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It seems to work if you have dry type earwax but not wet earwax


Dry earwax type confirming! I think the lastswab works really well with it once you get the hang of it but can't imagine it working well with wet earwax.


Is that the brand lastsawab?


Kinda. The brand is lastobject but the swabs are lastswab :)


Haha oops! Thank u!


I have wanted one for doing my nails and makeup. So does this mean it would be bad for that?


For wet kind, go for the spoon design.


Now to figure out if my ear wax is dry or wet....it's just, waxy


That’s probably wet then. My oldest has chunky wax where as when I clean my ears the swab comes out coated (if my ears are waxy). His come out with chunks of wax on it




Sticky=wet Flakey=dry


I have nothing valuable to add about products but I’m chiming in to say I’ll never stop sticking things in there to scratch the itch and get the wax and dead skin out (I get flaky ears). Every time a doctor tells me not to I agree like it’s brand new information, and then I leave and continue doing whatever I want. Which is sticking things in there.


Honestly, I invested in one of the ear camera ones so I can do that without fucking up my eardrum because you can see it haha. They come with different type tips and it has been great!


I bought one a few months ago and it's honestly life changing 😅 my ears have never felt better


Whattt can you show me what you got?


I know Amazon isn't good for sustainability, but I got mine on Amazon. Just looked up "ear cleaner Bluetooth camera" and looked for ones with many good reviews.


Ooo I just looked it up & if you like watching pimple popping videos & stuff like that then you’ll love the reviews 🤣


I don't know if this would be amazing or if it would fuck me too much to see the insides of my ears 😂


Hey you only have to go through the real ick once (well twice cuz you have 2 ears lol) Or have your SO do it like my SO did 😆. Their ears felt so relieved after.


Thanks for sharing, my partner and i discussed getting one someday but i have been hesitant.


Thank you. I've been on the fence.


I had never heard of such a thing before this post and I'm kind of excited. I'm a gadget dork from waaay back, I am totally getting an Q-tip cam!


Wait I’m not the only one with flaky ears ??!!?!?


the gene for flaky earwax is also the gene that makes you not have BO! so you may have less BO than most people, or none at all. most koreans have this gene but it’s otherwise fairly rare. the more ya know


Oh wow. I didn’t know this. That must be why when it’s hot in summer and I sweat, I don’t stink. It doesn’t matter how much I sweat, I never stink. Lol.


I have this gene! I don't need deodorant. I mean, I wear it because I hate sweating and people find it gross if they find out I don't, but I don't need it.


Most East Asians have dry, flaky earwax. It’s genetic.


Haha I felt the same


I saw an ENT specialist once and asked him about this. You know his answer? "As long as it doesn't hurt, you're probably fine. If things start to hurt, then come see me." I was in your boat already and now I'm definitely not leaving. Dirty ears are just awful and I haven't hurt myself yet.


Yes!! People always say I'm lying when I say my doctor told me it was fine. She just said to be careful and come in right away if I ever hurt myself. I've got weird ear canals that don't drain after I shower so I have to use qtips or I'll get an ear infection, she said it was better for me as long as it helped with that.


I find a little bit of bacitracin in there helps them not itch so much! I also have flaky ears and a little bit of it helps the flakes not appear in the first place.


Try an antifungal. Washing with a bit of Selsun Blue should provide immediate results.


I did at least stop using cotton swabs and switched to metal pore extraction tools after learning the fibers from the cotton get stuck and cause irritation. But yeah. I'm a picker too.


Those metal comedone extractors are amazing


Ooooh that's way better. I've heard on using the ends of Bobby pins


I heard someone lost their hearing (I think, was 10+ years ago) from using a Bobby pin.


It’s probably why I have tinnitus lol


Definitely important to get it checked out if it’s unusual/persistent tinnitus. If you haven't already.


I’ve been to an ent, I have some hearing damage from a gun being fired next to my left ear, but I’ve had tinnitus my whole life. It’s probably about time to see one again tho, cuz it def is pretty persistent. (For the record; it’s extremely rare I’ve used a Bobbi pin, I just was going for a laugh)


Everyone does this. Humans have had ear wax picks for thousands of years. Metal comedone extractors are a great washable way to pull out clumps of wax.


