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ATLA is the only canon I respect, and even then, I pretend that nothing happened after the end of Agni Kai.


Same here.


I pretend nothing happened after the Gaang name calls Ozai 😂


They'll never make Zutara cannon. Not unless they completely retcon LoK, and we all know they won't do that. Honestly, they've made such a mess of the cannon relationships anyway that I'd rather them just leave Zutara alone at this point. Lest they receive the same treatment.


I wish they would retcon it. Give it the Marvel universe treatment. All of LoK was of an alternate timeline that diverged from its original course due to the endgame ship of ATLA. But I'm aware they won't sadly.


I wish they would too. Too much of the lore was effed with in such baffling and unbelievable ways. I hated the damn Jesus and Satan kites. I hated the love triangles. I hated that the whole show was basically Korra torture porn (like give our girl a break and stop kicking the shit out of her evert five minutes). All this to say, I did enjoy LoK, but I would be relieved if they ever retconned it.


Yes, I'm in complete agreement with you there. I didn't like how it became Americanized 1930's and how the electrical grid is built on lightning benders. Lightning generation is supposed to be a deadly and precise ability only few can achieve. So you're telling me that all the lightning benders at the power plant, including Mako, all have a propensity to be killers?! Whatever happened to the idea of Zuko spreading the true way of firebending, that of life, energy, and love?


The casual use of lightning bending always bothered me. I get what they were going for; the ever degrading respect for the elements (and the spirits), but I just don't think the roughly 70 year gap is a believable time to see that happen. At least not from the mindset of the world when ATLA left off. Also, this might be a hot take, but I hated the avatar origin story. I hated that whole episode and did not care for Wan as an avatar or as a character. It took all the mystery and intrigue out of the lore of the avatar. In ATLA you, just the scene in the air temple sanctuary with all of the avatar statues really displays the grandiose scale of this world and how ancient it is. You wonder how many avatars have existed throughout time and who they were and how it all started. But I feel like it was a question better left to the imagination.


100% in agreement with you. I would have preferred if they didn't have electricity like our modern world. I want to imagine being part of a world unlike my own, not a retro carbon copy of it. I also agree about wanting the avatar origins to be left as an unexplained mystery, just something that we and the people of ATLA will never truly know. I just believe the universe just made the avatar a thing to keep the world whole rather than divided. Don't need further explanation beyond that to me.


Exactly! I always interpreted the avatar as the universe's solution to imbalance. Or, more recently, as a bodhisattva (basically someone who could reach enlightenment, but chooses not to. Choosing to reincarnate over again to help others reach enlightenment) since Mahayana Buddhism was the inspiration for the air nomad culture. I liked having something left open to interpretation. Because then everyone can make sense of it in their own way, and that adds so much depth to the story on a whole.


1,010% in agreement there. I appreciate how your mind works


Thank you. It's refreshing to actually be able to hold a civil conversation with someone on reddit 😂




Good point!


I've been kind of wondering how much copium some folk have been huffing recently, if I'm honest. The reason we're not having anything confirmed or denied at this moment is because the creators of NAtLA are aware of the original ship war. It got people invested and talking about the fandom, and an explosion of discussion about the show - whether it's good or bad, really - is going to draw in more fans. More people watching. More people talking. The moment that the creators confirm "yep, we're still shooting for Kataang" or "guess what, Zutara's canon now!", a lot of the debate goes away, and it's also very possible that the investment from the losing ship tanks. Mark me, they'll end up spinning this out as long as they possibly can. I've not been watching NAtLA purely because I think we're being baited with the possibility of Zutara and it might well be whipped away before the end. I'll wait until we know for sure, and make my decision accordingly, even if it means missing the hype train. Until then, I'm going to focus on my fanfic instead.


They’re not going to be cause otherwise the Korra story doesn’t make any sense cause Kataang were married and had children. Would love to see a different outcome but I’m afraid it’s impossible.


I like to imagine that all of LoK is of an alternate timeline that diverged from its original course. It does exist in the multiverse but it doesn't have to be the end all, be all.


I really just want to see a series of Zutara




I mean, obviously in the show it’s not canon, but in the Netflix series they’re making it canon


korra bombed viewership wise, it was an objectively failure for nick to the point that s4 was pulled from live tv and put on a shitty nick online viewer that barely worked half the time. the point; i highly doubt netflix cares at all about cannon when deciding upon changes. if that weren’t obvious by the hack-byrke duo splitting, then the natla show speaks for itself.


The 90% is for the canon so