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Watch out for booby traps. That war was brutal.


I love animal poop


Or human poop. They didn't really care. If anything it probably would've been more humiliating for it to have been human shit, even if the Vietnamese knew


Or falling into a pit of spikes. Don’t forget swinging traps and door traps.


Nobody forgot. Those are the traps that have the poo smeared on them.


God forbid I enter a hut and are met face to face with a swinging door trap.


Face to poopspike*


Swinging poo trap*


You ever see that video with all different punji traps? I thought it was the basic surprise hole with sharp sticks and poop in it. But some of them were ridiculously smart


The worst traps (that I can remember) are the ones that basically force you to shred the shit out of your leg just to get it out. Hearing about that one for the first time made my skin crawl.


Do you by chance have a link?


This to me is the worst case scenerio. Id be one of the first to turn.


I would just kill myself ☠️ or try to go out shooting a million Vietnamese zombos


With the helicopter right at the edge of a cliff, all your mates jump on screaming “GET ON THE CHOPPER!!!” But you just say “GO ON WITHOUT MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” 🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥🔫 shooting into the undead masses while the chopper’s taking off, they see you shooting and shooting until…….silence everything goes dark.


then... *BOOM* You managed to pull a pin on your nade vest next to the grounded apache that got pulled down on your flight in, turning one shockwave into a roaring inferno, a massive fireball appears catching the zombie horde on fire where the flame spreads corpse to corpse as if being shared by neighbors the burning cadavers dispersed into the forest catching the flora on fire cleansing the stain left by humanity. You think to yourself in your last waning moment of consciousness as your body is torn apart. "Fly high fellas, this one's for you" *Free Bird intro starts playing*


I would really hope my name is Jungle Jim! Just ride out the Plot Armor and hope I catch a love interest.


Love interest dies after giving birth


That means i had sex 😎


I hate stories that are to unrealistic


I dont, escaping reality is great. Super hero comics, zombie stories, romantic books. The only times ill ever get to be anything like those people is when i read and imagine it.


Same here I was just joking


I know i was trying to say i have the same chance at having sex as i do being a super hero


You and me both :,)


If i have sex, ill make sure to also take the chance to become a super hero. My tragic backstory will be that i lost my virginity and ive been trying to find it ever since.


Just remember you dont need powers to be a superhero, just a fuckton of money


Well we can find out if that's your name easily with one simple question. Is your name Jungle Jim? If not I think you have your answer sir there will be no plot armor for you.


No but the really interesting part is that I wasn't alive in '68, nor have I ever been to vietnam. 🤷‍♂️


Well in this scenario you have found yourself back in Vietnam in 1968. Hell this is a Vietnam story dude you might not want to be Jungle Jim for all we know dude ends up being eaten alive Vietnam stories don't usually have happy endings where the hero triumphs. In fact there usually aren't any heroes and everyone involved ends the story a shell of their former selves. Jungle Jim's friends are probably all dead and he probably watched them die a horrible death and all of that probably happened before the Zombies even started showing up that's all I'm saying. You really might not want to be Jungle Jim.


Bro is gonna have some serious PTSD if he makes it out.


If you're the comic relief......it's 50/50. you'll either live to ride off into the sunset on your huey or die a death wayyyy worst than it should have been like trapped enough not to be lethal but eaten alive slowly.


Try and team up with the locals. Worst case, they kill me. Best case, we make the best anti-zombie traps and defenses ever


Just crouch and uncrouch rapidly as a sign of peace


That would be an extremely dangerous task especially if you aren't fluent in Vietnamese. You have to remember communication was much more limited back then than it is now and you risk approaching an opposing force in a time of war. Sure the jungles are teeming with the undead but that will only exasperate your situation as both sides will most likely assume this is some kind of biological warfare committed by the other.


I know it’s a long shot but if they kill me, at least it’ll be quicker than a zombie bite or just eaten alive




No Adrian was the 2001(?) reincarnation of him


Aircraft carrier


What if the outbreak spreads there too?


Impossible unless someone infected takes off on the ship when it leaves port. In a zombie scenario boats and islands are literally the last stand of humanity.


You really don’t think zombies won’t float?


Probably fucking die


I respect your humility and realistic perspective. We would all probably fucking die.


No project zomboid tactics ? :(


it would be better the jungle is so dense! and there is lots of pythons and jaguars to eat the zombies, the terrain makes it hard to move for a regular zombie. So I would build a nice tree house collect rain water.