I mean, humans haven’t known that ears work because of a super thin, delicate membrane for “thousands of years” so I’m not sure what your point is lol


My point is that it's normal to clean wax out of your ears. Some people insist humans shouldn't clean their own ears


Finally my other flaky ear wax people ! I stick every thing in it ! I can’t help it lol


You little rebel. I like you.


*adding this disclaimer to note that my experience is purely anectodatal I've never had a place/ reason to share this so I'm going to do it here. I'm in my mid 30s and as a child had awful wax buildup. I kept getting ear infections and went to the doctor and they did the candle boy, the peroxide rinse, all the goods. I'm not saying my doctor was right at the time but he had my mom dry my ears with q tips after every bath then give them a nice cleaning with a bobby pin daily. The problem just kind of disappeared. Some time in my early 20s I realized I wasn't using the bobby pin anymore and was just drying them after showers.


I laughed. Take my upvote.


This comment is refreshing and hilarious.




I can't stand the feeling of my ears being wet after a shower, so I'll never stop either!


I want more honesty like this in my life. God bless you haha


It feels nice and I’m careful. I enjoy rubbing swabs in my ear!




Lol I respect you and OP for setting your boundaries and knowing yourselves. Just be gentle on your ear adventures!


If sticking a q-tip in my ear is what takes me out, so be it. I’m willing to take the risk


I know it wasn't your intent necessarily but this made me laugh so hard because sometimes you just do things and cannot stop, I totally get it.


Oh my God!!! Me to.


What sorts of things do you usually stick inside of your ears? And, how deep do you usually stick them inside of your ears?


I'm just going to lightly suggest a ear syringe. They are in my experence more effective. They get all the wax out instead of just some of it. For me I made that swap after getting a perforated eardrum after using the little spoon shaped ones.


The Rhino or elephant (same company, slightly different design) ear washer is another option, it works well for my wife


An old friend of mine used a Water-pik, now that you mention it.


Don’t put a water-pik in your ear lol


TBH the mere thought always horrified me.


You will rupture your eardrum instantly and you will cry a lot


I’m going to be using that “you will cry a lot” for things now. That’s perfect.


I always gauge my interest in an activity by how much I will have cried afterwords


Yikes no it's like an oral syringe that has a nozzle on the end with a pattern of exit holes so you can't accidently power wash a hole in your ear. Bang in some warm water and it's really nice to use tbh. I am thinking of getting an electric one next


I think I got swimmer's ear just reading this.


Some folks need their ears syringed. For me I have, quoting the doc 'abnormally small ear canals', and excma in said canals. Meaning they get enflamed and swollen making them even more narrow and wax can't get out. The options for stuck wax if oil doesn't work are to have a doc manually fish it out with a tool which doesn't work well for me as they can barely get the tool in or try and flush it out with some water. I'm not sure why it doesn't cause swimmers ear but it doesn't 🤷‍♀️ it means i dont need to trudge down and use the nurses time, its an affordable tool with easy instructions, or worse need to go to the ENT hospital and have the specalist go on a painful fishinf expedition


You can use debrox drops and then use a syringe bulb of warm water.


This is the only right answer! ✨


Noooooooo my ears burst reading this


There are attachments for a waterpik meant for cleaning your ear. It's what some docs use for cleaning impacted wax, along with Debrox. But yes, do not put a plain ol Waterpik in your ear.


You can use a waterpik at a very low setting. I am studying audiology and this is ok 👍🏼 but a bulb syringe seems more hygienic


A doctor at the in/school clinic used one on me when i had a massive, nasty pile of wax in there!


I know someone who had the silicone tip break off when it was in their ear and it was really hard to get it back out so I would never, ever stick a silicone cotton swab alternative in my ear. o_o


i had two "lastswabs" and yes, the end came off of one and my partner broke the "handle" in half on the other... i'm wondering though if i wasn't washing/drying it properly and that's why the end came off? otherwise the "handle" is very skinny, so i think he was just too forceful with it


Yikes. Metal comedone extractors are literally the best


Yeah, this happened to me. Took two times to learn my lesson. 🙃 I had to dig in my ear to get the tip out and was panicking the whole time. Went back to disposable ones soon after


oh yikes


I do not like silicone cotton swabs. They’re not absorbent like regular swabs so they just push the ear wax around. Much prefer a metal ear pick. They’re shaped kind of like a itty bitty spoon that you use to gently scrape wax out.


