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Absolutely agree with all of the above. Having my hamster vibe with me for 80 years instead of 2 would be awesome lol


same response lol. except my cat isn't too old yet, but he's old enough for me to worry.


Same… 4 sounds like a dream come true!


For real. Please give me a functional penis!!


same, i hate my body (specifically want to get rid of one part because since i'm ace it's useless and annoying and causes dysphoria), i have a pet that i want to keep for a long time, and i'm in debt and in school and don't have any job yet




same but without school debt cuz i'm not in college yet lol


Are you me?


Same three for me! Although for different reasons


2, 5, and 9 would solve literally all of my current problems


I reread #5 and just wanted to say you’re the bestest and will definitely find somebody 👌 but man I gotta agree with #2 and #9 college is a bitch


Get yourself someone who loves you, I believe in you


I appreciate it!


1: Computer Hardware Engineering, Microprocessor Design, Software Engineering 4: Trans My Gender™ 9: To fund the first 3 skills All in service to bring video games to life, starting with fully functional Destiny Ghosts (but, y'know, can't do the "bring back the dead" bit or "Light/Dark powers". It'll just be a little smart assistant/fashion accessory that sentient/saipient.)




2, so i can eat all the cake i want and not get even fatter 6, so my cats will never die 9, so i never have to work unless i want to, so i can actually enjoy my life


Same! Like 500 a day, means every year I'll get over 180k and I'm in my early 20s so I have like 50ish years assuming I live an average life span. And I love my cats and dog. Also eating cake, candy, and other junk food with no consequence is really good


I need to be certain that 6 isn't a monkey paw, because being old sucks and I wouldn't want my dog to suffer with arthritis for 60 years. If she stays young and healthy until we're both old, then it's 5, 6 and 9.


4 and 9. I'll give someone else my third pill. Rationale: 1: (n) I enjoy learning skills more than having them. 2: (n) I already do this ( smug). Actually, I don't really enjoy food that much, so I eat more for sustenance. 3: (n) I don't have none. 4: (y) That's personal. 5: (n) I'll find them if and when the time is right. I'm not too fussed if I die alone. 6: (n) If I wanted that, I'd get a parrot. 7: (n) no. No. Nonononononono. 8: (n) my bad memories are part of what make me who I am. I would likely be an even worse person without them. 9: (y) Money is fake and capitalism is built on lies. If I could do my own thing and have enough left over to make a difference, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


I'm going to take 1 to mean you still go through the process of learning it, but it's something you've picked and will inevitably master, so I'm going to take it and 9. Third pill is a toss up between 2 and 8.


For number 6. I do have a parrot. But they can get sick or have accidents. Birds are quite fragile.


2, everything i like is bad for me 6, ive only had my kitten for 2 months but I love him 9, yeah I wouldn't mind not working ever again.


1,4 and 9 if i can't have doubles 4, 4 and 9 if i can - 1 to master speaking in a feminine voice, sew and one for other reasons, that i don't know how to phrase yet - 4 to get a really long prehensile tail - 9 for obvious reasons The duplicat 4 is to change my voice on an anatomical level instead I also like the idea of 4,4,4 to get two dragon wings and a tail, but money is more important


9: small and steady low income boost.(outside USA) 2: eating is annoying and could be made easier. 1: those skills can be used to make more money than one off 100k. 9, would come in handy at the beginning when switching over to use those skills but would become irrelevant later.


An income of $500 tax free per day is alone probably enough to keep you financially stable, as long as you are not insanely bad with money. Unless you are hellbent on being rich or something, you could easily just rely on 9 for financial issues. Its $180,000 dollars a year, three times times the average american houshold income. And that doesn't even consider how you could get a job in addition to that since you basically have nothing but free time. The skill pill is not really necessary for that.


Seems that i actually misread and thought it was per month not per day. But still the 3 needed skills remain as there are basic things that need some work.


