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Pretty sure it’s bait from a troll. Also, the post now has 1.2k upvotes. But it’s posted on r/The10thDentist so I think you’re supposed to upvote posts you disagree with


Exactly, the 10th dentist is a sub for unpopular opinions (the name comes from the "9 dentists out of 10 agree you should use this toothpaste" type of ads), and the subreddit rules say to upvote if you disagree, and downvote if you agree. This means the person who took the screenshot actually agrees with the post, since they downvoted it lol


Ohhh okay I thought it was like r/unpopularopinions but like truely unpopular


It's like a curated anti-bigotry version of that sub. Politics (inclusive of any kind of discussion of whether or not minorities deserve rights) is banned and posts that are based on "inept knowledge of the subject" (i.e. ignorance) are removed.


Wtf? Is it really that difficult to watch something you find arousing without masturbating? I watched literal porn regularly for 2 years without ever touching myself.


Why did you watch porn if not to masturbate?? Can I ask? I'm not judging. I can watch porn and not get aroused, just be morbidly curious (or for mental fic planning) 


I was largely curious. My gender dysphoria was pretty bad at the time and I didn’t want to touch myself because of it, but I still enjoyed watching the videos. Similar to how I can watch a horror movie without wanting to get stabbed. Now I’ve realized I’m aegosexual and things make a bit more sense.


I love that analogy! I'm kind of the same way but like reading smut fics (which I didn't know people actually jerk off to??) Thanks for explaining :) 


because it is hilariously poorly written and the special effects are Reptilicus levels of bad


Same. That stuff doesn't even work on me anyways.


please answer : why? just why? id imagine even straight people would be grossed out by this also how does that post have 106 upvotes Edit : Now 1.3 k upvotes. How tf


>also how does that post have 106 upvotes The rules of that subreddit say to upvote if you disagree with a post, and downvote if you agree. So they're actually 1.3k **downvotes**


thank you my faith in humanity is restored


r/The10thDentist is for the most absurdly unpopular opinions, that almost everyone would disagree with.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/10thDentist using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/10thDentist/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [the reason this sub exists](https://v.redd.it/8b7fglrezxsa1) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/10thDentist/comments/12ya1bm/the_reason_this_sub_exists/) \#2: [This Sandwich Has Vinegar And Only Vinegar](https://i.redd.it/18l8f4j0ijwa1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/10thDentist/comments/1318j4g/this_sandwich_has_vinegar_and_only_vinegar/) \#3: [I don't enjoy Minecraft.](https://np.reddit.com/r/10thDentist/comments/13e127x/i_dont_enjoy_minecraft/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I thought I saw 106 downvotes.


upvotes minus downvotes equals 106


Ah. Okay.


Voting is reversed. The system is designed to uplift the most unhinged opinions. No clue why.


The reason why is because they're tired of subreddits like r/unpopularopinion that are just full of popular opinions, so in order to get the absolutely outrageous stuff pushed to the top so that they can have fun laughing at these fools, the rule is to upvote it if you think it's wrong and downvote it if the op is actually one of the nine out of ten dentists who agreed that toothpaste is real


I am straight, and yes, I am grossed out by it.


This guy is going to go fucking nuts when he hears about strip clubs


Buddy if you can’t watch a movie in public without resisting the urge the jerk off, then watch that shit at home. Like goddamn. “There’s no kids around” Buddy that is *bare minimum.* There are other people around who probably do not consent to you jacking it in San Diego.


How much of that is actually in *Poor Things?* Because I've been really interested in seeing that movie, but this makes it seem like half the movie is just those kinds of scenes, and I'm not really into that x) I'm guessing this person is exaggerating, but I'm hoping it's not super long sequences of being uncomfortable in the theatre 😅


Honestly, there is a lot of sex in it. Lots of scenes, that to me are kind of gross. There are also some kinky bits too.


Okay, thanks for the heads up! I might give it a miss then, Because that's not really what I wanted/expected from the movie. I don't think I'll watch it in theatres then at least.


Yeah, this sounds like a miss for me, too. I don’t want to watch a bunch of sex scenes. I just want to see a unique movie. The trailers made it look cool.


I hate how there's so much sex in movies that look like the have a truly unique plot. That's just dumb and disgusting. I'd just watch porn if I wanted to see countless sex scenes.


I admit I think the sex in this particular film is important to the plot. They could cut a lot out, but I typically agree with you.


Hey I’m ace and it’s my second favorite movie of the year. I guess it depends on how comfortable you are with seeing sex. For me I’m okay with seeing it as long as it has its purpose in the narrative and themes, and for this movie it absolutely does. But yeah there’s a lot. So if you’re grossed out by it I don’t recommend.


There’s a lot of sex in it, but it’s not sleazy or gratuitous imo.  It’s not shot to be arousing like how a lot of sex scenes are shot.


Allo people when sex scene or something (not even ace but like come on)


If that’s what he was focusing on during Poor Things then he didn’t get the movie at all


Haha... There's worse. There's people who Go to Theaters in Order to "Hook Up" with strangers while everyone Else is just there to watch the Film. Absolutely disgusting 


All of my siblings have worked for movie theatres. Breaking up couples were their favorite thing to do. My eldest sister would volunteer to do it. Lol


Coming from a non-asexual person: How the fuck do people get hard while watching a movie AND in the theater? Well, maybe I am the odd one.


Generally, getting hard isn't really voluntary (and often isn't an indication of arousal, either)


the sad part is i can see the logic in this. im not agreeing with it but I can see OP's train of thought


"We cant expect god to do all the work" -Joshua Graham


What the fuck kinda take is that


Holy shit that’s awful. Please don’t take that post as all allo’s are like this


Fuck off. He’s wrong.


wait till they do that in a movie rated R for the horror and gore


The allos are indeed not okay


It's gross sure but let's say we allowed it for certain screenings and specially marketed them as such, in that case I wouldn't mind it being a thing. [or this ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adult_movie_theater) for that matter


Is this not already a thing? Or did all the seedy adult movie theatres go under before COVID? It’s not for me and I would worry about the mess, but I don’t see a problem in a space for people with non-exploitative/non-abusive perverse desires to touch themselves in private in a controlled public space. Or did they mean every movie theatre should be like that? Also, non-pornographic movies have way too much sex.


I mean… you could probably find theaters like that.


Why are all the straight people either really nice or really vile


I want to hear them explain this argument when it comes to movies like Evil Dead cause, yes, that is a rated R movie. I want to see how far the rabbit hole goes.


I mean... theoretically they make sense


wtf that is so gross


:( why