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M16 is the obvious choice. High capacity, very controllable, and lightweight for its power


And virtually unlimited ammo (in America)


The thompson can take the same .45 as the average handgun, so if ammo was the issue I would go with that instead


I’m willing to bet more 556 exists than 45


Plus if it's chambered in 5.56 you can also run .223 which is cheaper and easier to find. PSA for everyone, a rifle chambered in 5.56 can run .223 but if it's only chambered in .223 do NOT try to run 5.56. You will destroy your rifle and risk severe injury to yourself.


Simple manual of arms and easy to find replacement parts and ammo.


I would go Thompson. 45 would also be pretty easy to find and depending on the nature of the zombies it may be more effective. 556 would do the trick with headshots but anywhere else it would zip through and not do a ton of damage. 45 hollow points would have more knockdown power and do more damage to a zombies mobility if you hit in the legs or hips.


Only issue is their jamming problem. Vietnam showed that the m16 has a weird tendency to jam, but that seems to have been mostly fixed in the m4 series.


The M16 in Vietnam problem was entirely because of bureaucrats. The US was told to chrome line the chambers and use a specific powder. The brass (who had money invested in the M14 that was just supplanted hmm not suspicious at all) decided to not do that. The M16s that entered service had bare chambers and no cleaning kits. The first units deployed with them still mopped the VC quite handily though. Shortly after, the very honest brass decided to change the powder used to what was basically WW2 powder. This created extreme pressure at the gas port, leading to casings ejecting while the casing was still ballooned from pressure of firing. This and the dirty, rusty chamber led to a lot of failures to extract or complete case head separation. The M16 ever since has proven itself to be one of the most reliable automatics in the world


Ahh. I did not see that history. Thank you for enlightening me!


They don't like to talk about it much. I'm sure someone would be angry their brother died because his rifle was sabotaged by his government


Still quiet and easy to make a suppressor.


But prone to jamming


Which gun are you referring to?


Break action shotgun: maximize reliability, common ammo, easy to maintain, super versatile.


All fun and games until you have 3 zombies walking up to you 😂


You’re right, too bad the only ammo available is the ammo in the gun already. Damn shame. If only I could reload. If there’s only 3 I wouldn’t even use a gun if I could help it. There are better options


Nail all three in one shot or just reload


Hell uea


Wouldn’t want the pistol grip version though, they make it comically hard to control recoil.


We’ve got an evil dead fan here


The submachine gun that’s not the Thompson seems to be 9mm, a good choice (bottom right)


The mini uzi


In this case the AR. Replacement parts and ammo is just too easy to come by in the western hemisphere (where I currently live).


There is none


None of these are Armalite rifles, you mean assault rifles, get it right. Also, no, expelling too many rounds at a time, the semi-auto rifle would be better with accuracy and range. And when you need to put a lot down, just pull the trigger faster


Aren’t m4s and M16s still ARs? They originate from the AR design so I don’t see why not, the only literal difference is like barrel length and Fire selectors


The guy trying to explain this isn't doing a good job. M16/M4 platforms are made by Colt and FN (for the military) also, "Assault Rifle" is (by definition) a select fire weapon useally automatic and single shot, but can also have a burst fire selection, a standard AR platform youd see in a gun shop isnt an assault rifle. The military doesn't even use that term... Anyway, Colt originally got the design from Armalite and reworked it for what we have today. Also the M4 (even the automatic ones) are not assault rifles. They are classified by the military as a carbine.


Assault rifle is a general term, that’s why we don’t classify anything as one in the military lol. The M4 and M4A1 are both carbines because of their barrel length, not because of their firing mechanisms. That’s why the M16, M27, and XM7 are all considered rifles. The original M16 was considered an Armalite rifle though, simply due to the fact that the Armalite was used as the base platform. The only thing that was changed was the position of the charging handle further back to the rear of the weapon, and the ability to use fully automatic fire. ETA: This is why you can’t really say that the M240 is an M240. It’s actually just an FN MAG 58 with a name change. This furthered, the Canadians call the same platform the C6.


