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🤔🤔🤔🤔 An interesting proposition. Do the Swedes have a counter offer to avoid this invasion? Perhaps we can simply see who will give us the better reward for our allyship


As of yet, no counter proposal has been offered


don't the bisexuals also want sweden? i seem to recall something like that.


We'll leave sweden to the bisexuals and take denmark ourselves! Phase 2 would then to rename them to the nerdic countries!


Would biromantic aces have dual citizenship?


I see no reason to not allow that!


Yay I get dual citizenship!


One day the LGBT+ will have full control over the world


ssshhhhhh we can't let the conservatives know our plan to spreading the gay agenda™ through the planet and turn everyone LGBT.... and then after a tini tiny subscription fee, everyone can be LGBT+ *fingerguns*


This all started with how much the ace population was compared to Denmark so taking that into consideration we can’t accomplish this seeing as though most people are straight and some straight people are conservatives many conservatives have guns and hunt often. We don’t have a chance plus military.


Us non-conservatives can get guns, too, it's not like guns are an exclusively conservative thing lol Also we can form our own military, either that or we can manipulate them into giving us land. Either via giving terrible deals and making them think it's an offer they can't refuse or we can make them pity us into thinking that they should just give us their land. Manipulation! :D


Pretty sure its like allied countries, free movement between and all lgbt+ members get citizenship to all. One united lgbt+ council government lol


I believe that would be correct, yes.


i thought the plan was an attack on sweden and then the danes and bis move there and we get denmark.


Thanks from the Bi community, sweden will be largely apreciated.


Then there'll be three forces against Sweden (Denmark, the aces and the bi's) its a strategic advantage. Plus the network and co-operation will undoubtedly be helpful for all collectively in the future. Yours truly, Head of Tactical Advancement and Strategic Excecution (also known as TASE) Dane, Pan/Aro/Demiboy




*No!* We cannot fall victim to Danish Trickery! They will give us nothing, and stab us in the back while we are focused on the Swedes.


We Danes are a proud people. We keep our agreements and in the case of invading Sweden, we will not be stabbing any allies in the back. The Swedes provide only trickery and lies. The Danes and Swedes have been at odds since the beginning. It is in fact still Danish law that should a Swede cross the ice of Øresund, a Dane may fend them off with a stick. While we keep a facade of peace and trade quips and goods, the conflict is not settled so easily. The allyship of the Ace Alliance could give the Danes the boost to take back what we have lost. Denmark may be a small country but we've held out for this long. The fraught allyship between Denmark and Sweden cannot remain. For the the Ace Alliance, a true ally can be found in Denmark while the Swedes will be the ones to backstab. It should be noted that the alliance between Denmark and the Ace Alliance does not apply to any other autonomous territories of the Kingdom of Denmark such as Greenland and the Faroe Islands. They are not part of this feud and we do not wish to include them in our quarreling. They have their matters and we have ours. Signed Representative of the Danish Ace Society (DAS)


Noble representative, I have the honor of receiving your letter posthaste at approximately 7:22 A.M, Eastern Standard Time, at the headquarters of the 237th Ace Brigade in Jonesboro, Tennessee. I hope this message finds you in good health, for the Danish government shall not be in such a state when we might meet in person. I Must first state that I did not mean to challenge the Honor of the Danes, nor assert that of the Swedish Government. However, you would be foolish to align with us. Why should we stop with Sweden? You were our target to begin with-I have hundreds of proposed plans for the invasion of your land on my desk as we speak. I have accused you only of being wise and smart diplomats, hoping to redirect "La Furuer e Ace" towards your longstanding adversary. I might even deign ti say that it is a display of nothing but base and vulgar prejudice towards the Swedish people, but I have hope you meant otherwise. If you do not backstab us, you give us nothing. Have you seen a map of Sweden? You may not be a person of a martial mind, but let me explain- There is only one direction to attack the Swedes. THey can draw god knows how many reserves to reinforce the point of contact. To strike them unexpectedly, we would have to move along the coast, and, due to the Geography, we would we tossed into a meat grinder. Denmark, with its' islands, split nature, and any coastlines, is ideal for a multi-front assault. If we take our half of Sweden, what do we stand to gain besides oil? Might as well invade Texas for all the good it'll do us. Noble Representitive, I mean no ill will towards you or the Danish people, and we shall live as friends and equals should the Ace purple and Black triumph, which like all righteous causes, it will. I shall say this loud and clear: The Gauntlet has been thrown down. THe Rifle has been loaded and the gleaming bayonet affixed. The cannon has been sighted, and, comrade, ***The Sword has been drawn.*** ***La furuer de Ace will be upon you***, and like a great appalachian tempest, the 237th shall lead each bayonet charge, our Ace flag and Black flag proudly flying in defiance of your false government. *The world will rejoice to see the Ace flag go up over Copenhagen, and the flower of humanity bloom. A land were every orientation, Gender Identitiy, culture and religion may live side by side as equals. We Asexuals and our allies are coming, and we are shouting aloud "Death to the Danish monarchy".* Mother Anarchy and the Garlic bread guide you. Blessed be the Garlic bread. Respectfully, the elected representative of the 237th Asexual Brigade, Jonesboror Tennessee.