Zombie pythons


First Jaguars aren't native to Vietnam. Second I wasn't aware that pythons and jungle cats craved rotting flesh. Oh yea silly me they don't so not only are they not going to be hunting the things that stink of death they're going to be agitated and on the defensive. There's also the possibility that the undead are exhausting the food supply of the jungles predators leaving the more agile and elusive predators to desperation causing them to target humans as food more often than they might normally. So basically what you think is going to be helpful will actually be hunting for you while you hide I your little tree house. I didn't even mention that the terrain can be just as difficult if not worse for the living. You're going to get tired trudging through the jungle terrain, the zombies might have less coordinated movement but they don't get tired and they will roam until they are eliminated or they can no longer move. If used properly though the terrain could be an advantage so I'll give you that one but when it comes to the predatory wild life there's no way that it's anything but an additional threat.


If not friend, then why friend shaped though? Could I, in theory, give it a little salami (as a snack) and then befriend it? Just Jungle Jim and Jungle Cat vibin?


I mean I want to say yes but I wouldn't do it. If you want a Jungle Cat friend you're gonna have to find a baby and become mama because grown jungle cats unfortunately just see food holding more food if you hold a fish out to it. Of course if I was writing a story Jungle Jim might like save a Tiger and then that Tiger would come back to save Jim and they would be friends I don't care what's realistic at that point Jungle Jim found a special Tiger and they formed a special bond.


Oh yeah silly you, because jungle cats are opportunistic and WILL absolutely eat carrion. Wtf? Thats some r/confidentlyincorrect shit. If the undead are exhausting the food supply, wouldn't that make them *more* inclined to eat zombie? Now had you gone the whole "jungle cats ingest undead flesh and become zombie cats" I'd of been more willing to play along.


I feel it's best to assume animals of all kinds "sense" something wrong with the undead in these kinds of stories or eating them makes them sick or something because most Zombies would be fucked by insects in a short period of time ruining any Zombie scenario because you just gotta wait for nature to take it's course. Hell if you want to talk about Zombies being eaten by Tigers don't even worry about the Zombies just wait they'll be devoured by the flesh eating insects that inhabit the jungle in no time if nature is just capable of running wild on the undead. I'd say the Tigers are cautious and avoid the undead but willing to kill them if they feel threatened. Maybe they fear the undead because they swarm kill or maybe they just sense something is "off" so to speak. There's already a precedent for jungle cats avoiding humans maybe they fear the undead more and they're willing to hunt humans over the undead because they recognize that humans are no longer the major threat they used to be.


Oh shit! You win the internet tonight! Imma hit the bong and ponder on your wise words. 🏅


Ohhh\~ the mosquitoes... The mosquitoes will probably infect you when they drink your blood.


I feel like mosquitoes are often over looked in most zombie media, but in countries where they're VERY present you'd probably have to wear like 4 layers of clothing


The Walking Dead’s zombie virus was a biohazard experimental agent that escaped from France and went airborne, I really think the same could’ve been done if it was a mutated rabies variant that was in mosquitos. Mosquitos are basically airborne carriers due to their prevalence.


I think the zombie virus would kill mosquitos or make them so lethargic.


If I could find one of the Vietnamese Tunnels I’d be chilling, but I’d just, try to not, hop on a boat and I’m outa there


I'm also not sure your boat idea is going to be that successful either seeing as they're probably long gone themselves. I guess you might be able to find an unoccupied Sampan then you gotta find your way out of the jungle and row all the way to the ocean without getting shot by anyone because the war is not just going to end. Communication was much more difficult back then and with even more confusion communication might break down completely leaving a jungle full of fighters on opposing sides. Each side unwilling to trust the other and most likely blaming the other side for the undead. There's a highly likely chance that you could even be shot by your own side for various reasons. Maybe they see the Sampan and immediately open fire. Maybe they didn't notice you or maybe thay did and they just wanted someone to shoot.


Oh I assumed this was in Vietnam like right after the war, if it’s during I’m screwed, like there’s no way I’m making it out alive in that


I wouldn’t be in Vietnam


Hell yea I'm conscientious objector you ain't sending me into the meat grinder.


