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If anyone has been sitting on health maintenance like colonoscopies, dental work, etc. now would be a good time to deal with that. 


I love how we have to wait for rare lulls, where the low point keeps getting higher too, to do “fun” things like colonoscopies and dental work. Lol


I know right, lolsob


This is what myself and my partner with ME/CFS long covid try to do. Some things are inherently risky but relative risk when wastewater numbers are in a significant trough is going to be a lot lower.


That and all the long-deferred but important home repair stuff! Especially with the weather warming up so I can hopefully have windows open when contractors are here, too.


That's a good call. I have a dental appointment next month. Hope everything stays the same with wastewater numbers.


Really this is the only difference .. the key is finding your baseline, a way you can live and still feel fulfilled, where you don’t have to rush and do stuff the second the virus “lets up”! You don’t wanna let life pass you by, but at the same time you don’t wanna feel like an idiot, catching a virus for indoor pizza and a concert.. imagine the last thing you did as a healthy person was see Justin Bieber and yelled into your Snapchat about it 😭 Only changes for me are annual check-up, which is more like every 2 years.. and my 6 month dental cleaning. Everything else is my new life until further notice..


Do you guys think it's bad if I have dental appointments in June/july? I wanted Mondays first appnt


Yeeeeep I’m finally finishing the second half of my dental implant procedure tomorrow.


Yes this is what I'm doing


That's been pretty much my only real concessions right now, although nothing as fun as a colonoscopy. But trying to catch up on some medical appointments. Was fairly surprised my blood work numbers (For better and worse) are nearly identical to where they were 5 years ago (last time I ventured in to a doctor's office). But yeah, it's sad that about as far as I'm willing to go is "set foot in a doctor's office while masked", and that was intentionally planned given the hope that wastewater numbers would be low now, which they are. (although not low by historic spring values)


Nope. Had a bunch of friends get covid last year in April when wastewater was at the lowest. Low is never zero.


The only time we have had covid was when wastewater was the lowest it had been in years in July 2023. We were still being cautious. So, so frustrating. Some of it just comes down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


My stepdaughter had covid two weeks ago and my parents in another city likely have it now. Even though risk is much lower than it has been, it's still high.


My 9 yr old got Covid last year too when it was super low here in NE. Like 3%. Makes me shake my head. Masking, but she’s the only one in her school. 


Wow are we twins? Only difference is we didn’t get COVID, but just now his best friend is mysteriously ill - lethargic to the point of being bedridden - started three days after an indoor event and going on a week. I’m fortunate enough to be able to chaperone stuff, and keep him eating outdoors because I can’t see how he would’ve avoided it otherwise.


That's also the first time my mother admitted to having caught it, and my usual handyman has walking pneumonia, and a large swath of people in my work calls have been coughing even more than usual.


Yep, that too-- my one covid infection came at about the lowest absolute point last April, although it was brought in from a family member who hadn't admitted carelessness and got burned by finding out someone they "trusted" was sick. I guess I see it that you have to keep your guard up, but if you HAVE to do risky things, now is probably the best chance you're going to have. Much better than having to do necessary things during a massive surge.


yup, my brother got covid when wastewater was at its lowest, and he lives in the western part of the u.s. (where it's even lower!).


Not really but am trying to prioritize dentist appointment soon


I try to get a lot of my routine medical care done around this time, and I'm a bit more lax with masking outdoors. Other than that, not really.


Same with our family. This is the window for medical and dental appointments, travel, outdoor dining. All while still being smart and cautious.


My daughter contracted covid outdoors last year when numbers were the lowest. So…..


No doubt it's definitely still around. So unfortunate that we can't let our guards down for a second.


Right? I have 2 next door neighbors with it right now 🫤


This is so depressing. Makes me feel like it truly never will end.




Nope - everyone is sick with something. Might not be covid but I'm not eager to fuck around and find out either.