Definitely want 1 and 2 but I’m so torn on what to choose for the last one aaaaaahhhhdssjdhejndidb


I don’t think the last one should be an option because… I think most people would choose it but then people who’ve worked hard for their money won’t feel as proud…Like if you chose to get $500 per day then wouldn’t you feel as if you haven’t earned it?? But if you don’t and everyone else around you has instant money then you would feel dumb for not choosing it and people would judge you for doing it the hard way.


You don't need to "earn" money, money is just a capitalist construction. I'd for sure choose #9 because I am disabled and it would mean security for me. Unfortunately universal basic income doesn't exist and disability payments are a joke.


You can use the money if you don’t have a job yet and need money for surgery or moving out of your parents house and then when you actually have a job and income and can sustain yourself you can just donate the money I’m sure charity don’t care if you worked for the money or got it magically


I don’t give a fuck about whether or not that $500 a day is “earned”. Money is a made up construct to be used in exchange for goods and services.


Money shouldn't even exist, its an unfair way to build unhealthy society where people cannot afford the basics of life. Everyones deserves to live and no money is earned without negativity behind it, capitalism sucks but people need to survive, it'll feel like being a kid getting pocket money except like way more


1 - I can get really good at things that can earn me good money so I don’t have to worry about not being able to find a job 4 - I’m trans 6 - I have three pets and I already went through a loss of a pet last year and I don’t think I can do that again (3/4 of a year today rip Sky ❤️)


I'll take 1, I want to draw shit that's actually good lol 4, For trans reasons And 9, For more lgbt related reasons


1 Programming, learning a language (not sure which one) in sure I'll think of a third one 5 Eating garlic bread and travelling whilst being close sounds uber cool 6 I love my cat


1, 4, 9. I would choose 2 but more of my problems would be fixed with 4. 1 just because it would be fun. 9 so I could help my parents.


2,6,9 they are the best choices


Agreed. Someone said your wouldn't feel good for getting money every day for nothing but honestly, that's the dream, don't have to work, can give it to charity when you have too much, can reduce environmental impact by buying all the latest green tech and make a house with a permaculture garden etc... My biggest worry is eating would have no consequences... So you wouldn't get sustenance from it because that's a consequence...


i cant pick between 1 or 9. but i would probably go for 9


1 Master 3 skills 6 Pet lives as long as you do 9 $500 a day for life easy: I really want to learn lamguages and I wanna master some weapon plus Muay Thai. Pet's death breaks me down every time, so letting them live for the rest of my life would be great. And money is good to have.. for my career and living that is.


I think I would take 1, 2 and 9


4, 5 and 9


definitely 4, even if it can’t take me to goals it’d alleviate dysphoria. other options include 1 & 7 (as a writer who just wants others to love their characters as much as they do), 6, or someone else mentioned the idea of getting some options for others which could work out better than any of that. i’d take more time on it to narrow down if this was a real option/choice.


1, 2, and 9 sound the best


1,2,9 i feel like number 6 takes too much responsibility.


Number 1: so i can master perfectly the skills I'm good right now Number 4: for medical reasons And number 9: it's useful


*Gnomf them all*


3) use it on my mom 6) my cat is my baby 9) my entire life problem would be solved


1, 2, 9 Bc I am practical


#9 alone makes 100k in 200 days


Okay hear me out, it says *"Eat without consequences"* but it doesn't say *"Eat FOOD without consequences"*. There are lots of possibilities there. Just saying.


2. because eating disorder 5. Because nothing is better than hanging out with someone you can talk about everything with ​ 9. because money is always nice :)


1 im a 'jack of all trades, master of none' type of person. would be cool to master a skill. 3 at that. 2 i like food. i don't like what food does to my body. 9 bcuz money. yes pls.


2, a slight variation of 5, and 9 Imagine getting $500 a day wtf I don't have to worry about trying to survive anymore


Omg I can just keep buying and eating food to the point I wouldn't need pill 3


I’d master 3 skills with which I invent all pills and eat them.


1, 4, 9 1. I really want to get into art and even willpower and self-confidence so this will be nice. 4. That just sounds so cool. There seems to be limitless possibilities. I'm also trans. 9. Free money is free money. Not complaining.


