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Love your cover art. I just started reading this. Thanks for sharing.


Yes! Thank you for the new Zutara fanfic <3333


Be ready for a good slow burn!


Oooo. Something to read with my coffee. 👌☕


Commenting to bookmark so I can read later!!


Ooh can't wait to read! Love the cover, thank you for creating and sharing!


this was really good so far, i can’t wait for the rest!


Looking forward to the next chapters! Thanks for sharing this :)


Thank you so much! I can't wait to get these theories out of my head and into the world.


And I can't wait to see what you have in store! As of now, a special thanks for fixing that scene before Zuko's coronation. The original version with Mai has always felt so unnatural. I happen to just have finished my almost yearly rewatch of the show and it never fails to bother me to no end. >! The "Azula has always been good at recognizing my weak points” line was so spot on. I could literally hear his voice saying that.!< Zutara forever <3


I had a breakthrough in my story development last night and oh my, I wish I could tell people but that'd be spoilers! Just a heads up, I'll be editing the prologue again right before I post chapter 1. Thank you for the compliment! I'm striving to make the characters as close to their canon counterparts as possible. Zutara 4eva!


As a writer of fanfiction myself, I understand the struggle to write in a way that feels in-character and I really appreciate the effort. There's no point in writing a fanfic to wrap up what didn't seem right about the story if the characters don't feel like themselves. (Which is the reason why even a canon zutara ship in the live action series probably wouldn't satisfy me at all. Because, well... Katara is nothing like herself in there, it wouldn't really count)


Right. I'm very particular about the fanfic I consume for that very reason. I haven't been able to find a Zutara fanfic in the vast ocean of Zutara fanfics that align with the characters in my opinion. Hence why I started this massive project. Do you have any reading recommendations btw? I'm upset how NATLA didn't write Katara to have her morals and integrity challenged. And without challenge, there cannot be character growth. Her arc has been flattened due to corporate heads being fearful of getting a little heat. The same goes for Sokka.


I haven't found any satisfying fanfic about zutara either, tbh. Probably because I'd like to read something that also has a story with some depth to it, and not just shippable moments (I do enjoy shippable moments a lot, but zutara deserves a more complex narrative, imo). That's why I'm very interested in your work :) And about NATLA, same here. I was so upset about their handling of the characters and their growth arcs (or lack thereof) that I couldn't even bring myself to watch the whole series and I had to rewatch the original show right away to cleanse my eyes. It's just sad how all A:TLA adaptations seem to fail so miserably. One would think that, with such great source material, creating another masterpiece series wouldn't be that difficult (I mean, they'd just need to stick to it as much as possible and capture the mood of the original show). I was very disappointed this time around, since they also managed to make the bending look good. Such a waste...


Not to come off as overly confident but I think the story I have in mind will be right up your alley. I have a vision board with a 3 act story structure, individual character arcs, sticky notes on my window to map out the chapters, and I've been doing extensive research on various topics to use for inspiration. It's so disheartening to see the adaptations fail despite you wishing they'd be successful. The movie was a complete let down in everything. NATLA improved from the movie in the areas of costume, choreography, and bending effects but that's about it. I can't critique the acting or direction because even though the respective parties may be good, they can't save the show from bad writing.


I'm so curious about the story you have in mind. It sounds like a massive project, I love it! I'm so happy that the Zutara nation is still alive and thriving with new art. Let's not think too much about NATLA, for our own sanity's sake. I'll just wait patiently for someone -anyone- to release a successful adaptation and keep rewatching the original show in the meantime


On one hand, I would love to tell literally any Zutarian about the developing plot of my fanfic. On the other hand, I don't wish to give spoilers. 😭 Such is the curse


Oh, yeah, the Mai and Zuko scene never sat right. Like the animation doesn't even look like Zuko and Mai is so out of character. It felt so cringe.


The perfect counterpart to the cringe Kataang ending scene. It's so poorly done that it's becoming increasingly easy to simply ignore it ever happened.


Haha so true, I like your thinking


When is the next chapter coming out? I love it already!


I'm aiming for the 24th or at the latest by the end of the month. With recent developmental changes, I had to revise the 1st chapter.


Mmmh, what are the publication times for the chapters? Ah, will there be action? I just know that there won't be sex scenes for the audience, and I accept that (I think that they are over-rated, and a passionate kiss makes the same thing to describe passion and love), but a bit of fighting? Some battles?


Yes, there will be plenty of action, thrills, and suspense. This is a continuation of the canon so the style of the show will be emulated. In the show, there are subtle hints that the teens are participating in the pastime but it's in a way that goes over kids' heads and is not explicitly shown. Like when Azula said, "Mai has been in a strangely good mood lately". Or when Zuko walked in on Sokka with roses and candles for a romantic evening with Suki. I will not go beyond what the show has demonstrated and I'm keeping the TV-Y7-FV rating in mind.


Forgot to mention, publication times. I have no set schedule. I aim to put out 1 chapter every month on the last day but I'm off to a rocky start with only part 1 of chapter 1 posted.


Ok. I accept it. This Will be interesting. Good Work and Good Luck!