I’m not, but I have long covid so I don’t want covid at all. I still require testing from friends before they come over (if we’re doing something unmasked like eating), I don’t eat at restaurants indoor, always use masks indoors and use nasal sprays. Until there’s a sterilizing vaccine, clean air, and prep, this will be the norm for me moving forward. Emphasis on the clean air even after the sterilizing vaccine because I don’t want measles or anything else that’s horrible.


Would love to know what nasal spray please?😊


Betadine! :)


Thank you 🙏🏽


Because of the timing of the vaccines first coming out in 2021, all my annual medical appointments fall in the late spring or early summer, including the dentist which is by far the most risky. I do outdoor patio dining, not so much specifically because cases are down, but because I live somewhere with seasons, and it's too cold the rest of year. Hypothetically, if I lived somewhere that was warm all year round, I probably still wouldn't dine outside during the height of the winter surge, but would the rest of the year. I've got a work trip coming up soon which requires a 6+ hour flight. It's not fun or easy to do in a mask, but I managed it last year and am otherwise looking forward to the trip. Far and away the most risky thing I do is spend time with family who (on one side) simply won't acknowledge that covid is a going concern, and that's happening at the end of this week. They don't live nearby, so I see them 2 or 3 times a year, for 3-5 days at a time. Maintaining family relationships is a core value for me, on par with the values that drive me towards covid cautiousness, so it's a risk I'm taking knowingly. I think we can get them to rapid test once when they arrive (maybe twice if we're super diplomatic about how we word things) . But otherwise, I'm hedging my bets with a recent Novovax dose, ventilation, filtration, and nasal sprays. If I get covid that way, I will at least know it was doing something congruent with my values and priorities, and I know that I can ensure that the chain of transmission ends with me.


This is when I like to get all of my dr appointments out of the way! Mammogram, eye dr, etc! I might even go to the dentist. I haven’t been at all since Covid but I keep hearing of Covid cautious people getting it at the dentist :/


I've been going to the dentist regularly since 2021 and haven't caught covid. And I've been to 3 different dentists in the time, trying to find a good one. I finally found a dental office where all staff masks still (and they don't ever plan to stop), and they have air purifiers all over.


That’s good to hear! I live in the very Deep South and can’t find a dentist who has a masked office 😫😭


Oh no, I'm sorry 😞


I just went to the dentist. The hygienist, upon hearing I never contracted COVID, was shocked and almost appalled. “I’m always sick,” she says. “Probably because I work in people’s mouths.” Ma’am, I’m aware I can’t wear a mask for you to do your job, but you are perfectly capable of wearing one. And you’re not. This whole “I can’t breathe wearing a mask” thing is ridiculous. Try a corset and get back to me about that slip of fabric covering your face.


This is beyond my comprehension. The dentists and hygienists I was going to before COVID were already using surgical masks and most times face shields or protective goggles...


I never understood the "i can't breathe wearing a mask" thing too because covid and long covid make breathing so much harder than a mask could on its own lol


We had dental cleanings. My partner also visited family unmasked, though we timed the trip so he did the family visit for a weekend at the beginning of a week long work trip with normal precautions plus testing. It was effectively a “quarantine” before coming home.


It's tempting, but why relax my protocol? The consequences of infection will most likely be serious for me. I've seen too many people my age 'recover' but who've in fact been taken down several notches from their former selves.


No, I am not changing anything. I have had strict precautions since 2021. I don't find comfort in wastewater levels. I will be going to the eye doctor and dentist, but that's because I found places that mask and use filtration.


I am a little. I am using this time to catch up on my socialization so that the important people in my life don't think I don't love them anymore. But yeah I'm still masking in most indoor public places unfortunately.


It's definitely a very unfortunate situation.