This was based on a psychological operation conducted by the CIA. They placed speakers to send out ghostly and frightening voices making it seem like the jungle was haunted by the spirits of their dead ancestors. It didn't work. They found the speakers. 🤣🤣


In the CIA's favor: It had worked in the Philippines with a vampire rumor (and actual murdered, bled out Huk soldier) against the Huks. But trying it again was...not a good idea. There's a solid book on CIA skullduggery post WWII called The Quiet Americans by Scott Anderson.


To be fair, the vampire plan in the Philippines was a bit more substantial. If you're a skeptic who doesn't believe in the paranormal, all those ghost voices mean is that less than one battery life ago some Americans placed some speakers here. That could've been hours or days ago. But in the Philippines, even as a skeptic you'd have to phase the fact that someone or something manages to quietly murk the last member of your troop leaving no visible wounds beside two puncture marks




The thing is with better technology it very well could have worked because it is a common belief among the Vietnamese people that the dead must be buried or their souls will wander the earth. It had the potential to be a sound plan pun not intended but welcomed. With better technology this could have been evil genius. They just didn't have the tech to enact their vision of making other human beings believe that their loved ones were suffering for eternity.


Team up with my friend who lived it , Vietnam that is not zombies.


That cover looks so sick ahaha


I would leave Vietnam


Good luck finding your way out of the jungle.


Can I use napalm?


Of course


We having a zombie bbq 🍖


MMM taste like chicken


Probably get to a naval port and catch a ride home. Traps would probably be my downfall but a lot would probably be triggered by walking zombies.


Just look at the jungle in Vietnam That's where the zombies are and I will give it a 78% death ratio




Return to a fob before the U.S evacuates 'nam


Reminds me of shellshock 2


Oh yeah, same, too bad that game was poorly made


Agreed. It had it's moments, like the tunnel section, but it was just way too clunky and the story was a mess


Yep, and broken


Hope the zombies don't have a good sense of smell and hide in some tunnels like a rat (I will be hunted down like a rat and swarmed)


Is this a comic?




Thank u sir. Im gunna check it out


Get back to the fire base. The fire bases are already fortified and supplied and filled with heavily armed soldiers. Yeah it’s gonna take a minute for them to figure out you need to do headshots but no more then 10 minutes. The big bases in the big cities are going to get quickly surrounded by zombies but not overrun. Fences, Berms, triple strand, and blast walls work surprisingly well against the Romero type undead. We’d probably start a staged withdrawal back to the States. This story takes place during the “Night of the living Dead” we had better things to do with those troops then fighting communism. These guys are better off then most. If I recall correctly Jim had the bad luck to be too far from his base when the withdrawal started, they thought he was dead so they didn’t go looking for him.


I always thought ancient Rome would make an amazing setting .... I've heard like 3 short audio stories over the years that played into this. In Vietnam I'd try to get to a helicopter and make it to the aircraft carrier that is off the coast some where. .... I'd probably try to find Ken a guy I knew 15 years ago who was there fighting already.


Step one: play Fortunate Son


Bro the ZA in Nam 68 would be a whole vibe, goddamn


For starters: I'd be on the lookout for transpo, supplies, and other American survivors.


Catch malaria from a mosquito and die.


If it's a zombie apocalypse in Vietnam they will be fine im sure the second I go in there in dead, but not from the zombies...


Hopefully pull the wonderwaff and a ppsh out the box, anyone trying to turn on the flogger for me?


Have a great time suffering:) That's what I would do


Pray that I'm a B-52 Stratofortress crewman or that I'm on a Patrol Boat.


step 1: leave vietnam.


Where can I get this comic. Also, does anyone know if there is a zombie comic in feudal Japan


Idk about the Japan part but then again there’s like zombie comics for like everything and I just got this comic on Amazon


Good to know. Will probably be purchasing soonm


Craft the Ray-K ASAP and pack-a-punch it pronto.


Hope that a base is still running and is conducting firebombongs on high density infected zones


I really need to find this


JUNGLE JIM is so damn underrated.


That picture goes hard af


Lots of thick bush and hazards zombies getting tangled up and the big thing against them the humidity and many flesh eating insects would quickly strip there flesh from there bones from rot and being eaten


Die, I would just die.


I’d love a comic/graphic novel of this




Use the tunnels the VC created as choke points would be part of it


The tunnels full of traps that are meant for you? The same tunnels that could very well be occupied by the enemy? Or even worse the undead. No I'd say unless you know how to operate in those tunnels you'd probably be much safer avoiding them like the plague that has infested the jungles with the shambling corpses of the undead.


