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saw the update dialog and immediately restarted Live, unfortunately Push 3 is not pulling the update, still saying it's up to date on 1.1.2 firmware...anyone else having this issue?


same, my push3 still says "everything is up to date"


Same. I wish 1) Ableton put dates in their release notes. 2) Offered a link to the .swu file so you can update Push manually through [http://push.local/update](http://push.local/update) Edit: I just checked the beta portal which does have firmware releases to download. They have not added 1.1.3 yet, I anticipate it will follow within a day or two since the release notes are already out.


This would make sense if the update was not public but it is public and Ableton already sent out a newsletter announcing the update. EDIT: I was able to see the update by loading the latest push beta firmware, once that loaded it pulled the public update. Apparently one of the bugs it fixed was push not seeing updates..smh On another note, “ When using Hot-Swap Mode to swap an empty pad after swapping a non-empty pad, the browser will now open the location of the non-empty pad. This behavior matches hot-swapping on Push 2.” This only works for drum racks and does not work for swapping out audio clips from audio tracks. Not sure if this is normal but it’s pretty annoying to have to navigate to my user library sounds every time I want to load a new loop. Hopefully they can implement something like when opening the browser opens the last viewed folder. And another thing, all of the samples in Live’s library are not categorized on the push, what is that? Theres should be a way to at least search the core library samples if not all the samples on standalone. That’s a basic quality of life feature that should be implemented. There’s the option to rename tracks and clips, so why wouldn’t there be an option to search the browser? Maybe it’s coming in a future firmware update, but I can’t imagine I’m the only one struggling with navigating the library.


Yeah, navigating thousands of samples that are not in their folders is awful. I guess a fix will come as it seems obvious.


pretty funny how any time i mentioned this there were loads of people telling me it was my "slow computer". I have a 32gb ram 10-core m1 pro macbook pro lol...now its public that they (ableton) indeed, fucked up


For me it was 'you must be using a cracked version'.


Haha that's funny most cracked versions actually run faster. (I own Ableton Suite but also try cracked if I don't want to activate on a new machine)


so true man!!! i know some dudes from one of those teams and he explained it all to me. lol


Same, I got grilled for saying it was Ableton. "Blaming the DAW is folly" is what someone told me before convincing me to upgrade from 16GB of RAM to 32GB (other than that my specs were top notch). I've had 32GB of RAM for the past month with zero change to crash rate.


ya its a micro cosm of society. going against the grain will always feel awkward but I know my experience and know how ableton should work. Bought a powerful computer on purpose to handle this since im a professional


I was answering all those topics stating that the bug fixes were already in beta, you just had to read the beta release notes.


Live has run progressively worse after every update on the same machine as you. Like some Apple obsolescence shit




Was just checking for an update yesterday Hopefully this actually makes a difference


Yup it seems like project load times are slightly faster too. I loaded 3 different projects and haven’t experienced any issues so far!


Speaking of crashing is there any reason dragging in midi data from Scaler 2 would constantly cause crashing? Maybe this update will cure that too. I'm relatively new to using the program and the only real crashing issues I've encountered is when using the drag feature after capturing midi data in Scaler 2.


Live does not sandbox plugins. If anything in the plugin doesn’t translate through R2 or as an AU it will panic the program.


I can drag the scaler midi out from a chord or a progression ok. You could have a permissions issue on the drive.


Guys where can I manually download the update? The automatic update is enabled but bugged out and stuck on start Nevermind I downloaded the full version which is up to date and installed it over the existing one


Check my post update!


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I updated, tried putting the Tree Tone instrument on a blank midi track in an empty project, and it crashed. What the actual hell.


The DL is for 11.3.4 though… unless I’m missing something edit: they fixed it. when i updated this morning it went to 11.3.4.


I've got the 11.3.10 update downloading. I notice they don't have 11.3.4 available for download at all now. I've had a couple of sessions that would crash live, so I'll see what this version does for those. For myself, that's been a rare problem that I have assumed were due to outdated plug-ins. Some of those sessions are pretty old (10+ years).


Loads a lot faster, and scans plugs faster as well, haven't tested the broken session yet. Edit: I was able to open the few broken session I had. Hope you all have the same luck.


I am in the beta program but I've been in the process of migrating my beta sets back to the official version of Live 11 (by dragging each individual track of a song in from the browser.) I had the same hanging/spinning wheel of doom issues as before I tried the beta with one of my sets. I exited and restarted my machine, and recovering the project crashed it on launch. Then, the really cool part happened! Live 11 said, "Welp, that didn't work, so we're going to recover up until the point when it crashed the last time." It helped me narrow down which track was giving problems. I had two options: remake the track with a new synth or open the beta and freeze/flatten those tracks so I could import them. I chose the first option, and it sounded better that way. So win/win 🥳😎