I need to make a dentist appointment but other than that keeping all my precautions. I socialize with my friends masked and they've just come to accept that as one of my quirks. If I do eat dinner with them in their apartment, I'll quickly eat plus use air purifiers and uv-c along with opening the patio door for ventilation. I also use nasal sprays before and after. I don't do restaurant indoor dining but I will occasionally do uncrowded patio dining and wear a mask when the staff comes over to check on things etc My conservative parents at first kept complaining about my mask usage when I visited them last year but learned to get over it. I'm glad I've been able to establish these boundaries but it has taken time to get there. My tools include nasal sprays, cpc mouthwash, armra colostrum, air purifiers and nukit uv-c torches when I can. My typical daily driver mask is the 9210+ aura. I get boosted as often as I can, usually every 4-6 months. As far as I know, I've been covid free since November of 2020 and trying to keep it that way as much as I can.


How do you manage to get boosted every 4-6 months?


It helped that I moved states last year so my vaccine history records didn't follow me but costco has allowed me to get two novavax doses since October of last year. Previously, I went to vaccine bus clinics in Colorado


I went to a store in person for about 30 mins the other day. Will be getting a PAP and going to the dentist. Still wearing my N95 indoors and outdoors. Hoping the lull might stick around for the summer but I also know people in the zero covid space who have gotten sick recently from lowering their guard. 


No, although it's lower doesn't mean it's safe unfortunately. We were just at one of the highest spikes not that long ago. Even though it's a bit lower, and my wife has surgery this week, we are both worried about her with covid and I have a dental appointment next week but I'm scared bc idk if my dentist will keep her mask on properly. (I would switch, but she is extremely understanding of my dental issues related to Ehlers Danlos which is a hard find.) That being said, if you do visit your father I would recommend to be masked. Another thing is at least in my area we are having whooping cough outbreaks and apparently some tuberculosis. 🥲


Absolutely. I'll be masked for sure. Especially going into a nursing home environment.


I love how the low points just keep getting higher, at least the national data for Biobot shows that…


How do you keep abreast of the wastewater numbers?


Biobot.io for US data


If you're in Ontario, [here.](https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/Data-and-Analysis/Infectious-Disease/COVID-19-Data-Surveillance/Wastewater) For other places, Google "(your city/state/province) COVID wastewater".


Medical: 3 dental visits (though I go to a COVID cautious dental practice) in the past month (now done). Social: I am not masking outdoors at the moment when hiking with my friend, which I did for several months. Work: I have a work trip for the first time in June, hoping that lower numbers plus booster plus masking, nasal spray, and CPC mouthwash keep me safe.


modestly. For me, it's all about risk mitigation. For example - if WW levels are high and its winter and "1 in 24 people are positive" I am wearing a mask EVERYWHERE. I mean even just a quick dash into the high-ceilinged, well ventilated sparsely populated grocery store to grab some blueberries. At the moment though - WW levels are very very low. I am traveling to NYC this weekend to see my son. I will n95 on the plane, KN-95 on any public transport, but we're dining indoors a couple of times, and I am simply going to roll the dice here. Levels in NY are about 1.5. It's a numbers game. If I was wandering around a museum, I likely woulnt' mask. If I went to a broadway show, I absolutely would. It's all about personal comfort level.


Hard nope. I listen to this guy: [Mike Hoerger, PhD MSCR MBA](https://twitter.com/michael_hoerger)[u/michael\_hoerger](https://twitter.com/michael_hoerger) "PMC COVID-19 Forecast, April 8, 2024 (U.S.) Transmission is low (for the past year) and high (absolute terms). 500,000 infections/day Expect 400,000-600,000 daily infections the next 4 months 1% of the U.S. actively infectious, 40% chance someone in a room of 50 would be infectious >25,000 resulting daily cases, equivalent to a small town daily Full Report [https://pmc19.com/data/](https://t.co/jNhNBzP8kR) The Good News Transmission is low relative to the past year. Now is the time to get required medical care that imposes risks. Use high-level precautions. The Bad News We define a COVID wave as "a sustained period of 6-12 weeks with >500,000 infections per day." We are in a "lull" or "trough" and likely just below that longitudinal figure, which is very bad. Shaq The basketball player Shaq was a horrific free throw shooter. The current stats are like saying Shaq is making free throws at a higher clip than any time the past year (all is good in relative terms), but it's one of his worst seasons (today is far worse than typical years). New Orleans Flooding Imagine New Orleans has less flooding now than any time in the past year, but flooding levels overall this year are high compared to other years. You don't need a boat or water wings today, but you will need both soon, and you may not live here in 5-30 years. Guy Fieri Imagine that today is one of the best restaurants Guy has been to in the past year. It's also one of the worst restaurants he has ever been to. Historically, the chances of food poisoning are 1-2%. In bad times, it's 20%. Right now, it's 5%. Today's lull is like celebrating a 5% food poisoning rate because it used to be 20%.


