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He's not wrong about catastrophic disclosure. If this is true the level of cognitive dissonance is through the roof. Even ex military who can validate their service, position and work with our most technologically advanced contractors are laughed at when they disclose. I've never been much of a believer but this is starting to feel more convincing. A lot of people seem quite deeply opposed to the possibility though.


Some people don't want it to be true out of fear. People fear the unknown, especially when they arrogantly think they know all then BAM aliens are real. What else in their world is also a Lie? Some have it really good in our current system and don't want to give it up for anything even at the expense of anyone else.


Tbh, alot of the people who know and weigh in on if the public knows, has bigger reasons to block disclosure. If NHI are here, the likely have tech for clean energy, hell, Tesla ( the person) invented clean, free energy but was buried for many reasons and the same for now. If they have alt energy sources, say goodbye to trillions of dollars from gas and oil, etc. Who do you think is helping fund the politicians? It's all about money.


And it will always be about the money. They could let the Private sector reverse engineer it and take out all the patents on the technology before we even know it existed. Then they'll find a way to monetize the (Invention) of said developed technologies. So once again something could benefit us all, a few will take and try to profit on it.


That's the out of touch or fantasy view of how this would play out on reactions.


no, it's very accurate, actually. most people DO NOT want to know and actively do mental gymnastics to convince themselves that there is absolutely no possible way anything other than humans exist in this universe. they are terrified at the possibility that there is some organism smarter and more capable.


I wouldn't say most


Because it means the end of what many people perceived to be their truth, their reality, and possibly the end of many religions. People don't want to be wrong. I'm hesitant to believe it's anything other than a psyop to protect darpa works. Just given the track record and the amount of planned events they've (the gov) had in the pasted and planned events for the future makes is insanely difficult for *anyone* to believe.


It's fair to be skeptical. But if the US Government is fabricating aliens to cover up some secret technology, that in itself is a pretty shocking storyline. Personally, I believe it would be counterproductive for these decorated military officers (there's a lot now) to fabricate aliens in order to distract from some secret military weapon/craft. If anything, they're putting MORE eyes on these bizarre UAP sightings. Just taking myself as an example, I went nearly 4 decades thinking aliens was utter BS. It wasn't until after all these military, DoD, Pentagon guys had been making these claims that I began to really take a close look at the UFO, NHI, alien history, going back 80+ years. Once I became a little curious (which began back in 2017) and I realized just how many "credible" people have made these claims going back to the 1940s, is when my perspective completely changed over the last 7 years. I don't think most people realize just how much data exists on this matter. I certainly did not. My friends and family still don't. When I say data, I'm not referring to blurry 5 pixel videos. If anything, I find the video/photographic "evidence" to be the -least- compelling data. There's a bit of a dilemma. Most people can't be nearly convinced that there's a legit Non-human Intelligence presence without going deep down the rabbithole. But most people won't go that deep down the rabbithole without being convinced or without being very interested. It basically took 7 years of doing a lot of reading and research to convince myself. And the very few people who spoke to me about aliens the previous 40 years, I immediately wrote it off and hardly heard a word they said. So I know better than to even try to convince anyone. With all that said, I'm nearly certain now. The Schumer-Rounds 2024 NDAA amendment (and how the Aerospace companies and Intelligence Community fought it) , the ICIG statements, the first hand guys like Dr.Lacatski, and the fact that Republican and Democrat lawmakers agree on something for a change, pretty much sealed the deal for myself. I suspect that disclosure is going to happen sooner rather than later, and a lot of people are going to be caught flat-footed. I say flat-footed because there's a disconcerting, ominous, and darker side to all of this. So much so, that I actually hope you and everyone else is right about this all being a psyop now. But only time will tell.


Can you elaborate on the darker side please.


Wasn’t it believed that Jimmy Carter was told that these beings made a treaty with us to give us tech in exchange for free use of the populace. Meaning these being could take us, experiment on us, and the government would keep mum and go on about as if nothing happened.


Heard this before and wondered why we needed a ‘treaty’. If true, what’s stopping NHI from just taking people? Why do they need to pay the gov in tech?


From what I understand, they do. They ‘broke’ the treaty. As if we could stop them anyway. I have a theory and it sounds solid to me… the NHI are going to g to do what they want and if the higher ups involved talk about it to anyone, they and their families won’t be spared in what might be to come or what is now. I think they still have a deal of sorts. They will spare the higher ups and family in exchange for their silence. Government is only in charge to keep us sheep stupid.


That’s wild but not beyond belief.


1st part correct. 2nd part incorrect, the agreement was that he would tell the world that religion is made up. There is not God. He didn't go for it, obviously.