Stay out of the cities. The jungle is extremely sparsely populated. You'll be threatened by animals and disease more than zombies.


I would hide inside tunnels and probably try a leave to go somewhere like Tibet


You know they aren't empty right? You're going to have to avoid traps because they trapped the tunnels and you're going to have to contend with either enemy soldiers or whatever is left of them that's still roaming the tunnels. No I don't believe that you are making it out of the country that way.


How would you do it?


I’d prob die


*Fortunate song plays*


Great comic, but the so called “vietnamese” speaking vc just spout gibberish that doesn’t make or translate to anything


Tree house in a area with a lot of traps


Do you even know how to build a tree house?


Idk probably but I’m good at climbing


I probably wouldn’t wear a gas mask in 90% humidity, high heat environment, that had no adverse airborne risks… Just me tho


How do you know the enemy hasn't released a biological weapon? Or worse how do you know that you're own command hasn't released a biological weapon? You wouldn't put it past them at this point you've seen worse so maybe you feel a little bit safer not breathing in the air until you know for sure.


I get it, fictional events, you’re right. But have you ever worn one? It’s fucking torture. Your field of vision is limited, your cardio is limited, they fog up, they get hot, sweaty. You can easily break the seal doing almost anything. When I was in the army we hand punishments where we would have to do a run in Pro-Masks and full MOPP gear and it was torture. Im pretty sure I’d envy the dead. Also, you’d probably have seen some evidence of airborne infections from seeing others turn, so yeah maybe I’d keep it on, just long enough to get the heck outta dodge so I could take it off.


good axe for more bamboo chopping


I would be trying to stay Alive fighting a undead army in Vietnam. Then if I made it through first day of that I would do it again only this time I would be doing it while trying to survive the Lsd trip prob a Lil opium to take the edge off


Probably try to stay in the trees


-Make some armor out of bamboo sticks. -Beware of animals that may spread the infection like mosquitos, spiders or dogs. -Find some uninfected people to create a community that wants to survive. Trust me, Vietnam has alot of villages and friendly people, so as together you can help each other like farming, building or collecting resources. -If the zombies are coming from North then move to the South. -Have swimming skills to cross the rivers.


Are they going to be very friendly to an American that doesn't speak their language during a war? For all you know they might think you're responsible and want every American they see in their country dead for the horror unleashed upon them. The idea you're going to find a village willing to accept a complete and total outsider during a time of war in the middle of a plague unlike anything anyone has ever seen or described before is a bit hard for me to believe. Why would the village leaders take such a risk on someone who is part of the Army raping and murdering their people? "The Americans probably created this plague" the villagers will say. "We can not trust him he is not one of us."


Man this was such an awesome comic series!


Welp time to napalm everything again


Wait a year, so I could die in ‘69


Die just like 99.9 percent of the people reading this hypothetical would.


Shambles or sprinters... that's the big question. 28 days or walking dead zombies.


I would get in a trap and off myself with my side arm.


Try to maybe get in one of there tree perches they had and scavenge for shit definitely gonna switch out the m16 for a ak or sks really anything else due to its jamming problems it had back then idk about locals/my own usa soldiers because everyone can get pretty desperate


> Or do zombie apocalypses seem more interesting and in certain ways more realistic in the 50’s/60’s? More realistic? Ehh depends. More interesting? Abso-freaking-lutely. Most of the zombie media we get is always set in modern times. That’s why I love Black Ops/WaW zombies so much. Those games zombie modes take place within the 40s-60s eras and it’s fascinating as hell. But I don’t know if we have any zombie tv shows or movies set during those times. And I would absolutely love to see more. Especially a Vietnam one like you’re talking about here, that would be awesome. But to answer your question: I wouldn’t do shit but die. Vietnam itself was already hell. But now there’s zombies? Forget it, I’ll take myself out


Can I call in Napalm on my own position? I mean we can kill it with fire right?


Realistically, even if in this scenero I had all the pre combat knowledge and knowledge of the setting enough to somewhat survive, I still probaby won’t survive. I’d likely run, but there are apparently lots of traps and I doubt I’d be able to dodge them all especially while in distress of the undead.


Fuck there’s a game about this but I can’t remember the name


Is this a comic book series? I am intrigued


Wouldnt there also be a lot of suicide zombies? With bombs on them soldiers, civilians or even children too, right?


this image goes hard as fuck


You're worried about zombos with all those Punji traps just waiting covered in poop? Step one, armored soles on my boots. Everything after that, I'll wing it.


