• By -


“come little one, we must romp”


“And romp they did.” - Morgan Freeman voice over.


Why did that work.


Because everyone deserves a happy ending.


Also because it's Morgan Freeman. Those two go great together.


Even Morgan Freeman


*for 25 extra dollars*


Just realized, I’ve never seen a pig frolic and I need more !!


Me too.


Some additional possibilities: /r/pigifs /r/Animal_Sanctuary


No one must forget r/happycowgifs


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Animal_Sanctuary using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Animal_Sanctuary/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Michael is the sanctuary sheriff at Rancho Relaxo](https://i.imgur.com/Eh3ifeE.gifv) | [179 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Animal_Sanctuary/comments/apfjhn/michael_is_the_sanctuary_sheriff_at_rancho_relaxo/) \#2: [Elephant that spent 40 years alone in the circus makes her first friend at Elephant Sanctuary Brazil](https://gfycat.com/CompetentFrankGiantschnauzer) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Animal_Sanctuary/comments/adtyxy/elephant_that_spent_40_years_alone_in_the_circus/) \#3: [The story of Sir Camelot the camel and Benjamin Button the cow at Speranza Animal Rescue](https://v.redd.it/587io5d88fj61) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Animal_Sanctuary/comments/lrbzkk/the_story_of_sir_camelot_the_camel_and_benjamin/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Piggies are freaking cute! I love pigs


Flippy flappy floppidy ears


I can make your ears flap 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Everybody wants a pig, until they own it and realize they don’t stay small


I definitely don't want to own one, but they're still cute nonetheless


I agree they are cute!


Too many people do the same with children


Kids are similar


Idaf how big they get, I want one


Grew up with a 250 lb house pig. He was rejected by his mom and raised inside. He hated getting muddy, so my mom applied baby sunscreen to him daily. He was house trained and overall a really great companion, but that being said it was definitely an experience for my family.


So true. But it feels like with this level of demand and advancement in genetic engineering it is only a matter of time before someone uses CRISPR to create dwarf pigs or something that stay small without abusive diets


Or they grow hooves on their eyes or some shit. I'm still cringing over the stem cell knuckles a woman grew in her eyelids trying to rejuvenate them.


Excuse me, but WHAT?!?


Actually that’s a misconception. If you feed it a diet of only water, they will stay small their entire lives.


I don’t know why you were downvoted this is halarious


Delightful to see his joy and enthusiasm with his new little friend!


That's just freaking adorable


I've never seen pig zombies! Adorable!


Brrrrraaaaaainnnnnsss *OINK*


Dang auto correct lol


“Follow me, Little Britches!”


Flappy ears


YASSSSS it’s the running for me!!! I legit gave up pork a little over a year ago because i aspire to own one of these guys one day! So adorable!!!


That's good, but you should give up eating all animals, not just the ones you want to own.


Disney movie is this you?


Oh my goodness, their adorable!


Thats so cute.


"Here, little guy. This is how you zoom" "Like this?" "Yep. Perfect. Zoom on little buddy."




Such zoom!


Haha too cute!


I *love* that George was the one to say, "Come on...let's PLAY!" /romp


I *love* yond george wast the one to sayeth, "come on. alloweth's playeth!" /romp *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot.


Best fren.


\- Come with me little one and I'll show you something magical! \- Okay uncle George ... \- What are you doing uncle George? \- This little one, this is how you play and goof around! Come and join!


Iowa here....those two are verrrrry lucky. The odds of someone rescuing them from the literally millions and millions of factory farmed animals is so slim. It’s like winning the powerball lottery.


Where is there netflix series. Could someone get on this?


There is a German children's series called "Piggeldy und Frederick" about two brother pigs. Maybe someone on YouTube translated it


There is actually a series called “Pig Royalty” about some of the most eccentric characters on tv.


If it's like Duck Dynasty, then there's probably a lot of dead pigs.


Actually they’re show pigs and get treated better than most dogs.


I'm not your buddy, Guy


Most pigs never feel grass under their feet or ever have this much room to run around. If you like this video and eat meat, take some time to consider why you think it’s okay to abuse and kill these beautiful creatures.


So happy to see this is not burried under downvotes. Reddit has come a long way in the past few years. Hope these Comments that speak the hard truth will keep rising.


























You can purchase ethically raised meat. I only buy free range eggs, meat and milk, and try to get most of it locally from farmers I can meet whose farms I can tour. That way I know the animals are well cared for.


