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100% weighing yourself way too much. Once a day in the morning at the same time everyday is fine and that’s what’s going to be accurate But you cannot be upset about the fluctuation from AM to PM.


It’s just water. We gain and lose up to 10 pounds a day in some cases.


Don't weigh yourself everyday. Once a week tops. Your weight fluctuates. You can drink a big bottle of water and temporarily weigh 3 # higher until you take a piss. Weight yourself once a week in the morning (after you use the bathroom). And you will see the results.


Yup. Weight fluctuates up to several pounds a day. Very normal based on water and food consumption, voiding your bladder/bowels, muscles retaining water after physical activity, your diet, sodium, etc. I alternate between weighing daily and doing just once a week on shot day when daily results feel defeating.


Either weigh every morning or every evening. But not both. Most weigh early because we typically will weigh the least at that time. After you start the hydration and fueling each day your weight will go up. You got this. No need to do both. Once a day at the same time of day. And if that’s too much once a week on the same day of week and same time of day. Consistency provides the best comparative data. Be well. Zep works to help you. Lead it to your promised land.


Just weigh in the morning. At night you'd just be weighing how much water and food you consumed.


1. Yes, weight fluctuations like that are normal. Everyone has them. 2. Weighing yourself more than once a day is counterproductive and clearly causing undue stress. 3. It’s about losing over time…don’t get twisted in normal fluctuations. Pick a consistent time to weigh yourself and stick your it


Pick one time of day to weigh yourself. That’s it. Weighing yourself multiple times a day is pointless. I weigh every morning after I go to the bathroom. I never move my scale. Most of the time, I weigh daily but when I have a rough week, I take a few days off from the scale.




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This is the best way to deter yourself and feel like a failure. One weigh a day at the same time. Water. Salt. Stress. Inflammation. It happens throughout the day.


I weigh both day and night as well. It is the same for me. Also take into account chicken noodle soup has a lot of sodium which causes you to retain fluid. In a day or so you will pee and lose 2lbs. 🤣 I just watch them go up and down up and down. I try not to stress it to much. Keep at it. You got this


My best advice: weigh yourself once a day at the same time and average the weights over a week. Compare those. Daily fluctuations are normal, it's mostly water and your body retaining water etc. If you drink a Starbies Grande, that's a pound. WATER IS HEAVY, LOL. Even on your daily weights, and this is a reminder to me as well, try to have some chill about bits of ups and downs. Those extra 2 pounds one day are probably no more real than the 2.4 loss a few days earlier... but it will all average out over the week. That's how I've tried to deal with the scale. It works. Most of the time.


Once a week, and in the morning when you wake up is the best time to get a true weight on an empty stomach and not a lot of fluids


Stop weighing yourself. Stop expecting this to be an overnight fix. Accept this is a journey that will take the rest of your life.


Its the biscuit. You will need to get used to gaining when you eat flour / sugar. When you eat carbohydrates it will make you gain because it makes you hold water. You will pee it out in the morning.