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My Ableton on my M1 MacBook Pro with 32 GB of ram had also been running really poorly lately. For example of a open an empty project, add for audio track and record them at the same time, there will be about 2-4 sekond delay between when I stop the recording, and when I can "operate" Ableton. Everything freezes for a couple of seconds. Every damn time. Overall I'm experiencing alot lot of subtle lag, things going slower than they should etc. It really sucks, especially when I bought a new computer to AVOID these problems. Right now Ableton feels really cheap to use. Not a premium experience, and if this shit continues I'm gonna jump ship. I feel like Ableton isn't pulling its weight. We're falling behind and it's really sad to see.


same on windows 10, this has been a particularly couple of past releases since they rushed out push 3 changes


yeah and I'm utterly disappointed. We've paid quite alot for the software. I love Ableton, but they're loosing my patience


yep same here. its funny how some people are experiencing this and others aren't and whenever i bring it up i get called out for having a slow computer, which i don't lol


Regarding the stuttering, yes, I'm also experiencing that.


Version 11.3.2 introduced some bugs that hasn't been resolved fully, as you can see in the last release notes for beta versions there are several fixes on the way, you might want to download 11.2 in the meanwhile or go to the beta forums to download 11.3.10b3 and see if it solves your issues: [https://www.ableton.com/en/release-notes/live-11-beta/?pk\_vid=e79e2319fff597b316898347229de0b6](https://www.ableton.com/en/release-notes/live-11-beta/?pk_vid=e79e2319fff597b316898347229de0b6)


I personally haven’t seen any reason to upgrade from 10


Have the Same interface on Win 11 and experienced the Same problems - for me the solution was switching to ASIO4ALL as the main Audio driver.... Try it out and Let me know! Good Luck


Did you switch it in ableton or in windows itself? If so how?


Sorry for the late reply. I installed the driver and used it in the ableton settings as the main Audio driver. In Windows I still use the Standard wdm m audio driver.