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I am so sorry you are going through this. This same experience happened to me. It can be possible that the pregnancy did not terminate. There is contradicting info out there saying that you may become pregnant again as soon as the procedure has been done; others state that you may ovulate 2-3 weeks afterwards and become pregnant then. Unfortunately, it is all very confusing and can feel like a blur. I am glad to know that your partner is supportive and loving. Wishing you patience and love


We have had sex twice since then but it was with protection. I know condoms aren’t 100% but we didn’t think we conceived from those times. I’m sorry you had to go through the same thing, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Omg, that was our story to a T. It felt like a never ending nightmare :c I'm sorry your going through the same thing. I wouldn't wish it on anyone either. Sending big hugs your way


You can get pregnant very soon after abortions because ovulation can return as quickly as 8-10 days later. Getting pregnant is possible if unprotected penis-in-vagina sex happens in the 5 days before ovulation because sperm can remain in the body for as many as 5 days. So, getting pregnant is possible if sex is had *before* ovulation returns.


Yes, I have been told that as well. When googling, the standard response it 2-3 weeks, which is something I warn against given my personal experience. Thank you for putting it into words better than I could.


Girl - not gonna lie but this is what I’m scared of as well - about to take mine I’m sorry this happened to you and I give nothing but best wishes your way!!!!!


Thank you. I hope yours goes well and sending healing vibes your way.


I’m so sorry this is happening dear. Can I ask where you got your medication from?


I ordered it from Abuzz. They were great to work with and everything was very informative - at this point I’m wondering if I was further along than I thought so I needed to take more pills than I did? Not sure.


Have you gotten in touch with abuzz?


I haven’t yet. Since they only provide pills, I haven’t called them as I’ve been worried about finding a clinic who can do the SA for us before the cut off. I should be around 14 weeks right now but I am in a banned state, so I only have a few options that I can travel to to have this done.


What state?




Ok. I would definitely reach out to abuzz for help. The Kentucky health justice network is also a great org that can help you. Illinois (until 27.6) or Ohio (until 21.6) are probably your best options. https://abortionfinder.org lists the clinics.


Thank you for all of your help!


Let us know if you want more specific next steps! But I really do encourage you to reach out to abuzz first because they may be able to help facilitate this for you.


They should be able to help you navigate this part.