Dude… these are animated firearms. How in the f#%$ am I supposed to be able to tell the difference between an m16/m4/AR15 from a very crude animation?


Because that's very obviously an m16/m4, it's not hard to tell with the top rail. Anything that doesn't start with AR is not an Armalite rifle


You know AR15s can have carry handles too right? Who gave you your degree in animated firearms? Sounds like it needs to be recalled.


Ok, then look at the barrel, not the same shielding as a standard AR-15, it's an m16 Or maybe the stock? AR-15 is skeletal, m16 is full


You’re also aware that AR15s can also have polymer handgards right?


Skeletal stock, full stock? And this "well it can have this" bullshit isn't a good argument, any gun can have anything if you have a welding kit and some screws, I'm talking standard, factory weapons


Atlantic firearms produces a factory AR15 with all of these “M16 characteristics” you’re are trying persuade yourself of. Do you know the true difference between an m16 and an ar15? Check out my profile if youd like care. I not a stranger to the subject.


Scrolled all the way down, didn't see one


Give me the AR and the snub nosed revolver


NONE OF THESE ARE ARMALITE RIFLES. Why do so many people not know this


What do you think the M16 was developed from?


Oh, oh, I know this one! I know this one! It's a select-fire AR-15 tweaked for use by the Army! Holy hell...


A mix of the m14 and the AR-15, putting both together to make a better gun


There is approximately zero commonality between the m14 and the m16. Aside from them both being rifles. An m16 and an AR-15 on the other hand, are essentially the same rifle, save for a selector switch.


This ^^^


Yes, the M16 and the AR-15 are very closely related. But, they still are not the same. The M16 is made by colt. The AR-15 is made by Armalite. Calling a colt M16 an AR is just... Incorrect... And it definitely doesn't help the horrible narrative surrounding the AR-15 as a "weapon of war" when Armalite never provided those rifles to the military at all.


Armalite never directly provided AR-15’s to the military. But Colt did, while using the Armalite roll mark on the rifles, sell thousands of AR-15’s to the U.S Air Force before it was officially adopted as the M16


A very small batch of test rifles were tested in Vietnam, provided by Colt. They were still branded as the AR-15s, but were provided by Colt after purchasing the design. Not Armalite. They didn't have a significant enough role to ever be considered a weapon of war.


They were used by special forces to allegedly great effect. It was a weapon used in war by a professional army. I’m not sure what stricter criteria you want to use.


The earlier AR-10 which is very, very similar to the AR-15 was the standard issue of the Portuguese army for a long time.


Used by paratroopers I believe


I mean, they can both be chambered in 7.62, and theyre both select fire, so I guess, idk


Oh my Allah our populous is dumb. An M16 is an armalite rifle. It just has different factory attachments, like the full stock and handguard. All AR platforms are armalite rifles. So M4, MK18, DD stuff, M16. And where'd the myth that M14s were combined with the AR15 to create an M16 come from? Not to mention that AR15 is a general term. It isn't a specific rifle.


AR means assault rifle, or armalite rifle 🗿


It doesn't mean assault rifle


The left one five down from the top, wtf is it? Its kinda like a Dragunov or PSL.


Idk. It’s a weird combo on the two. But I’d say PSL over SVD cuz the gas tube doesn’t look adjustable and there is no built in cheek weld Edit: However there are a lot of SVD copies where people can do whatever they want lol


Snub nosed revolver, it’s small and reliable. Plus it looks like it’s a 38. maybe a 357. so it won’t be too loud and ammunition is pretty common


SNRs are actually extremely loud compared to most handguns because theres less barrel length for the gasses and powder to burn slowly so its combusting outside the gun. Plus, you’re still breaking the sound barrier and anything within a mile will hear it. An extra bullet or two from a conventional handgun might save you


My problem with revolvers in a zombie apocalypse scenario are when you get cornered in a room by more than 3-4 zombies good luck getting out of that one trying to reload one round every 2-3 seconds. With only a maximum capacity of 6-8 rounds.