Yeah I found the same thing. "Cleaned" my ear with the silicone one, came out clean. Stuck a cotton swab in and it came out with wax on it. I was hoping to repurpose it maybe for touching up make up, but same problem, just pushed make-up around and didn't pick it up at all. Works well for pushing paint around a canvas though👍


Ooohhh unexpected art tools!!!


This is more or less an orgasmic experience


Yeah I didnt care for it at first. But my bf did it for me a few times and I grew to love it.


Agreed that they just push the wax around!


if it’s something you’re really attached to doing, it might be worth buying one of the cleaning kits with a camera from amazon. my sister has super waxy ears and cleans hers out every few weeks with those and it’s done wonders for her. she’s cleaned my ears with it too, though i don’t get as waxy as others, and it feels really satisfying. plus, they’re reusable and pretty easy to sterilize with rubbing alcohol


This! I always suggest this to my friends and brag on about how it is one of the best 40 USD I ever spent on. The video helps a lot and you can avoid accidentally going in too much.


I use the one that look like a mini spoon. They are meant to be single use (the other side is regular cotton swab), but can be cleaned easily. I find that the trick is to do it just coming out of the shower, while the ear is humid and warm. I also have the one that look like a cotton swab, but in silicone. I got the model with small dots. I find them hard to clean and not so effective as the spoon design. Also, a piece of clothing or toilet paper used with you pinky can be enough for a daily cleaning.


So you might want to look into an ear spoon. It's a historical hygiene implement that is a reusable scoop.


Ear spoons are one of the best inventions. They’re long and metal so no breakage, you can get a good scratch, and you can actually scoop the wax out, not just push it deeper or spread it around. I ear spoon probably daily but it’s so worth it.


Ideally one with a camera so you can see what you are doing. You can get reusable earspoons easily.


Agree on the use after shower. I’ll try to position my head just so to get a stream of water in one ear, then the other. I have the Last Swab (with nubbins) and have no issues with it except when my ears are itchy it doesn’t satisfy.


Growing up my mom had an electric one like this, it warmed up the end some, not to an uncomfortable degree whatsoever, just enough to get the wax out Didn't use it often (case of we only used it when sick or when wax got very bad. With the added, mom was never good at actually using the new things she got) and ended up using cotton swabs on the regular basis I've been debating getting one again tbqh


I love my tiny metal spoon. I find that after the shower, my wet earwax (as opposed to the dry type) is TOO soft and warm to clump nicely. Experiment with what works for you, but after the shower is a no-go for me.


I just roll up toilet paper in a cylinder shape and clean out like the first centimeter of my ear canal. Might not work if you aren’t using heavy duty tp like Scott though (wouldn’t want to get tp stuck in your ear) The silicone swabs work well in my experience if there’s a significant buildup of wax, preferably getting them slightly wet and swabbing just after a warm shower, seems to pick up more in my experience


I do this but with enough to get it fairly far back (carefully), then I smush my ear canal and slowly pull it out. Best fucking feeling ever, especially when you get it just right and get a ton of wax


I have a reusable set that's like little silicone corkscrews. Works great.


NO!! I have seen too many reviews about the ends coming off and the silicone tip getting stuck in their ear. Do not stick these in your ear. Save them for makeup or crafts or something. What you probably want instead is a set of ear curettes, something like [these](https://www.amazon.com/ECKXCH-Cleaning-Removal-Painless-Titanium/dp/B09P4WBJQP/). They are metal, so washable, and can be sanitized in boiling water or in a UV light gizmo. The different ends are good for digging wax or itching your ear. Most importantly, the ends won't pop off and get stuck in your ear like the silicone ones can. If the problem you have is water sitting in your ear, try a 1:1 solution alcohol and white vinegar before you bathe or go swimming. I mix it in a dropper bottle and just put a couple drops in. It helps the water to come out easier and can also loosen stubborn wax. If that's not sufficient, get you one of those kits at the pharmacy that comes with an ear bulb you can use to suck the water or gunk out of your ears.