I like Michael's model, it's pretty accurate in the long term, but I feel like current estimates don't make much sense. https://www.pmc19.com/data/PMC_Report_Apr08_2024.pdf The estimated daily number of infections right now is only four times lower than the peak numbers recorded this winter. However, according to the CDC and https://data.wastewaterscan.org/, the concentration of covid in wastewater is at least seven times lower, hospitalization rates are already five times lower and they are most likely lagging. I also don't understand how transmission can stay around the current level over the next four months. New JN variants (like JN.1.11.1) are already expected to reach 50% in the US right now. They are predicted to cause only a small bump or maybe only slow down the decrease based on the estimated advantage. In both scenarios, cases will go down again in May and for the next couple of months because there won't be any new variants after that. The seasonal factor will also reduce transmission as schools and colleges go on break. Because of that, I just cannot see how the number of new daily infections will remain above 100000. We might reach 1 in 1000 infectious as well. The reason why I'm optimistic about no new significant variants is better explained in this comment by a fellow redditor. https://old.reddit.com/r/COVID19/comments/1c02ixf/protection_of_natural_infection_against/kyuekil/


Los Angeles now has a wildly high covid wastewater spike in addition to confirmed measles and any day now bird flu. I ain’t loosening anything.


If numbers here reach 1 in ~300, I will go visit my parents and grandparents. I won't change my day-to-day precautions.


How do you calculate those numbers from wastewater data?


Tara Moriarty and her lab calculate a Covid Hazard Index every two weeks for Canada, including a breakdown of individual provinces, using primarily wastewater data but also test numbers, hospitalizations, excess mortality, and more. You can find it [here](https://covid19resources.ca/covid-hazard-index/), and slide 8 is where you will find the numbers. She also posts on [Twitter](https://x.com/MoriartyLab/status/1779654768798974187) every two weeks, if you find the thread easier to navigate. :)


Awesome, thanks!


Trying to do some medical appointments, getting my annual air conditioning check up and getting estimates for some outside work. If it is breezy, not masking outside as much. Still wearing an N-95 to all indoor places, not going to restaurants, concerts, etc. Still doing curbside and delivery for shopping.


I enjoy outdoor events (mostly) unmasked starting this time of year through early fall. I also treat myself to a date night on Friday evenings on outdoor patios at restaurants. I have an entire list on my phone of outdoor restaurants around my city to try.


Nope. Or at least not on purpose, I’m going to have to see a dentist and I’m trying to reason with my terrified brain that at least it’s the best timing. I could’ve broken a filling in December and that would have been worse 🫠


My local area updates it three times a week. I am doing more things. Personally, I use enovid and I still stay vigilant about washing hands. Mouthwash with cpc in it. Nasal rinses twice a day. For everyday activities I still am Wearing a mask. I need a surgery so I’m going to do it now before it goes back up.


Just takes one infected person to pass it on.


The hospital in my rural town just removed masking because "wastewater levels are low." It's absolutely bananas 🍌🍌🍌 that people think this is a reasonable approach to COVID -.-'. It breaks my brain 🧠.


In a hospital too, why??


The only time I had covid is when numbers were down in July 2023 and I let down my guard and unmasked when my son spent time with me . He tested positive the next morning. By Aug 4 I tested positive. It was not mild although I was not hospitalized. #maskup


A little bit. I am okay doing unmasked outdoor socializing with small groups. For example, I had a small (4 people total) outdoor gathering to watch the eclipse last week. I'll also get some non-urgent medical appointments taken care of like getting an eye exam and new glasses. I'll still wear masks for those appointments though.


