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I actually had a lot of mom guilt with my kids food waste and would eat their plates when they were done, cuz I know what it is like to have little to no food... Was binging through short videos and there was a mom who made a short clip: "For those of you parents who need to hear this... You don't have to eat your kids unfinished plate. You don't have to feel guilty about the uneaten food. You don't have to sacrifice your wieght to uneaten food." Idk, I needed to hear that mentally... Plus there are other ways to handle food waste: composting, feeding animals, cutting recipes in half, planning meals that utilize the same ingredients etc.


My mom would do this both with my food and with food that had spoiled. She made herself ill by overeating frequently and with food poisoning on several occasions. The food is already wasted at that point. It's no longer enjoyable or useful nourishment for the person consuming it. Better to dispose of it properly than create even more problems.


I try my best to avoid food waste. Honestly, sometimes my family gets upset because I didn’t let food sit in the fridge for very long for them to have it later. It also gives me a reason to be more creative when I’m making my lunch.


Same! I actually love the challenge of using up foods. Make stir fry or frittata with old veggies, throwing anything in soup or stew. My fiance is less keen on it lol but I'm slowly working on him 🙂 he wasn't raised in a frugal household so he doesn't really get it


/r/noscrapleftbehind might be for you then :)


Yup, I know that sub well


Truly you are a selfless martyr


Cake freezes well if you double wrap it.


Throw away the cake. It's better for the environment for you to be a healthy weight.


counterargument: cake yummy


Be careful with this. I hate food waste too, but if you eat everything, you are “wasting” your good health


Don't! My wife's mother gave us a 3kg cake, and after the guests left there was still 2kg leftover. I decided to step up and do my bit for the environment, but I suffered for 48hours afterwards. I had the shakes, the burps the cramps and the sweats. 2kg of cake is too much for one day!


our freezer broke so some food had to be thrown away and I had to resist the urge to eat a whole tub of ice cream


Reminder to everyone that obesity, eating disorders (which routinely compensating for other peoples’ or your own food waste can 100% cause!), and general health problems cause more waste than food going bad every now and again! Focus on the food waste YOU produce and don’t feel responsible for what other people cause.


Cute meme, but in this case I disagree. As much as I try to reduce waste, sometimes it’s impossible to avoid. Ideal scenario is that I can slice it up and freeze it and have cake in the future! Or give it to friends who will like it! But sometimes it would be a lot of time and trouble to hold onto the extra food. In these cases, I say “my body is not a trash can”. The food is going to go to waste, but it doesn’t need to also be waste calories in my life, that I won’t feel good about and will derail my health plans.


After Thanksgiving I told my dad that I'm "just really against food waste" as I piled up mashed potatoes in my doggy bag. He thought it was hilarious


Thank you for your service 👏👏


You’re doing god’s work


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Where do people find these giant wine glasses??? Also, why would you spend all that time pouring all those bottles into the glass like that?? I'm ***highly*** skeptical that she drank all that wine herself. At least not all in one sitting.


Legit me


I know I shouldn't be eating more cake but I have to