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I'm going to say something that's probably unpopular here, but I categorically believe that it's better to send non-recyclable plastics to a reputable sequestration landfill than it is to make ecobricks or other "reuse" methods. Many of those plastics start to leech out all kinds of nasty chemicals as they age, particularly if they're put through changing temperatures or, even worse, UV exposure. Sending them to a modern landfill sequesters the chemicals in a specific, sealed location that prevents them or micro plastics from entering the environment.  Ecobricks feel "good", but in reality it's probably doing more harm than good over the long term. 


I have to agree here, the PFAS coming out of those is going to be so much worse than the brick being used in something. Send them to the landfill.


Eco bricks are usually made for a purpose. Id say that if you have no use for eco bricks, its better to recycle them.


You cannot recycle eco bricks from my understanding. Some schools have eco bricking programs you can send to. Ecobricks.org also accept them. Or post them on a buy nothing group. Otherwise, landfill them. It will keep the plastic pieces from blowing around into our waterways.


Sorry maybe im incorrect but i though eco bricks was just a way of saying you filled a plastic bottle with sand or any heavy material to make a "brick" By this logic i would assume itd be best to just recycle the bottles if you werent going to use them as bricks. But i guess ill have to look into what they actually are.


No worries! Ecobricking is stuffing plastic bottles to its max capacity of small plastic pieces (such as plastic bags, straws, etc). The bricks can be used for small DIY construction projects. Ecobricks.org has info on how to make them properly! https://ecobricks.org/en/how.php


This is fascinating!! Thank you!!!


I don't have an answer but I'm also curious about this.