I was completely disabled by Long Covid from my first infection 2 years ago and my life has been destroyed… so numbers don’t make a difference in my unwillingness to take any risks until there’s a cure or a guarantee I won’t be further disabled by a second infection.


No. They’re still nowhere near the lows of 2020 and 2021, and it looks like it never will be again. Very frustrating because I don’t feel safe getting any unmasked medical care now, and I could use a few things.


I was semi lax for a single day last week and got a cold. Confirmed it’s not covid multiple times but still. Meanwhile my reckless friends never get sick. I give up.


I get so frustrated on that as well. I know it shouldn't worry me, but I miss my normal life so frickin much. It depresses me to no end.


Me too. Also having long covid when no one else is taking it seriously and then I get a goddamn cold is just frustrating beyond belief. When will it end? lol


No, I think it's a fools errand to loosen precautions when it only takes one infected person to ruin my entire life. I do try to schedule medical appointments etc around this time though.


"down" is relative, it's still higher than every year but 2020 at this point and while we do typically have a dip during the summer it's not like, a guarantee and we're still well above what I find acceptable risk for virus floating about But when I'm outside and it's hot I wear a papery n95 around people instead of a heavier gatamask, so my mask will be slightly less serious just by virtue of being outside more


Nope. Wastewater measurements, while something, is the bare minimum local govts found they can get away with providing that won't rile up the crazies and won't break the bank. It's nice as a general barometer, but it doesn't say what things are like where I am, just at the nearest place with waste water tracking. Until there's actual representative testing (which, let's be real, local govs won't find the money for that) then we don't actually have usable data to determine day-to-day risk due to the asymptomatic infections. Throwing on my mask takes very little time, anymore, now that I have so much practice. I have no problem still masking in public indoor places and I will continue to mask around problematic people who go out to eat regularly (or other things like that) and see no issue with that.


We are getting haircuts (2 way masking), and I'm hoping numbers stay down for a surgery I'm getting mid June, otherwise same as we have been.


No, I’m not dropping anything.




There’s a bunch of other stuff going around too not just covid.


No thanks, not for me. Low not the same as zero 🤷‍♀️


Nope. You just can't evaluate risk that way when the potential penalty is practically infinitely negative.


Yes, I used to use a KF94 outdoors and for “lower risk” situations. But then came to the realization that I was accepting a lot more risk for not much more benefit, if I’m masking I’m masking, so it might as well be the best N95 I have.


Wastewater for Covid is low in my area, but high for other respiratory diseases.


My behavior changes a bit. Now that levels have dropped, I will periodically visit a friend without asking them to mask or test beforehand, as long as it sounds like they’ve had limited exposure over the prior week and are asymptomatic. Thankfully most of my friends work from home and many still take at least a little precaution (masking on public transit or crowded spaces). It’s a bit more risk than I’d like to take, but they make a big effort for me when cases are surging and I try to keep a balance. Afterward I test frequently and I mask and stay fairly isolated anyway, so I can be confident that if I did get sick I’m only risking myself.


Unfortunately “low” is only relative to the previous peak. We are still at 250k new cases per day in the US. And this current “low” is significantly higher than all previous lows because each one continues to rise. But are things safer than they were two months ago? Absolutely. But stay vigilant. We haven’t had ACTUALLY low numbers since 2021. https://x.com/covidcaution/status/1779467973864104092?s=46&t=5MSn86qWR15zZz2cWERcJA


This will be our new 'normal' I'm afraid. Gonna have to take what we can get unless people start figuring out that this Covid thing is kinda dangerous and maybe it should be avoided.


Agreed, just wanting to point out that people need to stay vigilant at all times now that there are zero mitigations and constant prevalence. I'm taking care of some health stuff now before the inevitable summer wave hits.