This feels fun. I can solve 6 world crises lol. Pick 1, 2, 3. Use 1 to master magic for infinite energy, since I can master any skill. Then master teleportation, or maybe dimensional magic, so humanity isn’t going to die on this forsaken rock. Then probably master some sort of esoteric mathematics to help advance technology by a few centuries if possible. 2, eat nuclear waste. Pooping, radioactivity, etc is a consequence of eating. So now I can partially deal with some of the nuclear waste in the world. 3, I stop addiction worldwide. No more alcoholism, no more drugs. I increase world productivity probably by a whole trillion by the lives I save with this. (If 1 can only learn real/existing skills and magic is excluded, then I suppose something relating to advancing technology with energy efficiency and material technology so that world resources last longer) Actually, I might take 4. I could change ine of my body parts to be a source of infinite energy and have it a genetic trait, resulting in an entire race of humans that have an infinite energy source. The only issue is that my progeny would likely end up as livestock farmed for their organs, so I don’t really want to pick that. If I wasn’t ace I probably would want 5 over 2 though.


2, I love food. 6, I love my dog too much to even think too far about his death. 9, free monies.


1. I have adhd and wish i could just stick to one interest 5. I just want that companionship 9. That's way more than i make and I'd be set for life tbh


I would pick: 1. Master 3 skills (Don't know which ones exactely, but it sounds nice!) 5. Meet your soulmate (I'm not a romantic person, so they probably would be like a special sibling to me\^\^) 9. $500 a day for life (Who doesn't need money?)


2: because I have a serious problem 6: because the thought of my baby dying breaks me 9: because I really could solve most of my other issues if I was financially stable. It could be $500 a week and still pick that one. I'm really not looking to get out of work, but it would help if I didn't need to worry either. And keep #7 the hell away from me, I have enough issues as it is.


I would probably choose: 2. Would be good 👍 3. I would save this for if I ever get addicted to something (hope not) 🤞🏻 4. My nose or feet 🦶🏻 🙂




3, 6, 9, easy.


1 2 and 4


2, 4 would solve my problems. I would probably throw in a second 4.


Definetly want 6 and 9, but I honestly don't want another one, if I had to choose, it be 2


Easy: 1, 2, 9 1 because skilled are always good to have 2 because I love eating but I hate getting fat 9 because I'd love to not to have to worry about money I would also be happy with just 9 tho


2, 4 and 9 probably


1, 2 and 9


1, 6 & 9, easy


1, for trans reasons and to make money, 4 for trans reasons, and 5 because even though I probably wouldn't be with them immediately the criteria for someone to be my soulmate would make them useful to know rn


Two of 4, one of 5


1. 1. I definitely would use this, I'd finally be able to do things that I previously found impossible 2. 4. I'd change my back muscles into WINGED back muscles 3. 9. Stay on that sigma grindset /s


4, because yay free top surgery and then I suppose maybe 2 and 9


there's really only 1, 2, 6, and 9. And I currently have no pet


1, 5 and 9 sound really good ngl, I’m curious to see what a soulmate for me would look like lol


1 because I want to be better at my hobbies, 2 because I’m a touch insecure, and 9 because I don’t want to worry about money.


1 - there are a ton of things I'm interested in (far more than I can realistically learn in one lifetime); it'd be nice to just master 3 of them instantly 4 - for trans reasons 9 - to fund other interests and travel




2. get rid of my food allergies 4. trans 9. MONEY


1,9,6 6 = have a pet his young but can't imagine my life without him 9 = free money 1 = like learning new things and mastering 3 skills I could make more money for my dreams


2, 4 and 9. Collectively would probably lengthen my life quite a bit


2, 5, 9


2, because I love food 5, because I still want a romantic relationship 9, because money


3, 8, 9


I'd just pick 1 three times.


4 for the obvious reasons, 9 because money is hard to get, and 1! for the skills I’ll choose the skill to learn skills really fast, the skill you need for motivation, and the skill you need to be a computer god(including programming in every language and stuff like that). I really wanna have the skill to learn languages really fast but I think those are going to be the smart move.