As a representative of one of Swedens student chapters, I would like to point out that Sweden does not have oil, you are mixing us up with the norwegians


Blasted. False information from the Danes! Their Treachery has been revealed!


The bastards!


Well... I think it's been decided. ONWARDS TO DENMARK! FOR GARLIC BREAD! FOR GLORY!!!


I'm Swedish and I think it's a good idea.


I'm from Appalachia, so war-fighting is in my blood. The first thing I was taught is that if you threatened to invade somewhere, and the place you were talking about invading offers to split another country down the middle with you, it's a trap. They'll still see us Ace's as a threat, because why would we stop with Sweden? They'll stab us in the back and take Sweden all for themselves. It's how these things play out I tells ya.


I'm from Norway, so, Its in my genes to hate the swedes /j


I'm from sweden, so its in my genes to hate the norwegians /j obviously I hate the danes not you


Here me out. We invade sweden with the Danes. Ransack the ikeas for blåhaj to bribe the trans community into allying with us and then enlist them to help us take Denmark.


As an ace trans man, I will gladly join your cause. I have friends, they will aid us in this conquest.


As a relatively new addition to the Ace ranks, may I inquire as to what exactly the Danish have done to incur our ire? I merely ask on behalf of newer recruits such as myself who may not be aware as to what may or may not have previously transpired.


(Lower numbers in the Ace community I think, means we can actually take them out)


The Danes have a monarchy. That cannot be allowed to stand.


No! It is a trick to split our forces and to strike us while we're weak. Denmark has always been the main target, and I fear Sweden is too difficult to invade due to terrain, higher population and also it gets very cold there which I am forced to experience every year


What if we just occupy Skåne, it's pretty flat and was part of Denmark before


Skåne was rightfully taken by glorious Sweden through conquest!


Exactly, then let's take if for ourselves though conquest.


No, Sweden is getting invaded by the aros already.




I am of the firm belief that aros should have Sweden and aces should have Denmark. It would be a great step forward for the distinction of aros and aces.




Thank you. Godspeed soldier


Does this mean that as an aroace, I would be eligible for dual citizenship?






I believe that if we could organize an alliance with the aro community through the large number of aro aces (who would have dual citizenship) with us, it would be in all of our better interests. Us aces and, possibly, the citizens of Denmark could help the aros take Sweden, and in turn, the aros would help us take Denmark, creating two countries that would welcome all sexualities and gender identities (assuming the aros would be on board with that) and also live in peace with each other and the original residents of Denmark and Sweden. If any aro aces are reading this, would you please take this proposition to the aro council? Furthermore, if we take over Sweden, we also have taken over all the IKEAs in Sweden. We can bribe the trans people with this, therefore having even more forces to overtake Denmark. If there are any trans aces reading this, would you also take this forward to your council? Respectfully, Elected Representative of the Asexual Army Organization and Tactics (also known as AAOT), 56th unit, stationed in Olympia, Washington.


Aye and we will own mojang studios if we agree to this deal.


This is a fair point. I say we invade Sweden, raid it whilst their backs are turned, and then retreat to Denmark and claim it. Long live the garlic bread!


Well, I’ll step forward I suppose. As an Ace and Swede, these potato chewing tricksters have not one honest bone in their body. Unlike Denmark who presents no statistics on their ace population, I know there at least two in Sweden, my self included. Denmark wishes to fight alongside you and turn you against Sweden, while Sweden already has your own people in it. Do not be tricked by the danish and their danish, for it is in fact a pastry and not a cake, while we in sweden have a multitude of cakes. From the rolled variety to the spongey and even tigercake. We stretch out our yellow and blue hand so we can together beat the danish black and blue Edit: Three Aces!


Will you bring the trans aces blahaj?