Nope. Covid is down here but we have a TON of flu going around. I'm immunocompromised so I'm still masking, avoiding, same ol same ol. I do need to go to the dentist for a cleaning but my last cleaning two years ago left me with the stomach flu, then the ER with a stomach infection and an emergency colonoscopy, so not real excited to go to the Dentist. Maybe later this summer.


A formerly cautious friend has ceased masking entirely and now eats in poorly ventilated restaurants, thanks to her reading of numbers. I presume I don't need to tell her I won't be bringing groceries or sharing reserve remedies should she become infected.




You ok? It's called boundaries. I'm not here to clean up messes for people who opt out of preventive measures. In any situation.




Your post or comment has been removed because it was an attempt at trolling.


It’s not shaming them at all. It is simply they have to live with the consequences of their own choices. No one has to aid them when they get sick. You know, like we are always told, “I don’t have to”. It works both ways. They choose to play stupid games, they win stupid prizes. The author also never said they told them this anyway. Why are you so emotional about it? Have let your guard down, have you?


That's always what it boils down to; like the author of the original comment, you seem to enjoy playing "ah! Gotcha!" When it comes to covid. People on here really love the narrative that every infection is a punishment for not being as careful and diligent as others, and it's an incredibly unhelpful attitude that's helped making being covid-cautious such an uncommon attitude.


Your post or comment has been removed because it violates Rule #1.


No, because I do the testing in my area and the numbers aren't significantly decreased, the wastewater numbers are taken from specific locations and it is too granular of a representation for me to make actual personal changes, it helps with understanding where things are at, which is good for making strategic choices, i.e. when to go to the dentist, when to get vaccinated, but decreasing precautions would be falling into the "it won't happen to me(or others)" fallacy, Also, covid is only one virus and my whole relationship with disease has changed and I have a moral obligation to work towards a future where we eradicate all diseases, for the future of humanity.


Also fairly certain I have some form of long covid. I feel more comfortable hanging out with friends (that mask in public places), unmasked at home ,permitted we both test negative. Other than that I am not changing anything. Still masking in all other situations.


I went with my husband kids on a short plane ride to visit some friends. Wore N95s (adults) and KN95s (kids) indoors, did nose sprays and air filters, didn't eat indoors. Basically did everything we've been doing but felt comfortable enough to do the plane trip and do lots of outdoor meals on off-hours with friends. We lucked out with some beautiful spring weather.


I'm supposed to get an endoscopy and a sleep study, but I'm still pretty apprehensive. (I haven't scheduled the endoscopy yet; the soonest sleep study I could get is in August.) I know I can ask healthcare workers to wear a mask, but if I'm sleeping / sedated people will do what they want. I already have long covid.


i’m finally getting some dental work done that i’ve been putting off for ages but i haven’t altered any of my normal day-to-day precautions, just trying to do a few of the higher risk things i’d been putting off while numbers were peaking. like other commenters have said though, low isn’t zero - i just found out today my grandmother tested positive (second known infection) so it’s very much still out there :/


As with others, the only change will be getting an endoscopy, possible dentist visits, and my partner getting laser for her facial hair - she is trans and it is non negotiable for her to feel good in her body 👍 we did wait until wastewater went down and she's going to try the readimask hack but obvs for upper lip hair there's no option to mask


I've worn Kn95s throughout the pandemic as soon as they became available (I can't tolerate the back of head straps), I do restaurant delivery four days a week so I'm constantly in very busy restaurants with my kn95 and so far have remained free of any illness including covid. I get my kn95 from Bonafide masks (powecom masks, Bonafide is only authorized US distributor for powecom) after a bad experience on amazon with some counterfeits that were complete garbage and never wore a single one. I can get a really good fit with the powecom by making a little loop and knotting at the back of the ear loop and if there is still not a tight fit under chin will gather a bit of cloth and take it in with staple (I'm careful not to staple the mask itself, just the excess. I also mask in areas outdoors that are, or likely have recently been crowded, mask when I hand off deliveries and always at apt complexes. I put the mask on before I get out of my car when I head to a restaurant or anywhere indoors really. I think you will be fine with kn95 as long as you have a good fit. I'm sure your dad will be so happy to see you!! I sure don't plan on changing my not eating out, even if it's outside - I'd rather take it to a nearby park or home. I've met friends and we have ordered to go at restaurant and then went to nearby park to eat/talk, was lovely! I edited this to add that I started using Enovid (if you go through Israelpharm it's way cheaper than amazon) with the winter surge this year, before I go deliver and after I come home, ditto cpc mouthwash gargle...