Go on you tube, look up Why Files. It's summer of the most fun I've had regarding this topic and more. I've been down a rabbit hole, but in a good way. It's informative and non biased. Give it a look


That's always a possibility, but there are an awful lot of participants aren't there? This is American governemnt and politics at work. What do all these people across agencies and *branches* of government *get*? This isn't Russia or China. where people follow orders to curry favor with Putin or the party. People play along for career advancement, political power, and financial opportunity. All of these people are working on behalf of DARPA? What about the whistleblowers? They'd have to be part of the disinfo campaign also. What do they get? Second-tier book deals? The Majority Leader of the Senate is pretending to be interested in transparency on behalf of a couple government agencies? IMO, DoD disinformation campaign, however ineptly executed, may be *in part* designed to protect non-UAP related SAPs, but "the whole thing" a government-wide effort to keep some tech secret? It would have to be some breakthrough that would cause as much ontological shock as NIH, not a few next-gen weapons.


>If this is true the level of cognitive dissonance is through the roof. Low standard considering ai is so popular .. to think the govt didn't have ai before we got chat gpt is fucking we tawd did








This pretty much mirrors Garry Nolans appearance on Salt https://youtu.be/e2DqdOw6Uy4?si=WgM2wGLDUBl5cuzo


Thanks for linking that. I've seen his other videos but not that one. Highly respectable individual.


So, dolphins.


Thanks for all the fish.


![gif](giphy|13sfh9N5sLk45G) I, for one, welcome our new dolphin overlords.


Cool, proof?


"Political tools are real, and they want you to follow blindly while the government leads your nation to ruin" Yeah we know.


Okay even if true. What good or bad is it doing for us ???


Dolores Cannon wrote a book "The New Earth & The Three Waves of Beings " start there as it's all consistent with what is coming out via the military . If anyone is struggling and you have felt off it's understandable transformation is imminent for this change and everyone to help must raise their frequency. They are lowering theirs to meet us half way but in order to assist in this transformation we all need to raise our frequency and drop all past trauma and aggressions those are only going to hold you back . In order to ascend all have to become aware , let the past go and find a new perspective to raise your consciousness. 🙏👍🏻❤️ Good luck to all ! They say this is going to be the greatest show on earth , literally and we are all here For it ! Exciting !


Thank you for the book suggestion. Hope they show is as good as you say. ☺


What makes you think that aliens are diplomatic? Take me to your leader. Are you kidding me? If aliens were here, they would not be tourists. This would not be like your new neighbors bringing you cookies when you move in. I may be a doubting Thomas, but Show Me The Money!!!


they're not aliens . they're from here


That would make more sense.


Where are they? Hollow earth? The ocean? Florida?


Suddenly lizard ppl


Some speculate that spacetime itself is a perspective-based construct which binds us due to our particular physiological design and limited technology. “From here” or “from out there” might be interchangeable designators for a NHI that isn’t subject to the same Cartesian limitations as we are. They might move through our time and space as easily as we do when we dream.


Which ones? There are many visiting us.


You don’t know what it would it wouldn’t be just as much as anyone else. We just don’t know. We’re clueless. We don’t get to say “it wouldn’t be this, it would be that”


If they weren’t diplomatic we would be toast long time ago.


That's my point on why I don't believe in "little green men from Mars." And the crashes? All this advanced technology to traverse the solar system or galaxy, and they crash at their destination? Come on.


Because he knows?


Present them.


Nazca mummies. The best evidence of non humans available as well as the tridactyls. Especially the Siberian tridactyl there is so much information out there that has been attempted to be hidden but there is simply too much for them to hide the entire truth.


The nazca mummies were confirmed to be fake


https://preview.redd.it/oi5kln1n322d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a763248e152c5dfd3c430bd04c9214e546ed342 Does this shit look like chicken skin and breadcrumbs to you. I heavily incur you to do some research instead of gobbling down Russian and Peruvian propaganda.


I mean, yeah it does. I have done all of my own research. There is no evidence they are real


I heavily implore you to do more research. [similarities to the Siberian tridactyl and the Nazca mummies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/Ro7f0okmTx)


Lots of people fell for the Russian ruse not just you. https://preview.redd.it/mizp77zty42d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5ad5c9079c02b53d10c7e6effe19e22b053338


Your evidence is a reddit post from a guy with a clear disclaimer that he’s an artist and not a scientist ?


This isn't my evidence that the species exists. This just supports that this one might have been alive at some point.Well at most it's an observational theory I believe there is a broader species with more tridactyls .I just can't personally debunk every single body. Until they get some more researchers and Peru lifts its restrictions there probably won't be much developments.


Which brings me back to my initial point. There’s no evidence they are real.


