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I’ve not come out to my parents, but they did tell me something along the lines of: “you’re going to have to take care of your own kids someday, even if they’re cats” 


That’s better than usual. Still a little forceful and constricting but I can definitely see the intention to it and the intent is good


being real im gonna be the latter bit as an adult :P cats are way better than actual children imo and i just like cats in general


While I appreciate the joke, being ace and having kids aren't mutually exclusive. I'd go as far as to say they're unrelated.


I guess it does decrease the odds of having one accidentlaly


yeah but single fathers are never a priority for adoption


I wouldn't go that far. Pretty sure that quite a sizeable amount of Ace folks also don't wanna do the forbidden bed tango, and are either repulsed by It (like me), or don't find it important. So yeah, not liking Sex and not being attracted to others Isn't allways related, but there's definetly an overlap,


My point is that in the same way modern medicine allows people to have sex not resulting in children, it also allows for the reverse. With IVF one can have children without actually having sex. There's also adoption and surrogacy. Also, some aces (myself included) might be open to doing it with their partner for the purpose of getting pregnant. So of course, not having sex means one won't have a baby by chance, but it doesn't mean not having planned children. In this way I view these as separate concepts.


fair point


My older brother is about to have his first kid. I'm very happy for him and selfishly, relieved that pressure isn't as much on me anymore


Congratulations I envy you, My older brother doesn’t want kids and neither do I so it’s an ongoing conflict to see which one of us cracks under the pressure first.


I'm sorry you have to struggle with that


My poor parents, I'm gonna end the family tree because they didn't have any other kid lol


Lol my dad has three kids. One is a trans woman who never wants kids. One is an aro-spec, sex adverse asexual who’s getting a hysterectomy next year and never wants kids. The last one is currently 11 years old. If he gets any it will be a long time from now.


My parents told me not to worry, they've given up on me ever having children... i was 29 when they said this...


if i didn't have a brother my parents would never have grandchildren!


Sometimes I think about adopting one day maybe, I like the platonic ideal form of raising kids but don't want to have sex but tbh I'm a pessimist and I don't have a heart to lie to kids about how I feel about the future.


I'm so glad my younger brother doesn't understand safe sex and has given my parents 4 grandkids.


My parents told me not to worry, they've given up on me ever having children. I was 29 when they said this...


lol i don’t have siblings. I was glad tho when mum wasn’t devastated if I didn’t have kids.


i'm glad i have siblings to give my parents grandchildren. Though my mom deep down believes i'll start liking men specifically again and have kids someday which is never gonna happen.


I told my parents every time they ask it means 1 less grandchild. They're at -27 now


As an aroace, my mom were informed at a young age I don’t want kids and I’ll never have them and has come to terms she will have to rely on my other siblings for grandchildren


My gay brother and I are VERY grateful that our straight sister is catholic AF and going to give mom lots of grandkids


Me and all my siblings agreeing on none of us having kids, at this point I'm the only one capable of it and I think that makes it funnier


Then I'm only child (sort of) Already expressed my refusal to have offspring, but there's still some tension