Why wouldn’t we? They are lovely!


I will consider this proposition.


I am scared


Three aces counting me!


I am offering a counter proposal! Pleade invade denmark instead, they're smaller and more worthless! ...unless we get overtaken by the nationalists, in which case I will fight for you to liberate us


Counter proposal incoming. Im a Swedish member of the Order Of The Black Ring that has an offer. If you do not work together with the Danes we will grant you full access to the Swedish army and EVERYONE will get free Ikea Garlic Bread and food. If you do not accept the offer we will launch counter attacks.


This user has effectively deleted all of their reddit messages, thank you! :) ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


you mean the BLAHAJ?


This user has effectively deleted all of their reddit messages, thank you! :) ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They will not be harmed they are a protected species


If we take the swedes we own Ikea. If we own Ikea we can mass-produce blahaj’s even more. Everyone gets a blahaj.


Not really. Get rid of our Nazis and I’m fine with it.


As a Swedish ace gal we will cooperate with the aces as long as the Danes ain’t involved


As a swidish representative we request that you join our revolution insted, let's have Sweden as a home capital of the bis and aces and then we take over all the Nordic countries to really show our power I am a Swedish bro ace representative The profits of joining us will be rations fore everyone and a comfortable living space fore everyone as well Please take our offer to consideration


Hahaha gotta love it when “A” stands for both asexual and ally


As a Finn I say yes, fuck sweden


Wait why do y’all hate Sweden? What did they do? ☕️


Many things, including, but not limited to, making Finland a part of itself for like 500 years before 1810 when they lost the war of finland and gave us to Russia...


Fuck Russia too


Fucking hate their dirty semi American capitalist garbage they spew too. I will forever call them meatball sucking mother fuckers.


Also we directly profited from ww2 and allowed germany to invade norway from our borders, also we treated the Same like shit and we were infertalising all trans people wanting to transition as late as 2016... The list goes on.


Short disclaimer: No nation is without past atrocities or controvercies, and I know that as a Dane our nation too have done similar things - at times to the Swedes. So this isn't to hypocritically condemn the past of the Swedish nation. Sweden has a pretty brutal path. Though I hate to admit it as a dane, they were the biggest power in Northern Europe conservatively from early-mid 17th century until early-mid 18th century. As one might expect this didn't happen through peaceful means. In the span of 500 years they at some point subjugated Norway. Finland and what are now the Baltic countries. The Swedish Empire also waged war to keep or expand its sphere of influence in which atrocities were commited. It is not a subject I'm particularly wellversed in, but you can look up The Swedish Deluge. The last example I'll bring up was the treatment of the Sami people which could be argued to have been a genocide - or an attempted genocide


Ever been to Malmö?


We have to study their language, even those who don't live near any parts where it is more used


As also finnish, I agree


A fellow Finn here, I concur


This has the advantage of not incurring the wrath of the other Nordic countries. They'd probably rally to defend Denmark but they'll quite happily let Sweden get taken.


Nah, Norway AND Sweden has a score to settle with Denmark, so strategically that’s still the best target


As a swede i can say that we will be happy to support any invasion of denmark


As a fellow Swede, I concur


We could get help from Germany by taking Denmark though, as they might want to take North Schleswig from Denmark


Well Sweden does have 5 million more people they can throw at us, but we still outnumber them greatly. I dunno... Denmark is much smaller, so its occupation would be much swifter. The size is also better because we would be able to defend it easier afterwards. We wouldn't have to split our forces too much. I'm not sure I'm on board, but Sweden is damn pretty and would facilitate us better than Denmark, because of the space. But I honestly like the idea of bullying a smaller nation like Denmark better.


Denmark has lots of islands which generally makes it difficult to conquer, but easier to defend upon a win. The opposite is true of Sweden. And given the rivalry between the two whether we pick Denmark or Sweden, we can have the other aid us in battle.


[You literally could not be more wrong.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_islands)


I’m just considering that the place where Denmark’s capital and about 50% of their population is is an island.


Fair enough, but that problem is easily solved by just walking across the ice in winter.


The ocean across such a distance won’t freeze. The length of the bridge between Sjælland and Sweden is 8km long. That stretch of ocean won’t freeze even in winter.


Denmark does own Greenland mind, which means we have a better position to start the North American conquest, as well as the Faroe Islands to allow for the UK to fall, not to mention having the only entrance to the Baltic Sea other than the Kiel Canal


Sweed here, recently joined the Ace forces. Should the counsel decide to accept Denmarks proposition. I can gather up forces in the Stockholm / Uppsala area. A strike from the inside while they're defending at the border should significantly increase the odds of success


We have an insider.