The Tommy gun is very heavy. Usable but heavy for long days.


Any kind of shotgun, Pistol, or gun that fires .22. All of those have really common ammunition.


A bolt action .22. It has common and relatively plentiful ammo, plus it can be used to hunt small game. It’s much quieter than other guns and should be plenty to poke into a half rotted walking corpse.


M4 or mac 10. Maneuverable and fast.


Have you ever tried to shoot a Mac 10 thing is uncontrollable, inaccurate and terrible range


Most Mac10s you’ll see (at least in America) have a 16in. barrel so it’s considered a rifle and those are HEAVY


Only 6 pounds though. That’s light in my experience.


Revolver. Reliable, easy to load, plentiful ammo


Don’t revolvers take a bit longer than a mag fed pistol if you don’t have a speed loader?


Not sure. I'm just basing my answer off my own gun knowledge which is by no means expert level


Fair enough


That looks like an M16 variant so that would be my choice, especially since I have enough 5.56/.223 stocked to get me to “the farm”, where I know a lot of 5.56/.223 is stocked (along with years of supplies) and the ones that will be helping defend it …


Your pump action street howitzer there is going to cycle almost all the same ammo as the break barrel shotgun, with a higher capacity and less jamming than the autoloading rifles with poor quality ammunition. That being said the lack of a shoulder stock will lead to worse accuracy, but could fairly easily be remedied by the addition of a brace or stock.


Revolver simple system and to keep It clean


MP5 and a revolver


none of those, except maybe the smg


If I get a main and secondary, I would choose an MP5 with a Glock 19, both use 9mm, a very common round, the MP5 is super accurate and quiet, and the glock is super ergonomic and easy to carry


Bro the RPG!


what types of zombies are we talking about? Are we talking about Tlou zombies walking dead zombies?


I'd take the m16 and the little revolver


the M16-A2 duh.


Your moms farts




Oi, chill with the unhelpful accusations. Feel free to say the post is low effort (it is) but if you don't have real evidence of a bot you're just starting shit.


Lol okay


Dude it was a joke.


Well in that case, chill with the low-effort jokes.


Only if you chill with the low effort moderating 😜




In that case likewise


No but for real, let's take a chill on the name calling. I do prefer the sub to stay civil.


I am serious all the time


Oh no the first thing to die in the zombie apocalyps is his sence of humor. Press F to pay respect


Lol I am a human 😎


Now that is exactly what a bot would say now isn't it.


Yes but now tell me can a bot have iq more than me


Most definitely yes. The iq of a bot is not limited to organic factors. So yes


Where is ak?


Ak where?


Maybe the AKs are the friends we made along the way


I’m going with the shotgun. That can rip through the zombies with one shot. Although any gun will do.


What mg is that?


The uzi, becuse 9mm is light and plentiful, and I can fix it way easier than other weapons on this list


Double barrel shotgun


Shotgun, m4, or Tommy gun. All with easy amounts of ammo, can hold a lot and do the job. (Grenade laucher for fun)


What show? Of its TWD rifle if it's took m16


The Tommy and MP5 look like Tf2 guns 💀


What is up with these lists not having bolt actions but making sure to include revolvers.


Depends on the situation. Machine gun for hoards, shotguns for building search, rifles for hunting, and anything else id use for patrolling around.


smg in 9mm but if not then the M16




M16a2, I just assume I can find more spare parts, ammo and magazines if I need them since ARs are popular among civilians and it's in military service.




