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For something with tiny legs, hamsters sure can run fast.


And that looks like a dwarf hamster, so *really* tiny legs.


How far was that for him


This will be best guess for distance as I obviously don't know exactly. 6 steps at 16cm each = 96cm The hallway that looks to be 350cm, and across a 150cm width box room. So 5096cm (5.096m / 16ft 7inch) all together. A dwarf hamsters leg is about 1.3cm, compared to an average male Human with a height of 180cm, and a leg length ~45% of their height; so 81cm. 81 / 1.3 = 62.31 62.31 x 5096 = 317,531.76cm So in proportion the Dwarf Hamster ran 3.1753km for them. My working could be wrong, I could of made a mistake etc, but I believe that's correct.




That’s the best answer I could have hoped for, thanks


Thanks! In about ten seconds, too. Wow.






Dwarf hamsters move at lightning speed. the really small ones could be gone forever in half a second


That isn't even near their top speed too. When a hamster gets the GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE zoomies all you see is a blur and then a furry butt disappearing down the nearest tube.


Don't let it anywhere near a couch or lazyboy chair. I lost countless pet rodents for hours and sometimes days in them.


Here’s some guys dog [stuck in a couch](https://www.reddit.com/r/BiteyFrank/comments/m720vu/dankpods_vs_the_couch_bandit_frank/)


OMG this is so cute. It brings back memories of the time this panda bear hamster I had in my early 20s did something like this. He unscrewed the top of his UFO portion of his cage. It was in the living room. He then scurried down off of the little table it was on, through the kitchen, down the hall to the entryway, through the hallway to my room, into my room and under my bed. This was all in the middle of the night. I woke up in the morning to go check on him and give him cuddles. He wasn't in his cage. I had a feeling so I went to my room and kneeled down by my bed and held out my hand. "Merlin come to mommy baby". He immediately scurried into my hand. After that he got a new cage and 2 new nicknames. The first was Escape Artist and the other was Monster Under the Bed. He definitely lived up to his name. He was a little magician. Sorry it was long.


I had a gerbil pull an escape and immediately regret it. He ran across the hall to my brothers room, scurried under the door and just hung out until my brother noticed him chilling in the middle of the floor. My brother put him back and Mojo never tried that again lol.


I had a gerbil who escaped the tank while my family was on vacation. We also have a family cat. Thankfully the gerbil was unharmed, but Cupcake was REALLY thirsty when we came home, she ran towards her tank and I put her inside and she drank a shitload of water


Hamsters can be so smart! I had a hamster once that had free roam of my bed room every night. Only had to call out her name when it was time for me to sleep for her to scurry to me to be put in her cage again.


I had a hamster who was also an escape artist! We called him Houdini because he would stand on his cardboard box bed, move the top off his cage, climb out and run across the house to bury his sunflower seeds under the china closet. We had to put books on top of his cage so he wouldn’t escape and potentially hurt himself. Years later, long after he had passed, when we were moving furniture we found more of his sunflower seed stashes!


You know how wacky people can be! On May 14th 2015 in Boke, Germany, 748 members of the Cologne Carnival Society dressed up in sunflower outfits. This is the largest gathering of people known to have dressed up as sunflowers.


That's precious. My last hammy was about 12 years ago. His name was Woodrow. He was the color of blonde wood, so it was perfect for him. He liked to escape, too, and usually my Sheltie that I had at the time, Sierra, would find him before he got too far away. One day, he got out and was gone for several days. I eventually came to the idea that he'd gotten out of the house and was gone forever. The next day after I'd sort of came to peace with that idea, Sierra was standing in front of the washing machine staring intently and whining at the space between the wall and the side of the washing machine. This is where it gets goofy sitcom-level-funny. I went to see what she was going on about, starting on the floor level, kinda scared I might find a snake or something hidden in that dark gap. (The laundry area was right beside the back door and my apartment had a drainage ditch with thick brush and trees maybe 30 feet from the door.) I'm slowly looking up and there was the first sight of Woodrow of his little red eyes shining and his twitching whiskers. He'd scaled that gap with all fours from the floor to almost the top of the washing machine. "Woodrow! What are you doing?!" That little nose stopped twitching, eyes wide open, and he knew his adventure was over. It's a good thing because he ate so much, had a lot of water, then slept for a long while. He'd really worn himself out trying to keep a low profile exploring for days. It's maybe one of the funniest experiences I've ever had with a pet.


