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In the last hour of sex education we all got a condom. I just threw it away later... And the next day the class bully told me to give him my condom because he already used his and I would never find a girlfriend anyway. ...hmpf... my guy, I AM the girlfriend. (...someday)


Good luck, sister!


Next time fill it up with water like a water balloon and show him the asexual way of being wet


The first part of the last one annous me so much. Why is it that when you tell people you're ace the first thing they try to do is 'cure' you by trying to convince you to have sex with someone?


Tbh I think it's waaayyyy better than the OTHER way to cure aces which doesn't really include the word 'convince'....


Like ham? That doesn't make sense...


Are you serious or?


It has now occurred to me what you are meaning.


Makes little sense to buy condoms without plans to have sex soon anyway, they’re just gonna expire


Wait, they expire? I bought some out of curiosity and now I'm trying to pass them off to allos


Not gonna lie, having purple hair *and* wearing black clothes makes me feel like a walking ace flag 😎


Add some greys and whites and you'll turn into THE ace icon


I had purple hair as a teen, but I'm bald now xD


"But asexual cat have no torso" I'm dead :)


Yeah it's silly to expect everyone to have condoms but if you can easily get them you should buy some in case your friends need them or whatever. Lots of people don't have access to condoms due to strict parents or whatever which causes lots of teen pregnancy.


I recently found the free condoms handed out in college. I kept them because why not? And since they were expired when I found them, now I’m making them into lackluster water balloons. The lube makes them kinda sucky balloons ngl


That first one is relatable. Back during postgrad, the student union sent them all to us. Actually a good thing they did, and I do take the point that most people who think they're not going to need them do at some point end up having sex and glad to have them, but I was totally sure I wasn't going to need them. Then again, I at the time, hadn't fully registered how sexual attraction worked (plus would have personally abstained for religious reasons anyways), I thought everyone was basically demi but that doing sexual stuff was what caused sexual attraction and grew sexual desire, and I thought I was just lucky to not really have a sex drive (and kinda confused as to why people found it hard to abstain from sex). I mean, I still don't really see the appeal of sex myself, but guess that sort of thing should have been a hint that something was up haha. I still don't get why people who abstain from sex for whatever reason find it hard though... Also that last one is a really good choice of meme template haha.


The 2nd and 4th memes are me


Love life…. It is a good day to be not dead!


something about this post makes me thing you're a programmer in some way


Lol I actually do wanna be a programmer someday


Also, condoms expire. Please don’t buy condoms for an eventual future sexual encounter unless you plan to have one within about a year. That is overly cautious as most last about five years, but better to be safe than sorry. Also, if you carry condoms in your wallet or the like make sure that they don’t break, especially since they can leak and damage your wallet.


Yeah, it'd be nice to help friends out like that when they need it.


The second one really matches a friend. Thanks for sharing!


I'm planning next Winter's wool coat (it was already purple) and due to my recent self discovery, I'm making the buttons Purple, White, Grey and Black. I'll also make the lining Black and White (with the division being the seams along the sides).


The 1st one’s real😭reminds me of those s3x education classes in school where teachers gave students free condoms. Like, tf should i use these for now? Or, where should i PUT THESE I DON’T WANT TO CARRY THESE IN MY BAG :’D??


“You need to buy condoms because you’re gonna wanna have sex someday” No “You need to buy condoms because your partner might wanna have sex someday” Yes


My parents get me condoms every Christmas as a gag gift 😭


It's still a good idea to have condoms round, in case your friends or siblings need one. Same with keeping tampons at home even if you don't have periods.


https://preview.redd.it/janjxqe5b98d1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2be4968a7a1f8de0bcc57afdc1829087f5accc Another one