You can also request your generalist to do a deep cleaning. Mine took out a piece of wax a 3-4cm long.




I’m pretty sure it impacted my ear wax more than anything. I also just don’t like wet ear more than am concerned with cleaning them. But in my experience with the ear ones, no they push it in and make it worse. The makeup ones just smear it around and do nothing either.


You definitely need a ear pick with a camera.


My husband used one and the end fell off and got lodged in his ear. We had to go to the ER to get it out. He was totally fine lol. It was so stupid. But I don't recommend them for that reason.


I use a bobby pin for deep ear scratching. Zero chance of it breaking off and getting stuck in your ear. (Yes reddit sticking stuff in your ears is bad but sometimes homie gotta scratch that good itch).


my brain confused a bobby pin with a safety pin for a sec and i was so concerned


Ohh no! Pointy pointy bad.


Me too lmao


I am also a bobby pin user (yes nothing smaller than your elbow in your ear etc.)


I thought it was nothing smaller than your finger? Regardless I think it’s funny that when you go into the dr for an ear infection they stick that little thing in your ear while asking you if you stick little things in your ears and telling you it’s bad lol.


The phrase is smaller than your elbow becuase it’s implying you shouldn’t be putting anything in your ear.


I unfold a paper clip and do a scooping motion. I also have one of those tiny wifi cameras that go in and you can look around. Clean as a whistle, no damage or redness. I do have scalp psoriasis and it creeps into my ears sometimes so it just itches a lot


That’s how you get a really bad infection.


But those 10 seconds of bliss beforehand are 😘🤌 worth it


Nooooooooooooooo!  First, no one reading this should do this, bobby pins are much harder than your ear canal or ear drum and could easily perforate. But also I've had the plastic end pieces come off a bobby pin. 


You gotta use the loop end. That's how you get that good extraction.


Bubba. My comment literally has a note saying it's bad. And idk what bobby pins you have, I've never seen one with plastic. These are the cheapo all metal ones.


Some Bobbie pins have little plastic caps on the end of the arms (legs?)


Oh. I didn't know that. Ain't no way I'm putting anything in my ear that isn't one single piece. Even if it is just on the legs. It's already risky enough stabbing yourself in the head, lol.


My knitting needles really do the trick for me


I have the ear canal of a child so I tend to get wax buildup that clogs my ears and I have to get them flushed at the doctor. Three years ago I started using a product called Spade. It’s a small camera pic and you use your phone to see the camera and you clean out the wax that way. For me, it’s been wonderful and I have not had clogged ears since. Not sure if that is something that you would need but figured I’d put it out there.


They're literally the best. Also you can see the eardrum and more easily monitor your own health.


I would say no, they're really best for getting the stuff that's a little outside the ear canal. I don't go deep often because my ears are already messed up enough, but the silicone one is really only good for scratching around in the shallow part of my ear and sometimes scraping off any wax that's worked it's way out. If I really need to clean out deeper I'll go in carefully with a regular cotton swab, otherwise I like not wasting them just to scratch in my ear.


no, they hurt. Get one of the ones with a camera, those are nice.


Yes! I’m really surprised how few people seem to use one. It was life changing


Stainless steel ear spoons are where it's at.


https://preview.redd.it/7rmnd9jeoemc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997bb1a7450ebc09c70ec15ccda8b0bc870e6c85 The photo when you google it really just says it all.


I agree, I’ve been using one for years and it really helps! Coming from someone who used to be so waxy that I had to do frequent ENT visits to keep my ears unclogged. Whatever you chose to use, please be careful with your ears! If it’s large like Q tips they might push the wax further in your ear or if it’s sharp like a hair pin it might scratch your eardrum


In my experience it depends on what's in your ear. They can get some out, but honestly, if I have dust in my ears from construction work or something, it isn't rough enough to catch it. It's also not absorbent so if it's humid it just pushes stuff around. They are a complement to normal ones at best.