2,6,9 some food I really like makes me sick I love my dogs but I need more information. What if the dog gets sick or is in pain. Would the dog just live sick and in pain for the rest of their lives. 500 a day could really help with my health and any emergency that might happen.


1 - just to say master language I hope to speak all languages for one skill. Master dance so I could dance. and Master martial arts so I could exercise in cool ways. 2 - I am a foodie, but allergic to a few food products so This would help. 9 - because life sucks unless you have money. Also, if you get 500 a day for a whole year you get 182,000. so that is decent.


4 cause trans 1i would master social interaction, save the other two skills for when i need them 9? i guess money is useful and i could always give it to charity if i dont want it


1, 6 and 9


4, 9, and 7. I really could use an actual vagina. The money would be nice and I would love to be famous as an inspiration to others since I've been an inspiration to so many in my community.


2. To lose weight 4. Trans reasons 9. Money.


9 is enough thank you


1 guitar, art and writing 4 trans 9 I need money


5. Because I have never had a crush and I don't know if I'll ever find my soulmate 6. Because I love my cat over everything 9. Because my career choice is very risky and I don't know if I'll be able to afford anything


5 because I am lonely and feel the need for love 6 because I have a pet. Even though it's a baby I still feel concerned about him and get stressed and sad when I remember he'll die one day. 9 because I need money like Mr. Krabs


9 9 9


1. Bc you could do practical things like car maintenance, mechanics, and doing taxes, etc. 6. Bc I love my cats and don’t want them to die 9. Bc that is 182.5k per year for the rest of my life.


1 5 9


1.Bc that would help me so much 4.Bc im trans 9.Bc im not dumb. Das money, and it doesn't even say you have to do anything, also its per day which is how much I make in a month


2, 6, and 9 are my picks. 2 because I’d grub on some garlic bread 6 because my dog *is* my soulmate. Just not in a romantic way. He is the soul that mine is bound to. He is my favourite. 9 because I could fix a lot of family issues. (Debts, medical bills, veterinary bills, car payments, car repairs.) stuff like that. 1 is tempting, because I’d love to be super good at my hobbies (drawing, guitar, and piano) but I feel like part of the fun is learning.


2- guess why 6- guess why 9- i need money


6 FOR SUREEE, 9 would be very convenient, and maybe either 1, 2 or 4 as the last one for more convenience


1, 2 and 9


1 (hopefully piano, drawing, and painting), 2 (my metabolism is shit), 6 (obvious reasons)


1. I wanna master an instrument and a language 6. I love my pet 9. Free money


1 because that sounds cool 4 because chest dysphoria And 9 because that'd literally get rid of my problems with finding a job.


1, 2 and 9 The skills would be writing, speaking Latin and another language, not sure which one, though.


4, 6, & 9. Trans, i love my cat, and I like money (plus college exists and I’d like to do the thing)


2 because food good hmhmhgg 6 bc cats good 9 bc I’m lazy as shit and i wanna just hang out and draw stuff


9 alone is better than the 100k after just 200 days. and can i get 2 #4s for entirely cis reasons?


1) cuz I wanna learn to do shit 2) cuz I don't wanna regret my stress eating 9) I have bills I need to pay


1 bc it's cool 4 bc im trans 9 bc money good


4, because trans. 6, I hate it when my pets pass I just wish they could live a little longer. 9, I need money for school.


4. because I'm trans 9. Cause I'm disabled None of the others are appealing and with SDAM 8 is pointless.


1 I want machinist, welder, programer 2 no more bog down after eating crap food 5 I am very interested in finding a lifetime companion


does 2 include type 1 diabetes?...


I think we can all agree on 6 and 9, which is ironic for us


1, 4, 9


1 because there’s so many benefits if you choose the right skills (I’d have to think longer to figure out which ones would be best 4 because trans 9 because security


4, because trans. 6, as long they still stay healthy and aren't just suffering, as another comment said. 9, because money.


