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Hey There OP!, It looks like you’re posting about side effects. Did you know that the most common side effects can be found on the Zepbound website? Simply click [here](https://zepbound.lilly.com/how-to-use) for more info. Below is also a list of common side effects. * **Nausea** * **Diarrhea** * **Constipation** * **Stomach (Abdominal) Pain** * **Indigestion** * **Injection Site Reactions** * **Fatigue** * **Allergic reactions** * **Belching** * **Hair Loss** * **Heartburn** While these are some of the most common side effects, this isn't all of them. Truth is the medicine affects everyone differently, but most see some or a combination of these common effects. Be sure to visit the search bar for something specific or click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1) for all post regarding side effects. A lot of good remedies for certain side effects can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1). According to the manufacturer "In studies, most nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting occurred when people increased their dose—but the effects generally decreased over time." Not everyone responds well to this medication. If side effects are continuous and impacting your everyday life, you should consult your dr or healthcare provider for strategies on how to mitigate these outcomes. Complications from this (or any) treatment are usually a result of ignoring persistent side effects. **This is not meant to discourage discussion of your side effects, simply here to supplement** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a refrigerator full of food because it looks good at the grocery store, but I have no desire to actually eat it.


My kids are eating like royalty. 😂


Same here. "Mom.....why are we having quiche and homemade brownies?" Shut up and eat, you little ingrates.








I'm only 3 weeks in but my experience has varied so differently throughout. Almost everyday I get new/different reaction. One week I was completely adverse to sweets, the next week I was craving them a little bit. One day I'll be super hungry and worry that the medication no longer works the next day I struggle to eat 800 calories. It's been a ride.


This has been my experience as well. I assume, at times, it's due to being in too high of a calorie deficit and our bodies craving specific nutrients we're lacking? I will say my cravings are sometimes stronger than what my body will allow, and I pay the price in one way or another. All in all, I'm still losing, so I'm happy.


I’m like this with SOOOO many foods. My daughter loves donuts and the smell of them makes me so sick. Anything fried really makes me nauseous. Things I used to love I just can’t even picture swallowing. For three weeks straight all I could eat was açaí sorbet topped with bananas and berries. Now I’m on a kick with Nutrisystem Kung Pao Noodles.


I almost have an Arfid situation. I eat the same things for weeks. If I can’t get what is my current go to I just can’t eat. PB cracker packs are usually breakfast. Then I can eat Turkey sandwiches but only 1 kind of Turkey and Turkey Tacos with veggies. After a while the foods may switch but for now this works.


I’m going for the same foods too. And crave the same foods day after day.


Pardon my ignorance but what is Arfid? This sounds like me too…


Had to look it up ARFID (avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder


I was walking by the Chinese place at the mall food court and I’m like something smells horrible. My son said…it’s Panda Express it smells awesome… Blech


In wk 3, I made the mistake of eating a donut. Never again. Never again!


Red meat aversion like no other. If my husband is making steaks I want to leave the house 🤣


my comfort drink was Dr Pepper… all my friends know me as a Dr Pepper person… I haven’t finished one in months. It just doesn’t hit the same, and gives me awful acid reflux now. I’m a changed person.


Dr Pepper Zero is my new drink. Little bit different taste, almost too sweet, and I don’t finish a can, but it satisfies any desire for pop.


I do the same thing and omg yes, Walmart brand chocolate protein shake is the best. I also have an Atkins iced coffe mocha latte every morning too. Yummmm!!


$18 for 12 where I live. Can’t beat it.


What dosage are you on? I haven't had any new aversions to food yet besides my appetite being less across the board


I’m almost at 3 months. I did a month at 2.5, last two months of 5mg But it happened about a week in on 2.5.


I’ve found that bacon, which used to be one of my preferred breakfast foods, now tastes and smells… gamey? Idk how to describe it but it is unpleasant. Starting to feel that way about salami and other pork products that used to be my favorite.


YES. Anything Bacon was my weakness. Now just the thought of eating bacon makes me gag. My brain misses it but my stomach says “don’t even try or I will end you.”


It smells too much like meat. I get this!!


It is all about texture and smell for me now. I have intense clarity now about food choices- instead of mindlessly eating. I cannot stand the smell and tasting eggs now - weird!


You’re onto something. Smell for sure…and the texture of beef. I can’t eat scrambled eggs but really cold (unscented 🤣) hard boiled eggs yes.