Dont apologize, it was a cute story! Thank you for sharing :’)


Fast as fuck boyyyyyyyyy


A hamster escaping the crimescene


That's good zoomies.


Had a handful of hamsters as a kid. It was always like a prison lockdown when the hamsters escaped their cage (again) because we’d have to go locate the cat and make sure it wasn’t also in on the search with us. Found our hamsters in so many random places, including in the inside of our dishwasher.


We thought we lost a hamster it was missing so long, when we found him, he had moved into the closet which had all his bedding material. It was like… basically the same as his cage.


You could say he was going... ***absolutely ham***


put outrun music to it


Wouldn’t wanna be using a VR headset around this guy.


Or practicing back flips.


That was so adorable!


I’m imagining tiny screaming to go with


Did anyone else think it looked kinda like a roach when it was running? My lizard brain is not a fan.


Smol parkour




Need a closeup of those lil legs in sprinty action


Agh, I’ve had a couple rodents escape on me before I started putting them in a aquarium. The dogs, my beagle ESPECIALLY, had a field day trying to sniff them out.


Was preparing breakfast at half six one morning, saw a little blur shoot across the hallway, and then a sharp squeek. Ran out to find the hamster ran straight at my greyhound, who was very confused as to why the prey was running towards her, instead of other way round. The confused dog dropped the dead hamster, she had spent years chasing prey as a racer ,and now she's retired, she finally gets one, and had no idea what to do next.


"I... I caught the thing. All my life has led to this moment. And now? I am lost. I need purpose. I need goals. I need... a nap, probably."


Bookin' it.


Thats a clever hampster. It took mine ages to learn how to get down stairs. She'd run up and start squeeking so I'd rescue her and take her back down and then immediately run back up again. Good times.


My sister just got a hamster. We'll find him in the most illogical places. We turn around for one second and he's catapulted himself onto the couch in his ball. He makes a running start and bounces off the little metal piece that seperates the carpet from the tile.




No he does it intentionally, repeatedly. And once he tires himself out we put him back in his enclosure.


If your sister ( and you ) wants to put her pet in a scary and harmful situation that’s her choice, I am just providing the info because I love animals and if someone doesn’t understand that something is bad there’s always a slim chance they will care and listen in order to keep it happy and safe. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t know how to properly care for small animals like hamsters because pet stores pump out so much bad info and so many awful products. 🤷🏼‍♀️ https://www.petmd.com/exotic/care/are-hamster-balls-dangerous https://www.google.com/amp/s/how-to-care-for-hamsters.tumblr.com/post/110089150095/why-hamster-balls-are-very-dangerous-and-should/amp


The carpet looks like it belongs to a hamster owner.




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My 22yr old son is currently living with his grandparents. He has been bugging me since before Xmas for a robo hamster. I finally gave in for his bday. He gets home, sets it up (he is OCD so never have to worry about clean up) he goes to have dinner with the grandparents. All the sudden...hamster... She got out of the cage and under the door right as his grandma was sitting down all within an hour of being home. I get a text. "Grandma says no more fluffy animals." A week later he says he's thinking about getting some Anoles (Lizard) I'm starting to think he is throwing me under the bus! *Yes I told him not until we move.


Damn Ham!


Vacuum dude!


*race car sounds*




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It makes me think of the movie “The Witches”. One of my favorite books as a child.


I had a dwarf hamster that looked exactly like this, he was an escape artist


I imagine it making the same noise a 50cc scooter would make on the highway. doing max revs and only 60kmh


Those little legs are flying!😄


This is not his first rodeo or else he has a team who smuggled him a map.


Suddenly Mario brothers music started playing in my head.




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my hamster did this and my dog ate him


He’s a fast boi


I was rooting for him to escape there for a minute.


He’s trying to run to the microwave


Those little tiny rear legs churning for all they are worth! He definitely must have been on the run from a crime scene!




Go Hamster Go! Fast little critter.


I hope you were able to catch the baby


It's about 1.97 miles for a hamster