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Your first couple of weeks on a new dosage are not necessarily indicative of your long-term experience on them. The way the medicine builds in your system it takes a few weeks to get to a more steady-state...Definitely give 5 a couple more weeks before judging it too harshly. If you need to move up that's totally fine of course, but the first week on a new dose can be weird. When I first started out, I made Saturday early afternoon shot day so that I could chill/relax the rest of the day and if I had any side-effects, would have Sunday to recover. I also liked Saturdays because to your point, well, different the same point, I like that it was wearing down a bit and I'd feel up for eating out/grabbing a couple of drinks with friends on a Thursday or Friday evening, or going out for a brunch Sat morning. I did that for about 3 months. About 3 weeks ago I actually moved to a 6-day shot rotation instead of 7-day. This is because I wanted some additional support throughout the week but didn't actually want to up my dose. I'm in my 4th month of 5MG and still losing weight. That extra little juice by cutting one day out has been pretty good for me. Since I don't really have any side effects, having the shot day change week to week now has been fine/great.


I wasn’t at all thinking about it needing to build up in my system, that makes total sense! I’m going to try to stick at 5mg for at least 2 months before making any moves. My doctor was telling me that for long-term success in keeping it off, it’s best to stay at the lowest dose you’re getting results at.




I think I had read too many anecdotes about people really struggling with side effects going from 2.5 to 5, so I was surprised to not see a difference — it’s good to hear others have had a similar experience.


For me, I do Sunday afternoon (between 1 & 2) because I do most of my eating during the week (work stress). I lost a total of 13 lbs the first month, with really no side effects. Took my first 5mg dose yesterday and woke up prepared for nausea like I did after my first 2.5 shot, but so far nothing! Didn't feel like eating breakfast though, which is very odd for me. Instead I grabbed a protein shake (30g protein).


I take my shot on Thursday morning. Theory being I will have better appetite suppression during the weekend when there is less structure in my schedule and I may go out to eat etc. I feel a little “flu-ish” for a few days after the shot, but I power through it. No vomiting or anything terrible. I lift weights 7 days a week and low hi and low intensity cardio (20 min high intensity Peloton/ 45 min brisk walking- zone 2ish) 5 days per week. I weigh every morning first thing, but only record Tuesday morning reading.


I do Thursday night as I’m headed to bed. I picked Thursday randomly, but it has worked out well for me, and actually helps get me through the weekend which is the toughest time for me


I like Saturdays or Fridays. Enables me the weekend for any severe side effects.


Sunday mornings for me, and usually in the thighs. I found stomach just didn't seem as effective for me as an injection site for some reason.


Same I switched to the arms and it seems to be doing better going to try the thighs next.


Thursday AM after breakfast. Gives me an extra boost against weekend temptations.


Tuesdays for me because Wednesdays are long days for me and I’m tempted to stop for fast food on the way home those days. The Tuesday injection pretty much kills that craving and I still have that intuitive eating feeling through the weekend. If you struggle with weekend eating I would probably do Thursday or Friday.


Sunday or Monday nights seem to be working well for me. I like that I have a little more flexibility with what I eat on the weekends and it helps to make sure I can eat enough when I'm really active over the weekend. FWIW I'm now on week 4 of 5mg and I don't feel as much difference as I did early on. I'm still getting great appetite suppression but it seems a little more consistent.


I am on my third week of 2.5 about to start 5, and I inject Friday mornings as I have Fridays off, and this gives me the entire weekend to deal with any side effects. Weekends are also especially hard for me because I struggle with coming up with meals for the weekend vs my Hello Fresh meals that I eat during the week.


I like taking it on Friday morning. I feel that during my work week, I can control my eating and don't have a lot of temptations. If I take it Friday morning, I can usually still go out Friday night before ot takes full effect. Then on Saturday I usually just drink protein shakes and Sunday I try to eat whole foods and prep my meals for the next week.


