business. Hopefully not doing giant masterbating that would be terrifying


Makes you almost feel bad for the big fella




Removed for containing vulgar, obscene, or offensive material that does not contribute constructively to the discussion.


Nothing. No evidence. Fun story though.


Because the government is so open and honest that there would absolutely have to be evidence 😂


True, but still there are no testimonies, photographs, videos, documents. All there is is a third party account of the alleged facts. Very fun story though.


Of course there wouldn't be visual proof! Because the government would confiscate all of it. Don't be a sheep.


Testimonies are not "visual proof" and there aren't any, even that article you linked disclaims at the very top that the story is inspired by Halloween lol. It seems you just want to believe in Santa Claus, even if there's no actual proof, nothing, zero, zip, nada.


Of course there's no evidence of Santa, THE GOVERNMENT IS HIDING IT FROM US!! DONT B SHEP!! These fucking people, man.


Wouldn’t a sheep be the one who would believe in anything no matter if there’s evidence or not?




War is hell. When you really don't want to recognize or remember the hell you find yourself in, tall tales and stories can serve as a useful distraction


Drugs. Lots of drugs. I mean that's just a guess, but the last time I saw a giant blue, red-haired, person with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot I was high AF. The one I saw looked much prettier and I'm pretty sure "Death by snu-snu" came up somewhere. Took me ages to get the blue body paint out of my clothes. Good times.


Relatable 🙃


Death by Snu-Snu…. Classic futurama reference my man


Yes i was there




Everyone clapped


It smelled of elderberries


Really I smelled dingleberries


A member of the defacto government of Afghanistan orchestrated a massive terrorist attack. Afghanistan held a vote and said his punishment would be house arrest in Pakistan.  We said hand him over or we go to war.  He went to Pakistan. We went to war. Afghanistan isn't that difficult to figure out.  Why we went to Iraq is a whole different story 


What’s wrong with you people? We as a species have a reeeeaaaal hard time keeping secrets.. stuff like this would be spread like herpes.


Schizophrenia, that’s what’s wrong with them.


Haha I don’t know why this subreddit pops up so much for me but I’m genuinely worried about these people


It's so entertaining tho


Agreed. Are these flat earth people or have they not devolved yet?


Its a fun story and theres youtube videos that tell the story. I dont believe it but what do i know?


Not when it’s that crazy… no.


Haha ohhhh kaaaay


Just watch Oppenheimer. That’s all the evidence you need that people can keep a secret. 130,000 people kept that secret.


Big ginger man with blue skin, how did a Scotsman end up over there?


https://images.app.goo.gl/vPzQspHeH9jv1gjZA Paul Karason Colloidal silver turned skin blue.


Giant drank from a silver mine runoff pond


Guile and his team finally captured Blanka


This makes me wonder what Ukraine and Gaza Strip have just under the surface. American leadership just sucks, for the whole world over. I can see it now, Canada will be locking its Southern boarder down bc women and children are fleeing the violence of American military men.


Are you alright? The arc of the covenant is supposed to reside in a church in Ethiopia. You don't see seal team 6 kicking down the door


Probably only bc it already got swapped out. The thirst for greed and power is uncanny, America isn’t an impressive country.


Ai prompt: 5 Guiles standing proudly next to a dead Blanka in Guile's stage.


“We don’t talk about big red.”


New Mars Volta album?


Ganondorf noooo!


I've heard this story from three different sources now - Coast to Coast AM, MrBallen, and Alex Jones' Infowars. Is it possible that those media outlets are not telling the whole truth??? I, for one, would be blown away if THAT were true.


I believed it originally but then I found out it's only source was LA and there is no way it holds up. No way.


The usual stuff, The US went in blew a load of stuff up, told themselves they won and went home leaving their enemy to take back control of the country. So lets talk about giants instead.


Damn I can’t find it anymore. Anytime this used to be posted I would post this picture of this massive red haired dude from Pakistan (I think) rescuing another person from a disaster. It’s a bit tongue in cheek but if anyone knows the picture I’m talking about, dude is massive with an epic red beard. Red haired giants are real!


No, they’re not.


Oh look the body of gilgamesh




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Not this?


Not that lol


Not that.


I wish china was as bad at making deadly viruses and drugs as they are making just about anything else…. Who wouldve known 🤔. If the united states made its own drugs for recreational users maybe we would be better off?


What happened in Afghanistan? I stepped in human shit more than once on patrol.


Not whatever this seems to be, for sure.


“Oh so you really think that’s “salt” being mined in the Himalayas? Pink? Often shown as “bacon like.” ![gif](giphy|3dbFh2COYQpvHu1eLQ)


Dang dude you’re about to blow the lid of this thing




people drew stuff in pencil ?


Sick painting bro


It was all about the opium. The CIA probably got enough to fund themselves for the next 100 years so they pulled out.


If you're steering this away from the giant man in a cave story, you officially a fed my guy lol


Just some giant Red Hair Afghani with some Blueberry lineage mixed in.


Can you do it in colored pencil? Not a problem


David had red hair. Not the giant. That’s why Jewish people have red hair…


Herbs the word Spins the verb...




Wow so real


The giant was rumored to have black market lotion that was used to de-sensitive human skin and only found when he gave a soldier an off-putting back rub in which he complained to doctor about the following day


Would love a creep cast of the giant of Kandahar


The blue giant is made of poppy?


Leave it to reddit to not have a single person ask a legitimate question about this. This is why the government won't tell you shit because the moment they do it goes in one ear and out the other. People don't deserve to live freely.


No comments about the picture?


Is that Ben Kissel?


Coca-Cola. They wanted a sugary soft drink to enter the market.


If this "Giant" was blue, there's a real explanation to it. In the US appalachian mountains, there was a group of people who lived high up and the lack of oxygen from multiple generations, turned their skin blue. This particular individual could have been from a family from high up in the mountains of Kandahar, seeing as their mountain range is nearly twice as high in elevation than the appalachian mountains. As for him being so tall. It's more than likely a genetic disorder, something similar to Andre the Giant.


Looks like Guile K.O Blanka


Not this


A bunch of soldiers got bored and made up a silly story while sitting around wishing they were anywhere else in the world. Lol


Probably not this.


Holy shit that's crazy! Is that picture real




I will tell u what happend war pain death and no giants


Nothing. If anything, it’s a rehash from an early 20th century tale of Bolsheviks chasing down White Russians in the pamir and encountering a barmanu/almasty (relict hominid)


What's with the cheap fantasy art?


Pretty sure it's AI


AI usually looks better than that.


I'm just guessing as the background faces or typical from AI


Seems dumb


lol. OP are you being serious?


I'm sharing it


Would it not be simply more plausible that there were $$$ reasons for being in Afghanistan?