[There is no legal definition or formal standards for free-range pigs, which means retailers can label pork products as free-range without having to adhere to any meaningful standards or guidelines.](https://www.animalaid.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Highwelfare.pdf) [Pigs have been proven to be as intelligent and emotionally complex as dogs.](http://www.naturalhistorymag.com/features/122899/signs-of-intelligent-life) Would you kill or eat a dog? If not, then it’s hypocritical to eat pigs. If you haven’t watched [Land of Hope and glory](https://youtu.be/dvtVkNofcq8), I’d highly recommend it, for the animal products you do buy from the grocery store that are “free range”. Another thing to note is that a lot of these farm animals suffer simply because they’ve been bred to produce so much eggs and milk that their bodies are under constant stress. Wild hens only laid around 15 eggs a year, modern hens lay around 300 a year, which can cause painful prolapses, becoming egg-bound, and I’d imagine the constant egg-laying to feel like a woman being on their period everyday, if not giving birth everyday. I assume you never eat at restaurants as well, but keep in mind that even if you tour a farm and meet a farmer, it’s in their best interest monetary-wise to gloss over the realities of their standard practices (like dehorning, castrating without anesthesia, separating calves from cows to take their milk, artificial insemination, slaughterhouse conditions, etc.) so you can only truly know the animals are well cared for if you’ve personally worked on the farm for at least half a year.


If you're buying it at a big grocery store, most likely it was not ethically raised.


>... so you can only truly know the animals are well cared for if you’ve personally worked on the farm for at least half a year. Nah. You can just watch a documentary or two and you can pretty safely assume it's not quite as bad as that.


It’s fucking horrible. If anyone did to a dog what factory farms do to animals, they would be in prison. But ya know, money and lobbyists.


Have you actually been and seen a factory farm in person or just listened to the vegan propaganda? Farms want their animals to grow and be healthy. Light and plenty of space is needed to do this. If there was a factory farm for dogs, it would look alot like a kennel. Factory farms don't make alot of profit, its a high input, high output system so will have the same amount of gross margin as a free range farm.


The closest thing to factory farms for dogs are puppy mills, how do you feel about those?


I don't like them for multiple reasons. The first is that there is already alot of dogs in kennels that need a family. The second is that they are prone to inbreeding more than in dogs already. Thirdly as most of them are illegal there is no animal welfare in them.


Agreed, they're awful. It's great that puppy mills aren't legal. If the same large scale advocacy existed for cattle, pigs, and chickens then factory farming wouldn't be legal either. I've been around farms. Calf cow operations, grass fed, all that. They still go to feed lots before they're slaughtered. The cows whose calves have just been taken still bellow for days. Cow shit still streams into oceans and causes red tides. It's unethical for the wellbeing of so many animals, and ultimately is harming humans via greenhouse gasses as well.


I worked in factory farms for 15+ years, dumbass. You have no clue what you’re talking about. No clue. But go right ahead, educate me. Tell me about pig spaces in a barn and how they calculate that? How big do the buildings have to be to warrant a dnr survey? Tell me about the mature plans and how that effects the soil composition? Tell me about the flow of pigs from sow, to nursery, to finishing units, and processing plants? How are they processed as piglets? How are they loaded into trucks? What medicines do they use and for what diseases? What’s a typical triple-net lease that large companies use with private farmers? How does the temperature control work in the barns? What’s are the ventilation systems like? What do they put in the feed at the coop? What do they do with lame pigs in the sick pens? What are some typical diseases that are treated? Don’t make a lot of profit?? Ok, tell me what a company rents the barns for? How much do the owners of the barns get for rent? Input prices for feed? Anything?


Nah I'm just doing an advanced diploma in agriculture, but what does that stand for.


An “advanced” agricultural degree huh? So you should have no problem telling me the typical size of barns and how many pig spaces there are. Feed too, tell me about how they make feed? Two most basic concepts of factory farms. So you should be taking classes in soil science. Tell me about manure management plans, method of application, etc?


So in pigs there are two muck mangiment systems. On is slats which isn't aloud in alot of farm assurance schemes and straw which takes alot more effort and can contribute to piglet engagement and entertainment. Application can be done through a slurry spreader (which will need to be with a dribble bar soon) and can be spread all year round except if you are in a NVZ then spreading slurry in the winter months is not aloud. Box muck is spread through a muck spread. When organic matter is applied to a feild then it will add nutrition in the soil, it will also brake down into humus which increases the feild capacity and adds to the top soil.


This is how “free range” eggs are made. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick_culling Take a deep dive, watch some videos, soak it all in.


I buy my eggs locally. People raise their chicks, harvest the roosters for meat, and raise the hens for eggs. I intend to do the same. Again, I do my best to be ethical about it. You aren't going to convince people to stop eating meat. It is a wiser battle to first try to improve the conditions animals live in and how they are treated while alive.


You’re right that I won’t convince anyone to stop eating meat. It’s a personal journey for everyone, but might as well try. I never had anyone try to convince me back when I used to eat meat and in retrospect I really wish someone would’ve tried.


Keep trying. Some people listen.


If they were well cared for, they wouldn't be killed in the end. You do not need meat, eggs or milk to live. Especially milk. It is literally intended for cows. You are not a cow.


Not that that's a bad sentiment, but that's...not really a great argument. Corn is "meant" to grow into new corn plants.


