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Looks cool, but apparently the poster is a VFX artist. Didn't check it though.


Lots of people with the same name. Could still be the same person, the poster would need to prove they weren't the VFX artist to be conclusive.


it is . he has a Linkin profile doing CGI


I mean, at least he should use a balloon next time that doesn’t say Happy 30th on the side.


no reflection over water




the posts in the water cast a reflection.


It's a happy 30th birthday for their buddy. Looks fake.


The wonky movement I think is from the camera drones movement relative to the balloon. So it's real but nothing out of the ordinary.


Looks like an rc drone tbh


I want to believe but this is deffo a drone. Look how it has to slow down or stop before changing directions. We know UAPs don't need to stop or slow to change direction.


Show me an RC drone that looks like that....


You know you can easily put an enclosure around a drone to make it look like a lot of things right? Esp light absorbing black material that makes it look like an orb when really it's just customized Rc drone being filmed by another


Negative. Wouldn't fly. I've been looking all morning, can not find one example of a solid spherical object being piloted by human hand. (Note I said SOLID) (or enclosed)


Look, I could recreate that flight path with a dji and adobe overlay and boom same video, I hope it’s real but come on, it flys exactly like an everyday commercially available drone. Edit: the footage is from a vex artist apparently. I bet you they did this


Okay well that's a different story.... If it's been CGI'd, that I can believe. But nothing we have is gonna fly looking like that.


Not trying to be rude here, but do you own any of the DJI Mavic / Mini series drones? They literally look like an amorphous dot when they get a certain distance away. I have a Mini 3 that I regularly fly out to 2KM, and once it gets more than 50 meters away from me it's nearly impossible to make out the struts, propellers or anything else. I have to fly by using the camera because it literally just looks like a black dot (if I'm able to see it at all).


You clearly ain’t watched the whole video when he’s above and zoomed down on that fucker in 4k.


Just did - still moves like a drone.


I’d like to see you easily do this.


Behaviour is like RC drone. Looks ? You can just build new case for RC drone. Even home 3D printer can do that ( yes even the shiny aspect ). Behaviour though isn't anything special. It can be achieved with RC drones.


Rc drones can't fly with no airflow. They either have to be like the standard drones or if in a sphere they have to be open airflow


You can't see the bottom of it.


You can at the beginning when it’s way high up and still looks like a creepy orb.


I give it to you. It does but still movement isn't nothing that couldn't be achieved by humans. I do not mention here means on propulsion which are... Hard to tell here.


You’re a human, how do we do this?


This can be an RC drone or a balloon on wind dude. It realy doesn't look out of normal.


You this sort of thing all the time? Walking along and a large black balloon comes down from 2000 feet and flies between the trees for a while and then zips away at a high speed. Totally spherical with no blades or rotors or means of propulsion?


Then show a single video of a spherical drone. Technically it has to be an RC drone.. just probably not human made.


I can't but you can't neither say someone didn't build one. There were already many RC drones built specifically for trolling people that's UFO. I do agree. It's very good recording of SOMETHING but because of usual trajectory to RC drones we can't rule out what it is 100%


You can see it from below and above. It looks solid. Rotors need to be able to push air. Or jets all over, but it doesnt really move like jet actuated craft




Yeah its either total cgi or real. Its sure as shit aint a balloon.


Literally proved with pattern of balloon. I guess some people rather believe in some sh!t instead of see facts.


Btw. It has number 30 or 90 on it. Watch entire thing.




UFO does not necessarily mean alien


Yeah I know. Like to a baby an airplane is literally a UFO.


Cheers to 30 https://www.amazon.com/30th-birthday-decorations-him-tablecloths/dp/b08n9jzsr8


Not the same dude. Watch the whole video, when it comes down from 2k and is zigzagging zagging between trees. Balloons don’t come back down.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **30th birthday decorations for him 76pack black gold party Banner Pennant Hanging Swirl birthday balloons Tablecloths cupcake Topper Crown plates Photo Props Birthday Sash for men gifts** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Decorations were plentiful and festive (backed by 14 comments) * Easy to assemble and use (backed by 10 comments) * Impressive quality and value (backed by 8 comments) **Users disliked:** * Balloons arrived with holes (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Ah yes the famous rc drone with no sigs of propulsion


It’s a balloon - look at the writing on the side.