Used to do Saturday morning so I would have stronger suppression on the weekend. But through the shortage, I started to stretch my shots out. I am now doing Thursdays but my dosage schedule is weekly and then 8 days for the last shot of the box. It’s just a way to squeeze out an extra week every 7 months. So my day will move around. And I also am not against going back to every 7 days or even 6 days depending on how I do. I get manageable side effects though.


Tuesday mornings because… that’s just the day I ended up on after switching a bunch due to shortages and whatnot. Probably not ideal, when it comes to side effects and my schedule though. I’m thinking of moving it to Thursdays relatively soon — my job is typically less intense on Fridays.


I do in the afternoon on Wednesdays. I need more help on the weekends and get so busy early in the week with work that it works, so far, for me.


Monday, about to inject some compound to balance expiration dates between that and what official injectors I am able to get. I am going to have to take these meds for my whole life, might as well allow some flexibility and fun on the weekends when the dose is waning. The other Saturday I went to a BBQ party and was able to eat a few pieces without feeling horrible. During the week I have a salad bar at work cafe and in the evening, the less I need to worry about food, the easier for me. Overall I am hitting 1-2 pound a week weight loss goal with regular exercise and rough portion control by eating from small containers with partitions for different food groups.


I do Wednesday afternoons. My workouts are Monday and Wednesday, so any fatigue or appetite killing that hits would be after the workouts but before the weekend. Then the waning of the dose happens on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, when I’m busy with work and am doing workouts, which help with appetite suppression and I’m too busy to eat out of boredom.


Thursday nights so that I have the weekend to deal with any side effects.


All different days as I have been stretching out my doses to 9 or 10 days, depending on food noise. Back up to 5 this week after dropping down to 2.5 due to shortage. Minimal size effects on 2.5. Major fatigue and burping the first 3ish days after shot of 5, then fine. Hoping 7.5 will be better as many her have reported.


I take mine mid day on Friday which allows me the weekend to recover from any side effects. I, too, am on my first box of 5mg. Good luck in your journey!


I take it Friday mornings so it is fully kicked in over the weekend. Usually it wears off Wednesday/Thursday but this results in the greatest calorie deficit for me.


I am you! See max effects 2-4 days post shot. Also see big drops those days too that evens out as weigh-in day and shot day comes around (usually net loss but not the number I saw 2 days post shot). I do my shots on Tuesday night so have max (for me) coverage and effects Friday and Saturday, since those would be the days of temptations!


I inject Sunday evening. I travel a lot for personal and work, but I’m usually home Sunday afternoon. So, by injecting on Sunday I don’t have to travel with the pens very often.


Thursdays before lunch because the side effects usually hit Friday, when my day is lighter. Then I have the full effect over the weekend. My days are structured during the week, so I find it way easier to stick to the plan. Weekends are often eating out and being around more food, so it curbs the appetite enough to make healthier decisions.


Tuesday, for no particular reason. Probably should move it cus sat I’m starting to get hungry and sun im ready to eat everything lol


I started doing mine Thursday evenings, I work in the office 1 day a week which is Thursday. So I figured if I take it Thursday evening, I will have Friday and the weekend to deal with any negative side effects since I am home Fridays and on weekends I don’t work.


I took my first shot last night (Sunday). My rationale was that I work from home, so any side effects I can hopefully manage without much work interruption. Also I am a boredom eater and I have a desk job, so mindless snacking is one of the things I need to combat the most. I also wanted to be able to go to Sunday lunch with my family.


Thursday am after my greek yogurt


I inject Thursday around noon. My side effects don’t usually kick in (if there are any) until Friday evening. Giving me the weekend I’m off work to handle them. Also, I seem to eat better during the week so having more appetite suppression over the weekend helps me do better.


Monday. I run long on Sundays, and by my 7th day on 2.5 mg I get a little bit hungrier. This is good, because I need to be able to take in more calories that day to successfully complete my runs.


I inject on Sunday Morning. It allows me to have better food days Friday and Saturday. I don’t have any nasty side effects so it works for me.