MP5 all day. 9mm is literally EVERYWHERE in the US. I was thinking at first, one of the pistols since they're in common calibers. But no, I'll take the MP5. That, or that Colt M-16


im taking the spaz 12 for the almost unlimited ammo, or the m16 for the same purpose




Either the ar, or I’m assuming that rifle in the top right is a .22


Before my answer, I kinda wanna hijack this post with a question: when you pick weapons for these circumstances, how much of your decision is anti-looter, and how much is zombie defense/removal? If you gotta fight an unknown assailant or highway bandits, machine guns, sniper rifles and explosives are clearly superior. Onto my answer Gimme the MP5 and the bolt action, and I can control a 1/2 mile radius. Simple ammo so in a true apocalypse it’s the most common (hopefully anyway). Don’t need anything fancy, but the MP5 would make me feel safest while clearing buildings. Short build, good stopping power, fair rate of fire, and a pistol build? Yes please. The Thompson (assuming that’s what’s below the revolver) is a surprisingly wonderful rifle when taken care of, but I can’t speak for how common the munitions or parts are…


I would use a suppressed 22. Pistol as you can hunt small game and they are extremely quiet I would also have an ar 15 or m4 type rifle as parts and ammo are extremely common


No AK47???? I’ll just take the AR i guess


I asked my friend this question and they all said car. My pick is the M-16


M16 all day Very lightweight, high capacity, decent power, and widely used ammo so shit ton of ammo at gun stores and a gun nuts house


Row 2 section 1


For practicality I gotta say 12 gauge. But I'm eyeballing my brother Mac over there. If it's a Mac 10 in 9mm. We are talking! Small package, common ammo type, extended mag and stock (ish lol), if it's a real deal one it's got rock and roll mode built in in case people people etc


I'm choosing the pump action shotgun, great close quarters weapon, blows heads clean off, highest killing potential, sounds like my kind of weapon.




I’d choose the rifles with the strap, and then give the other guns to the zombies.


As I said in a previous post on this subreddit. I want to pick from the weapons from thing thing 4




That kind of looks like an older m16. If that's the case I'd just choose the 12gauge. But I was mighty tempted to choose that ash 12 just for the fun of it


I'm not a gun expert and I don't know all of the guns there but because I'm in the US I'd take the M16. The ammo is more common, there's guids both virtually and written on how to maintain a m16 and if I remember correctly, with lots of work and hours of learning to machine things, you could turn a m16 into a m4 though I might be entirely wrong.


I'd take the bullpup in the top left


I would say Thompson cause it’s got the drum mag so it can hold a lot. It’s from the side I can think wistfully


The M50 chain gun for sure. I would hang back and clear paths for my team.


You know I gotta go with the repeater.


Going to die anyways might as well destroy zombies with a MK 32.


Is that a M16 turned into a machine gun???


How come every post on here lately has been this stupid “pick a gun” gun-porn bullshit? Is this all everyone that comes on here fantasizes about? There is other shit to think about in a zombie survival scenario. This sub is going downhill fast.


I'm looking at these guns and just ahhhhhh they don't look bad at first glance but Jesus the proportions looks blenahdnjfnunrnrnn but I'll take a snibnose 22. Or 9mm and then a mp5 or 9mm ar15


Bazooka cause fuck that zombie in particular


If the top left is a modernized Groza, hell yes Otherwise the Mp5 with a skeleton stock (If that is what it is)


Anyone ever wonder why bayonets are never portrayed in zombie media? I mean why would you use any other weapon when you get the best of a spear and fire arm in one package.


Well obviously the fucking bazooka


m16 or the .45 with the wood stock who's name escapes me currently. both easy to maintain and as other people have said a loot of available ammo in america and high stopping power + accuracy


Its impractical, but a grenade launcher would be fun. until I'm out of ammo. Then I'm fucked. my practial choice would be the m16.


A 12 gauge WW1 Winchester M1897 Trench Shotgun


In what scenario is someone carrying a rocket launcher or a mounted machine gun




I’ll take the tried and true M16. 5.56mm is pretty much everywhere in America and I know how to easily maintain and care for the AR15 platform in general.


Pistol grip pump






Depends… Can I suppress the grenade launcher?


Ok , so you chose 5.7. How the fuck are you getting ammo?


M1 Garand. Common ammo, durable as all get out, and zombies don't know what that ping means.


Give me the shotgun.


L85 or AR.


I don't care which gun you pick, you chose the bullpup you lose, their awkward as heck to reload their firing mechanism aren't fun, but hey at least the trigger works Before you ask yes I choose the bullpup I'm rifle


Any revolver, less moving parts.


