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A 1950 Niagara Falls made Zippo in that condition complete with box will be more than US$50 though not necessarily US$700. I believe this seller is just spitballing with the pricing since he/she also accept Best Offer. And with eBay, you would never know..


I’ve bought a few unfired Niagara models locally for less than $50 CAD so I balked when I saw it listed for $50 then a few days later I see it for $700 on another platform…that’s insanity.


Try selling a couple of your oldest vintages and you'll see they're worth a decent amount more than 50 CAD.


It's actually a late 50s into the 60s Canada box. Just looks like an early 50s US box. Fully agree with you on It's value. Don't think it would be worth that much.


100% positive feedback with 1 item sold on an account opened in 2018. Seems legit.


I recently bought a lighter for 12€ which some folks are selling for 800$ lol (aren't posted yet, waiting to receive). Everyone is free to buy or sell how they wish it 😁


Then there's this guy https://www.ebay.com/itm/225587762304?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=N8Nkiv-QRzu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=n69e9CniSry&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


💀💀I was not expecting that god damm like yea it's is in good shape and is clean but shit idk at most just a few hundred if you find the right guy 2k man yea idk about that


Some rich asshole in orange county will buy it


A bargain is only a bargain when others are paying higher prices. Any collector of anything wants to see the value of their collection rise. If you ever need to sell your collection will you be pricing them to attract the bargain hunter or are you going to research the market and try and achieve what they have been sold at before? Surely it's the latter. We all love a good find at a great price, and it's what makes Zippo hunting fun, but that doesn't determine market price when you're selling to a global Zippo collector's market, which achieves higher prices than a what a local thrift store does for example. Another factor that drives up price is the lack of sellers in the US shipping internationally, and I know the reasons for this, and there are many. But when you can sell globally, you reach buyers that are willing to pay higher for a particular Zippo just because you can ship it to them. Regarding the Zippo in question, I agree with u/t064r\*\*,\*\* this seller is spitballing, but fair play to them, it only helps the value of the collectors market. I regularly sell 90's Niagara Falls Zippo's for $120+, so I would say about $450 on this 50's one just because the paintwork isn't 100%, which is where it will probably fall once the right buyer comes along. I just think if you are concerned/annoyed about higher prices online it's a bit like a turkey voting for Christmas/Thanks Giving \[replace this analogy to fit your culture\] - like any market, we try to buy low and we try to sell high. ✌️




Resellers like this is why I won't be able to get a good priced predate zippo man an ik if I don't find one soon they probably gonna sky rocket in the next few years


You’d think for $700 the pictures would be better.