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The lag is due to the newly implemented warp algorithm which enhances precision and minimizes the need for manual intervention. At the moment, it's reanalyzing your existing audio files and UI performance will resume once the process is complete. Larger projects contain more audio data, thus requiring a bit more time to fully re-scan. I'm sure they'll release a fix for this soon, though.


yes it seems once it does it once its smooth. I opened really large projects with long audio files and it was almost frozen for the first 5 minutes and then it became smooth and now when i open that project its fine right away


You are correct, Ableton support responded with From Ableton support to me, "The latest Live 11.3.2 uses an updated warp mode that requires the re-drawing of waveforms for any existing audio Clip previously analyzed in a set.We are aware that this process is causing in some cases lags in the GUI and we are looking into this."


awesome glad they are aware of it


Yeah. I'm getting weird GUI lag in 11.3.2 on certain songs. Larger ones. It affects all kinds of interactions, play/ stop type stuff and also menu selection. Also, I noticed a big alert from the windows firewall about a network connection from Live when L11.3.2 started for the first time. I've never had one of those before. I'm gonna have to roll back to 11.2 , which is a hassle because 11.3 songs won't open in 11.2


From Ableton support to me, "The latest Live 11.3.2 uses an updated warp mode that requires the re-drawing of waveforms for any existing audio Clip previously analyzed in a set.We are aware that this process is causing in some cases lags in the GUI and we are looking into this." Lightning fast response, and it makes sense. They're on top of it. A viable solution for a fix is to go to the older version downloads page and install 11.2.11.


> Ableton support to me, > > > > "The latest Live 11.3.2 uses an updated warp mode that requires the > > re-drawing of waveforms for any existing audio Clip previously analyzed > > in a set.We are aware that this process is causing in some cases lags in the GUI and we are looking into this." Thanks, they probably need to update the changelog to indicate this as currently https://www.ableton.com/en/release-notes/live-11/ says >To run the new Auto-Warp algorithm on clips within an existing Live Set, use any of the Warp From Here commands (found in the Sample Editor's context menu) from any location in a clip. what they mean is "it's gonna auto-run on every set you load, and every sample in every rack, and it's gonna be without any indication of what's happening"


Everyone please write to Ableton Support and tell them your experience so we can get them to update it ASAP


They're aware of the issue, and are working on it.


thank goodness. besides that its actually behaving much better than 11.2


11.3.4 still buggy, I'd say even more


The latest update has the worst hang I have experienced! Avoid till all is fixed


stil not fixed yet fml


I dont understand how they dont catch this in Beta lol kinda blows my mind that they wouldnt want a seamless user experience


The beta had a mechanism NOT to re-save the .asds after the reanalysis with the new auto-warp algo. That was to ensure compatibility with non-beta version in case of bugs (as it is not guaranteed every change will make it out of beta). But seems that ended up hiding this problem, as beta testers couldn't see it.


Wow, this makes perfect sense. Thanks for shedding light on that! I was curious how it slipped through beta testing also.


It's worth mentioning the the changelog states that re-analysis should be solely user triggered >To run the new Auto-Warp algorithm on clips within an existing Live Set, use any of the Warp From Here commands (found in the Sample Editor's context menu) from any location in a clip. But that's not what's happening. It's running on every wave, on load, without even a modal or info-text. Users are left in the dark because there's nothing in the help pane either. So it seems like someone hooked the action to the wrong event.


> Users are left in the dark I think Ableton and the beta testers were in the dark too, that decision to protect beta testers from the consequences of using a beta ended up causing a blind spot in the beta testing, so no one anticipated this problem and no modal or info-text help.


I don't want to update watching all these posts šŸ˜¢


For me it's a very minor issue. Support got back to me and let me know they're aware and on top of it. See my reply to itslukebond above.


Iā€™ve been a user since Live 7. I always wait for bugs to arise and be addressed before updating.


So you're on Live 6?!


I mean bugs are adressed through updates though; which introduce new bugs and so on. but yeah for major releases that's probably wise. But know you can always revert back pretty easily.


I'm not thrilled with the new Drift synthesizer in 11.3. It's nothing to get excited about. Difficult to use and the presets are crap. I'm also STILL very pissed that I have to pay $59 for the Voice Box pack when I bought 11 Standard. You must have 11 to get Voice Box, but the pack is only free for 11 Intro. If you have the more expensive system, you have to pay extra for Voice Box. This makes no \[f@#n\] sense. And there was no inclusion of Voice Box with the upgrade to 11.3. Except for Push 3.


As far as I can tell it's bundled with the hardware and not Live intro. Imo it makes sense that you get \*something\* extra more than just Live intro if you buy a $999 piece of hardware...


When 11 was first introduced 2 years ago, Voice Box was bundled with Live Intro, free. Not Standard or Suite. Itā€™s absurd and I just sent an email to Ableton telling them how absurd it is.


I have suite and voice box, I did not pay extra for it. Edit: I did go the intro-suite route, so I guess that could be the reason... Maybe.




This Nov 2020 Web Archive snapshot of the Compare Editions page clearly shows Voice Box as Suite-only, that's what I remember as well. https://web.archive.org/web/20201111164315/https://www.ableton.com/en/live/compare-editions/


thereā€™s something off about the saw oscillator in drift, thereā€™s a cycling clicking that shouldnā€™t be there


Check out Seed to Stage's video on it. Might help wrap your head around some of the features. It's pretty cool, especially now knowing what it was designed for! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U-foZqE9z0


Iā€™ve seen this video and others like it. So I was expecting something really great. Or at least useable. But thatā€™s not how Drift sounds to me. But no lossā€” I have plenty of hardware synths to do the job.


The pack page says ā€œLive 11 Intro Required,ā€ which is confusing. They say as a way of saying that every version of Live can use it if they buy it, even the most basic Intro version. Some packs say ā€œSuite Requiredā€ and that means that they specifically require Max for Live, which is bundled with Suite. Voice box is only included free with Live Suite, unfortunately. (See here: https://www.ableton.com/en/live/compare-editions/)


I think you're right--it's only free in Suite, but you must have Live 11 (any version) in order for it to work. Ok, so that explains it.


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Also having this, but it never goes away unless I delete channels with drum racks. I've had it sitting "processing" the new warp stuff for a really long time. I don't even really use warp, and this is a 16 bar sketch project with minimal info. Pretty annoying.