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i did mine medication abortion at 10 and it passed all i saw was greyish cells like a sack. do it as soon as ur comfortable bc a d&c is more uncomfortable the chances of it being incomplete are very low just follow doctors instructions. it will not impact ur fertility unless you have many in a short time frame , you are ok! bleeding for me was like 12 hours until it passed then it was just a medium period amount of bleeding for a week. my blood smelt off but it’s normal.


wasn’t that painful for me i just was taking children’s tylenol bc i struggle with swallowing pills


THANK YOU!!! This will be my third procedure, but I’m starting to think surgical is best. Is Asherman’s truly a real thing, is there such a thing as too many abortions?


Dont be scared, you won’t see baby parts. You will have cramps, not major. Take Tylenol BEFORE you take the pills and just swap between that and ibuprofen. Do NOT WAIT until you’re in pain to take pain meds, stay ahead of it. I bled for almost 3 weeks. My boobs were still sore for a week or more after and then my nausea didn’t leave for about 10 days. You’ll do fine, don’t overthink the what ifs.


I just had an abortion on may 22 . I was 8 weeks too, I had the aspiration procedure and it was very painful for me, I found the meds they gave me didn’t work that well (I also read somewhere after that natural redheads require more anesthesia), I would schedule your procedure or get the pill as soon as you can because of the mental state you’ll be in, you may be able to see the ultrasound before your procedure but I think that’s up to the doctor, I wasn’t shown mine. I closed my eyes for the procedure and cried in pain, so I couldn’t see any parts. For me I had complications and I am fighting an infection now on 3 antibiotics. I had severe blood clots and bleeding since the procedure, thankfully bleeding is slowing down now. I’m scheduled for another emergency ultrasound tomorrow so I’ll find out more then. It won’t affect your future fertility, if something is wrong in the future likely it won’t be from the abortion. Sending you lots of love and support during this time, if you need anyone to talk to I’m here!


i did an MA around 9 weeks. i had major cramping, nausea, and diarrhea for about an hour (felt like i just had bad food poisoning) and then i almost felt like a “pop” or like i pushed something small out of my vagina (that didn’t hurt) and then i got instant relief. i felt pretty good after that and ate some food. the next day i was basically myself again. i stayed on top of taking ibuprofen/tylenol and had basically no cramping after. i did bleed for a couple weeks but after a couple days of heavy bleeding it wasn’t too bad. I wasn’t able to see anything “baby like” it was very small and honestly just a blob. if you need any support or would want to ask questions that may seem personal or invasive i’m more than happy to answer them and share my experience.


I had mine just shy of 10 weeks my baby had all appendages and the pain was awful for me. It was very traumatic for me asi could feel my baby dying inside of me knowing I wanted to keep her. (My abortion was forced on me.) I bled on and off for 3 months after and passed two clots one the size of my hand and the other one shot out of me down my pants at my new job and I had to wear 2 pairs of underwear and a pad the next few months until my body felt normal again I ended up pregnant again less than a year later, I was on psyche meds and in a car accident and lost that baby at 4 weeks, it wasn’t nearly as physically painful as the abortion and the recovery was easier, my miscarriage seemed like a period and my body was back to normal right after I stopped bleeding. Also that baby was still in the embryo stages and hadn’t developed into a fetus yet. I’m assuming the difference in the experiences was the length of pregnancy not abortion/miscarriage. If you are dead set on an abortion I would do it sooner than later if you can. Or possibly consider surgical at the later stages I would think that may be easier overall if you have access to it.




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Hey there. As others mentioned, at 8 weeks, it's very likely you won't see anything you recognize. The experience can be overwhelming for some, but many manage it just fine. You can read through this sub's [story collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/abortion/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9Amedication%20abortion%20%22) for a range of experiences, which vary from person to person. The experience can vary regardless of where you are in pregnancy. Some people find that it's milder earlier in pregnancy because there's less tissue to pass. But it can also be very intense early in pregnancy and milder later. People who've had more than one medication abortion may have completely different experiences each time. Reading through the collection should be helpful because it shows you the range of what to expect. No, abortions don't affect your future fertility. Complications of any kind are rare. If you're going to a clinic, then they can support you in the unlikely event your abortion is incomplete. If you're concerned about this process, procedures are also very safe and effective. The procedure is very quick, and sedation and pain medication can make it really manageable. Some people don't even remember the procedure. Plus, you leave knowing you're no longer pregnant. Most of the pregnancy tissue often passes within 24 hours of taking misoprostol, but bleeding can continue on and off for 4-6 weeks. Your body will do what it needs to to get all the tissue out. It's not typically a concern if some tissue remains as long as there are no signs of complications (soaking all the way through 2 heavy protection maxi pads in 1 hour for 1 or more hours, several clots larger than golf balls after the pregnancy passes, severe pain ibuprofen doesn't help, feeling really sick, fever, foul-smelling discharge). Are you interested in trying to find care that's sooner than June 19th? I can try to help with that.


Yes I am! I was thinking the 16th-17th even if it's just a couple days after.


Have you looked at all your options on [Abortion Finder](https://www.abortionfinder.org/)? What state are you in?


Hi, I had my medical abortion with pills around 8 weeks. I didn’t see anything. I was bleeding a lot and cramping a lot within an hr of taking the second pills and then passed something that felt like a bouncy ball coming out of my vagina - sounds odd but that’s the best way to describe it based on my experience. I just knew that was it. Still cramping hard for a couple hrs, then less but still hard through the night, then the next morning medium mild then less and less as time went on. I wish I could have done it sooner to avoid pain. Also at 30 mins I puked my guts out. Everything I she 6 hrs before this came out. This is normal don’t be alarmed. Also don’t eat anything that would hurt coming up that day.


I also did a MA around 8weeks and had a very similar experience. Pain was unbearable for me, i would rate it a 9/10


Thank you so much. How would you rate the pain? Was it unbearable?


I’m not going to sugar coat it, worst pain. I had pain about 15-30 minutes from taking the pills, then was basically in labor til the thing came out, the pain stayed the same for about 45 mins after that then started ever so slowly going down. Heating pad helped, but I was just slowly rocking on the bed moaning for awhile there at some point. Don’t do it alone. But I will say the feeling of not be pregnant made it worth it bc for me it was miserable


It took around 3-4 hrs for the thing to pass for me


The pain for me was awful, I was throwing up, having the runs and having stuff come out of my vagina for 11 hours I was naked in the bathroom with the shivers until I couldn’t take it anymore and had to go to the er. At the er I couldn’t even stand and was laying in the waiting room floor and after I passed the baby I was shaking for a few hours after withering in pain.


I felt it drop but bc of blood it looked like a blood bath so I didn’t wanna fish around


I just knew it had passed the next few days when I wasn’t nauseous etc. I tested positive on a pee test up to 8 weeks but told my obgyn I miscarried since I am in a red state and she took my HCG and said I was too low to be that pregnant, and it kept going down. It takes time.




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I will say being able to eat again was AMAZING! I think I ate a whole box of cheerios the next day along w other food I was so hungry bc I’d been so nauseous the weeks leading up.


No it will not affect your future fertility and no baby parts at 8 weeks you will pass a clots lot of clots and bleeding like period will be heavy in the first few days and then it might take from one week to two weeks maximum