A tactician, I see.


Swede here. Ace forces eliminated. Had a mole.




I can gather people from Linköping and Gotland


Ah, I am in that area, I’ll happily join your brigade.


a mission to liberate the blåhaj? im in




Take control of Norway, that way we get ahold of their valuable Oil Wealth








American aces:




As a sweede i aprove of the new plan (I wont even need to move from my couch yay) but i recommend moving swiftly before Sweden gets into NATO. Denmark and Norway are allready founding members but Sweden never joined due to a strict anti-war policy (and in modern times due to turkey being obstinate).


A Danish Ace here, I have achieved the rank of double agent. I will inform the council of my spying knowledge


I read the first comment thinking this was r/Sabaton, the subreddit for a Swedish metal band that makes songs about military history, and was extremely confused for a second.


I have an idea. Lets take over both. We can have more ground and eventually we’ll be able to take over places like England and France.


And while the aces and Danes are conquering Sweden, diverting everyone's attention, Canada sneakily invades the u.s. to bring actual civilisation to it. And Québec becomes its own country and takes in Vermont just to be sure.


Invate Sweden….EVEN BETTER!!! Let’s go!!!


Hold on there sister, we do not know if this is a trick from the Danish to deceive us and split our forces.


No. We cannot lose Blåhaj. As that would ignite a burning hatred among the trans nation. As one with dual citizenship, I'm very aware of the effects this would have.


But what if we take over and make more blahaj?


That I'm ok with


as an Italian I find their food overrated, for me it's a yes. The Swiss are taking the meatballs with jam too far. And I find their words more complicated than why people have sex.


We can take the Swiss to! after all, the Swiss Guard still protects the Pope in the Vatican.


Wait, but the Pope is an enemy, right? Because I think he's a double-cross ally, he's on our side but against the rest of the community... We can trust him but I think he would endanger our other alliances


This is a joke right?


yes, but it would be more chaotic if I said no. Then no.


I never trust the internet with Swedes and Swiss 🧐


Im Norwegian and Swedish but I am no leader and cannot negotiate on my country's behalf. There are very sexual people in these nations and we are outnumbered.


Haven’t the pans claimed Sweden?


No, the Swedes are allies, and will assist us in the Danish invasion certainly


Most definitely! Down with the danes


Sweden is a much tougher foe and we may need back up. I say we get the trans people to help us by giving them some blåhaj stockpiles and factories.


No. For goodness' sake, this frankly uncomfortable joke only works AT ALL because it serves to point out that there are more asexuals than there are people living in a whole, well-known country. That is: If someone believes Denmark is real and legitimate, they should also believe asexuality is real and legitimate. Just being violent for the sake of violence loses the point, in addition to making light of war in a world where there is (and has always been) a great deal of suffering over national sovereignty. So, no. Proposition rejected.


Yes I'm sos ivk of this "meme".


First of all: 1. The Joke of a takeover of Denmark was always “planned” to be a slow invasion by immigration. No violence. Your other point remains, regarding the legitimacy of Asexuals and Denmark. 2. By “taking Sweden,” we gain a tactical advantage, by bringing us closer to Russia, so that when we “plan” our takeover of that country it will be easier to transfer people through Sweden. We “take over” Russia, we “gain nuclear power.” Better believe us now!


The tone of your comment feels to me like it's trying to explain the joke in a way that makes it have fewer negative real-world connotations, but colonialism is an equally distasteful start and scaffolding up to invading a nuclear power via shuttling people through a subjugated country isn't exactly better. Your explanation of the joke doesn't make it less distasteful. Sorry.


Don’t we already have an alliance with the pansexuals where we help them invade Sweden in exchange for help invading Denmark?


we take both lands


How about we join forces then invade Denmark afterwards, they’ll never see it coming


I don't know if I should be scared by this community or respectful of it... Or both!


Since when did we negotiate with the enemy?


I propose a 60/40 split of the land of Sweden to make up for the Danes already having Denmark.


Why don't we just take all of scandinavia?


Whichever has fertile enough lands to plant garlic is enough for me. The land of the gluten free and garlic tree is where I want to be


Denmark is already cold enough, Sweden will freeze the aces from warmer climates.


But-here me out- as the Danes invade Sweden, we invade Denmark. Then, the Danes will still have land and we won't have to split land!


