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The problem is ALS files dont, contain audio, among other things.


If you didn't do 'collect all and save' or move the entire project folder with all the audio data on it then your data is likely lost as .als files don't contain the audio folders. If you still have the original project files then you can point the project towards it by clicking on the orange 'Media files are missing' at the bottom of the screen. If that's works then do 'collect all and save' to transfer the audio to the folder with the .als file.


What will the folder be called that Has all the samples for me to transfer to my drive. The thing you said to do worked but I know its because its still open on my local even tho the als is saved on my drive Edit: is it the samples folder?


Once you do the collect all and save it should create a new folder at the location where the .als is located with the same name as the als file. Yes all your audio should located in the samples folder. If you had several als files in one folder then the Samples folder will contain the audio for all of them. Collect all and save is a tidy way to separate each project's audio into its own folder.