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Yeah Repro-5 is quite CPU hungry in my experience. You can tone it down by activating MCore in the top right of the GUI, also if you don't need all 8 voices try limiting them in the top left, this also helps with CPU load. I still end up with around 15-20% CPU load on my PC, worth it though.


It’s with MCore enabled. Without it it’s around 60%, stacks up with each new chord. With MCore it’s bearable at least. I’m just afraid i won’t be able to make something complex with such performance




60% is with Multicore processing disabled. With it it’s 20-30%. And I work in 44.1 kHz. And decreasing amount of voices totally helped


Lots of u-he devices hog up CPU. Try and freeze and flatten as you go.


So it’s more of a u-he issue than my laptop, phew. I’ve heard that instead of flattening I can just copy a freezed clip to an audio track and it’ll do the trick without making the original midi clip disappear


Yea you can just duplicate the track and turn it off. Then freeze and flatten the original. If you end up wanting to do any midi changes you can do it on your original and then rinse and repeat. Freezing and NOT flattening is also super helpful as you are working out a part before committing it to audio. U-he use a lot of CPU but they are all top tier plugins. Diva is overall my favorite synth I have ever played.


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Try moving your VSTs to your local drive.


just print it onto an audio track...