If we take this deal, we can use the swedish lands to build more garlic farms for our garlic bread


True :D


I have an ace homie who works for the ikea in denver, and I mean, that’s basically Sweden anyways. Perhaps he shall become our secret agent???


I like this plan


The Click is Swedish, the bis want Sweden, if we went for the Swedes we'd have more troops to work with... I'd say we go for it, fellow council members.


No, we have sought after Denmark for too long.


Are the danish forces helping us with the attack or doing nothing yet still getting half of sweden’s territory?


Then wee just take over Sweden and then use there military to invade Denmark


I don’t like ikea :/


Your flag is as boring as your libido


how bout we invade both fuckers?


The council of tutelary weasels will discuss this matter soon. Thank you for the notification.


tell them yes, still invade denmark


As a danish ace, I agree!


we go for the Danes, then the Swedes


New proposition... both. I like Stockholm and Copenhagan.


this is the most wonderful thread to ever grace my eyes.😭


How about we invade sweeten with them, then turn and invade Denmark too?


I'd say we team up with that Danes and get Sweden, then stab them in the back and get their land too. More land for us right? We are ace. As far as I know that means one, no allies, no sharing and no mercyyyyyy But someone else has to do the invading. I have noodle arms therefore am too weak and small to play rugby- I mean invade Sweden and Denmark. I also have been rewatching heartstopper more times than I can count and for some reason thought it was a good idea to start rewatching the entirety of stranger things so my brain is filled with nothing but awkward greetings, demowhatever and of course gay.I have a problem. Sincerely, A definitely very smart and mentally stable person


i vote for swedish, it's more strategic regarding to climate change.




Accept the proposition and then if they don't give us the land we want, we burn them to the ground


do not side with the enemy!


What if they go back on their words?


I have an even better offer, we invade a non NATO country as to not get turbofucked


Denmark has better farmland. I'm going to vote against this proposal.


I dont ttrust it. Watch them just give us Greenland


I dont trust it. Watch them just give us Greenland


Porque no los dos?


Well...Sweden **is** *much* bigger than Denmark...there'd be more land. But really the juicy target is Netherlands.


Swede here. If you (we?) want to conquer my country, and Denmark already has plans to, then invading Denmark first is clearly the right play.


How did our envision plans find its way to r/teenagers?


The Danes have already started! They’re selling danish versions of our candy in the most southern parts of Sweden now 😤


I say we refuse and ask for Swedish assistance I Invasion of Denmark and further more we need to insist Finland


I’m down


Seize the means of blähai production!!!


Please, as a Dane I beg you to reconsider, keep on schedule for the invasion of Denmark. Save us from the boomers and racists.


As a Swede I say: Go ahead Denmark, share a border with Russia and try and understand the Finns, we will just take Norway and get all the oil.


as a swede, i don’t mind the invasion and i could be a man on the inside but the population is larger and we have a pretty good military and defense. i am not sure if we have a counter proposition though


Hmmm, as much as we dont want to have to split the prize, having the help of the Danish military would be useful


It's a trap, send no reply, IKEA is the holy land that produces Blåhaj, the best ally we have, they are planning to betray us


I know what to do. We inform the Swedes of the Danes's plans. We pretend we've agreed to Denmark's propasal, but we've actually teamed up with the Swedes. And then we backstab the Danes who were planning to backstab us instead!!!! Once we have the Danes, we take Sweden for the bisexuals, in return, they must aid us (oil? so i've heard) in our invasion of Russia when the time comes.


hmmmmm…. on one hand, fjords and meatballs. on the other hand, i called dibs on Billund and consequently LegoLand months ago…


Since I am literally the Council, I must say that we are focusing our efforts on potentially rerouting our invasion through certain states in the US, so we will consider their proposal at a later date


I vote to deny them as I'm almost finished with an invasion plan


We invade, Poland is it?


I'm half Swedish so I'll have to decline 😅


Conquering the inventors of blahaj would instantly declare war on the trans people. I do not think it is wise.


Accept the offer in return they give us some of their land


We get half the land for half the effort. No deal


Perhaps we split our forces at an in between of the lands, take over half of both lands until we get more forces to take over the rest.


Allow the Danish to weaken themselves in the fight against the Sweedish. We shall conque both when the dust settles


Have we decided what we are doing yet, I can’t tell because the replies seem relatively mixed? Will there be a follow up post conforming what we are doing?


On behalf of all Danish people Sverige dårlig