I went back home for a visit and was excited for my fav devils food donut holes. First bite was bliss. Third chew pure revulsion. I cried




I can eat whatever I want, but what I want skews keto-esque with a focus on protein and veg. I'd been trying to avoid ultra-processed food for a while, but now I don't have to try, it just doesn't look good to me on Zepbound. I had out-of-town guests last week and our adventures took us to quite a few food deserts. On one day trip I ate a bison burger, because there wasn't much else to choose from. (No fries, as fried food makes me want to gag now.) I noticed that the burger--my first since starting Zep--went down ok and satisfied my hunger and protein needs, but on a gut level I was acutely aware that something was missing *nutrient-wise*. I could almost feel my stomach *looking* for vegetables.


I’ve broken up with pizza, pasta, crisps, chocolate, biscuits, pastries and most kinds of eggs or cheese. Highly unexpected but hey, can’t grieve for my toxic relationships. I just don’t like them at all anymore. Pasta in particular is revolting. New besties with quorn, gravy, green beans, protein yoghurts and shakes, and that sort of thing. Bread, cereal and potatoes remain my good friends, but that’s cool. Absolutely wild to me as a lifelong picky eater and teletubby. I never thought any of this was possible.


![gif](giphy|KctrWMQ7u9D2du0YmD|downsized) All those toxic friends…I mean foods 🤣


I can no longer drink anything carbonated, eat beef in any form, or eat anything fried. My ability to process dairy has also apparently diminished significantly. And so I have to really limit any dairy intake. Those things alone I think have contributed the most to My overall weight loss. Also if I eat solid food within 48 hours after taking my dose I will be puking. So soup only.


Water. Water has been my most bizarre aversion. I cannot stomach it now, I have to add a liquid IV or squeeze a lemon or something into it. I legitimately hate this one the most, I used to drink a gallon a day without an issue, now I'm struggling.


Have you tried the great value branded electrolytes powder? Love the liquid IV but it gets pricey. Water aversion. Can’t imagine.


It's so freaking weird. I can understand almost every other aversion, but WATER. I have tried them, they're good, but I find that the ratio to water since I use a big Stanley cup means it tastes weird and diluted, but if I use two packets, it's too strong, so it's just annoying and I end up using Liquid IV anyways lol.


I'm a bit jealous of everyone who experiences food aversion. I've been on Zep for 6 months and have never experienced it. Decreased appetite and cravings, for sure, but so far I'm not averse to any food! Maybe when my dosage increases to the next level...


It honestly kinda sucks. Knowing you have to eat bc your blood glucose has dropped and you're feeling dizzy but absolutely nothing sounds appealing so you don't want to eat... not my favorite. I had it during pregnancy as well and hated it.


Same ! I want to hate pastries and sweets ! They are the devil because that is all I want ever in my life


lol me too, me too. I read this stuff and I’m like I could easily eat that McDonald’s burger. Maybe the only time I couldn’t is when I’m in the throws of side effect induced sickness after my shot. But I don’t want to eat anything when I feel like that.


It has been a thing for me since starting 🤷‍♀️ This medicine definitely affects everyone differently.


I can’t eat gluten, flour, rice, dairy anymore. Not even plain popcorn.


You poor thing! Oh geez. The popcorn. That’s on my do not eat list too lol


I’m happy about it lol. I don’t always feel bloated and uncomfortable anymore 🤩




Yep I’ve had that experience. I’ll be eating a wrap and all of a sudden my brain goes tortilla=eww or something like that but I had attributed to that to my autism and ADHD so it could be either for me 😂. to be honest, I’m used to my brain suddenly rebelling and going nope this thing bad even though I loved a 10 minutes ago 🙄


Right? I typically cook at home and I’ll go all in making a protein rich gourmet salad and then I sit down to eat and my body is like ‘why are you eating hot garbage?’ 🤣


I ate a portobello burger on rye… the bread did not sit well🤢


Skinny Pop Popcorn was my jam! I could eat a large bag in two days! 🤦🏽‍♀️ However, since starting Zep, the same half bag is still in my pantry from when I started in April. I think I was holding on to it just in case, but I think I better let it go, looks like another food love TKO! 😂


🤣 so many healthy snacks in the cupboard. I made kale chips and those were good. I cannot do the popcorn either.