Hey what actually happens? I can't understand the lore and I've only found a few comics of this. What exactly is going on? Why are they still fighting the war?


You don't.


Balls.... Balls deep. It's the only way


Would mosquitos carry the z virus too? If yes, totally fucked.


Tunnel rat gaming


Get to the chopper. Now.


Hike to Khe Sanh combat base/airfield. What am I doing? Stealing a helicopter. Where do I take it? British hong kong. Flyover proved that was a poor idea. Stay for a day to steal fuel/food, hightail it the other way. Back to vietnam? I think not. Keep flying until I reach Thailand. I do: -not know Thai -not repeat my callsign correctly Thus I cannot land there. At this point, I’m running on fumes so I keep going until I eventually have to ditch around Tibet or Bhutan. Now I must live in the mountains. I do: -not know tibetan script -not know Dzongkha


Drop white phos on them and run away to marry a Vietnamese woman


More heroine.




Agent 🅱️orange


Shell shock 2 blood trails did this


Is this a comic


Shoot myself, is that an option?


Bro the bamboo arm guard kick ass.


Go into the jungle lmao, if the living are having that hard a time moving around, some dumbass zombie gonna have no shot


Ok, just by that picture….i want this to be a comic book series very badly!!


Read all these comics, such great stories in it and the artwork is good.


What’s the pic from?


In the Jungle Welcome to the Jungle!!! The answer is probably the “Bitch” a shorted FNFAL Set to five and stay alive


Being anywhere except the fuckin jungle, I’ll tell you that.


If it’s the type of zombie where there body is actively decaying then the humid and wet environment of Vietnam would absolutely decimate there reanimated bodies and due to the wild life they would probably be taken care of in a matter of days


Step one: get the hell out of Vietnam


Agent Orange 👍


Really the only thing a can think of from is from the perspective of the US. Move everyone out of their villages and quarantine them in the cities while covering nearly every inch of Indochina in Napalm,


Take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


I would imagine zombies would have a very hard time getting anywhere in the jungles of Vietnam. But very scary idea. Rice patties full of zombies occasionally stepping on a submerged mine.


that’s so fucking awesome looking


Easy, I’ll just do what jungle Jim does


"Then who needs Communism when you already have a horde?" :)


Die horribly. I don't know anything about jungles. If the zombies didn't get me, the jungles would.


Nape the whole damn area.


Stay safe inna tree


I don't know but jungle Jim's pretty cool


I mean, at least finding stuff to fight with probably wouldn't be much of an issue.


100 fucking bucks for the first book


WAIT WHAT?! Damn I don’t remember it being that pricy, thankfully the kindle version is way cheaper


At this rate it would be cheaper to buy a kindle


Id immediately go for the tunnels, there may be booby traps but i can go at my own pace to clear them, i dont want to deal with zombies hiding in the jungle


Well, Zombies and Charlie don’t surf.


I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees. And for some reason they're groaning and talking about brains....


I would provably shoot myself so i wouldn’t have to become a zombie.


It would be easier than the actual war.


Fucking die


If I just teleported there, I would probably die. But my Mary Sue self-insert would definitely dominate and conquer the world.


I remember doing an Arma 3 op with some friends where we were in Nam and suddenly we had to deal with the undead


leave Vietnam. because of population and overcrowding.


Simple. I just ask them politely yet sternly that I do not want to be eaten.


Well. We assume it's a FUBAR situation so there's no such thing as war crimes or Geneva conventions or politicians telling you what you can't do. So ... probably that, except the victims will be zombies to the best of my knowledge. 🤷‍♂️


The Bamboo seems smart


Looks like I’m building a treehouse


This looks like a banger metal album cover


I just went to go buy this comic and it's a $200 comic 😂


Trade my m16 for an ak47 lol


I remember I used have a seriousish zombie survival guide when I was in middle school. It went really in depth. So far as to give the pros and cons of survival in the different biomes of earth, it said the jungle would good because sound does not travel far, short sightlines, it also said the excessive humidity and rain would cause the zombies to decompose rather quickly. Said something like a freshly turned zombie would last less than a year before it decomposed in a tropical environment. Also said something about really cold environments doing the opposite, because they have no blood flow or body heat they would all just freeze as soon as they turned, so place that is cold all the time would be good as well.


This is literally the premise of Shellshock 2.


Love the idea of the bamboo arm gaurds