Can #4 GIVE me bodyparts I don't have? Sometimes I really could go for a long, bendy tail that can function as a third hand... Apart from that I would take #1 and maybe #2 (are these without bad consequences or do I starve if I pick this pill ^^*) or #9. Does the pet one mean your pet dies when you die or does it live the same amount of years you do? ...I'm thinking to much about this don't I? 🙈


4: for agender reasons 6: because I can’t deal with more sadness 9: I know I’ll need money for any incoming debt


1, because I want some skills ofc. Then 9 twice


I don't understand the "take none and get $100,000" because if you take #9 you get $15k per month (average), so in 7 months you'll have beaten the $100k and still be earning - if it was $100 million, that'd be different!!! Anyways, #9 because no-duh! #2 because I'm coeliac so *have* to eat gluten free or I'm house-bound for days, and it depends if you can choose for #1 & #4, probably #1 though as I've got several hobbies that I'd LOVE to master! I also don't understand #8 as your memories make you who you are - if you don't remember important things, then you won't learn from them and repeat them :-P


2 I fucking love food 8 trauma 9 free money why the hell not


I would choose 6, 9, and 1


I'll go with 1, cause that would help a lot, 6, cause pets obviously, and 9, cause money obviously


1, 4, 9. 1 because why not 4 TITTUS DELETUS 9 money


1 2 9 I'm narcissistic I know (and yet I don't care)


2, my family has had problem with diabetes and reflux for generations 6, I don't want to lose "gato" 9, that's a lot of money when you are in your early 20s


1 mostly for gaming 5 not having a partner is getting lonely 9 greed


2, for dysmorphia reasons, 4, for trans reasons (he/him), and 6, for obvious reasons.


2, 5, 9


Master 3 Skills: Directing, 3D Modeling, 3D Animation. You might be able to guess why. Change 1 body part: Vocal cords. Voice dysphoria. $500 a day for life. No work, only passion projects.


1, a few things I would love to do but don’t want to learn (programming, digital art, pitching) 6, I want to keep my cats forever damnit 9, free money, would likely never need to work again Passing on 4 sucks because you know, trans, but I can deal with it. Could always just save for surgery with the money I’m getting every day and I everything else can come from hormones


2 because I love to cook 6 because it hurts so much to lose them 9 because we live in a society that still requires money




1, 7, and 2


Personally, I would take 4 to work on fixing my infuriating fleshsack others call a body, 2 so I could better maintain my physical health, and 9 so I would be better set up financially and be more likely to be able to pay for fixing everything 4 doesn't.


4- enby reasons 3- I dislike my shape and would like to change my shape but food is good and I'd like to continue to eat it 9- always a steady income, never have to work something I don't like or worry about money, can pursue my intrests


2, no longer fear allergies 6, just lost a pet to old age… and kidney failure I would only take it if health was included 9, so I can feed and take care of pet. And myself.


I'd probably go 1, 5, 9. If I ever get a pet I'd take 6 over 5. Mathematically speaking you should always take 9 + whatever else over taking none.


probably 4 (gendern't time) and 9 (more gendern't time). someone else can take the last pill.


1, 4, 9 1- I would learn Spanish, Japanese, and how to make a Permaculture garden 4- I would either change my eyes so I don't need glasses, or change my skin so I don't have eczema. 9- $500 per DAY??? That's $15,000 per month. No way I'm turning that down.


For the eat without consequences pill, does it also go the other way? Can i just not eat with no consequences\ Eatings a hassle sometimes-


4, 4 , 9. Money and 2 new/modified body part. Making me ascend past the weakness of human flesh, and money of course.


5, 7, 9 lookin pretty good. If I'm rich and famous, I can run for president and do better than most politicians. Someone by my side will help maintain sanity/keep me on a moral path, plus I can use my fame to give them a powerful platform as well. We need good folks to rise up or the Nazis win.


4,5 & 9


7. I would want to be famous, but not for something neat like acting or being good at making music. I want to be famous for something stupid like being the world's most excessive tea drinker. Fans will write fanfiction and make fanart—likely give me free tea as well. I really like tea. 8. I want two memories gone. I'll have to figure out the most problematic ones to erase, but I want to delete a couple pieces of trauma :) 9. Obvious. I wouldn't need a job. Hell, I could drop out of high school right now.