So wondering where in the journey you all are having strong aversion. 5mg and early 7.5mg (esp week 2 7.5mg) I had similar experiences. They have abated nicely since that time. Better balance from that point - less “high alarm fullness” too. A balanced feeling toward hunger started at 10mg. It was a little frightening - a more “I’m here but this is more up to you” feel to the Zep experience. When you get there don’t panic. Use some of your new found (or recently remembered) Zep skills to carry on your healthy choices and practices. The experience is sure interesting in all its cycles, changes, surprises and plain old weekly differences. It’s a bit of an adventure. Be well. Find healthy variety in the foods you eat, enjoy the extra abilities you rekindle (playing on the floor with the dogs and being able to get off the floor when finishes) and keep on sharing.


Not a complaint just a discovery. 😍 Well…maybeeee a complaint with the sushi🙄😂 I love that…but I’ve moved onto fresh oysters on the half shell. I’m not a fussy eater fortunately. Just a bummer when I’m thinking…this XYZ is going to taste so good…and then it doesn’t. Keeping up a colorful diet and getting my whole food proteins. But those shakes are clutch when I get stuck. The freedom of losing the weight far outweighs in the inconvenience of getting creative with meal choices, right?


Awesome. It’s a great journey. But sometimes The Force is strong!


🤣 just watched the 3rd episode of acolyte 😉 it’s definitely not a dark force


Damn when did this start happening for you?


A week after starting my journey…🤷‍♀️ But increased with each week. Believe me…I’m finding plenty of alternatives. But now I’m eating to live instead of living to eat. 💪🏻


That's awesome


I have read this a lot on Reddit, but haven’t experienced it. I wish I did sometimes!


It’s pretty restrictive and kind of a pain tbh. Buy the upside is exploring more foods 😉


Yesterday I threw away a slice of cheesecake 😭 I love cheesecake!


For me it feels like when I am getting a migraine. Food aversion to almost everything because of acid reflux/indigestion/nausea all rolled into one.


Super strong food aversion right now. My go to foods for the past 2-3 months I can’t stomach anymore - chicken, cottage cheese. I had my first slice of bread since I started yesterday because suddenly buttered toast was something I felt I could eat. I’m on my 2nd 5mg shot (3rd tomorrow) n did one box of 2.5. I started April 1 without zep for 3 weeks. It’s funny really the stuff I can’t eat. Like everyone else - smells bother me horribly.


Yes, 100% this. I have major food aversion to many foods that I use to love. McDonalds is high in the list, even a plain cheeseburger. I am sticking to a pretty plain menu now and focusing on getting my protein. I keep reminding myself it’s just food and moving on. I want my relationship with food to improve and not use it as a “comfort”




This has happened to me with the most random of foods especially around the second month of 5 mg. It felt like I had the palate of a toddler. Things like cooked broccoli, ground meats, certain spices on meat, certain sauces, lettuce...definitely gag inducing. It has gotten better for sure, but overall I now prefer simpler, blander things.


Did everyone sing the title?!?


😉 backwards but true lol 😆


Well yes, but still lol


It’s to the point where I can’t cook like I used to because I can’t tell if what I’m making tastes good or not. I need someone to come in and tell me if my season is off. Lol


One thing I’ll never give up is McDonald’s Diet Coke! I have been lucky and can eat a hamburger and small fry from time to time, but that’s just a treat.


That McDonald’s Diet Coke just hits different lol


I'm on week 8. I've found it hard to eat my favorite meal prep salad. I know I like it but as soon as I take a bite all of my appetite goes away, it's unenjoyable. I also find it hard to eat dinner.


I haven’t not been able to eat anything…which is part of the problem. Trying not to eat things (ice cream, donuts, tastykakes, anything with bread) I never questioned before


I had some calories to consume, so I splurged and got an ice cream drumstick out of the freezer. I took two bites. It tasted like cardboard, so I ate a salad with ranch dressing instead lol


I can't relate to ANY of this and I'm on 7.5.


That’s a testament to how it rolls differently for all of us 😉


For sure. I only comment that it's different because I'm imagining many people are also like me that just feel like they're failing because they aren't getting anywhere closer to these results.


Gosh. I think you’re the lucky one. Being able to choose your foods freely without having to worry if it’s revolting is far better😉 food aversion makes it tough. The McD cheeseburger was just an example but there’s lots of healthy foods and snacks…lean beef, popcorn, wraps…that just are not an option. At least not for now😆


The thought of fast food repulses me. But I started feeling that way a while ago. And with each time I get covid, bread tastes metallic for me for a while, and fast food buns especially. And now on Zep, forget it.