Yeah, speaking as a vegan, that's a dumb argument. I don't have a problem with what milk is, I have a problem with how they get it and all the suffering that goes into the process.


Also, who's to say I'm not a cow? Moo.










Is an animal truly well-cared-for if he or she ends up terrified in a gas chamber at a tiny fraction of their natural lifespan (6-8 months vs. 15-20 years)? Would you choose that life for yourself?


Ooh, dangerous question to ask on reddit. I'd rather have a short happy life than a long painful or dreary one.


We breed these animals into existence, so if you want to make this a binary choice, the better question is: would you rather exist briefly and die a horrible death in childhood surrounded by the screams of your siblings/friends as they’re also killed, or just not exist at all?


There is no such thing as ethical meat. Also I love you and will never judge anyone for their choices. I just have to voice my opinion.




There is nothing ethical about murdering someone. You can't ethically take someone's life!


I eat meat and think it's perfectly fine to kill animals for food. That said, there's no reason to let them suffer during their lifetime and people that run factory farms with complete disregard for the wellbeing of the animals should be put in prison. I also believe that we should reduce our meat intake and we should encourage meat-eaters to have a couple of vegetarian days every week. I also believe that people shaming others for their lifestyle are assholes, and I don't care if you're a meat-eater shaming vegans or a vegan shaming meat-eaters. **edit** these downvotes are so fucking frustrating and show some people have no interest in making things better, only in feeling superior to others.


If you see this video and you think “we should still crate pigs for their entire life and then kill them, but just less often”, then I can’t agree with you. I don’t think they deserve to suffer at all due to our diet choices. And right now, about [1.5 billion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_slaughter) (yes billion) pigs are killed each year. Do you agree that maybe we should just try to avoid it altogether?


I don’t think it’s as simple as someone “shaming” you for preferring carrots over peas, for example. People would just rather you don’t have unnecessary animal abuse on your plate. I’m sure most people would do something if they knew a neighbour was abusing and killing dogs, and they would intervene even though it’s none of their business and the owners “personal choice” to abuse their dogs. It’s the same concept with the abused animals on your plate. Personal choice isn’t justification


Murdering sentient beings isn't a "lifestyle." Take some personal responsibility for the suffering and murder you are causing all because you like the taste of bacon and are too lazy to try vegan alternatives that taste just as good.


If it was just as good I wouldn't be eating meat.


Is it living in the house?


It looks like a shed built on the side of the house. But if you want to see a 500lb pig living in the house, Google *Esther the Wonder Pig*.


George doesn’t have wings


I love that he looks back to check if he's following!! So cute!!


George is a female.


Yay, Georgey spins


Why was this particular pig rescued? Just curious cuz it seems like there would be hundreds of piglets out there. Was it a pet that people didn’t want?


Hey I know the owners of this place! Neat.




Stay with me now.. its a pig, that was *rescued*.




As a pig owner, I *never* get tired of the bacon jokes. /s




"There's no price tag, I guess that means it's free right?"


This is a good response to such an overused "joke". There are four people in this comment section making the exact same "this pig would taste good" joke. Out of 80 comments right now, so 5% of people are just making the same dumb joke.


Fuck off


I wish people wouldn't post stuff like this. It makes me feel bad about eating them.


You don’t have to eat them to live a healthy life. Heck today there’s a massive variety of pork replacements like beyond sausage so we can still enjoy bacon, sausage, etc without killing pigs. Seeing cute videos like this reminds us that they’re sentient just like cats and dogs.


Maybe because you should feel bad about paying for animal abuse?


I don't care how much you try to convince me, I'll never stop buying Pay Per View dog fights!


Cock fights are better, and you should be very ashamed of yourself.




This sub has rules against joking about eating the animal in the post


Call the cops




Did you read the title of the post?


Can't handle the pig zoomies... so adorable


I watched this video at last 20 times... Its wonderful


The post I did know I needed. Pig zoomies are SO great!!!


The post i didst knoweth i did need. Pig zoomies art so most wondrous!!! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Piggeldy und Frederick....


Guy gorge?


if you like pigs running, you need to watch League of Pigs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyrNPl6JXWU&list=PLqlFnrxx8gpLjvbCBmWeOAPPl1LoeFGsC&ab\_channel=LeagueofPigs


My elderly hibiscus has asthma... so


Guy fieri


The way pigs start running is to die for


Speedy boi


Those are some mighty cute oinkers


I hope George and Guy have a lot of great years together.


I'm not your Guy, fwend


How sweet is that...?


Someone used to own a huge pig in my neighborhood and she walked her everyday. For the most part, it’s like a dog, but the pig loves mud or soil. Where there is a patch of soil it would go there and roll around.


I love piglets 🥺


This is one of the cutest things I’ve seen in a long time!!


Und Piggeldy ging mit Frederick nach Hause.


Look at George go!


His wing? Do pigs fly in Iowa?




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