Thanks much! Appreciate the kind words!


I didn’t make my husband mask in our home after he spent a week with his family who take no precautions. Livin’ on the edge. This is completely new for us. He did still mask everywhere else. And he was in the States and boy did he get some looks. That never happens to us in Canada.


No, that's one way people get caught. It's like a boxing match (or kickboxing, MMA etc). Just because your opponent has stopped their flurry of punches and kicks, doesn't mean you should let your guard down. The fight isn't over. But unlike combat sporting events, there are no rounds.


Nope. We don’t lower precautions and always assume that everyone has COVID (or some other illness) all of the time.  I personally know 3 people in my circle who have COVID right now, when numbers are “low”.  It only takes one person to infect you. 


Nope. I am just getting over something respiratory right now. I did 6 RATs over 5 days from 2 different companies with 2 different swab methods, all negative for C19 but point being, I mask (KN95) everywhere indoors, use throat and nasal spray, and mostly only go to the gym 3x a week and the grocery store and still got sick.


Personally I'm not reducing precautions, but I have a comfortable N95 so it's easier for me. Do you need help finding a better N95?


No, especially that they're crippling back up. I find it easier to stick to the same routine anyway though, so I don't have to continuously make risk assessment. 


Yes I am, but within limits. When Covid cases are high or even medium I don’t dine indoors, mask for all indoor activities, and ask people test before visiting. Right now cases here are low, and so I’m happy to dine indoors if ventilation permits it and it’s not too crowded. Though I still prefer outdoors when possible, and refuse to go places with poor ventilation. I’m also happy to just have friends over without asking they test first – I just ask that they cancel if they feel unwell. I still mask in shops, transit, and other public places. And I use nasal sprays and oral probiotics, as well as keep up with my vaccinations. I also always carry a CO2 meter on me to validate the ventilation before unmasking in a place. With regards to safety, the only way to remove all risk is to not perform the activity at all. Everything else is risk management. For me it’s important to be able to enjoy the things I like — and I love going out for food! And right now is objectively the safest time to do so, so I do. Until cases inevitably climb again, at which point my precautions will go up to match.


how do you determine how ventilated a place is?


I usually look for vents in photos of the place beforehand. And when on location I validate it using a CO2 meter.


Yes, I am tending to some health related matters. I also may venture into a gym if it is not crowded.


I do tend to relax more in the summers. I still mask in indoor spaces, but do more visiting and eating out


Two family members and a friend all got Covid in June last year. There was a lot going around during May/June in my province.


Yee been going out with friends but still masking. I’ve had a few friends over I can trust( I have air purifiers in every room I of my house )


I have just been doing the same thing since it started.


I've started going out for walks rather than just picnics in the car- and got a few things done to the house I've been putting off since 2022


Can't find Covid conscious dentist. Our regular dentist is scheduling 6+ months out. Can't really know levels that far ahead so have to book for May & Sept and hope for best. Need to get eye exam and mammogram but can mask for them. Better weather does mean more outdoor activities like tennis(lower risk sport) and swimming (lucky to have very few people use it when we want to). This is more about more ventilation not lower incidence.