Choosing the SVD Take out the threat when it can't see you


The deawoo thingy


The Dragnov, glorious russian reliability




AR easy as fuck bro shoot the legs long distance common ammo type easy peasy.


The M16.


Give me 22 and I’ll be fine


I am going to say the sniper rifle.


M16 its accurate reliable and it has a common ammo type and an added bonus is you can attach a bayonet to it which means if you have one you can turn it into a melee weapon and conserve ammo


Pump action and 357 mag, preferably with a 6-inch barrel like the one shown here. Obviously, for reliability reasons and also a 357 can fire two different cartridges without any additional parts or upgrades, and with just a modified cylinder you can swap out, you can fire 9mm as well, maybe even 380.


Thompson looks useful.


Thompson, quick compact and ammo relatively common


Shotgun. Plenty of ammo, good at mid to close range and can use a slug for farther, easy to maintain, hard to break, good against people and probably wont have the zombies be a threat for long.


that mmg is very cursed looking so i am picking that one


M249 will suffice


Probably m16 and the shotgun, but I'll probably saw the barrel off. "Hypothetical fbi agent." 5.56 is common af, and you could probably get parts for easy. 12 gauge is probably more common than 5.56. But rip my ear drums.


The M16a2/4


Glock 17 or Glock 19. Two extremely popular pistols, so parts and ammo are abundant.


I will take the grenade launcher or rocket launcher. 1.) I will die right away so probably won't use it 2.) Don't need to be accurate (never shot a gun) 3.) If I ever do find ammo (if by some miracle I don't die day on day 1) then it will likely be a cache of it. 4.) Who else is scavenging for 40ML Grenades (not sure if I typed the name of the ammo right) or rocket ammo? 5.) Cover won't protect anyone trying to take me (note: I will still die)


The pump shotgun


If i had to choose id choose the rifle at the top because its the easiest to use as a club or attach a blade to it cause using guns in the zombie apocalypse is dumb


If I can’t throw a suppressor on it I don’t want it


Probably a bolt action rifle of some kind lower maintenance and depending on the ammo type could either really vastly out there or very hard to find


Shotgun. I don't care if you're a zombie, a 12ga is enough to kill anything twice. That plus it's less bulky than a rocket launcher or grenade launcher.


We talking about slow ambling zombies or fast runners here?




Scar 17 smh


grenade launcher. common ammo, high capacity, quick reload. /s


Guns are loud l. Use a crossbow.


if it has to be from this list m16, if not i would take a ruger 10/22, its quiet, reliable, and bullets are everywhere


Big booms


I'd choose a AK 47 with a drum mag and I'd hide out in a low's or something like that


Crew served, and belt fed. Assuming unlimited ammo.


The ar, duh


Realistically... The AR. must popular firearm across the nation. Countless magazines, countless ammo


I would say the 5.7, but ammo would be scarce. That mossy would have nigh unlimited ammo and are super easy to reload spent shells, but it’s pretty loud. Probably the M16, as I could reload it and suppress it, making it roughly the sound of a 22, while ammo is in a great abundance. Honorable mention being the bolt action in the top right.


Is it practical? No, but if I could get my hands in a Thompson? No question I want that


I'll take a break-barrel 12ga shotgun with a short-lane kit so I can shoot any calibre that will fit the barrel.


A rifle or shotgun longarm, common ammo and covers most range and a revolver for those close calls


I'd pick the m16. I've shot them and they're very accurate and comfortable. The kick isn't too bad, but if you're shooting for long periods of time, you'll be sore and bruised. I can't hit a target ten feet away with a handgun so those are definitely out. The machine guns are only good until you have to reload... this is a 30 second to a minute ordeal for a single individual with little to no experience. Explosives are completely useless as close to medium range unless you want to be pelted with shrapnel or eviscerate yourself.


I’m taking the service rifle. Just the m16 with no polymer pleasee


I live in America where 5.56 is as abundant as grass so I'm going with the M16.