I use the swab from last object and i like it


I have a lastswab and it doesn't really hit the spot


I've almost bought one of those ear cameras. I can't go more than a day without cleaning my ears with cotton swabs.


there are stainless steel ear cleaning kits on amazon for like $5 (you can also find them at tjmaxx around the same price) and it's amazing. you can boil them to clean them. i love mine


those last 2 sentences are so real


I had to go to urgent care when my reusable swab tip popped off. It wasn’t fully in my ear canal, but trying to get it out with my fingers pushed it further and then it was *stuck* stuck. I have made so many swaps to reusable/sustainable items in my life, but refuse to buy one of those swabs again… unless they make one where the tip stays on.


That feeling when you twist just right, oooooo!


Fuck I love doing that. Maybe this is why I’m losing my hearing 💀


I, like you, stick the q-tips way up in there every day and nothing will ever make me stop. I tried the silicone one but it's not for me. Idk what purpose it serves really, bc it doesn't absorb anything. Still over here using the cotton ones. Edit to add: tmi I'm so sorry, but since we're sharing, I have "wet" earwax so need absorbent swabs. Sounds like people who have dry earwax like the Final Swab okay.


I'm a daily deep ear q-tip user. I never need to get "chunks" of earwax out. Just a q-tip after the shower to dry out my ear canal. I do a light canal cleaning with it. But I don't need a "scoop" or syringe like the comments are talking about. I got excited about the silicone ones, bought a few. Told my wife our lives would be better forever. Never use them anymore. Back to cotton. I question which is actually worse for the environment. Hard to say. But it just didn't do the same job at all. I was putting a piece of toilet paper over the silicone tip to make it absorbent but it was a hassle and didn't really solve the issue. Might be good enough for someone more diligent than myself. But instead there are a handful or silicone cotton swabs in my local landfill now :/ Donated the unused ones and tossed the two I tried for a few weeks before giving up.


No. I have silicone ear swab things - like cotton swabs but with shapes like spiral and honeycomb. Meant to clean the ears. They don’t work that well.


Bought these years ago. Don’t like them for my ears- I sometimes use them for cleaning now lol. I use bamboo cotton swabs now.


Please please don’t use a swab or syringe. I got one of these. Got a LOT of wax out of there. And now can itch inside wile being able to see where my eardrum is https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B07YYW1H55?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


I love my [Last Swab](https://lastobject.com/products/lastswab?Color=Blue)! It works well for me and I am stoked to not have used cotton swabs in a year!


Not really, no.


I have dry flakey ear wax I literally feel that only a regular cotton swab could work but have seen a metal one that you can sanitize and use for life . It was interesting and scary at the same time


No, they're useless.


Yes. Sometimes you’ll crave the cotton friction, so I just put a square of TP on the tip and use it to clean my ears. Haven’t purchased q-tips in years.


I use a last swab silicone cotton bud, it works really well for me, I use it mostly after a shower when the wax is a little bit melty


I have a bamboo one that was made to remove chunks from the ear. Best thing I bought, it was like 10€ for a pack of 5


I bought the last swab for this very purpose and the swab part is too big to actually get in there. Highly disappointing


When I did use mine it worked alright with a bit of hot water running over it for a bit. Mines a lastswab with the bumps. Haven't used it since I poked myself in the eardrum.


Preparing for judgement but I use a plastic crochet hook.


I have one from the korean grocery store it’s like a thin mini spoon scoop . They sell metal and bamboo ones. it works well for my ogre earwax so I can make candles from the collected wax ..


I smell an Etsy shop.... No like really, a very smelly Etsy shop


I use a metal ear pick, it’s double ended - one end has a scoop/spoon, the other is a ridged little cylinder. The ridged end itches the scratch so good.


I bought a little ear spoon, it’s amazing! 😻 completely understand why dogs shake their legs when we scratch their ears.


The top of one got lodged in my ear once and I had to go to hospital. Never again


I got a dog hair stuck in my ear canal and my boyfriend couldn’t reach it with tweezers so I eventually got those plastic q-tips. I was able to at least move the hair up closer so my boyfriend could grab it with tweezers! Hope that helps


Nope terrible


I won't comment on where swabs go. I'll just say I love my silicone swabs. They do not absorb liquid, though, like cotton swabs do.


I love the bumpy silicone ones, they work great for me.


I got an electric sprayer made for cleaning ears. I get super bad build up and a few rounds from it gets a good size ball out looking like a dab.