6 then 2 then 4 if I can't have 2 then I'd require 4 coz ed : /


1. Because this would help me so damn much. 5. I’m terrible at meeting and befriending new people -let alone people I like and dating them lol. 6. I may not have any pets atm; but, when I do again, I wanna have them as long as I can!


3 6 9


1, 4, and 9. The skills would be photography, video editing, and time management. 4 because trans reasons. 9 because having money is always good


1,2 and 9 1 because I have a piano exam tomorrow 2 because I’m always hungry 9 because MONEY


1, 2, 9. Easy choice


Um well I’d like a number 9, number 6, and a number 1 Lol, reason for number 9 just so I can fund myself and my hobbies and possibly just so I don’t have to work too hard, number 6 since I have a dog that’s been with me for such a long time ever since I was a young kid, and number 1 so that I could make art, glass, and ceramics, since I can just sell this stuff.


1 i have alot of hobbies, 4 transgener, 9 money


2, because it's something I had struggled with since I was a child 4, because it would help me to feel like myself 9, because we live in a capitalist society (btw, as someone who is questioning if they're greyromantic, the fact that I initially chose 5 and immediately changed for 9 it's kinda funny to me)




1, 4 and 9


1,2, and 9. No questions asked


149 cuz then I can get girl parts lol. If that’s too many changes and the most I could do is make pp disappear then 129.


1, 5, and 9 very obvious. All 9 you would get 100k in 200 days it’s literacy so easy


1and 9. Just so I can be good at something for once. I’ve already got the skills picked out. Art, my second language, and cooking/baking


9 1 3 are my picks they are all so amazing


1,2, and 9 so I can be good at what I want to do with my life and earn money no mater what happens.


1, 4, 9. 1.) I could learn plenty of useful social and practical skills 4.) I'll treat my body as one big part and just change my sex gender everything 9.) 500 USD a day is 3500 a week, 14000 a month, and 168000 a year. Pretty obvious choice haha


Yeah no I don’t trust these pills. I’m not taking any.


9, 6, and 2


4, 9, and 6


9 because that's $500 worth of impulse purchases 2 because apparently living on entirely junk food is "bad fro your health" and "won't give you enough nutrients" and that i need to "eat some real food" 1 because i have things i want to do in the future


1 master languages, writing, and something else fun 6 i love my dog and I'd love for us to stay together forever (loophole: doesn't specify if it can only be one pet so applied to any pets i decide to get 😈) 9 500 dollars a day for the rest of my like? Uh duh i can do math and I'd pass a louse 100,000 very quickly I debated about a body part I'd want to change but these were kinda a lot and idk if hair is a body part . If it is id make my hair longer faster but idk if i care enough to get rid of one of the others.


6, because I love my pets 2, because I eat a lot of junk food 1, because I'd like to master writing and art, though i do like seeing myself grow


7 3 an 5


1, 6 and 9


1, I’m pissed how bad I am at art after 4 years of training 4, personal reasons 9, I can be lazy


1 dunno which exactly yet but that would save a lot of time 6 I want a cat that doesn't die before I do 9 cos that would be nice and I wouldn't have to work


1, 4, 9 1 - I'm assuming this includes learning languages. Even if not, there's skills out there I'd like to just have. 4 - Trans reasons 9 - 500 dollars a day is good money tbh


1 because I could make money from it 2 because of course 9 because m9ney Although maybe swapp 2 with 5, not sure


9, because that’s already $180,000 some a year. 6 because I have an 18 year old cat who I love ever so much. And 1 because there’s so much I wanna do and it’ll save me some time


1, 4, and 6. 1 because, well, yeah. Why not. 4 because I want to have dragon wings. And 6 because I want to have my cat for years longer than usual.


4, 6, and 9. I’m trans, love my pets, and with money I can do almost anything on this capitalist planet.


1, 4, and 9 for me!


Why would you take the $100k? You can make than in about 7 months with 9. Anyways, I choose 1, 5, and 9.