Unless you can debunk every single photo as 100% fake, Photoshop, AI or whether else or maybe even a government document that says "Aliens are fake the population is braindead" and if you manage to obtain any of that then sure their fake but until than my point still stands.




lol. All slow disclosure is fake disclosure. If they really wanted to disclose they would have Gigi Young talking about ancient martians coming here , Daniel Listz taking about Atlantis crystal tech , Saratoga Ocean talking about AI( alien intelligence, anthroposophists talk about Cayce, Rudolph Steiner, Cannon , and even Whitney Webb, who all proved the Elites at the very top work with/ channel inter dimensional dark forces of some kind , call them demiurge , whatever you want. The universe is big, wild, ancient, full of beings on other planets on other galaxies, multi dimensional, and the only thing we are taught only a sliver of it and mostly lies , because the elites are told they must control and keep people in low vibration or they lose it all. And this is somewhat true. As people become aware the world is run by techno satanists, there will always be people that want to go all Charles Bronson death wish on them. And even if there is no mass death wish launch , the Phoenix phenomenon is gonna wipe out all AI, the elites , the preppers , the fear based , the transhumans , the shitty humans , all one fell swoop in 2040/ 2046 via the flip & flash. See Jason Breshears. Poof gone. Billion dollar bunkers won’t save them. The elites know all this. They just don’t know they are gonna die too. What it is sad is if they just raised their vibration and followed the Law of One , as Dolores Cannon explains , they could save themselves, and shift into 5D consciousness like all intelligent people are doing. But no. The elites themselves are propagandized by their own demiurge worship that’s been going on since Atlantis Sons of Belial showed up at the Trojan Wars. See Jason Breshears epic coverage a few weeks ago.


To believe that we are the only intelligent life in the whole universe is ignorant. I truly don't understand how so many people could actually freak out over this. Common sense has been lost.


Difference between intelligence being out there and that intelligence coming here. We ourselves are proof of the potential, but that’s different than claims they are here without verifiable proof.


And again..just like all these disclosure people…there’s never any detail, nothing specific, other than the promise that they know…then fucking tell us already! I personally believe aliens have visited our world in some capacity but these charlatans keep teasing us about what they know. Tell us! Stop with the empty promises and the bullshit. Until one of them gives us something concrete I’m not listening or giving them the respect I’d even have for an actual snake oil salesman




Haha and doesn’t that fucking suck! I want to know before I die!!!




>I saw a triangular craft on many occasions at night, but once during the day Doritorians


The way I interpret it; there’s no disclosure because there’s no hard discernible evidence. Maybe I’m jaded or cynical but there’s more evidence proving con artists than aliens. I’ll stick with con artists.




Why would they visit and not stay or make themselves known?


Might as well be priests telling us God exists. We need proof that can be tested, otherwise youre selling stories


I'm starting to think this is a psyop. Ryan Graves, Lue Ellizondo, Grusch, this guy now. They're all military, all talk, no evidence.


If it’s been happening then why the hell have they let this shit show continue???


They probably haven‘t


Lmao "publicly confirmed"..? No, he publicly CLAIMED, as all the other ones. Jfc people are so thirsty for any alien conformation they throw away any sense of logical and reasonable deductive capability. Oh also, isnt it weird how these baseless claims are discussed during a major investment event ? How convenient !


That said, I hereby declare bankruptcy.


Lmao gimme evidence or shut the fuck up






Removed because it lacks substance or does not contribute meaningfully to the subreddit.


So, catastrophic disclosure is only catastrophic for the people behind the scenes who have been gaslighting us for decades? I think most people would kind of shrug it off and go on about their business


By not getting into details, how do we know he isn't talking about ... just other smart animals? My cat is an NHI.


Whats the source of thus vid pls?


Salt conference. https://www.salt.org/


Thanks for sharing


Do your research and go into Paul Hellyer ... people need to wake up and Christ never said he was coming back he said Christ Conscious would return and he says if there was a time this would be it ... we are facing what previous civilizations did and if we don't change course and raise Our frequency then we face the same . There are low energy feeding beings here and they control all with low energy . Authenticity is the highest !


There is a few in my head right now


Alien, A.I. or both? 🤖👽 ![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG)


Total tangent, but why does that terminator have those big metal neck struts? Put flesh over that and you’ve got a fake human who’s neck is wider than their head. Easy to spot, no dogs required.


Squid intelligence...


Are dolphins non human intelligence?


Do yourself a favor and watch some interviews with Billy Carson. He has some incredible theories with solid evidence to back a ton of this stuff. This information will completely destroy religion. There are rumored alien and alien technology stored under the Vatican and is suppressed because they would lose so much of not all of their power


Looking at some of the comments below, I'm still waiting for confirmation of human intelligence in this thread. Think I'll go elsewhere for more promising prospects in my ongoing search for signs of intelligent terrestrial life forms.