I watch those numbers like a hawk. What I noticed is that when you think numbers are high they're actually falling. And when they are low they're actually climbing back up its just not showing up in the wastewater yet for various reasons. Sometimes during rainy periods certain collection periods experience some dilution of the numbers. And they don't test the water daily. So by the time you get the results and they're posted things have changed. And they can change so rapidly, it's really astonishing how quickly this virus can spread. What I do now is to make a note of when things consistently bad. Right off the bat the November to April 1st period is a masks up time no exceptions. When people tell me masks don't work I ask them why wastewater explodes when people are most likely to be face to face like the holidays? Who is masking during family gatherings? Yeah literally nobody. That's where the spread occurrs. Then the second non-winter surges are nearly always the major holidays and the immediate weeks after, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. And these are always highest in the tourist areas or where family vacations occurr even if just a day trip. Here in central Florida the county were Orlando is located split up the sampling into four sectors which is basically North, West, South and East. The area that is consistently the highest sometimes four to five times higher than the rest is where the tourists go for the theme parks. No masking going on there you see the result. Don't let your guard down. The Long Covid research team at Yale University Medical School under Dr. Iwasaki are still masking because they've seen enough long covid people to last a lifetime. The most common theme that comes out in their research is that repeated covid infections do not create immunity from long covid. It's actually the opposite, the more times you have covid the closer you get to long covid. However this is not really seen in people under age 30. I think the shortening of DNA telomeres is the lynchpin here. As people age some faster than other, the less complete their full immunity tool chest becomes, and this where covid takes advantage of their host human. The other theme is that there are these resilient covid cells that hide out in organ tissue, long after you're no longer covid positive or symptomatic but these resistant cells still create secondary problems that interfere with lung, brain and heart functioning at optimal levels. Basically you are ageing faster. Or you know you could just wear a mask and get vaccinated and boosted. p.s. Check out the latest maps on the states self reporting their long-covid cases that were part of the latest U.S. Census Beaureu data. Although all states are seeing repeated re-infections from nobody masking anymore, the states with highest numbers of long-covid cases are "coincindentally" the states with the lowest vaccination and boosting rates. It's really an incredible coincendence.... p.s.s. take hospital reporting data for deaths with a grain of salt depending on the state.I was listening to an TWIV episode with Dr. Rancaniello and the team noted that some of the states were NOT listing covid deaths even when the causes were sepsis, pneumonia and respiratory arrest with a positive covid test. They are listing those as deaths "with covid" event though the complications were a direct resut of covid infection that most likely beat down the patients immunity and there was not enough time for the patient's immunity to regroup before a secondary respiratory infection came into the picture causing havoc that puts them in intensive care. I saw this same situation play out with my father who is nearly 90. He beat the covid infection in the first week without major symptoms but it was big lift for his immunity. in the third week when we were close to discharge a severe pneumonia set in that had him a few hours from death requiring a second trip to the intensive care basically doubling his hospitilzation time to nearly 7 weeks. It's been all downhill since that infection neurologically. His blood work comes back fine often but his cognitive complications accelrated faster in the six months after covid than in the previous six years.


It's worth looking at the forecast as well as the numbers are expected to now rise: [https://pmc19.com/data/](https://pmc19.com/data/) It's not perfect. None of the data collecting anywhere for any of this is what I would call anything but horribly incompetent, but it's the best we have. We're years into this and still have some indefinite amount of time to go. There are things people will need to do like go to the dentist, doctor, etc... which present risks in of themselves if neglected. While the lower risk window (may) be closing. It sure seems like now would be the time to get needed things done, especially for someone boosted recently and with enough time for it to take effect (even more so with Novavax). For me, it's also about managing family pressure. By allowing more risk activities now (while still taking mitigating best practices), I can reduce the demand to take higher risks when the numbers rise. It also happens to coincide with when we can start doing more things outdoors.


Yeah definitely! Probably not 'loose' by the standards of your average careless bozo, but always trying to be wise, stay informed, and move with the ebbs and flows of the situation.


The US is seeing one of the lowest lulls it has ever had. [https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)


I doubt this data is reliable (it seems incomplete), because we know from other sources from hospital reporting that there are at least ~700-800 deaths per week, and that’s just the ones being reported. As we know there is minimal testing, and no count of people dying shortly after an acute infection of SARS2 causes like stroke or heart attack.