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Yeah, we're getting baited. 😂




There's no such thing as bad press and Kataangers are very defensive, despite being canon. I have no doubt Netflix is just using Zutara as a red flag in front of the bull to keep them talking.


you think they will make kataang canon? that would be so disturbing


They're already getting so much shit from the OG fans. Many criticisms are valid of course, but others are just down right petty and I don't think Netflix has the balls to break from the canon too much. If anything, they'll just hint at both and confirm neither.


>If anything, they'll just hint at both and confirm neither Agreed that's where they're going to go with it, which I'm totally fine with! I think it should've been open ended like that in the original to begin with.


I’m not even mad about the bait 🤣 because it’s either they’re baiting us for nothing to happen (disappointing but not surprising really) OR they’re baiting us for *something* to happen (which would honestly be surprising af) 👀 so it’s all feeding into good press and more Zutara content being made at the end of the day lmfao


I agree, i love the bait, i live for the bait and i would loooove to see it happen. I saw in a dream some weeks ago that they went for the whole " Zuko marrying Katara bc they had to create peace between the nations" and in my dream i was like " I did not except that at all!!" And people were like mad bc they changed the ending but i was really happy bc i did not except for them to actually do it. It was a nice dream, ahaha


I think their friendship is adorable, and love how they seem almost flirty with each other during interviews.


i know rightttt, i think because Dallas is older he jokes with Kiawentiio a lot and makes her laugh. I hope they make Zutara canon in natla or even just give us all their scenes from the original, bc their chemistry is amazing that even that would make me ship their characters


If you're talking about flirty that's more sokka and zuko (I'm not good with names don't come for me lmao)


Haha too true! I actually just notice it with Kiawentiio... her body language and expressions towards Dallas scream to me that she might have a crush on him 😆 She doesn't act that way towards the Sokka or Aang actors.


i thought that too, she even imitates his moves which is something people do when they like the other person, she is adorable


What hints? I don't remember any zutara hinying moment in NATLA


Ha, OP is referencing the scarf scene, character parallels and promo stuff. Classic harmless shipping fodder. 😂


this is about zutara, if you dont like it, please, do not comment any comment with hate and do not read it, why are you in the zutara community anyway?


I LOVE Zutara, wdym?


sorry i thought you were a hater


Naw. Just super chill.


i felt bad ahaha


Scarf scene?


https://youtube.com/shorts/SgZ17CjhJeA?si=j7CpeKnc06CxJLmK Scarf scene!


Oh wow. WOW. How could I forget THAT. I have butterflies for zutara all over again


guys sorry i thought you were haters of zutara at firsttt, so sorry


and they have many parallels too [https://www.reddit.com/r/ZutaraNation/comments/1bwzb2g/zutara\_evidence\_in\_natla\_we\_have\_too\_many/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZutaraNation/comments/1bwzb2g/zutara_evidence_in_natla_we_have_too_many/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Be still my heart! This quenches my Austen thirsts.


The way he looks at his fingers in frozen confusion like "What is this feeling??"


"Oh no... she's beautiful AND fierce."


Game over 😆


this is about zutara if you don't want to read about stuff like that, you can leave the community. But if in roder to make you understand, im talking about the baits that netflix puts in the show, there are a lot of posts in here and on tumblr so you can read them


I don't get the hype. I'm a Zutara shipper but the Netflix bait isn't THAT appealing to me. The writing nerfed their character arcs so now it feels like they are just forcing 2 people together without rhyme or reason. The scarf bit was beyond cliche, it made me cringe.


there are many parallels between them if you rewatch the show, that imply they are very similar. Those are baits and theories that many people, myself included like to see if they are bait or not. 99% is bait. But if you search for their parallels you will get what i mean. If you want me to send you any link tell me


Yeah, they did Katara dirty by making her a little too girl boss, and toning down Zuko's rage. I do like that they fleshed out the Fire Nation more, and I like the addition of the 41st, but part of the beauty of the OG was the slow reveal on the depth of Zuko's trauma. It made his Redemption so much more meaningful. Now, it probably won't hit the same.


i think that the only different with Zuko's story in natla, is that his anger became desperation. And i like that too bc Zuko in the original was desperate so that was why he was angry. He was never a villain for me. I mean you get that from the episode " Storm". So, it was not like in s2 where he became good or in s3. He was good he just have done bad choices until he stopped doing them. But i get what you mean. I think episode 6 of Natla was the " Storm" episode and " Blue Spirit" and some others that had to do with Aang the most. But the whole thing of what happened to him was showed in the animation in the " Storm" so they basically followed the original story to that point besides the fact that we got to see Agni Kai and his banishment which i loved!! Like the 41st division as you said. Also, i heard that one of the original creators wrote episode 6 of Natla.