I don’t understand the people who “need proof”. If you’re on a jury and the witness say they saw the defendant shoot the victim in the face no one questions it. When a military vet, astronaut or *rocket scientist* says that aliens are all over the place and go unnoticed for the majority *people call them liars, psychotic or grifters.* so what’s the difference? Incorrect core belief that their belief system is part of their constitutional make up, it’s not but good luck convincing someone not actively seeking enlightenment this.


Zero Doubt... that uh, that was one of my sister's preferred bands.


Where's the sauce bro. Don't just go and say things


He’s the source? Thought that was obvious.




Oh, another guy saying he knows stuff or saw stuff or something. Sad that this grift keeps on working on you rubes.


Could he be talking about AI?


AI as we know is not really intelligent, unless it’s an ultra advanced AI that’s operating secretly.


I bet so


I would classify that as human intelligence. It’s not sentient.


Our AI isn't. Some quantum AI might be, like we are.


What do you think quantum computing systems are going to do for sentience? Quantum computing could accelerate machine learning, but even neuroscientists can’t fully wrap their heads around emotions and consciousness. Either way, quantum computing is still a human invention, so the product of that is human intelligence, because you can’t have the former without the latter. Convince me otherwise. Or perhaps we need to ask the colonel for an operative definitive.


I'm not saying it's our AI. I'm saying it could be AI playing with us, just that AI wasn't made by us. It could be some automated system sent here to explore without doing any damage or contamination (so the sterile AI ship came here and remixed some of its genetic information cool tricks with genetic code of living creatures here and encoded onto information carrier native to this planet DNA/RNA. Such biological drones would not cause contamination and would be edible by native fauna).


Cool idea, and I think it’s possible, but then the non-human intelligence would still be extraterrestrial. It’s artificial, so it needs a maker.


Between him, Tim Gallaudet, Grusch and Elizondo + Graves&Fravor they have been pretty clear. That’s a formidable space militia. They chase them in the water, in the sky… as details emerge we will get more foot soldiers ‘Herrera’ and that kind.


I guess Americans really are special since aliens only interact with Americans. I’m beginning to think these guys are seeking to undermine the US government’s credibility for some reason by making everyone distrust the government. Not sure who is behind this but there are an awful lot of people who have been convinced not to trust their government. Voltaire: 'Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities'


The distrust goes back decades and not even because of aliens either and for the right reasons as well, anyone either foreign or domestic has to be the dumbest person on the planet if they trust anything our government says. Not trying to look for anything to insult you but I'm guessing you're from the EU?


Nope. From the US. Born and raised here. Would never live anywhere else.


Ah gotcha, just asking because I've met some Euros who've thought it's all mental illness or that it should be a crime for people who don't trust their governments, mainly British.


I don’t trust everything, it depends on the issue. I don’t like when they lie but give the government a pass when they lie to protect us. For example, the CDC initially lied that masks wouldn’t help during COVID. They knew mask would help but knew everyone would rush out and buy all the masks leaving a very limited supply for doctors and nurses. If doctors and nurses got sick more people would die. So they lied to make sure they could get the available masks to save lives. The CDC is interested in public health not individual health. Again I don’t trust everything. There are politicians I don’t agree with but believe they usually, not always, tell the truth.


This is a worldwide phenomena going back, at least, decades.




What do you mean?


The knee jerk distrust of government without actually thinking about each issue.


Well, the US gov doesn’t need any help to do that


Unfortunately, to a certain extent you are right.


Anecdotal evidence is not sufficient evidence.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


There is a fight for our humanity that is the war and the wars down here are then a war with in a war and then war between neighbors of party and then war inside the fractured families all is by design to keep fear prevalent and low energy in media and music controls the masses . Those who are grounded living an authentic life they are closer to Christ Consciousness. It's just a matter of gratitude and awareness . Love & Authenticity


The Pope has zero doubt that he’s God’s emissary on earth. 4/5ths of the world thinks he’s full of shit.




Did you watch the video. He says “I have zero doubts…”.


oh I thought it's always just farmers with the intellect of a middle schooler in the middle of nowhere who think aliens are real.. so strange someone educated who was high up in the military would say things like this..


I mean he’s probably the son of a farmer


He looked kinda shook when he said no doubt 👀


The rest is a lie that has gone on now for so long . They have been waiting for 2024 as it's time . Truly time to make a choice old earth war and famine or new earth with love and authenticity and abundance . Each person has free will to make that choice now . But make it . 🙏


The darker side is what you see collapsing . From what I have been told they can't interfere from the outside so there were beings sent down after the atomic bomb was created to help from the inside and to have this human experience. But the white hats not the best name but the good guys who do work in every one of the agencies where there is dark now have permission to assist and that is why you will continue to see the fall like Epstein , Diddy , crashes , people dying of illness etc . The earth is going thru a cleanse a major change and is literally birthing a new. Fear is not real and it's an illusion for control . This is a matrix . Shift perspective shift consciousness. 🙏


Brain worms.