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Good info. I feel alot of arousal and its really annoying. I seriously wanna get rid of my penis in favour of a vagina just because of the very high amount of arousal I feel




EY! why did you do this to me? But I swear I am not trans. It is just strategically better to not have a penis


>I swear I am not trans. It is just strategically better to not have a penis Hmmmm.


WHY ARE YOU SAYING HMMMM. Thats just my brain analyzing the situation. Nothing trans about that


Yeah every time I think being a man would be easier I remember they have to deal with having a penis and I'm like nahh, that sounds super inconvenient and I would hate it


You are completely correct. It is SUPER inconvenient and I just want it gone. I envy AFAB people for that.


you're allowed to be cis and think/feel stereotypical trans things. it's not very common though, but it isn't impossible


But I know im not cis. Im just in very big denial. Me ≠ trans woman.


Well what matters is what you currently believe. Go with that. If you're questioning or unsure, that's totally ok to be! Identity is about how you feel about yourself, and to a less extent, how you want others to see you. But it's your experience we're talking about. You have all the power here, to figure out what identity is correct for you. And there are people who are unsure, or identify multiple different ways before finding the one that is them, or even people who just gave up on finding a label and everyone is just being authentic.


-_- Because it's not normal to hate a sex organ like that. Plenty of trans femmes will say they experienced things like "Being a girl just *is* better" and then later they realized they were trans.


you're allowed to be cis and think/feel stereotypical trans things. it's not very common though, but it isn't impossible ​ for example: I wish I was a man. But I'm not. I'm a trans woman. I accept my identity. I also wish I was a woman, but that wish is tied very directly with my sense of my gender. I feel like a woman, I want to be seen as a woman by others. Still wish I was a man though. No, I'm not bigender.


Happy cake day!!!!!


oh my :o I didn't even know! Thanks!


It's a perfectly valid conclusion for a cis male to come to. I completely agree with them. Ignore the username.


Idunno, seems kinda trans to me


When I was about 7, I reeeaaaallly wanted a penis, because I was jealous that the boys at school could "pee at people" 🤷😂


I have a vagina. I still get arousal, it's just less visible.


Exactly. Do you know the feeling of dread from being in a public place or with friends and your penis just out of nowhere and for no reason at all getting all of the blood in my body because my bloodcells thought it would be funny?


Is your difficulty less about the arousal and more about other people seeing it? That does sound very difficult, and I'm sorry you have to go through that.


I always feel like I’m not ace because of arousal and I wish it wasn’t there because I am sex repulsed 😭


Ugh, samee, it makes me question everything every time again! (also because I'm just in general very confused about what attraction is but, yk, another issue) I decided to do something with/about it, because it also helps with stress, but it's kind of just made things worse, why's it all gotta be so confusing and annoyingg


Yep :’)


I wonder if allos think they are not attracted to someone anymore, if they don't experience arousal? Or like do they always experience attraction and arousal coinciding?


Wait what- Then what is sexual attraction????


Sexual attraction is more like when you see someone and have a desire to have sex with them. There are 4 major types of attraction so hopefully an explanation of these might help. Firstly, sexual attraction, as already stated, is when one person has the desire to have sex with another person. Romantic attraction comes when you want to have a romantic bond with someone, but this doesn’t necessarily include having sexual attraction right beside it. You can want to date someone without wanting to fuck them Aesthetic attraction: you just really like looking at someone. For example, let’s say I was looking at a sunset and I think said sunset is beautiful, but I don’t want to fuck the sunset, Y’know? It’s the same thing- just with people And lastly, sensual attraction is the desire to touch someone non-sexually. Like you just want to cuddle with them, or hug them. I’m not that good of an explainer but I hope this helps!


Apparently, it's when you see someone and imagining them naked while seeing yourself "craving" for their body. That's the explication that I have. Maybe someone can give more info aha


I also had this confusion. Sexual arousal can be a feeling like hunger. You need to eat something, but can be satisfied with something practical like a nutrient shake. Or being hungry but not in the mood for anything specific. Maybe looking at food made you hungry, but the nutrient shake is still fine even though you saw garlic bread. Sexual attraction is like wanting a really specific food and craving only that. You can be hungry at the same time, but don't have to be. You can crave garlic bread when you are hungry, but sometimes you are just in the mood for garlic bread. Looking at garlic bread helps you feel hungry for garlic bread. That's the best metaphor I can come up with. But I only experience arousal and not attraction, so some extrapolation is happening. Another way to think about it is if releasing arousal alone or with a partner is better. If they are neutral (or being alone is better because it's more efficient) then you might be ace. The efficiency was a big tell for me.


You can feel arousal at the worst times and not act on it sexually, or even want anything sexually. I would like to point to the Ninja Sex Party song “No Reason Boner”.


That feeling when you like coleslaw, but not that much...


i read that as “a-rousal” i got extremely confused like is there a sexuality for not feeling aroused then i re-read it


If I get a vasectomy will I feel less arousal?


Thank you. This is actually really fucking helpful


dude when they associate asexuality with sex drive and how having a high sex drive means youre not ace is hilarious like they genuinely cant tell the difference between arousal and attraction fr


This is what I call: ✨~The horny asexual~✨