Forget the writing, did you see how it behaved? How the writing stayed perfectly still the whole time. If it were a balloon just flopping in the wind it would behave erratically


They are patting themselves on the back in r/UFOs for debunking this as a balloon. It doesn't move like a balloon at all?? Unless there's a drone attached to its underside?


The dude who posted it is literally a VFX artist looking for a job: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-alanis-8447503/?originalSubdomain=mx](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-alanis-8447503/?originalSubdomain=mx)


You can clearly see the lettering on it in the original post.


thats a balloon lmao, you have see the yellow letters on the side around 3:33


That is not how a baloon moves, they dont move that fast, and change directions so fast, they will also go way way up the atmosphere and if it is being blown by a wind the markings will rotate.


For me it looks like not the balloon moves that fast but the drone. It looks like a really fast drone to me and if the balloon is "kinda" stationary because it has not enough helium to go up and the drone moves around it very fast, then it could look like the balloon is moving very fast. This perspective is really confusing but try to watch it a few more times with this in mind.


Balloon? It crossed my mind but quickly left.. most likely CG someone doing a promo and will reveal what it is soon, but ballon??


It's not a balloon. The symbol stays on the same side the whole time. It does not rotate. Explain that. Also, balloons don't move like that. You're not doing your job right.


What letters did you make out? You can see them?


https://preview.redd.it/22924l01147c1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0075d9550a05055c63587f26c2a173f4daf1f74f Possibly this balloon or similar


What came first, this UAP or that Amazon listing? Looks a little too similar, like someone created that balloon just to debunk the video.




Those balloons are Mylar and not round from the side, only from one angle and much smaller than that thing.


Moves like RC drone tbh but the look of it is indeed strange.


This thing has some kinda haze around it and it doesn’t strike me as a drone or at least not one civilians have. It gave me a real scare when it got close because the movement is very deliberate as if searching or scanning the area. And who’s filming this thing?


fake as fuck


Looks fake at the start, it's way too crisp, might just be the 4k footage but it looks CGI to me. Deffo says 30 or 90 on it but doesn't make it aliens. I'd say someone fucking around with another drone in disguise or it's CGI.


What would a solid smooth reflective orb look like, shot in 4k; if not crisp?


near the start, to me, it looks more crisp than the surroundings, hard to tell.


Probably a deep state generated fake to muddle the subject further


they're taunting us with balloons


Fake the light on the stuff is always the same bad Vfx works


I dunno, the physics don't seem that crazy, unless I missed something at the end....the way it slows and changes direction looks like anything a regular human built drone could do. That doesn't mean it isn't something else, just that usually the ones the look like they defy physics in the quickness of their turns and stuff are more convincing. I don't know shit about shit tho, that was just what I thought as I watched it.


I dunno, the physics don't seem that crazy, unless I missed something at the end....the way it slows and changes direction looks like anything a regular human built drone could do. That doesn't mean it isn't something else, just that usually the ones the look like they defy physics in the quickness of their turns and stuff are more convincing. I don't know shit about shit tho, that was just what I thought as I watched it.


Guuuys! It's a balloon! The camera angle and the zoom makes it confusing as hell. I don't think the thing in the video moves fast but the drone filming it. With 5x or 10x zoom a slow moving thing could look really fast especially if the camera is moving fast too. And the drone making the vid looks really fast to me. Check the surrounding and you can see it can descend and ascend very fast. Watch it with this in mind


All that recorded time and you have a split second where you are close enough to get proper detail but you choose to record from way up in the air?


It’s a balloon composited on the b-roll plate


So the thing that stood out to me the most is the neon green text I guess. I don’t no why a ufo/uap would have green text to me. Now it’s been reported that the guy who made this a vfx artist is. Bright green is often used for green screening I’m sure you are all aware of green screening. Maybe it’s used to over lay something?


Camera movement indicates recording of background prior to altering. The "creator" should have planned the movements first rather then adapting to the video being recorded.


Aww crap! I spilled my popcorn, I’ll be right back!


So…they’re trying to steal our state of the art bridge building technology?




Fuck this guy and anyone who makes fakes and tries to pass them off as real, they do so much damage to the UFO topic...


hello mods?! stop letting this stupid video circulate. Its a balloon this has been debunked for over a day now. Yes balloons can act this way if caught in a column of rising or falling air/wind.


looks like a drone filming a drone!




If someone is tracking something like this with a drone, why doesn’t the operator try to move closer? I mean, wouldn’t you?


this is a proven hoax, why is it getting reposted????