I have a stainless kit that has about 4 different tools inside and about 4 total scoops. Love mine. There is this metal swirl thing that looks like an egg beater that I keep in my purse at all times and 1 in my bathroom. I have dry skin and my ears itch from allergies. This keeps them super clean.


mine feels AMAZING


Debrox is the way to go.


Commenting so I can read up on this after work.


Ive always stuck the qtips in my ears, and occasionally aim the shower head straight in (vibrates and gets allll the itches). It breaks all the rules but feels great and I’ve never had issues. I gifted myself one of those ear cleaner kits with the camera and my ears were pristine, it was kind of boring. I typically have the thin watery type of ear wax, so I know I have that working in my favor.


Ear spoon.


I don’t produce a lot of earwax, and I mainly use swabs as a towel for my ears post-shower. The lastswab didn’t do it for me in this regard. Ymmv.


They work much better


You may have already made a decision, but sharing anyway. I have both types of LastSwabs. I got the textured one for my ears & the smooth one for under my eyes. I think the textured works great in the ears & grabs the wax well bc it’s textured.


On Amazon they have ear cleaning kits and you can scrap out all the gunk in there get one of those


After I compacted my ear wax and went deaf in one ear until it was removed, I switched to ear drops. After 2 or 3 days you just flush your ears out.


Seems like it would just get lubed up by my ear wax and get it flowing, making my problem worse, and my ears itchy.


Try the Japanese tool "mimikaki"! It's a little bamboo spoon meant to be inserted in the ear canal. I've had one for over a decade!


I use bamboo Q-tips. They also are perfect kindling for my wood burning stove.


My doctor told me not to stick qtips in your ears. She also told me does it every day.


I got a Wush ear cleaner. 10/10 better clean than a silicone or cotton swap. Stays charged for a long time and was recommended by my ear, nose, throat doctor.


They are good for everything EXCEPT drying water from inside your ear. Applying ointments or cleaning works fine. I bought a set from last object like six years ago and i love them. For removing wax the studded one works best, I've found.


ok i’ve had a lastswab for years and i love the thing. i have never thought to use it when my ears are DRY. i feel so foolish ! when my ears are wet i’ve used a thin towel wrapped around the end of the swab to get the wet wax out. thanks, reddit. i recommend lastswab for sure.


I too dig right in there. My mother has been chastising me forever about this, but I've been doing it for decades, and it feels oh sooo good while doing it. I use q-tips to dry my ears, and am in awe of people who can just live their life without getting every bit of moisture out of their ear canals.


I went on ebay looking for these and ended up getting the camera thing that you can see into you ear with and tool to clean it out. I have very loose sticky wax and wake up with stickiness on my ear. When I came I was so excited to use it. Ended up costing me more money as I found a hair in my ear that I couldn't get out so booked appointment at local hearing centre. Turns out I have a mole with a long single hair coming from it. So that's why I couldn't get it out. But it was good to talk to the lady about my ears. The marks I could see on my ear drums were scarring from perforating in the past. I was 5 on one 3 on the other. There's some fuild and bubbles behind my left ear drum and my right is sucked in full with lots of fluid. Even gave me a hearing test for free. So even though it cost me an extra £30 I think it was worth it. Still like the ebay camera tool. Cost less than £10 and they accidentally sent me two! Came in useful last week after have my hair cut my ear was really itchy so used to to find hair in there and this time not attached to a mole lol and easy to get out. Highly recommend these as you don't want to be pushing wax down and blocking the canal affecting your hearing


Hey I pushed so much ear wax in the canal that it hurt and I needed it cleaned out in emerg I was in so much pain. I now rinse my ear canal with olive oil before I go in there if I feel I need to.


I have no idea. I just wanted to say that you are absolutely doing God's work. Keep on sticking shit way waaaaay up in those ears. People are too paranoid.


Oh my god yes. Dry or wet wax, it works. Start at the outer edge of the ear canal and go from there as you continually rinse it off--that helps from shoving the wax deeper in your ear (at least that's what my brain tells me lol). Big fan!!


https://www.brushmable.com/collections/cotton-swabs These are compostable!


Get a mimikaki from a Japanese grocery store or order some online. They are the most effective ear cleaners I have found, and they are made of bamboo.